OMGT 5113—Human Resource Management

OMGT 5113—Human Resource Management
The class will meet every Monday and Wednesday evening from 4:15 – 7:00 at Naval Support
Activity Mid-South. Class will be held in the University of Arkansas classroom in the Navy
College Bldg. S-241.
Cortez Ward, MSHRM
Cell: 901-484-8364 Work: 901-874-3052
e-mail: (preferred method of communication)
Course Description:
Human resource policies and practices are examined, including legal foundations, classification
and compensation plans, recruitment and selection processes, training, employment policies and
morale, compensation, employee relations and organization.
Required Textbook:
Human Resource Management, Dessler, 12th ed., 2010, Prentice-Hall, 978-0136089957
Course Goals/Objectives:
1. Explain the core function of Human Resources Management as it relates to operating a
business with emphasis on the numerous tools utilized by the Human Resources
2. Demonstrate Human Resources’ impact on the morale and attitude of employees through
effective conflict-resolution and corrective action processes that promote favorable
employee relations
3. Enumerate regulatory challenges involved in Human Resources Management and the
consequences to the individual and the enterprise for lack of compliance
4. Present ways in which Human Resources can add value to the organization through the
implementation of effective employment practices and by influencing/motivating
5. Explore methods and tactics employed by Human Resources professionals in developing
total performance management systems, as well as implementing these systems such that
they will be supported by both operational leadership and employees
6. Understand operations managers’ responsibilities in the area of performance management,
including the application of evaluation and coaching tools available within the field
7. Understand the role of training and development in fostering management competencies,
employee productivity, and organizational effectiveness
8. Understand the tools available in the area of recruitment and staffing to continually
improve the organization’s talent pool, thus enhancing the organization’s competitive
9. Explore Human Resources’ role as the face of the organization in creating a favorable labor
relations environment and the impact of unions on the competitive position of American
corporations, operating in a global marketplace
10. Review Human Resources’ role in international operations as it relates to value systems,
ethics and customs that vary from those found in US domestic operations
Course Requirements:
Course grades are calculated based on the following assignments:
Assessment/Examination One (Chapters 1-6)
Assessment/Examination Two (Chapters 7-11)
Assessment/Examination Three (Chapters 12-17)
Week Seven HR Assignment: Human Resources as a Strategy
Term Paper (8-10 page Term Paper (double spaced) APA format)
Evaluation Procedures:
Final letter grades are determined based on the following scale:
A 90-100%, B 80-89%, C 70-79%, D 60-69%, F <60%
Academic Honesty Policy:
The University of Arkansas strives to be a center of academic excellence. As part of our Statement
of Ethics, the University strives to preserve academic honor and integrity by repudiating all forms
of academic and intellectual dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism and all other forms of
academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and is subject to a disciplinary
response. Students who are caught cheating or committing plagiarism may be given a failing grade
in the course by the professor and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline.
Plagiarism is often misunderstood as referring only to passing off another’s writing as one’s own.
The definition also extends to ideas and arguments taken from others’ work without proper citing
of the original source. It is also not permissible to construct papers or reports by merely “cutting
and pasting” and then just citing another’s work. In writing for homework or projects, you should
read and learn, process information through your mind, relate ideas, and then express your take
on the material you’ve read in your own words. Cite the references where you found your
information. If you do use someone else’s words, do so sparingly, use quotation marks, and cite.
Inclement Weather Policy:
If the base or campus closes for inclement weather or other reasons, your site coordinator will be
the first to know. She will call the professors and send the students e-mail advising of class
cancellations. If your professor cancels a class he/she will contact the site coordinator, and she
will send an e-mail to the students in that class advising of class cancellation.
Course Units/Calendar:
There will be three assessments/ examinations. They will be given to benefit both you and the
instructor. The examinations will be given to assess your knowledge or gained insight over the
chapters covered. These examinations will constitute 20% each towards your course grade.
Week Seven HR Assignment: Human Resources as a Strategy:
This assignment asks you to use your experiences and insights (and hopefully the material covered
in the course) to critically explore and examine human resources as it relates to the workplace.
You will be required to find five articles that are related somehow to five of the human resources
laws discussed in the class. Once you find your articles, you will need to synthesize a review of
these articles in a 4-6 page paper in APA formatted paper with references. The 4-6 page
requirement does not include the title page and reference page. One section of your paper must be
devoted to implications from your classroom/instruction/student learning. This assignment will
constitute 20% of the course grade.
Term Paper:
Finally, you will be required to complete a term paper on a relevant HR Topic. The term paper
will be a minimum of 8-10 pages in length (this does NOT include the cover page, abstract and
appendices). This term paper will be double spaced and completed in the standard APA format.
The instructor will provide the qualifying topics for your term paper. This term paper will
constitute 20% of the course grade.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is mandatory. No automatic cuts are authorized. Excessive absences will be reported to
appropriate VA and military officials. Arrangements for excused absences must be made with the
instructor PRIOR to the absence.
Consultation Hours:
Consultation times can be arranged in advance to take place prior to class. However, you may
reach me anytime via e-mail.
“The above schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating