English Pedroza Homeless in Southern Nevada Research Paper Learning Goals (Research Paper) This project will require students to conduct in depth research and analysis about one specific issue or problem regarding homelessness in Southern Nevada. Students will select one research question to explore. Then students will conduct thorough research in order to become an expert on the issue. Students will construct a debatable thesis based on research. Next, students will provide sufficient research and analysis to support the thesis. Last, students will provide a conclusion that provides the reader with possible outcomes and recommendations based on their research. Students may work in pairs or singularly. Learning Activities 1. Select one research question or generate an individual research question. 2. Conduct preliminary research using academic journals and reputable websites. 3. Construct a debatable thesis. 4. Post one unique resource to TheHubEdu.com 5. Construct sufficient body paragraphs to support thesis. 6. Construct a conclusion with possible outcomes and recommendations. 7. Use MLA format correctly Class Time Calendar November 12 - 16: Research project overview Students construct research questions Thehubedu.com account set-up Google Drive accounts The Glass Castle reading and analysis November 17 - 25 Initial research/thesis writing TheHubEdu.com resources Creating a Works Cited page Using quotes effectively and correctly; paraphrasing and summarizing In-text citations The Glass Castle reading and analysis November 30 – December 1 Introduction paragraphs/begin writing body paragraphs – Pass/fail grade for in-class work The Glass Castle reading and analysis December 2 – 4 Body paragraphs/Conclusions – Pass/fail grade for in-class work The Glass Castle reading and analysis December 7 – 8 Conclusions/final edits The Glass Castle reading and analysis December 9 - 11: Final revisions and edits. Project: Mrs. Clark English Pedroza You will not be given in class time to work. You are responsible for any last minute revisions/edits. The Glass Castle reading and analysis Sunday, December 13: Essay is due through Turnitin.com December 14 - 18: Project presentations Homeless in Southern Nevada Community Service Project/Activity Learning Goals Students will use their research to develop, plan and participate in a community service project or activity. The community service project/activity must correlate with the research topic selected. For example, students who conduct in depth analysis of a women’s shelter could then volunteer at that women’s shelter or collect items needed at the shelter. Project Requirements Must correlate with research topic (Any service that does not correlate with research will not be accepted) Students must submit their community service proposal to Mrs. Pedroza by Wednesday, November 19th for approval. Students should not participate in any service projects/activities without explicit approval from the instructor. 2 hours of service required for each person Students must document their activity (See below) Students must have service log signed by an adult (See below) Students must complete a one page summary/reflection of service (See below) Project Proposal/Documentation/Service Log Students must submit a half page double spaced explanation of their planned project/activity. This must include contact information, location, cost, transportation, and details of the project prior to completing the project. Mrs. Pedroza needs to sign every proposal. The last day to submit proposals is . Students must document service by taking at least four pictures during their activity/project. Students must show these pictures in a creative way during the project presentation. The pictures cannot include the homeless. You may include other community service workers but only if you have their written permission. Additional information will be given at a later date. Students must also use the Service Log to obtain signatures by adults to verify service. Service logs may be obtained from the instructor. Summary/Reflection Students must complete a one page double spaced summary and reflection of their service project. Additional information will be given at a later date. Important to Note This portion of the project should be fun, inspiring and creative. Students should look for ways to benefit their community. Project: Mrs. Clark English Pedroza Important Dates/Notes Monday, December 14th: Research Paper and Service Project Due at the start of class. o A hard copy must be submitted to Mrs. Pedroza for full credit. Projects and papers may be submitted one day late for a deduction of 50% credit before grading. December 14th-18th: Project Presentations. More details to follow. Please see the instructor with ANY questions about the assignment or for help. This is the major assignment for 2nd quarter; failing to complete any or all parts will result in possibly a failing grade for the quarter. If there is any outside information that is NOT cited, the paper will automatically receive a zero for academic dishonesty and the student(s) will be given referrals. Any essay submitted without a Works Cited page will automatically receive a zero. Project: Mrs. Clark