ARGYLL AND BUTE COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP COMMUNITY SAFETY STRATEGY (Revised) – 2012 to 2014 Aims of the Community Safety Partnership The Argyll and Bute Community Safety Partnership aims to improve the quality of life of residents and visitors to Argyll and Bute by reducing risks and protecting people’s rights to live in confidence, without fear for their own or other people’s safety, and free from crime and antisocial behaviour. Individuals have a crucial part to play in making communities safe. The Community Safety Partnership supports individuals to take responsibility for their wellbeing and partners will actively engage with communities to deliver solutions to local problems. Overview Argyll and Bute is a safe place to live in and visit and has a low crime rate. There are, nevertheless, issues which impact on community safety. Localised problems of disorder, anti social behaviour and vandalism occur in urban centres and are usually related to alcohol and sometimes drugs. Road and Water safety affects the whole of Argyll and Bute and the Community Safety Partnership has a key role to play in promoting and developing road and water safety. Within communities priority is given to tackling acts of violence and domestic violence, neighbourhood antisocial behaviour and supporting home safety of vulnerable residents. Preventing and tackling noise nuisance, littering, graffiti, fly tipping, dog fouling and deliberate fires are key priorities in safeguarding our environment. Role and Responsibilities of the Community Safety Partnership The Argyll and Bute Strategic Community Safety Partnership will provide leadership and strategic direction on community safety. The partnership will meet twice annually to review progress and assess risks against agreed actions within the Community Safety Strategy and address problems. Local area Community Safety Partnerships will meet four times per year to carry out a crucial role in providing clear local direction on community safety issues by coordinating action and activities and engaging communities. In order to achieve this Area Community Safety Partnerships will Support information sharing between partners and encourage evidence based and intelligence led interventions Develop ideas to address community safety issues and, where there are common outcomes, initiate joint work by stakeholders to deal with these issues based upon Prevention, Intervention and Enforcement (PIER) responses 1 Involve communities in tackling problems and build trust through regular information and dialogue with communities and through engaging with Local Area Community Planning Groups Inform the public on the work of the partnership and carry out marketing activity Anti Social Behaviour Argyll and Bute ‘Anti Social Behaviour Problem Solving Partnerships’ play an important role within the Community Safety partnership with the specific purpose to utilise the tools of the Anti Social Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004. They are locality based and provide clear local direction and coordination of resources to tackle anti social behaviour while, at the same time, offering a better service to victims and communities. Within these partnerships agencies work together to resolve complaints of anti social behaviour made by individuals and also prevent anti social behaviour by targeting identified hotspot areas. They are strong partnerships made up of Council Services, Police, Registered Social Landlords and the Third Sector to share information, assess risks and make decisions jointly. They bring together specialists from different professions to focus firmly on addressing the underlying causes of the anti social behaviour through person centred multi agency casework. Anti Social Behaviour partnerships make a key contribution to the Community Safety Strategy outcome of achieving and maintaining safe neighbourhoods and towns which are free from anti social behaviour, disorder and alcohol related disorder. They also, through this work, play an important role in supporting community engagement, empowering individuals, providing public reassurance and supporting vulnerable people. The work of the Anti Social Behaviour partnerships and reporting of their contribution to community safety strategy outcomes is coordinated by local area Community Safety partnerships. In tackling community safety issues the Community Safety Partnership supports the goals of the Area Community Planning Groups and contributes to outcomes within the Argyll and Bute Community Plan. In turn, this contributes to outcomes within the Argyll and Bute Single Outcome Agreement and National Outcomes. These are: Community Plan Social Affairs theme Local Outcome CPP 14 – the places where we live, work and visit are well planned, safer and successful, meeting the needs of our communities. SOA Vibrant Communities – safe supportive communities with positive culture and sense of pride in the area National Outcome 9 – we live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger 2 National Outcome 10 – we