World Geography: AIDS in Africa Essay: MUST BE TYPED! -As said before, what we have been doing the last two weeks is exactly what the United Nations is doing right now. Because of this, when writing this essay please address it to the President of the UN and write the essay as if you were presenting your information to the council of the UN. Using what you have learned from this unit, your notes from your presentation, your classmates presentations, your “Analyzing Maps” notes, the readings, etc. write an essay/paper that covers the following: -Make final conclusions to what you think is happening/causing AIDS in Africa. -Using your completed presentation notes and the analyzing maps sheet discuss the underlying causes for the spread of AIDS in Africa. Describe which causes you think correlate the most and which causes have the most impact on the spread of AIDS and why. -Using everything you have learned and analyzed, create a well thought out and plausible prediction as to the future of AIDS in Africa, other countries, and the spread of this disease -Explain an aspect of this unit that surprised you, had a major impact on you, or something really interesting that you learned and explain what it was and why it affected you. Rubric: An excellent essay will be well written and at least three pages in length. Please use standard essay format, which means you must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Scoring: 30/27 pts: The essay contains abundant information from your notes, maps and the presentations. You answered all the components listed above in an insightful manner, used many examples, and precisely identified patterns, relationships, and connections. You included statistics, which are both relevant and accurate, from the information that has been provided to you. 26/24 pts: The essay contains solid information from your notes, maps, and the presentations. You completely answered all the components above, used examples, and correctly identified patterns, relationships, and connections. You included statistics, which are both relevant and accurate, from the information that had been provided to you. 23/21 pts: The essay contains sufficient information from your notes, maps and the presentations. You answered all the components above, used a few examples, and showed a reasonable identification of patterns, relationships, and connections. You included statistics, which are accurate, from the information that had been provided to you. 20/18 pts: The essay contains limited information from your notes, maps, and the presentations. You answered some of the components listed above, but did not use examples. Your identification of patterns, relationships, and connections was insufficient, incomplete, or not correct. You included statistics from the information that had been provided to you. Redo: The essay contains limited information from your notes, maps, and the presentations. You hardly covered any of the components listed above, used no examples, and could not identify patterns, relationships or connections. You included statistics that are both relevant and accurate from the information that had been provided to you.