Chapter 6 RUNOFF ____________________________________________________________________________ 6.1 Factors affecting runoff Runoff in a stream is affected by two major factors: (a) Climate (b) Physical characteristics of the drainage basin. The influence of climate on runoff is due to the following characteristics/factors: i. Precipitation ii. Rainfall Intensity iii. Duration of rainfall iv. Distribution of rainfall on the basin v. Direction of storm movement vi. Infiltration 6.1.1 Climatic factors Precipitation Rainfall and snow which are one of the forms of precipitation affect runoff differently. Rainfall affects runoff hydrograph immediately and produces peak hydrographs depending on the size of the basin. While snow does not produce runoff immediately and there is a time lag between snow fall and runoff in the streams and this could be in months. Rainfall intensity The peak of a runoff hydrograph is a function of increasing rainfall intensity. Flash floods are usually caused by high intense rain storms of short duration. 6-1 Duration of rainfall Rains of long duration may produce considerable surface runoff though the rainfall intensity might be relatively mild. High intense rainfall storms of long duration produce serious flood hazard. Areal distribution of rainfall on basin For drainage basins of appreciable size, large flood producing storms are seldom uniformly distributed. For small drainage basins high peak flows are the result of intense rainfall storms that cover only small areas. For large basins the highest peak flows are usually produced by general storms of less intensity, long duration and covering much larger areas. Direction of storm movement The direction in which the storm travels across the basin with respect to the direction of flow of the drainage system has a great influence upon the resulting peak flow and also upon the duration of the surface runoff. A rain storm traveling in the downstream direction causes a high peaked discharge hydrograph. This happens due to the water congestion at the outlet. While a rain storm traveling in the upstream direction produces a flat runoff hydrograph. Infiltration Infiltration is the phenomenon of water penetrating from the surface of the ground into the subjacent soil. As water penetrates the soil, its distribution in space and time varies. The description of the evolution of the water content in the soil, resulting from the occurrence of a rain or of a pond of water at the surface, is also sometimes thought to be a part of the phenomenon of infiltration. Mostly, however, infiltration is thought of as the phenomenon of water crossing from the air side to the soil side of the air-soil interface. 6.1.2 Physical characteristics of the drainage basin These are: Land use, type of soil, area of basin, shape of basin, elevation, slope, orientation, the drainage net, order of streams, length of tributaries, stream density and drainage density. 6-2 Land Use Of all the many physical factors that affect the runoff of any area, one of the most important is land use. The land use which affects the vegetation has an influence on the rate of infiltration and therefore on the resulting runoff in the stream. Figure 6.1 shows the effect of land use on the runoff. Variations in interception indicated by through fall according to age and character of forest cover at 200 m in the Austrian Tyrol are indicated in A, and the significance of drainage (B1) and forest removal (B2) upon water levels in an experimental area in Denmark is shown. The effect of different land use covers upon peak discharge is shown (C) by plotting peak discharges for the Serven catchment (870 ha, 2/3 forest) against those for the Wye catchment (1055 ha, sheep grazing) in the Plynlimon study. D shows the increase in runoff according to years since treatment in the Coweeta watersheds. E indicates possible differences in hydrograph form according to land use cover, and F indicates sediment yields in the Serra do Mar Brazil. Type of soil In any drainage basin the runoff characteristics are greatly influenced by the soil type because of the varying infiltration capacities of different soils. Soils with high infiltration capacity would produce less runoff and vice versa. Area of basin The larger the basin the longer it takes for the total runoff to pass a given station. The peak flow decreases with an increase in the drainage area. Actually for any locality the maximum intensity of rain that is likely to occur with any given frequency varies inversely with the area covered by the storm. Consequently, the larger the basin the less will be the intensity of the storm and therefore the lower will be the flood peak. Shape The shape of the basin mainly governs the rate at which water is supplied to the main stream as it proceeds along its course from the source to the mouth (see figure 6.2). It can be seen in Figure 6.2 A, B, C and D that basin shape affects the peak of the resulting runoff hydrograph. 6-3 Figure 6.1 Illustrations of the effect of land use and vegetation on runoff Elevation The variation in elevation and also the mean elevation of a drainage basin are important factors in relation to temperature and to precipitation, particularly as to the fraction of the total amount which falls as snow. 6-4 Slope The slope of a drainage basin has an important but rather complex relation to infiltration, surface runoff, soil moisture , and ground water contribution to stream flow. It is one of the major factors controlling the time of overland flow and concentration of rainfall in stream channels and is of direct importance in relation to flood magnitude (see figure 6.2). It can be seen in Figure 6.2 that, a catchment with a steep slope produces a high peaked hydrograph and vise versa. Orientation Orientation of basin affects the transpiration and evaporation losses because of its influence on the amount of heat received from the sun. Orientation of the basin coupled with storm movement has an influence on runoff. Figure 6.2 Basin relief and shape in relation to drainage basin process 6-5 6.2 Hydrometric measurements The hydrometric measurements that are required and or carried out are, water and sediment discharge. However, before the measurements are carried out one has to choose the site for the hydrometric station. 