
Josef Windsperger , Ao.Univ.-Professor
Universität Wien
Brünner Str.72
1210 Wien
Tel. 4277-38180
Sprechstunde: Mi 11.00 – 12.30
Seminar: International Stratety and Organization: WS 2007/08
Visiting Professor Gérard Cliquet
Professor at the IGR-IAE, University of Rennes 1
Director of CREM (Center for Research in Economics and Management) UMR
CNRS 6211
Cultural issues in International Business
Doing Business in China
Doing Business in India
Doing Business in Russia
Entry Modes in International Markets
International Branding
International Franchising
International Retail Franchising
International Retail Strategies
Plural Forms in International Networks
Psychic Distance in International Business
SME in International Business
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with a broad range of theoretical
and empirical issues in international business. The requirements are twofold:
(a) Research paper and (b) Summary: Each student has to write and present
a research paper (see Guidelines). In addition, you have to submit a two
page summary of the research paper. Please submit one hardcopy of the
research paper and summary to the office of the Chair for Organization and
Planning (Room 3/153) by Nov. 1st, 2007. In addition, please send a copy to
Prof. Cliquet (
A digital copy of both documents must be uploaded to the E-Learning Platform
Blackboard Vista ( in Adobe PDF or Microsoft
Word format by Nov.2nd,2007.
The final grade will be based on the presentation (30 %) and the final paper (70 %).
Research Papers
(15 pages for one person; 25 pages for two persons)
Here are some rules for the structure of the paper:
The heart of your paper should be
(1) to summarize and criticize the literature and
(2) to discuss the practical consequences of the research results for the
management of the MNC.
In preparing the paper, you should read somewhat beyond the list of the required
articles indicated in the course outline.
Time Schedule:
Introduction: 1. 10. 2007, 17.00 – 19.00, SR3
Seminar presentations: 6.11., 7.11., 8.11. and 9. 11. (9.00 – 16.00)
References of articles:
- 1) Cultural issues in International Business
Reardon, Miller, Foubert, Vida, Rybina (2006) Antismoking Messages for the
International Teenage Segment: The Effectiveness of Message Valence and
Intensity Across Different Cultures, Journal of International Marketing, 14, 3, 115138
Craig, Greene, Douglas (2005) Culture Matters: Consumer Acceptance of U.S.
Films in Foreign Markets, Journal of International Marketing, 13, 4, 80-103
Griffith, Myers, Harvey (2006) An Investigation of National Culture’s Influence on
relationship and Knowledge Resources in Interorganizational Relationships
Between Japan and the United States, Journal of International Marketing, 14, 3,
Mooij (de) M., Hofstede G. (2002) Convergence and divergence in consumer
behavior: implications for international retailing, Journal of Retailing, 78, 61-69
- 2) Doing Business in China
Kaufmann L., Jentzsch A. (2006) Internationalization Processes: The Case of
Automotive Suppliers in China, Journal of International Marketing, 14, 2, 52-84
Lee D. Y., Dawes P. L. (2005) Guanxi, Trust, and Long-Term Orientation in Chinese
Business Markets, Journal of International Marketing, 13, 2, 28-56
Teng L., Laroche M. (2006) Interactive Effects of Appeals, Arguments, and
Competition Across North American and Chinese Cultures, Journal of
International Marketing, 14, 4, 110-128
Singh J. J., Vitell S. J., Al-Khatib J., Clark III I. (2007) The Role of Moral Intensity
and Personal Moral Philosophies in the Ethical Decision Making of Marketers: A
Cross-Cultural Comparison of China and the United States, Journal of
International Marketing, 15, 2, 86-112
- 3) Doing Business in India
Sharma N., Young L., Wilkinson I. (2006) The Commitment Mix: Dimensions of
Commitment in International Trading Relationships in India, Journal of
International Marketing, 14, 3, 64-91
Paul P., Roy A., Mukhopadhyay K. (2006) The Impact of Cultural Values on
Marketing Ethical Norms: A Study in India and the United States, Journal of
International Marketing, 14, 4, 28-56
Zhao M. (2006) Conducting R&D in Countries with Weak Intellectual Property Rights
Protection, Management Science, 52, 8, 1185-1199
Seshadri D. V. R., Jain L. C., Makhija R., Mookerjee A., Mysore V., Raghavan A.,
Ramachandran J., Rao A., Roy S., Shah A., Viswanathan R., Vora A. (2006)
Understanding India from a Business Perspective: Opportunities and Challenges
for MNC’s, Vikalpa, 31, 3, 95-119
- 4) Doing Business in Russia
Alon I., Banai M. (2000) Franchising Opportunities and Threats in Russia, Journal of
International Marketing, 8, 3, 104-119
Griffin M., Babin B., Modianos D. (2000) Shopping Values of Russian Consumers :
The Impact of Habituation in a Developing Economy, Journal of Retailing, 76, 1,
Jonsson A., Elg U. (2006) Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing in Retail
Internationalization: IKEA’s Entry into Russia, International Review of Retail,
Distribution and Consumer Research, 16, 2, 239-256
Goldman M. I. (1960) Retailing in the Soviet Union, Journal of Marketing, 24, 4, 9-15
- 5) Entry Modes in International Markets
Sanchez-Peinado E., Pla-Barber J., Hébert L. (2007) Strategic Variables That
Influence Entry Mode Choice in Services Firms, Journal of International
Marketing, 15, 1, 67-91
Vrontis D., Kitchen P. J. (2005) Entry Methods and International Marketing Decision
