Intercultural Communication - Handelshøyskolen BI

Handelshøyskolen BI
Institutt for interkulturell kommunikasjon og språk
Skriftlig eksamen i: SPÅ 96561 Intercultural Communication in English
Grunnfag i markedsføring og internasjonalisering
30.11.98, kl. 09.00-14.00
Tillatte hjelpemidler: Engelsk-engelsk ordbok
Antall sider:
Antall vedlegg:
Part 1 (counts 20%)
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1) You are the Managing Director of Long-range Sporting Goods. You are planning to
penetrate the Norwegian market and are looking for a distributor for your golf equipment.
The American Chamber of Commerce has given you the names of several interesting
companies in Norway
You have decided to write a letter to the company that you find the most suitable (XYZ
Distributors) in order to set up a meeting. In your letter inform XYZ Distributors about
your plans and outline some of the central issues you would like to discuss with them.
Address the letter to: Jørn Jonson, Managing Director, XYZ Distributors, Smørsoppsvn.
38, 0253 Oslo, Norway.
2) You are the head of the negotiation team of the Primary Sheet Metal Workers Union.
Write a report to the workers at Midland Heating and Cooling giving details from your
recent negotiation on wages and working conditions with the management at the
Recommend whether or not your members should accept the terms offered by the
Part 2 (counts 40%)
Intercultural Communication
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1) Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the British and American business
2) Mole claims that leadership styles vary considerably between different business cultures.
Write an essay in which you give examples of differences between the Norwegian
leadership style and that of at least one other business culture. Consider as many aspects
of leadership as possible.
Part 3 (counts 40%)
US/UK Society/Economy
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1) Write an essay in which you discuss whether the United States is best described as a
society marked by division or equality?
2) Write an essay in which you present and analyse what you see as the major strengths of
either the American or the British economies.
New 2-vektallseksam
Part 1
(counts 50%)
Intercultural Communication
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1) You work in the Norwegian branch of an international software company.
You have been asked by your manager to write a letter to an American
associate (Susan Hopkins) who has recently heard that she will be spending
the next two years working in your company in Norway.
In your letter outline differences (and similarities) between the American
and Norwegian working environments in order to help her adapt quickly to
Norwegian conditions. Focus on areas that you feel are of central
Address your letter to, Ms. Susan Hopkins, Project Manager, Software Inc.,
1725 Broad St., Wyoming, USA.
2) You work in the Human Resources department of a Norwegian engineering
company that is doing an increasing amount of its business abroad. Your
manager (Hans Hansen) has asked you to help him decide the training needs
for the company’s personnel in time for the 1999 budget.
You feel that it is essential for the staff at your company to learn more about
cultural differences in order to do a better job in the international business
Write a report for your manager in which you outline the importance of
arranging courses providing intercultural training. Because the working
language of the company is English, you will write the report in that
Try to make your report as specific as possible.
Part 2
(counts 50%)
US/UK Society/Economy
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1) Write an essay in which you discuss whether the United States is best
described as a society marked by division or equality?
2) Write an essay in which you present and analyse what you see as the major
strengths of either the American or the British economies.