6.2.1 Choice of a site for a hydrometric station There are a number of factors which, influence the choice of a site for a hydrometric station and these are: (a) The channel is straight and uniform for at least 100 m or three times the channel width upstream and down stream of the location. (b) No flow can by-pass the site, neither as surface nor as subsurface flow. (c) The streambed is not scoured or filled by sediment and is free of aquatic growth. (d) The banks are permanent and the stream does not change course regularly. The banks should be high enough to contain all floods. (e) Ideally there should be a permanent hydraulic control giving stable, unique, stagedischarge relationship for the reach. The sensitivity of the relationship dictates the accuracy of the stage measuring and recording equipment required to produce a discharge value of specified accuracy. A natural control is either a section control, which usually involves critical flow conditions, e.g. at a constriction in the channel or at an increase in longitudinal bed-slope, or a channel control, in which uniform flow conditions may be approached and which depends on the channel geometry and roughness. Artificial controls include weirs and flumes constructed across the river. (f) A site is available for housing the measuring and recording equipment. (g) The site should be accessible at all times, even in extreme floods. (h) The depth of flow and velocity at minimum flows and the velocity and turbulence at maximum flows should be within the limits of the method envisaged for discharge measurement. (i) The site should be selected such that the stage-discharge relationship is not influenced by variable backwater from downstream confluences, lakes, resorvoirs, locks, intakes or from tides or seiches. (j) Reach should be oriented at right-angles to the direction of the prevailing wind. (k) If possible, a local person should be employed to take the measurements. 6-6 6.2.2 Discharge measurement Discharge measurements are made for a variety of reasons concerned with the planning and management of water resource including .... (i) Studies for occurrences of floods. (ii) Studies of occurrences of low flows. (iii) Water-balance studies In cases (i) and (ii) above, actual values of peak and low flows are required (instantaneous values). In case (iii) the total quantity of water passing a point of interest in a specified period of time is required. Thus all of these applications require continuous measurements, regardless of how frequent. Water discharge carries with it sediment material load. Sediment deposition affects the water carrying capacity of rivers and the useful life of reservoirs. Therefore, it is also imperative to carry sediment measurements at points of interest in the catchment where the construction of a dam downstream is likely to take place. This information is very important in the determination of the useful reservoir capacity and the life span of the reservoir. Stream flow is measured in terms of stage and discharge. River stage is measured using: Staff gauges and automatic water level recorders while water discharge is measured by current meters; slope area method, tracer dilution method, floating object method, radio active tracers method and hydraulic structures. There exists a unique relationship between the river stage and the discharge at the hydrometric station. This relationship is very useful for the transformation of river stage into discharge (see Figure 6.12 ). Determination of Stage The term stage, as used in a streamflow measurement, refers to the water-surface elevation at a point along a stream measured above an arbitrary datum. Stage is determined by indicators of various types and these are: staff gauge; chain, tape; and wire gauges; pressure transmitters; and crest stage indicators. The above are also categorized as manual and automatic water level indicators: Manual stage indicators: 1. Staff Gauge: A staff gauge is a graduated scale set in a stream by fastening it to a pier, wall, supporting or other structure. It is read by observing the level of the water surface in contact with it, with proper allowance for the meniscus. The gauge may extend upward 6-7 in one section to cover the expected range in stage; it may be set vertically in several sections at different locations (see Fig. 6.3). 2. Chain, Tape and Wire Gauges: Stage is determined by these devices by lowering a weight to the water surface. The chain gauge is read from a reference head moving along a graduated scale. The tape gauge is read at a pointer in contact with the tape. The wire gauge is read by means of a mechanical counter attached to the real on which the wire is wound. The advantages of these gauges is that they can be installed so as to be readily accessible under all conditions and they are easy to install. Figure 6.3 A staff gauge. Stage reading at X = 0.585 m (Shaw, 1983) 3. Pressure Transmitter: The stage in a stream may be converted to pressure by means of a cylinder and flexible diaphragm. This pressure is transmitted via a light liquid through a tube to a sensitive gauge. The major disadvantage to this device is that it is very sensitive to temperature changes, 6-8 4. Crest-stage Indicator: This indicator is used to delineate the peak stage of a flood at points other than at a hydrometric station. Such data are valuable in the establishment of flood profiles and in determining slope for the investigation of formulas for the computations of flood flows in streams. A crest stage indicator consists of a pipe set vertically with an open, screened bottom and a vented top. It contains a graduated wooden staff gauge, held in place by a cap on the pipe. A small quantity of powdered cork is introduced into the top of the pipe and washed to the bottom with water. When the stage is visited, the stage is read and the device returned to operating condition by pouring a little water in to wash the cork back down the pipe. Automatic water level recorder: Automatic or continuous water level recorders are float-or probe-actuated type devices. The most commonly used water-stage recorders is the float actuated device using a stilling well to exclude wave action. The level can be recorded by a pen on a chart fixed on a rotating drum (Figure 6.4). Figure 6.4 Float automatic water level recorder Nowadays the level is usually transmitted by e.g. telephone line or recorded by an electronic device. Other recording gauges (e.g. so-called divers) may register the level every 15 min. Some of these gauges are part of a flood warning system, initiating an alarm when the stage exceeds a 6-9 prescribed level. Divers are steel cylinders (diameter 3 cm, length 15 cm) with a sensor to measure water pressure. The divers may be programmed to measure the water level at a fixed time interval. The instrument id battery operated (batteries last 8 – 10 years). Divers may be read out with a PC or