Making: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Business Studies, 13,
1, 87-110
Gielens K., Dekimpe M. G. (2001) Do international entry decisions of retail chains
matter in the long run ?, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 18, 235259
Gripsrud G., Benito G. R. G. (2005) Internationalization in retailing: modeling the
pattern of foreign market entry, Journal of Business Research, 58, 1672-1680
- 6) International Branding
Henderson P. W., Cote J. A., Leong S. M., Schmitt B. (2003) Building strong brands
in Asia: selecting the visual components of image to maximize brand strength,
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20, 297-313
Littler D., Schlieper K. (1995) The development of the Eurobrand, International
Marketing Review, 12, 2, 22-37
Moore C. M., Fernie J., Burt S. (2000) Brands without boundaries : The
internationalisation of the designer retailer’s brand, European Journal of
Marketing, 34, 8, 919-937
Kapferer J-N. (2005) The post-global brand, Brand Management, 12, 5, 319-324
- 7) International Franchising
Lafontaine F., Oxley J. E. (2004) International Franchising Practices in Mexico : Do
Franchisors Customize their Contracts, Journal of Economics & Management
Strategy, 13, 1, 95-123
Shane S. A. (1996) Why Franchise Companies Expand Overseas, Journal of
Business Venturing, 11, 73-88
Altinay L., Miles S. (2006) International Franchising Decision-Making: An Application
of Stakeholder Theory, The Service Industries Journal 26, 4, 421-436
Welsh D. H. B., Alon I., Falbe C. M. (2006) An Examination of International Retail
Franchising in Emerging Markets, Journal of Small Business Management, 44, 1,
- 8) International Retail Franchising
Doherty A. M., Quinn B. (1999) International retail franchising: an agency
perspective, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 27, 6,
Alon I. (2001) The Use of Franchising by U.S.-Based Retailers, Journal of Small
Business Management, 39, 2, 111-122
Petersen B., Welch L. S. (2000) International retailing operations: downstream entry
and expansion via franchising, International Business Review, 9, 479-496
Quinn B. (1998) Towards a framework for the study of franchising as an operating
mode for international retail companies, International Review of Retail,
Distribution and Consumer Research, 8, 4, 445-467
- 9) International Retail Strategies
Burt S., Dawson J., Sparks L. (2003) Failure in international retailing: research
propositions, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer
Research, 13, 4, 355-373
Burt S., Davies K., McAuley A., Sparks L. (2005) Retail Internationalisation: From
Formats to Implants, European Journal of Management, 23,2, 195-202
Swoboda B., Forscht T., Cliquet G. (forthcoming) International value chain processes
by retailers and wholesalers – A general approach, Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services,
Vida I., Fairhurst A. (1998) International expansion of retail firms: A theoretical
approach for future investigations, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,
5, 3, 143-151
- 10) Plural Forms in International Networks
Cliquet G. (2000) Plural forms in store networks: a model for store network evolution,
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10, 4, 369387
Contractor F. J., Kundu S. K. (1998) Franchising Versus Company-Run Operations:
Modal Choice in the Global Hotel Sector, Journal of International Marketing, 6, 2,
Castrogiovanni G. J., Combs J. G., Justis R. T. (2006) Resource Scarcity and
Agency Theory Predictions Concerning the Continued Use of Franchising in
Multi-Outlet Networks, Journal of Small Business Management, 44, 1, 27-44
Picot-Coupey K. (2006) Determinants of International Retail Operation Mode
Choice: Towards a Conceptual Framework Based on Evidence from French
Specialised Retail Chains, International Review of Retail, Distribution and
Consumer Research, 16, 2, 215-237
- 11) Psychic Distance in International Business
Sousa C. M. P., Bradley F. (2006) Cultural Distance and Psychic Distance: Two
Peas in a Pod?, Journal of International Marketing, 14, 1, 49-70
Sousa C. M. P., Bradley F. (2006) Global markets: does psychic distance matter?
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 13, 43-59
Brewer P. A. (2007) Operationalizing Psychic Distance: A Revised Approach, Journal
of International Marketing, 15, 1, 44-66
Evans J., Mavondo F. T. (2002) Psychic Distance and Organizational Performance:
An Empirical Examination of International Retailing Operations, Journal of
International Business Studies, 33, 3, 515-532
- 12) SME in International Business
Rasheed H. S. (2005) Foreign Entry Mode and Performance: The Moderating
Effects of Environment, Journal of Small Business Management, 43, 1, 41-54
Ruzzier M., Antoncic B., Hisrich R. D., Konecnik M. (2007) Human Capital and SME
Internationalization: A Structural Equation Modeling Study, Canadian Journal of
Administrative Sciences, 24, 15-29
Freeman S., Edwards R., Schroder B. (2006) How Smaller Born-Global Firms Use
Networks and Alliances to Overcome Constraints to Rapid Internationalization,
Journal of International Marketing, 14, 3, 33-63
Hutchinson K., Quinn B., Alexander N. (2005) The Internationalisation of Small to
Medium-Sized Retail Companies: Towards A Conceptual Framework, Journal of
Marketing Management, 21, 149-179