Scheme of Work 2010 / 2011 Module/Unit Title: Unit 1 – Investigating the Travel and Tourism Sector Course Title: BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism Prepared by: Adele Pearson Awarding body: Edexcel Lesson Duration: 4 hours per week Start Date: w/c 20th Sept 2010 End Date: w/c 29th Nov 2010 Course Overview: This unit enables learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of the travel and tourism sector, its component industries, their role and the interrelationships within the sector. Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of how the sector has developed over the last 50 years, what it is today and how it is being affected by current trends and factors. Learning Outcomes: 1 Know the travel and tourism component industries and their organisations 2 Understand the role of travel and tourism organisations and their interrelationships 3 Know the developments that have shaped the present day travel and tourism sector 4 Understand how trends and factors are currently affecting the travel and tourism sector. Assessment Details: Task 1a) handbook describing types of tourism and components of tourism Task 1b) factfiles describing roles of organisations Task 1c) review and diagrams on roles of organisations Task 1d&e) discussion on interrelationships Task 2a) article summarizing 10 developments Task 2b) review of trends and factors Task 2 c&d) report of effects of developments and factors Date What topics will be covered What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Key / Basic Skills: What resources are needed? Trimester1 Week 1 13/09/10 Specification and assignment brief Introduce learners to the unit, hand out assignment brief and go over unit specification. Direct questioning Level 1-3 English ICT Unit specification & assignment brief Key words Definitions of travel and tourism Inbound, outbound and domestic tourism Tutor led PowerPoint presentation Ask learners utilising PowerPoint presentation about what travel is and what tourism is. Learners to produce definitions in small groups. Tutor to introduce the concept of different types of tourism. Learners provided with scenarios to Presentation Suitable and coherent definitions which demonstrate some level of understanding Correct identification of types of tourism for each scenario Quality and quantity of list provided Types of tourism scenarios handout Presentation What Independent Learning / Homework will be set? Make a list of all of the travel and tourism organisations in the Middlesbrough Area complete in pairs to identify correct types of tourism. Overview of key components Learners to think about their last holiday and note down all of the different components used from booking a holiday to returning back from holiday the in small groups. Accommodation component Learners to list all the different types of accommodation they are aware of. Discuss different types they may have had experience of. Tutor to introduce the concept of serviced and non serviced Quality of list – range of accommodation included Correct placing into categories Completion of activities Accommodation presentation & handout accommodation and learners to identify from their list which are serviced and which are non serviced. Learners to complete the activities on Seaham Hall and Travelodge. Week 2 20/09/10 Transport component Learners to discuss in small groups all of the different methods of transport available to inbound, outbound and domestic travellers and to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each mode. Small groups will then feedback to group Case studies and questions on Seaham Hall & Travelodge Identification of different methods of transport Level 1-3 available, suitable analysis of English advantages and ICT disadvantages of each method Go onto Seaham Hall’s website Access to internet Websites Virgin Trains BA Royal Caribbean Start to type up task one a Completion of research activities in order to complete work sheet Transport worksheet with their findings. Ancillary services Learners provided with a worksheet on transport covering a range of research activities to deepen knowledge of current transport services to a range of customers. Ask group to write down a definition of what they think ancillary service is and list all the examples they can think of. Tutor to complete spider diagram of student’s ideas on the main ancillary services and where they can be purchased from and why tourists may need to purchase them. Whiteboard and pens Quality of definition Correct identification of ancillary services Feedback to group Week 3 27/09/10 Attractions component Tutor to pose question, “What is an attraction?” In pairs to list all of the attractions they have visited. Tutor to introduce through whiteboard the different types of attractions – heritage, purpose built events and natural. Learners to then place from their list the attractions into the categories. Learners to then discuss in small groups what type of tourist would want to use the different types of attractions and Quality of list Level 1-3 English ICT Presentation on attractions Whiteboard and pens Correct placing of attractions in each category Correct identification of types of tourist in relation to type of attraction Collect two different travel brochures from local travel agent why. Tour operations component Learners to collect two different travel brochures to bring to this session. Learners to analyse each brochure and what type of holidays are provided