laptop, but the readings may also be transmitted elsewhere. Another type of recording gauge is known as pressure-actuated gauge, which measures the pressure by pressing small quantities of air through a pipe that is fixed on the river bed. The water level in the river is directly proportional to the pressure. The method does not require a stilling well. Methods of Discharge Measurement As mentioned earlier, the methods of measuring discharge are: current meters; slope area method, tracer dilution method; floating object method, radio active tracers method and hydraulic structures. The flowing velocity of water in a stream varies with depth. That is the water flow velocity increases from the channel bed and reaches its maximum value at the water surface. Horizontally, the water velocity increases from the river bank and attains its maximum value close to the center of the river. Therefore, the velocity distribution of flowing water has an influence on the accuracy of the measured values. Figure 6.5 shows a vertical velocity profile in a stream. A current meter is a simple device which, consists of a precisely formed propeller rotating freely on a well-lubricated shaft. The is lowered into the water and the rate of revolution of the impeller is directly proportional to the velocity of the water. A small magnet is usually built into the shaft of the instrument and a coil detects the passage of the magnet and allows the number of revolutions of the shaft in the given time to be counted. Once the rate of revolution of the impeller is known the water velocity can be calculated using the calibration equation for the instrument, which is expressed as follows: V = a + bn Where, V is the water velocity n is the number of revolutions of the impeller per second a, b are constants for the particular instrument (6.1) 6-10 Figure 6.5 A typical vertical velocity profile in a stream (Linsley et al, 1975) Many manufacturers test each current meter separately and calculate a calibration equation for each one. However, the derived equation for the current meter with normal use should be recalibrated every three years (WMO). Prolonged use in sediment-laden water damages the bearings and great care should be taken in cleaning the meter after use and the lubrication oils should be changed regularly. Current meter calibration is done in a special calibration tank. Usually the tank is over 100 m long and 2 m wide and 1.5 – 2 m deep. The tank is filled with water and a small carriage can move on rails above the water surface. The current meter is attached to the carriage so that the impeller is beneath the water surface. The carriage is then moved a precisely determined fixed speed and the rate of revolution of impeller is accurately measured. The test is repeated for a number of different carriage speeds, varying from 0.025 m/s up to 4 m/s. If a weight is used with the meter then the meter should also be calibrated with the weight attached. A straight line, relating rating of impeller revolution to carriage speed, is fitted to the data test data by leastsquares regression to establish the calibration equation. Figure 6.6 shows a typical current meter fixed on to a wading rod. 6-11 Figure 6.6 A typical current meter Methods of river crossing while making velocity measurements A discharge measurement is classified according to manner in which the stream crossing is made. There are four ways of making discharge measurement by current meters and these are; wading; cable way, bridge and boat. Wading measurement are usually carried out for shallow streams. The limit is determined by the ability of the hydrographer to cross safely and to stand in position while making an observation. A tag line, usually a tape or small-diameter metal cable with beads marking 10 or 20 cm intervals is stretched across the stream. The hydrographer notes the width of flow during this procedure, which enables him to determine the spacing of the verticals. The number of verticals depend upon the regularity of the cross section and the distribution of flow. The verticals (Fig. 6.7) are closely spaced through irregular parts of the section or where the velocity is changing rapidly and are spaced more widely in the center of the stream where the flow is uniform. However, the flow through the section between any pair of adjacent soundings should not be more than 5 per cent of the total. In wading measurements the hydrographer should stand in a position which will least affect the distribution of flow passing the current meter. With the meter rod at the tag line, the 6-12 hydrographer will face along the line toward the bank, standing 10 to 30 cm downstream from the tag line and 45 cm or more from the meter rod, supporting the rod with his upstream arm. A cable way consists of a cable stretched across the stream, supported at the banks by A-frames and securely anchored at each end. The cable is designed to support safely a gauging car, its occupants, and the measuring equipment. The cable is marked off in intervals by short stripes around its circumference. The spacing between stripes is determined by the width of the stream. Two types of bridge are used for stream flow measurements, those constructed especially for that purpose and those used by road and rail transportation. The first type serves essentially the same purpose as the cable way. Railroad and road bridges when used for stream flow measurements have two disadvantages: they are dangerous, and the stream cross sections beneath them are usually disrupted by piers or piles. Discharge measurements are made from bridges by hand line, hand operated reels and booms, powered-operated reels and booms attached to trucks or trailers, or power operated reels and booms mounted on prime movers constructed especially for the purpose. Measurements are generally made from the downstream side. Soundings are made in the same way as from cable ways, except that more sections are required, particularly around piers and piles. Distances for soundings are determined by marking on the handrail of the bridge in the same manner as a cable way. 30 or more sections are recommended with additional observations near piers. Measurement from a boat is a satisfactory way of determining streamflow if conditions are favorable for its operation. The requirements are that the stream be safe for boats and that a suitable cross section be available. A boat measurement is in a sense a combination of wading and cable way operation, the hydrographer working from just above the water surface but using meter and sounding weight rather than a rod for depth determination. Cross