Discovering Vincent van Gogh

Gigapan Project: Discovering Vincent van Gogh
S. Inghram, Poca Middle School, Poca, West Virginia, USA
Project Title
Grade Level
Generative Topic or
Essential Question:
What topic(s) are
important for your
students to understand?
A project that studies the life of an artist by exploring the work of Vincent
van Gogh via GigaPan.
The purpose of this project is to help students become more aware of the
life and artistic contributions of Vincent van Gogh. I want students
to discover how van Gogh created a visual diary of his life.
Middle School
How does the work of an artist reflect his/her life?
How can art tell a story or a biography?
How do artist’s use detail to create a holistic idea?
Phase 1: Introductory
Activities to set the
stage: What do they
know? What else do they
need to know to
begin the project?
Introduction to Gigapan
Class Introduction Activity
I. Introduce student to van Gogh using a video of his paintings set to the
song Starry Starry Night by Don McLean.
II. Read a short biography of van Gogh's life, including his brother Theo,
his father’s disappointment in his career choice and his battle for mental
Phase 2: Guided Inquiry
• Activities to engage
students in learning
(field trips, visiting
experts, vocabulary sets,
map work, interviews,
III. Introduce the Gigapan website, and demonstrate how to navigate
within the website. Project Gigapan on SMART Board or use individual
computers if available. Place students in small groups of two to three and
begin a scavenger hunt.
V. Students will discuss the Gigapan and what they discovered on their
scavenger hunt. Teacher will encourage discussion towards how van
Gogh chose ordinary people, places and activities to use as his
inspiration. Ask students to take a snapshot they may use as inspiration
for a later painting project.
VI. Create a Venn diagram comparing van Gogh's observable experiences
in his paintings and their own experiences. Include ordinary things like
the food you eat, where you sleep, hobbies, friendship and nature.
VII. Create a painting based on your own life. The painting is a glimpse of
Phase 3: Culminating
a single moment in your life. Students need to be given time to discuss
their paintings.
Activities in which
students share
knowledge in culminating
event, as well as reflect
on project and learning.
Understanding Goals:
What do you want
students to understand
about those topics? What
should they be able to
How does this unit fit
with other topics? What,
if any, cross-cultural links
can be made?
Ongoing Assessment:
What would be
acceptable evidence of
their understandings?
Materials and
Resources: List the
physical and digital
resources required to
teach the unit.
NAS 1. Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
NAS 2. Using knowledge of *structures and functions
NAS 3. Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and
NAS 4. Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
NAS 5. Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of
their work and the work of others
NAS 6. Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines
Common Core
CCSS Speaking and Listening: Small group discussions
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1 Group Conversations
3a. Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and
promote creativity.
5a. Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a
variety of sources.
Participation in discussion showing understanding of biographical
 Snapshots from Gigapan demonstrating understanding of ordinary
people, places and activities.
 Completed Venn diagram of compared experiences.
 Final painting that reflects the use of art to detail a biography.
Internet access
Speakers for music
Painting and drawing supplies
Projector and screen (Slideshow) (Self Portraits) (Biography)