live in well designed, sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need National Outcome 11 – we have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others Measuring Success We will measure our success in achieving community safety outcomes by: Gathering and sharing information at meetings of the area Community Safety Partnerships to monitor implementation of local action plans Analysing information and data to measure impact which will be reported locally to Area Community Planning Groups Periodic ‘Highlight and Exception’ reporting on activities and challenges to the relevant segment of the Community Planning Partnership Argyll and Bute Strategic Community Safety Partnership led evaluation of the strategy in achieving community safety outcomes and contribution to Community Plan outcomes. Priorities of the Community Safety Partnership The themes of our community safety strategy follow generally accepted practice within community safety. These are: Personal and Home Safety Considers the safety of the individual in areas such as accident prevention, online safety, fire safety, home security, bogus and scam callers Travel Safety Includes issues that and individuals may encounter such as pedestrian safety, road traffic accidents, water safety, public transport safety Safety of Vulnerable Groups Deals with issues in relation to individuals or groups who may be vulnerable including elderly people, young children, victims of hate crime and sexual violence Environment Safety Environment safety concerns the aesthetics of communities and neighbourhoods and includes vandalism and criminal damage, graffiti, fly tipping, littering, dog fouling and secondary fires Public Space Safety This deals with people’s safety in their communities and public perception of safety including anti social behaviour, public disorder and violence 3 A wide range of data and information, including crime statistics and partner service plans, has been analysed to determine the community safety priorities which the partnership will address. Our priorities have also been shaped by consultation and we will continue to act on issues which remain relevant from the strategic assessment exercise for the preceding community safety plan (2009 to 2012). We will: Prevent and reduce alcohol related disorder and anti social behaviour (Public Space Safety theme) Reduce the risk of personal harm and injury to individuals and particularly in relation to home safety, online safety and bogus callers (Personal and Home Safety theme) Tackle violence, domestic violence and hate crime (Safety of Vulnerable Groups theme) Improve amenity areas and neighbourhoods by tackling littering, dog fouling, fly tipping, graffiti and deliberately set fires or secondary fires (Environment Safety theme) Promote road safety and improve the safety of high risk groups (Travel Safety theme) Promote safety on the water and when using coastal amenities without damage to the environment (Travel Safety theme) COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP OUTCOMES 2012-14 Outcome Theme Public Space Safety Intermediate Outcomes Actions to Achieve Indicators/Success Measures People in Neighbourhoods and Towns are safe from anti social behaviour, disorder and alcohol related disorder Towns are safe for residents and visitors and the public feel reassured when accessing the local economy and recreational facilities Reduce and prevent disorder and anti social behaviour through High Visibility Policing at key times in areas where disorder may occur festive period, Recorded crimes of alcohol related disorder 4 (and resident survey below) Risks Lead Police weekends and night time economy venues Public Drinking is tackled locally Enforcement of public drinking byelaws Detections for consumption of alcohol in designated places Police Licensed premises are operating in line with the terms of their license Licensed premises visits and investigation of complaints by Licensing Standards Officer Number of complaints acted on by Licensing Standards Officer and number resolved Council Planning and Regulatory Services Neighbourhood anti social behaviour is addressed Agencies identify problem hotspots and persistent offenders by sharing information and intelligence. Partnership problem solving and implementation of ASB and housing tenancy measures to resolve problems Problem solving meetings take place and assessment by partners of success Alcohol and age restricted goods are more difficult for underage young people to obtain Council Governance and Law/RSLs/Police ASB Cases resolved as a percentage of cases received (50%tgt) ASB Noise Complaints resolved within 20 working days as a percentage of cases received Resident satisfaction survey of noise complaint handling Council Protective and Regulatory Services Deployable CCTV Camera to Hotspots Number of camera deployments and qualitative evaluation Council Governance and Law Police enforcement against those who offend and prevention through partnership risk assessment by sharing information and intelligence Age restricted sales seminars