sections distances are established from a tagged cable stretched across the stream just above the water surface. The sounding equipment is operated by a reel, with line passing over a boom extending ahead of the bow of the boat. The sections should number 30 or more, depending on the uniformity of depth and velocity distribution. Velocity Area Method Velocity area method estimate discharge by using the relationship Q = VA (6.2) 6-13 where, Q is the discharge, V is the mean water velocity and A is the cross-sectional area of flow. The Discharge Q, and cross-sectional area of flow, A, are actual physical quantities and can thus be measured. However, the mean water velocity, V, is not necessarily the actual velocity at any given point in the flow. The mean velocity if a function of the velocities at all points in the crosssection. It is a derived quantity. The actual velocity varies so much in a cross-section that large errors may be expected in any direct estimate of the average velocity for the cross-section. This difficulty is reduced by considering the cross-section to be divided into a number of separate areas of flow. The total discharge trough the cross-section is the sum of the discharges through each sub-division of area. The sub-divisions are made sufficiently small so that there is justification for using the average velocity and the above equation applies to the sub-division (Figure 6.4). The total discharge is thus calculated by the formula: Q q1 q2 .... qn (6.3) Where n is the number of the sub-divisions. Mathematically, the above equation can be considered to be a numerical approximation to the exact integral relationship: B y( x) Q v( x, y)dydx 0 where, x y v(x,y) B y(x) (6.4) 0 is distance from a particular bank. is distance below the water surface. is the velocity at a depth y and a horizontal distance, x from the bank is the width of the river. is the depth of the river at a distance x from the reference bank. On any given vertical line, the water velocity varies with depth. The lowest velocity is usually at the bed of the river, while the highest velocity is either at or near the water surface. Very many individual velocity measurements are required to establish the exact variation at a given vertical. If the exact variation of velocity with depth is known then the average velocity for the vertical can be calculated by integration as follows: 6-14 y( x) v( x) v( x, y)dy 0 (6.5) Since this method is time consuming, a number of approximations have been developed for practical use. There is the one point method (0.6 of depth), the two point method (0.2 and 0.8 of the depth) and the three point method ( 0.2, 0.6. and 0.8 of the depth). A velocity measuring instrument which is lowered and raised at a constant speed through the vertical section of water integrates the velocity and provides a means of measuring the average velocity of the section. A current meter with a blade impeller is often used, but a cup-type current meter cannot be used for this method. Current meters can be grouped into two groups namely: rotating meter and dynamometer. The rotating meter converts a part of the stream momentum into angular momentum while dynamometer converts momentum into force. Rotating current meters fall into two general groups according to the orientation of the revolving axle; that is the axle may be vertical or may be horizontal and parallel to the direction of flow. Rotating about the vertical axle is accomplished by means of cups or vanes, that about the horizontal axle by means of screw-or propellor shaped blades. The dynamometer translates the momentum force of stream velocity into either deflection or stress. This is measured and calibrated against velocity or discharge. Rotating horizontal axle current meters are commonly used in the region. The current meter give the stream velocity in a vertical cross section. In shallow streams, it is general practice to set the current meter at 0.6 of the depth. The general practice in deeper streams is to take the average of readings at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth. The minimum depth at which the two-point setting can be made is determined by the meter suspension. If a rod is used, the minimum is 1.5ft and if the meter is suspended or a hanger above a weight, the minimum depth for two-point settings is 5 times the distance from the center of the meter to the bottom of the weight. Occasionally, observations in very deep streams/rivers are made at 0.2, 0.6 and 0.8 depths, and the velocity at 0.6 depth averaged with that determined from the average of the observations at 0.2 and 0.8 depth. A velocity observation is made by timing the number of revolutions which the meter makes during a selected period of time, usually for about one minute. The number of revolutions are obtained by use of a counter which makes use of a make-and-break electrical contact. If the current meter is suspended on a rod, current from a battery in the counter flows through a wire 6-15 to the contact chamber of the current meter and returns through the rod. If the current meter is suspended on a hanger above a weight, the connecting wire from the counter is carried to the current meter as the insulated core of the cable, and the cable provides the return path. There are several ways of measuring depth and these include; graduations on the wading rod, tags on the cable which supports the current meter and weight assembly, or by a mechanical indicator attached to the reel on which the supporting cable is wound and electrical depth sounders. The wading rod is graduated in tenths of a meter with the zero at the bottom of the base plate. The depth is read by estimating the point at which the level surface of the water intersects the rod. The current meter and sounding assembly is supported on a steel cable. This is fastened to a rubber covered two-conductor cable which serves as a hand line for making measurements with 7-kg and 14-kg sounding weights. The sounding reel is equipped with a mechanical counter so that the depth may be read directly. Data recording and discharge computation During stream discharge measurement by current meters, the data to be recorded are: distance from the initial point, depth, depths of observation, revolutions of the current meter and time in seconds. In addition, if the direction of flow is not perpendicular to the section, the cosine of the angle of departure is indicated A discharge measurement is computed by determining the discharge per unit width for each sounding, multiplying it by the width corresponding to one-half the distance to each adjacent