Honors English 11 Portfolio Reflective Essay (#5 on Portfolio

Honors English 11 Portfolio Reflective Essay (#5 on Portfolio
Vision Statement:
Godinez Fundamental High School is a community in which all are engaged in academic achievement and character
Mission Statement:
The mission of Godinez Fundamental High School is to provide a safe, supportive environment with clear,
consistent expectations and high academic standards.
This portfolio is in line with the mission statement and vision statement of our school.
Please take your time with this essay. Proofread, edit, revise, and put forth your best effort. This essay
alone is worth 100 points of the 420-point portfolio assignment, and should reflect Honors and AP-level
Rhetorical/Literary Devices Paragraph: This should be a paragraph at the bottom of your essay and
written after you write your essay. Please tell me about four rhetorical strategies/devices you utilized in
this essay and their effect/purpose. Think to use metaphors, appeals to pathos, appeals to logos, appeals to
ethos, parallel structure, juxtaposition, personification, similes, etc. Place this paragraph in a text box or a
table so it stands out from the rest of the essay. Label this paragraph or put a box around it.
Paragraph 1- Introduction. (I want to see your
Paragraph 4- Godinez Memories 14-15.
*Include a topic sentence.
creativity as applied to this assignment, but
* What would you like to remember from Godinez
please follow directions.)
*Start off with a relevant quotation as your hook. It
may be about life, love, pain, growth, learning. change,
etc. as long as you relate it to your life in the introduction.
(Warning: Internet quotation sites are notoriously
incorrect. Verify your quotations.)
*Give an overview of your year from August to now
both academically and personally. Mention your
highlights and setbacks.
*End your introduction with a thesis (an argument)
that states who you are becoming…
Paragraph 2- You as a scholar.
*Include a topic sentence.
*Which were the most challenging courses and why?
(Do not blame teachers or courses here. Talk about
expectations of you and your ability to meet or exceed
*What did you discover were your strengths and
weaknesses this year?
*What project/paper/assignment are you most proud
of? Explain. Give details.
*What project/paper/assignment was not as good as
it could have been? Why? What can you learn from
it? Be specific. Remember how much I have bugged
you about that!
Paragraph 3- You as person of character.
*Include a topic sentence.
*Look at the ESLRS. Identify two that you mastered
this year; identify two of your areas of improvements.
Give examples and anecdotes (stories) for each of
them from your life this year.
this year as you mature? Think personally, as a
school, as a class, etc. Talk about sporting events,
performances, class memories, fundraisers, community
service, or any other memory that is worth recalling.
*Why are those memories important ones?
Paragraph 5 - Growth in Detail.
*Reflect on one particular area of growth as
represented in the evidence that you have provided in
the portfolio. You will discuss the evidence in detail.
You may want to show how the growth in this one
area has prepared you for the future. Discuss
individual assignments and include specifics about
how you improved.
Paragraph 6- Thank Yous. Describe a coach, a
teacher, a club advisor, and older mentor, an
administrator, etc. who has been a positive influence on
you or who has worked to help you this year. Please
reflect on that relationship and what you learned and
Paragraph 7- Next year and conclusion
*Give advice to next year’s juniors. Be specific and
*Give advice to yourself for next year.
*What are you most anticipating about being a
*What are you apprehensive about?
*How would you like your classmates to remember
*How would you like your teachers to remember you?
*Connect back to your opening quotation at the end.