within the brochure. Tutor to introduce the concept of mass market tour operations and discuss the main two tour operators. Learners will be familiar with Thomas Cook and Thomson. Learners to think about what tour operators do, jot down notes – (they should have prior knowledge from Questioning, Recap activities Travel brochures Tour operations handout Compilation of list relating to the role of the tour operator Tour operations activity sheet Access to internet – Thomas Cook Thomson First Choice Gambia Experience PGL Superbreak Leger Unit 6) Travel agents component Tutor to introduce learners to specialist tour operators, learners to complete internet research activity to identify mass market and specialist tour operations and products and services offered by these. Learners to then to further identify which of these operators serve the inbound, outbound and domestic markets. Most learners will be familiar with retail travel agents therefore should be able to comfortably discuss in small groups what a Completion of internet research activity to correctly identify mass market and specialist operators and the products and services provided by each Type up task one Travel agents handout Input to discussion on what a travel agent is and what they do List of ways to book travel agent is. Learners to list different ways customers are able to book their holiday. Tutor then will introduce business, online and call centre agents and learners to identify advantages and disadvantages of each types of agent. Learners will then participate in an online research activity to consolidate knowledge related to each type of agents. Identification of advantages/disadvantages of each type of agent Level 1-3 English ICT Completion of online research activity Find out what a TIC is and what they do Week 4 04/10/10 Task 1a deadline Tourism development and promotion component Tutor to present a PowerPoint presentation on public sector tourism in the UK, specifically directing learners to triangular diagram on organisations that are involved in tourism development and promotion. Learners to complete internet worksheet answering questions on Visit Britain, One North East and Visit Tees Valley. Questioning of prior knowledge relating to TIC’s Presentation Level 1-3 English ICT Internet worksheet Access to internet to research Visit Britain, One North East Visit Tees Valley Middlesbrough Council Completion of internet research activity Access to internet to research regulatory bodies and trade associations Trade association and regulatory bodies component Tutor to provide learners with definitions of what trade associations is and what a regulatory body is. Tutor to provide learners with the names of a variety of trade associations and regulatory bodies. Learner to be put into groups to research one trade association and one regulatory body. Each group to produce a fact sheet on each of there organisations and then display them on blackboard. . Direct questioning to confirm understanding Fact sheet instructions Quality and accuracy of fact sheets produced. Flip chart paper and pens Level 1-3 English ICT Week 5 11/10/10 Roles and relationships of organisations Tutor to introduce profit and non profit to learners through presentation Week 6 18/10/10 Task 1b deadline Continuation of research activity for three chosen Learners to participate in a range of activities to identify the roles and responsibilities of three chosen organisations Learners to participate in a range of activities to identify the Group discussion Completion of research activities Directed questioning Level 1-3 English ICT Access to three organisation websites Research activity handout Pens Paper Group discussion Completion of research activities Directed questioning Level 1-3 English ICT Access to three organisation websites Research activity Preparation of questions for visit organisations roles and responsibilities of three chosen organisations handout Pens Paper Half Term 25/10/10 Week 7 01/11/10 Task 1c deadline York visit Chains of distribution Interrelationships Learners to think of all of the different ways that a holiday can be purchased, tutor to then introduce the concept of chain of distribution, learners to think about what distribution means. Tutor to draw traditional chain of distribution on board and explain how this can differ within the industry and how this can have an impact upon the price of a holiday. Learners to work through work sheet establishing and Identification of different ways to purchase a holiday. Level 1-3 English ICT Worksheet on chains of distribution Integration handout Questioning around distribution Completion of worksheet, correctly being able to define and draw a diagram of each type of chain of distribution. drawing different chains of distributions. Tutor to introduce concept of integration, learners to think about the word integration and what it means, learners to think of the reasons why organisations may want to purchase other organisations and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Tutor to introduce vertical and horizontal integration and explain the differences between them explaining by illustrative diagrams on board. Learners to Knowledge of the word integration Quality of response, depth of response, Identification of advantages/disadvantages Completion of activity correctly identifying organisations which are vertically and horizontally integrated. Access to internet for integration and interdependencies research