sounding to determine the partial discharge. The partial discharges are added to obtain the total. The stage is also recorded at the time of discharge measurement. In any given vertical line, the water velocity varies with depth. The lowest velocity is usually at the bed of the river, while the highest velocity is either at or near the water surface. Very many individual velocity measurements are required to establish the exact variation at a given vertical. If the exact variation of velocity depth is known then the average velocity for the vertical can be calculated by integration i.e. 1 (6-6) V d V ( y)dy 6-16 Mean-Section Method: The discharge between two verticals is calculated by determining (i) the mean of the average velocities for the verticals on either side of the sub-division, (ii) the mean of the depths of the verticals on either side of the sub-division and (iii) multiplying these by the width of the subdivision (see Figure 6.7). Mathematically the above explanation is expressed as follows: qj V j V j 1 Yj Yj 1 b 2 2 j (6.7) jn Q q j0 j Figure 6.7 Mean-section method of discharge calculation 6-17 Mid-Section Method: The depth and average velocity calculated for each vertical is assumed to apply to an area which extends half way to the next vertical on either side. The discharge through this area is calculated by multiplying the depth by the average velocity and by the width of the area involved (see Figure 6.8). The above explanation is expressed mathematically as follows: qj B j B j 1 V j Yj 2 (6.8) n Q Q j0 Figure 6.8 j Mid-section method of discharge calculation 6-18 Slope area method The most commonly used formula in the slope area method is Manning’s equation which is expressed as follows: Q 2 1 1 3 AR S 2 n (6.9) where Q is the discharge; n is the Manning's roughness coefficient; A is the cross-sectional area, R is the hydraulic radius which is determined as the ratio (A/P) (refer the sketch below, Figure 6.9) , and S is the slope of the energy gradient line (for uniform flow, this is equal to the slope of the channel bed). The mean depth may be substituted for hydraulic radius for very wide rivers. Figure 6.9 Sketch to define the hydraulic radius The field work for making a slope-area discharge measurement includes careful marking of the high-water profile of the flood through the reach, precise levels to determine the elevations of the marks, and careful selection and surveying of the cross sections that will be utilized for the determination. It must be remembered that the surface of a stream during flood is a markedly warped surface and the trace of its passage along the stream banks provides at best only an approximation of the true slope of the water surface. Salt dilution method In the salt dilution method a concentrated salt solution is introduced at a constant and measured 6-19 rate q. The concentration of the salt is determined a priori while the constant rate is achieved by a special metering pump or by an orifice connected to a constant head, Marriot etc. At a point some distance downstream, after complete mixing has taken place, water samples from the stream are drawn and analysed. The weight of the salt passing the sampling point per second must equal the sum of the weight of salt ordinarily carried by the stream and the weight of the concentrated solution added per second. A simple calculation will give the volume of water per second passing the sampling point. This method is suitable for turbulent mountain streams and for cross sections where the flow is so rough that no other method is feasible. Q C1 C2 q C2 C0 (6.10) where C0 is the background concentration already present in the water, C1, is the known salt concentration added to the stream at a constant rate q, and C2 is a sustained final concentration of the salt in the well mixed flow at the sampling point. It is recommended that the salt/chemical used should have a high solubility, be stable in water and be capable of accurate quantitative analysis in dilute concentrations. The chemical/salt should be non-toxic to fish and other forms of river life, and be unaffected itself by sediment and other natural chemicals in the water. Careful preparations are needed and the required mixing length, dependent on the state of the stream, must be assessed first, usually by visual testing with fluorescein. The salt dilution equipment is easily made portable for one or two operators and thus the method is recommended for survey work in remote areas. Floating object method The simplest approach to this method is by timing the velocity of floating objects i.e. orange to pass a certain point. This will give the indication of the velocity of the water at the surface. The other approach uses the principle of moving floats by releasing compressed air bubbles at regular intervals from special nozzles in a pipe laid across the stream, bed (Figure 6.10). The bubbles rising to the surface with a constant terminal speed V, are displaced downstream a distance L at the surface by the effects of the velocity of the flow as the bubbles rise. The discharge per unit 6-20 width is expressed as: q Vr L (6.11) where L is the mean surface displacement of the bubbles at that point. The total discharge of the stream is expressed as: n Q q b i 1 i i (6.12) where n is the number of points across the stream and b is the width of a segment. The area A is obtained in the field by taking photos of the bubble pattern and then using a micro computer technique to compute A from the photographic points. Figure 6.10 Integrated float technique (from Shaw 1983) Radio-Active tracers method A variation of the salt-velocity method utilizes radioactive tracers. Radioactive material are, not stable and thus not suitable. While the concentrations used do not pose a serious health hazard for water users, the measuring personnel may be affected over a long period of time. Therefore, the increased cost and the care needed to avoid danger of radiation exposure make the method somewhat disadvantageous. However, this method is appropriate for very wide rivers. 