LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Science, Family and Consumer Studies Discipline/Program: Biology Course Number and Name: BIOLOGY 101 Biodiversity and Ecology Program Contact Person: Susan Yoder______________________________________ Contact: Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the fundamentals of cell origin, diversity, and 1 function. 2. Describe and differentiate the 2 characteristics of unicellular organisms and land plants. 3. Describe and differentiate the 2 characteristics of fungi and animals 4. Describe and illustrate the 1 major features of communities and ecosystems. 5. Describe and illustrate the 1 major features of populations and animal behavior Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. Date: June, 2014 Summary of Data Collected Fall, 2013, 1 section Mean =79%. N = 29 Use of Results No further action is required at this time. Fall, 2013, 1 section Mean = 80%. N = 27 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2011, 1 section 85%. N = 20 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2014, 1 section Mean = 86%. N = 25 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2014, 1 section Mean = 90%. N = 25 No further action is required at this time. Date: July 2011 Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the fundamentals of cell origin, diversity, and 1 function. 2. Describe and differentiate the 2 characteristics of unicellular organisms and land plants. 3. Describe and differentiate the 2 characteristics of fungi and animals 4. Describe and illustrate the 1 major features of communities and ecosystems. 5. Describe and illustrate the 1 major features of populations and animal behavior Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. One essay question. Students should earn C or better. Summary of Data Collected Spring 2011, 1 section 94%. N = 25 Use of Results No further action is required at this time. Spring 2011, 1 section 86%. N = 20 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2011, 1 section 85%. N = 20 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2011, 1 section 76%. N = 21 No further action is required at this time. Spring 2011, 1 section 74%. N = 19 No further action is required at this time.