task complete activity giving examples of organisations in travel who are vertically and horizontally integrated. Week 8 08/11/10 Task 1d&e deadline Class small group discussions to be facilitated by tutor to cover M1 and D1 Quality of group work and Learners to work in discussion, small groups to discuss which organisations in the industry have relationships with other organisations in the industry and how this benefits the organisation Input to whole class and the customer. discussion Groups to feedback and tutor to provide more examples and re-inforce why organisations have interrelationships Learners to Input to discussion prepare research Direct questioning and engage in Evidence of background small group research discussions for the Level 1-3 English ICT Discussion environment Notes from previous sessions Witness statements Week 9 15/11/10 Task 2a deadline Recent developments summary of ten developments completion of M1 and D1 Tutor to give a presentation on developments, learners to work in small groups to think about how the industry has developed generally since 1960’s. Groups to be given a big piece of paper and split the page into two, then and now. Level 1-3 English ICT Type up task 2a Flip chart paper and pens Presentation Contribution to flip chart activity Learners to note down what they think holidays would have been like in 1960’s and what they are like now, Quality of answers, direct questioning Groups to feedback to the rest of the class and tutor to facilitate discussion Transport development – bigger planes, channel tunnel, faster travel Tutor to then introduce transport – tutor to emphasise what an important part transport has to play in the industry and this is the sector used to get everyone away on holiday. Learners to work through with tutor direction a work booklet on transport development considering the four methods covered by the specification, air, sea, road and rail. The work book contains a variety of activities some research and some web based. Many transport websites now have virtual tours – Completion of work booklet on transport, Quality of internet research provided Individual questioning during work book activity Transport work book Access to internet Week 10 22/11/10 Technological development – internet, Task 2b deadline Developments continued; cruise ship, virgin trains, BA etc. Tutor to go over the workbook answers at the end of the session. Transport development can also be linked heavily into technological development, learners to complete brief work sheet of technological development, When tutor facilitating activity to emphasis that everything is getter bigger, better and becoming more accessible Tutor to link information taken from the earlier discussion regarding how have holidays Worksheet Completion of worksheet Direct questioning Level 1-3 English ICT Access to internet to complete research Find out why changed to this session. Destination development Lifestyle changes – more working families, more split families taking short breaks, more than one holiday per year Learners to research one destination and complete questions about it to see how that destination has developed, tutor to give presentation on new destinations and why destinations develop. Learners to complete handout on destination development, specifically looking at Dubai as a new destination. Learners to discuss why they think holidays are changing, tutor to introduce the people often take more than one holiday per year Completion of research activity showing an understanding of destination development Completion of destination development handout Destination development handout Input to discussion Lifestyle case study Completion of case study Questioning Ask parents and grandparents how lifestyle has changed in the last 20-30yrs Week 11 29/11/10 Task 2c deadline Trends Growth and expansion of regional airports concept of lifestyle changes, learners to complete case study questions on article describing how people holidayed in years gone by and they are to consider how this is different to now and the reasons behind this, tutor to facilitate discussion. Tutor to introduce learners to trends which have or are affecting the travel and tourism industry. Tutor to introduce learners to regional airports, learners to work in small groups to note down on flip chart paper why, (given what they already know about Flip chart paper and pens Level 1-3 English ICT Quality of group flip chart work developments) regional airports are expanding, small groups to feedback to the rest of the group and tutor to lead discussion. Learners to complete case study activity on the growth of Newcastle airport and the reason why this is important for the region. Increased frequency of holidays Greater flexibility (of booking, products) Tutor to give a presentation on increased frequency of holidays linked with greater flexibility, learners to make a list of all of the possible places they can book a holiday/flight in 2008. Tutor to Completion of Newcastle Airport Case study Newcastle airport case study and questions Quality of list Presentation Questioning highlight the way in which holidays have become more accessible to the masses and with a change in lifestyle therefore people are choosing to holiday more frequently. Note taking Learners to make notes on both of these topics, Learners to read the document summer trends 2007 and answer the questions set. Comprehension of summer trends report Summer trends 07 report and questions