6-21 Weirs There is a wide variety of weir types which can be used for the measurement of discharges ranging from a few litres per second to many hundreds of cubic meters per second. Weirs are hydraulic structures which provide restriction to the depth of flow in a river or stream. A distinct sharp break in the bed profile is constructed which creates a raised upstream sub-critical flow, a critical flow over the weir and a super-critical flow downstream. The upstream head is uniquely related to the discharge over the crest of weir where the flow passes through Sharpcrested or thin plate weirs are commonly used for gauging small streams and man-made channels. These give highly accurate discharge measurements but to ensure the accuracy of the stage-discharge relationship, there must be atmospheric pressure underneath the nappe of the flow over the weir. Thin plate weirs can extend across the total width of a rectangular approach channel or contracted (Figure 6.11 ). The shape of the weir may be rectangular or trapezoidal or triangular cross-section (i.e. a Vnotch). The angle of the V-notch may have various values, the most common being 90 o, 60o and 45o .The basic discharge equation for a rectangular sharp crested weir is expressed as follows: 1.5 (6.13) Q kBH where Q, is the discharge, B is the width of the stream, H is the depth of flow over the crest of the weir and k is a coefficient which is a function of the channel geometry, nature of the constriction etc. For V-notch weirs, the discharge is expressed as follows: Q k tan( 2 ) H 2.5 (6.14) Where is the angle of the v - notch 6-22 Figure 6.11: Thin plate weirs (from Shaw, 1983) For larger channels the recommended gauging stations using weirs are usually constructed in concrete. One of the simplest to build is the broad-crested rectangular weir. The discharge in 6-23 terms of gauge height H is expressed as in the equation for the sharp crested weir. The length L of the weir, related to H and to P the weir height is very important since critical flow should be well established over the weir. However, separation flow may occur at the upstream end, and with increase in flow depth H, the pattern of flow and the coefficient, k may change (see Figure 6.12). Figure 6.12 Rectangular profile weir (from shaw, 1983) 6-24 6.2.3 Rating curves Stage-Discharge relationship In the measurement of river flow, the computed total discharge corresponds to a certain stage in the river. The stage-discharge relationship is defined by the complex interaction of channel characteristics, (i.e. cross-sectional area, shape, slope and channel roughness). The combination of these effects has been the disignation control. A control is permanent if the stage discharge relationship which it defines does not change with time; otherwise it is not permanent, and is defined as a shifting control. The shifting control and its effects on the stage-discharge relationship are of great importance in the operation of the hydrometric station and the computation of runoff. The rating curve is an equation which relates discharge to water level (stage). An often-used equation has the form: Q kH n (6.15) where Q is the discharge H is the water stage k and n are constants to be determined If the zero of the water stage readings does not coincide with the bottom of the channel (i.e. zero discharge) then the equation is written in the form: Q k H a n (6.16) where a is the stage reading corresponding to zero discharge. However, this does not add any extra complication since a will always be known in advance or has to be optimized. Taking logarithms of both sides of the above equation gives: Log (Q) Log ( k ) nLog ( H ) (6.17) which implies a linear relationship between the logarithms of Q and H. The constants, k and n can be determined either 6-25 (a) Graphically, by plotting a graph of the log(Q) against Log(H) and fitting, by the eye, a straight line to the points, or, (b) Numerically, by using numerical optimization algorithm to find the values of k and n which give the best fit to the given data. The least-squares method is often used for this as it is the simplest to compute. If the flow occasionally overtops the banks, a break is noticed in the stage-discharge relationship. This may often be treated by fitting one equation to the data corresponding to flows within banks and another equation to the flows above the bank full levels. Figure 6.13 shows the Q-H relationship (rating curve). Gauge Height (cm) 600 Discharge Rating curve 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3 Discharge (m /s) Figure 6.13 Discharge stage relationship (rating curve) 6.2..3.2 Factors affecting the rating curve The factors affecting the rating curve are: unsteady flow, floods which overtop the banks, backwater effects, aquatic growth and change in cross-section. 1. A flow is unsteady if it changes with time so, by definition, most natural flows can be considered to be unsteady. In some cases the flow changes so slowly that, for the purpose of certain analyses, it can be considered approximately steady/uniform. In the case of 6-26 2. 3. 4. unsteady flow, there may not be a unique relationship between discharge and stage. A given value of stage, for example, may correspond to a certain discharge when the water level is rising, at the beginning of a flood, and to a different, lower, discharge when the water level is falling, after a flood. If a sufficient variety of flow conditions are included in the measured data, this effect produces a “looped” curve when the data is plotted. Please note that during the passage of a flood wave, the maximum discharge at any given point occurs before the maximum stage. When a flood discharge overtops the river banks, the relatively greater increase in crosssectional area of flow changes the relationship between stage and discharge. In this case a separate stage-discharge relationship may be derived for within-banks flows and a different relationship derived for the out-of-bank flows. If the gauging station is affected by backwater from a lake, the level of which changes more slowly than flows in the river, then the rating data may suggest a series of parallel rating curves rather than a single unique relationship. If on the other hand, the backwater effect changes as rapidly as the flows in the river, i.e. caused by a small lake, or reservoir, or by a downstream river confluence, then it may be difficult to see any pattern in the rating curve. Weeds and mosses can change the stage-discharge relationship at a cross-section. These usually have cyclical growth patterns and their effects may be seen in a greater variation in the rating data fore low flows. This is because their influence is greatest for the shallower flows. The change in river cross-section may be due to erosion, or deposition, at either the channel bed of banks. It should cause a systematic change in the stagedischarge relationship. Infrequent measurements are required at every gauging station to detect this type of change (check survey of gauging stations). 