One of the most troubling changes for me is that students will lose a sense of a national and cultural heritage that is acquired through reading classical literature and history. One educator stated that "Common Core is deliberately intended to drive our schools away from timehonored classics of Western civilization, thus leaving our children devoid of a moral compass, a love for our country, and an inability to connect with past generations." She states that our original documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address are presented in such a manner as to actually diminish them. To replace classical literature will be

"informational texts" such as executive orders, work manuals and "modern" stories, etc.

A few examples of writing assignments for students that I find troubling:

1. "Argue for a life of sexual freedom picturing a spontaneous sexual affair that hurts and harms no one." ("The Storm" by Kate Chopin)

2. A "call to action" based on an article, "The New Feminism" by Kate Gubata for the Brown

University student newspaper. Excerpts: "Jane is pro-choice. She believes in human rights and equality for men and women....One of the greatest barriers opposing the feminist movement today is ... misconceptions of the feminists' aims .... The causes of feminism are about action; choice, pay inequality, legal battles over homosexual marriage, the abortion drug ... young people can use their ideas and energies to fuel united action ... Get involved!

3. Give a "logical explanation" for Timothy McVeigh's "unquenchable fury against the U.S.


4. Write an essay about illegal immigration. "Aside from providing the United States with a source of manual labor, what other good do illegal immigrants contribute to American society?

Think of the intangibles they bring." All articles about illegal immigration in this textbook show bias. Another example. "Illegal immigrants are Bolstering Social Security with Billions" by

Eduardo Porter, page 443, question 4: "Does this fact change your views on illegal immigration?"

5. Refer to the sketch of a black woman being sold as a slave on an auction block and "write an essay on the proposal to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves in the United States."

6. "Write an essay exploring the racial prejudices -- subtle or blatant -- that exist among you, members of your family, and your friends."

7. Go to "President Obama's Facebook page. How can social networking be used to improve global conditions?"

8. Write about Hitler's workday. "What time does Hitler eat his breakfast? How many breakfasts does Hitler eat? With whom does Hitler usually eat lunch? What kind of entertainment is Hitler fond of?"

9. Read "Drugs" by Gore Vidal. "Write an essay in which you use critical thinking skills ... concerning the legalization of drugs." Students are asked to write about whose fault it was that

"pushers got the kids hooked on heroine and deaths increased dramatically." It quotes paragraphs 9 and 10 of page 401: "Whose fault? Evil men like the Mafiosi? Permissive Dr.

Spock? Wild-eyed Dr. Leary? No. The Government of the United States was responsible for those deaths."

These are easy examples since a retired teacher who served on the Textbook Committee shared these examples among many more. She wrote minority reports against Alabama accepting textbooks that included the above assignments. But we all know since these texts were "aligned to Common Core," there will be more. She also stated that:

10. Students are asked to get inside the mind of radical Muslims and think like they would.

11. There are also readings about lesbians and gays that are designed to create empathy for homosexuality.

One of the most disturbing aligned textbooks included the following: