Training Report Summary

Training Report
Project Title: “3 Days Computer Training Program in Singati, Dolakha”
Date: 6/15/2014
As a part of Community education,
we had a visit to Singati- a small
place (developing as a market)
belonging to Dolakha district, with a
total population of around 1500 to
2000 peoples. Singati is a wonderful
place to visit. It is a junction for
twenty two different VDCs of
Dolakha, located at the bank of
River Tamakoshi, surrounded by
huge peaks.
The training was held from 29th Figure 1 Participants of Training
May, 2014 to 31st May, 2014. This
training was mainly focused on the topics that help the participants to be familiar with computer
technology and internet.The numbers of participants were 22, out of which 8 were the females.
Most of the participants were of the age group 16-21 years. We described about the broad use of
Computer Technology, some basic and advanced features of MS Word, MS Excel and
Photoshop, Internet and Search Engines, Social Networking (Facebook, Skype), Wikipedia,and
Google Drive.Use of e-mail has become necessary communication medium nowadays. Due to
some constraintsin the availability of internet, we need to give much focus on offline use of
We found the community a mixed
up of literate and hardworking
people. They are eager to know how
they can use Computers and how it
makes life easy. So, we tried to
point out their necessities regarding
training was a motivational training
program so that they will be aware
of the new trend of use of computer
technology. And how computers are Figure 2 Providing Lecture on Computer Technology
being used in daily useto make life
and work easy. Basically, we found teaching MS Word and MS Excel beneficial to the
participants aswe noticed their interest on it. They want to know how documents are created,
formatted and designed in MS-Word.Excel is used as a tool for mathematical calculations as well
as maintaining simple databases. Participants were eager to know how to create mark-sheets,
keep sells record and one person asked “Can I keep record of library?”, as he is working in local
library. They also expressed interests in the use of Facebook, and Skype as it is becoming
popular among all aged people mainly among young generation. So our duty was to talk about
their use.
We managed two sections of
training. First one, theory and the
second one practical. Theory
included discussion of the facts
which we can do using a computers.
Like, what is computer, use of
internet, social networking, what we
can do with Microsoft Word, Excel
et-cetera? Not every concept can be
understood without knowing what
we are going to do and why, so we
felt necessity to conduct a theory Figure 3 Providing Lecture on Use of Internet
class. The practical classes were
more focused on the concepts which we already discussed in theory classes. Practical always
visualize the concepts much clearly. Although we lacked to make the practical’s regarding email,
Google-drive et-cetera because of lack of Internet facility.
In the first day of training, we had organized a small interaction program with participants to
understand their knowledge about computer and expectations from training. We found that they
were much interested in internet as our expectations. And the goal of training was to make them
aware of internet. Thus our proposed training schedule was much focused on the internet. But
due to some technical problems, the internet service was unavailable at that time. We were
unable to use internet. So we had to change our training program schedule that force us to focus
only on offline tools and services even we don’t want. Which make some of us unhappy. We
manage a theory class to introduce the internet and other internet based services. And the rest of
the time we focused only on MS-Word, MS-Excel, and introduction of Photoshop. We tried to
know their feedback about training, the feedback from participants shows that they were not
satisfied with internet about which they were willing to know even they learn many things in
those three days.
Prepared by:
Deep Raj Sharma (MTech IT)
Nirajan Pant (MTech IT)
Santosh Sah (ME)
Masters student,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DoCSE),
School of Engineering,
Kathmandu University