6.2.4 Sediment discharge measurement Introduction Sediment particles are transported by the flow in one or more of the following ways:Surface creep (a) Saltation (b) Suspension Surface creep is the rolling or sliding of particles along the channel bed. Saltation is the cycle of motion above the bed with resting periods on the bed. Suspension involves the sediment particle being supported by the water during its entire motion. Sediments transported by surface creep 6-27 and saltation are referred to as BED LOAD, and those transported by suspension are called SUSPENDED LOAD. The suspended load consists of sands, silts and clays. The bed - material load is the sum of bed load and suspended bed material load. Generally, the amount of bed load transported by a large river is of the order of 5 to 25 percent of the suspended load. The total sediment load in a channel is the sum of bed - material load and wash load. The bed material load is that part of the total sediment discharge which is composed of grain sizes found in the bed. The wash load is that part composed of particle sizes finer than those found in appreciable quantities in the bed. Engineers assume that bed material load size is equal to or greater than 0.0625mm which is the division point between sand and silt. It is also assumed that, most of the wash load is transported through the system by stream flow and little wash load is deposited on or in the stream bed. Sediment transport in overland flow occurs by sheet flow and through development of rills and gullies. The eroding and transporting power of sheet flow is a function of flow depth and velocity for a given size, shape and density of soil particles. The combined action of sheet flow and raindrop splash contributes to total erosion. The settling velocity of suspended particles in still water is approximated by stoke’s law: vs w 2 gr 2 s 9 (6.18) Where s and w are densities of the particle and the liquid/water respectively, r is the radius of the particle, g is the gravitational acceleration and is the absolute viscosity of water. Generally considered applicable to particles from 0.0002 to 0.2 mm in diameter. In turbulent flow the gravitational settling of particles is counteracted by upward transport in turbulent eddies. Since the concentration of suspended material is greatest near the bottom of the stream, upward moving eddies carry more suspended sediment than downward moving eddies. The system is in equilibrium if gravity movement and turbulent transport are in balance and the amount of suspended sediment remains constant. Methods of sediment measurement Sediment is measured at the hydrometric station using sediment samplers. A good sediment 6-28 sampler must cause minimum disturbance of streamflow, avoid errors from short-period fluctuations in sediment concentration and give results which can be related to velocity measurements. Sediment samplers consist of a streamlined shield enclosing a glass bottle as a sample container. A vent permits escape of air as water enters the bottle and controls the inlet velocity so that it is approximately equal to the local stream velocity. Nozzle tips of various sizes are available to control the rate at which the bottle fills. Large sediment sampler models have the bottle fully enclosed and are fitted with tail vanes to keep it headed into the current when cable-supported. The sediment sampler is lowered through the stream at constant vertical speed until the bottom is reached and is then raised to surface the at constant speed. The result is an integrated sample with the relative quantity collected at any depth in proportion to the velocity at that depth. The duration of the transverse is determined by the time required to nearly fill the sample bottle and can be computed from the filling - rate curves for the particular nozzle when the stream velocity is known. A number of transverse are made at intervals (similar to the discharge measurement procedure) across the stream to determine the total suspended - sediment load for the section. Point samplers are used only where it is impossible to use the depth - integrating type because of great depths, high velocity or for studies of sediment distribution in streams. Since the nozzle of the sediment sampler cannot be lowered to the streambed, this may represent a large error in shallow streams. Figure 6.14 shows suspended sediment samplers. The collected samples are filtered and the sediment dried. The ratio of dry weight of sediment to total weight of the sample is the sediment concentration, usually expressed in parts per million or milligram per liter. Other analyses that are performed include determination of grain-size distribution, fall velocity and occasionally heavy-mineral or chemical analysis. Sediment discharge measurements are given in tons/day. Bed-load samplers are designed to rest on the streambed and thus trap the moving bed load without disturbing the flow. Bed load samplers consist of boxes or bags of wire mesh with supporting frame and a tail vane to keep the entrance pointed into the current. Permeable fabric bags are used when the bed material consists of fine particles which would otherwise pass through the wire mesh. Figure 6.15 shows the types of bedload samplers. Devices which have been developed for continuous monitoring of sediment load in streams are: pumping samplers, photocell probes etc. A significant limitation to much devices is that they sample only one point in the cross section. 6-29 Figure 6.14 Suspended sediment samplers 6-30 Figure 6.15 Bed-load sediment samplers Sediment water discharge relationship Sediment measurements, like discharge measurements by current meters, give only occasional samples of the sediment discharge. Since sediment is transported by water, there exists a relationship between sediment discharge and water discharge. This relationship is unique for each stream and is called a sediment-rating curve, relating suspended-sediment discharge and water discharge. This relationship is commonly used to estimate load on days when no measurements were taken. Figure 6. 