Anglo-Saxon Unit Exam – 12 CP Form 11


Anglo-Saxon Unit Exam – 12 CP Form 11-F


Matching . Number your paper 1-10. Beside each number, write the letter of the character that best fits that description. Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 2 pts. per



Healfdane B. Beowulf C. Wulfgar D. Higlac E. Grendel F. Dragon

G. Wiglaf H. Hrothgar I. Grendel’s mother J. Cain K. Abel



Stongest of the Geats


Lord of the meadhall Herot


Symbol of the greatest evil, the devil


First murderer and Grendel’s human ancestor


Beowulf’s enemy in Battle I


A mighty she-wolf who ruled an underwater lair


Helped Beowulf in Battle III


Higlac’s nephew


Danes’ king


Beowulf’s king


Matching . Number your paper 1-10. Beside each number write the letter of the group that best matches that description. Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 2 pts. per



Normans B. Celts C. Vikings D. Anglo-Saxons E. Romans


Germanic, or Teutonic, people from Germany, Denmark, and Sweden


Gave us the alphabet we use today


Introduced the Latin language and written literature to Britain


Had a class of priests called Druids who settled disputes


Although largely illiterate, they had a runic alphabet called futhorc.


Simplified the English language, introduced pronouns, and gave some legal words


Introduced the language that came to be called Old English


A warlike people who attempted to invade Anglo-Saxon England but who were only partly successful


Had four social classes, selected their leaders in a witan, and valued comitatus and fame


Ended the Anglo-Saxons’ rule with an invasion in 1066 A.D.


Matching . Number your paper 1-10. Beside each number write the letter of the literary device best exemplified in that sentence. Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 1 pts. per

Literary Devices

A. Alliteration B. Kenning C. Epithet D. Onomatopoeia E. Personification

1. A blizzard of pain, the many assignments seemed overwhelming.

2. During the earthquake, the china cups trembled nervously on the shelves.

3. The continual tap of the pencil distracted students as they worked.

4. The test stared blankly up at me, revealing no answers.

5. The snake slithered slowly across the path and into the woods.

6. The sizzle of bacon and the aroma of coffee made us hungry.

7. Harriet sighed heavily and heaved the suitcase up the stairs to her room on the third floor.

8. The flowers bowed their heads as the sun glared angrily down at them.

9. William picked up his bat, his mighty weapon of victory, and swung at the pitch.

10. Cedric, a strong-willed child, refused to obey his mother and ran outside


Multiple Choice

2 pts. per

. Select the best answer for each of the following.


What was the language of the common Anglo-Saxon during this period? a. Latin b. Danish c. Celtic d. English


Which of the following did Alfred the Great do? a. Started A History of the English Church and People b. Promoted Latin c. Promoted paganism d. Began the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle


Beowulf is important because it is a.

England’s first national epic. b. the first history in English. c.. the first religious poem in English d. the only surviving Celtic written work.


Beowulf came to the meadhall Herot to a. gain fame and help the Danes b. win the king’s throne c. shame the Danes d. marry the king’s daughter


What motivates Grendel to continue his attacks? a.

He hopes to capture the king. b. He wants to avenge his father’s death. c. He wants to seize the warriors’ treasure. d. He is evil and opposes God’s creation.


Why does Beowulf fight with his bare hands in Battle I? a.

His sword snaps, and he must rely on his hands alone. b.

He would be ashamed to use weapons when his opponent didn’t use any. c.

He knows his opponent has charmed skin. d.

He realizes that he is stronger than his opponent.


What is Beowulf initiated, or introduced, to in Battle I? a. manhood, the unknown, greater evil, life b. life, evil, warriorhood, death

c. manhood, warriorhood, life, evil d. life, manhood, evil, kingship


According to the hibernation cycle, what “seasons” of life is Beowulf between when he fights Battle I? a. winter-spring b. spring-summer c. summer-fall d. fall-winter


Why is Beowulf between these two seasons? a.

Beowulf is causing Grendel to die (winter) while Beowulf is still young (spring). b.

Beowulf foolishly did not fully prepare (spring) yet learns from this experience

(summer). c.

Beowulf is mature and grown (summer) and grows even more from this battle (fall). d.

Beowulf is nearly killed (fall), but Grendel dies instead (winter).


What does Beowulf do to prepare for Battle II? a.

He takes an army with him. b.He carries a sword and wears armor. c.He fights on his own home territory. d. He takes one loyal friend.


Because Beowulf is more prepared for this second battle, which season is he in? a. winter b. spring c. summer d. fall


How does Beowulf defeat his second opponent? a.

He decapitates it with a magical sword. b. He stabs it with a dagger. c.He drowns it in a fiery pool. d. He tears its arm off.


What is Beowulf initiated into in Battle II? a.

greatest evil and death b. the unknown and greater evil c. life, evil, the unknown, warriorhood, kingship


What is Beowulf initiated into in Battle III? a. unknown and kingship b. life and death c. greatest evil and death d. warriorhood and afterlife

15. Which best summarizes the message of the Beowulf poem? a.

Strength determines who is right. b. Life is fragile and short. c. Wickedness cannot be defeated. d. Faith and bravery can defeat evil.

V. Discussion 16 pts.

Write a paragraph (or more) analyzing the accompanying selection for the presence of

Anglo-Saxon religious beliefs, values, literary devices. Give two examples, with explanations, of Anglo-Saxon religious beliefs, two examples of their values, and two examples of literary devices. See the rubric below: a. Topic sentence identifying the work and giving the purpose of the paragraph- 2 pts. b.