completed Council Trading Standards 5 Detections of sale of alcohol to young people Detections of persons acting as agents for young people Violence is tackled and levels are reduced Recorded incidents of violence Police Number of VOL risk assessments completed Residents feel that their neighbourhoods are a good place to live and relatively free from anti social behaviour and crime as a problem Survey residents perception Residents Survey Data Outcome Theme Environment Safety Intermediate Outcomes Actions to Achieve Indicators/Success Measures The Environment is Respected, Valued and Free from Vandalism, Criminal Damage and Litter Fewer incidences of deliberately set fires or secondary fires Response to incidents and proactive assessment of risks within neighbourhoods particularly at key times of year e.g. November Number of Secondary Fires Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Improved amenity areas and neighbourhood public space Services and community groups working together to improve the environment via programme of improvement projects Environmental Improvement Projects completed Council Roads and Amenity Services Littering, Fly Tipping and Graffiti is being tackled locally Dog Fouling is Response to complaints and enforcement action by Wardens/Police against offenders Promotion of 6 Risks Lead LEAMS survey scores Number of complaints acted on Number of fixed penalties Council Roads being tackled locally responsible dog ownership and control and enforcement action against behaving irresponsibly and Amenity Services Residents feel positive about their environment and that their neighbourhoods are relatively free from vandalism, litter, graffiti and dog fouling etc Survey residents perception of their environment Resident Survey Data Outcome Theme Personal and Home Safety and Safety of Vulnerable Groups Intermediate Outcomes Actions to Achieve Indicators/Success Measures People feel reassured about their own and other peoples safety and are engaged in making their area a safe place to live in People are supported in making their homes safe and the risk of personal harm and injury is reduced particularly amongst at risk groups Programme of Home Safety Audits Number of Homes benefiting from a Home Safety Audit Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Caravan and Camping safety checks Programme of site safety checks completed Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Targeting of high priority clients through partner referrals Number of identified high priority clients referred Number of accidental dwelling fires Multi agency action to promote personal and home safety e.g. Experiential Learning for elderly residents Results from qualitative evaluation of activity Number of events and participants Increase in Geographical Footprint of 7 Risks Lead Events Outcome Theme Travel Safety Domestic abuse and hate crimes are tackled locally and there is public confidence that reporting incidents is worthwhile Police enforcement against those who offend. Provision of support and advocacy services to victims of sexual crimes and vulnerable persons Recorded Vulnerable Person Incidents (domestic abuse, racist incidents, homophobic incidents) Young People are engaged in activities which promote healthy lifestyles and reduce risk taking behaviour Workshops for school pupils S3-S6 to prevent and protect against sexual bullying, sexual violence and develop safe use of the internet Number of pupils participating in rolling programme of Workshops People are supported effectively to report matters and receive information and advice Up to date information and advice is available to people and is publicised Partners evaluation of information campaigns, initiatives and service accessibility Intermediate Outcomes Action to Achieve Indicators/Success measures 8 Police/Women’s Aid TESSA/Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis Risks Lead Road users are able to travel on our roads safely and the safety of high risk groups is improved Fewer road users and children seriously injured on our roads The injury rate of high risks groups is improved through information, advice, and knowledge to reduce the likelihood of their becoming casualties Provision of formal road safety education for early years children and upwards Enforcement action against road users driving in a careless or dangerous manner Delivery of initiatives focusing on areas of priority - young drivers motorcyclists, child passenger safety Provision of materials to publicise road safety and profile special initiatives Residents and visitors safely enjoy our costal amenities and water and without damaging the environment Marine Safety is promoted and safety regulations are enforced Notices, signs and leaflets are provided to notify users of local safety issues 9 Number of road traffic fatalities (number compared with 5yr ave) Number of recorded serious casualties (number compared with 5yr ave) Number of speeding offences detected Number of dangerous driving offences detected Number of mobile phone offences detected A&B Road Safety/Police/SFR