16 shows the sediment rating curve for the Ruvu river at Morogoro road bridge (Tanzania). The scatter of points in this figure shows that such relations are only approximate. This is because a given river discharge may result from vegetation covers and land uses occurring in different seasons. Rainfall storms of differing intensity, and thus a different sediment load would result from each case. Rainfall storms occurring in different seasons also produce different sediment load due to the different vegetation covers and land uses occurring in different seasons. Therefore, sediment-rating curves should be used with caution 6-31 and where possible applied only to small and relatively homogeneous basins. However, when they are used to estimate mean annual sediment yield, the errors in the sediment rating will tend to compensate and the resulting answer should be reasonably satisfactory if a sufficiently long record is used. Figure 6.16 Water sediment discharge relationship (Ruvu river, Tanzania) 6.3 Hydrograph analysis A runoff hydrograph is a response of a catchment due to rainfall. As soon as rainfall begins there is an initial period of interception and infiltration before any measurable runoff reaches the stream channel. During the period of rainfall these losses continue in a reduced form. When the initial losses are met, surface runoff begins and continues to a peak value which occurs at the time tp (measured from the centre of gravity of the rain graph of net rain). There after it declines along the recession limb until it completely disappears. Meanwhile the infiltration and percolation which have been continuing during the gross rainfall period elevates the groundwater table which therefore contributes more at the end of the storm flow than at the beginning. But, 6-32 thereafter it again declines along its depletion. Surface runoff is convenient assumed to contain two other components namely: Channel precipitation and interflow. The time to peak or lag time is defined as follows: from start of rainfall to peak flow center or from center of rainfall to peak flow or from center of rainfall to center of runoff. The time of concentration tc is the time required for a rainfall drop to travel from the remotest part of the drainage basin to the gauging station or basin outlet. The time of concentration is not necessarily equal to the lag time or time of peak. For a given rainfall intensity (I) the proportion of rainfall which contributes to runoff increases with time. Rising limb of a runoff hydrograph is influenced by: a) Area characteristics b) The effect of valley storage c) Infiltration capacity of catchment d) Pattern of rainfall intensity (I) which is normally non-linear and time variant. The falling limb is influenced by: Storage characteristics in the basin which are made up of surface and sub-surface storage. Since groundwater contribution to flood flow is quite different in character from surface runoff it is normally analysed separately. The first requirement in hydrograph analysis is to separate these two. In baseflow analysis, there are two cases to be known. 1. 2. Influent streams: In Influent streams the channel bed is above the ground water table and therefore, the river recharges the groundwater and thus the baseflow is negative i.e. the stream feeds the under groundwater. Effluent streams: In Effluent streams the channel bed is below the groundwater table and therefore, the groundwater contributes to the flow in the river and thus the groundwater contribution is positive. Rivers which dry up completely from time to time are called Emphemeral streams. Intermittent streams are those which are both Influent and Effluent streams according to seasons contributing 6-33 baseflow during rainless periods in the wet season of the year but drying up completely in the dry season. Perennial streams are mainly Effluent streams i.e. they never dry up and the flow during the dry season is mainly due to baseflow. 6.3.1 Baseflow separation Separation of baseflow can vary very widely. Detailed knowledge of geo-hydrology of the catchment including areal extent of transmissibility of the aquifers is necessary to analyze its precise position. It is more practical to use consistent baseflow separation technique. Figure 6.17 shows the baseflow separation techniques. Figure 6. 17 Methods of baseflow separation 6-34 (a) Project the pre-storm baseflow under the peak. Draw the separation line rising from beneath the peak to a point on the recession limb that is N days after the peak, where N(days) = A0.2 (sq. Miles). (b) Plot the hydrograph on a semi-logarithmic paper with discharge on the logarithmic scale. Fit a straight line to the lower part of the recession limb on this paper and project it backward under the peak. Transfer the values on this line to arithmetic graph paper. Sketch a rising limb for the baseflow to meet the projected curve. (c) Connect the discharge from the start of the rainstorm causing the flood hydrograph to the start of the depletion curve. The depletion curve is the lower part of the recession limps, which plots a straight line on semi-logarithmic paper. 6.3.2 Unit hydrograph The theory of the unit hydrograph was introduced by Sherman in 1932. The method is based on the assumption that the physical characteristics within a river basin (such as slope, size, drainage network, etc.) do not change significantly, and consequently there should be a great similarity in the shape of the hydrographs resulting from similar high intensity rainfalls. The unit hydrograph is defined as the runoff of a catchment to a unit depth of effective rainfall (e.g. 1 cm) falling uniformly in space and time during a period T (minute, hour, day). It should be noted that the intensity of the rainfall during this period T is equal to 1/T in order to obtain unit depth. The requirement of an effective precipitation falling uniformly in space limits the application of the unit hydrograph theory to catchments smaller than 100 - 500 km2, since for larger basins the assumption of a uniform distribution of the rainfall is hardly ever valid. The specific period of time for the excess rainfall T is known as the ‘unit storm period’. For small to medium sized drainage basins there is a certain unit storm period for which the shape of the hydrograph is not significantly affected by changes in the time distribution of the excess rainfall over this unit storm period. This means that equal depths of excess rainfall with different time-intensity patterns produce hydrographs of direct runoff which are the same when the duration of this excess rainfall is equal to or shorter than the unit storm period. An example of a unit hydrograph is given in Figure 6.18, where the effective rainfall, Pe and the unit hydrograph, DUH (Distribution Unit Hydrograph) are expressed in the same units: cm/d. 6-35 Figure 6.18 Unit hydrograph Figure 6.19 Convolution hydrograph 6-36 The unit hydrograph has a length of 4 days. The memory of the rainfall-runoff system is 3 days, since 3 days after the rain has stopped, the last rainfall excess comes to runoff. If the ordinates of the DUH are expressed in the same unit as the rainfall excess, they should sum to one. This will not be so if the ordinates convert unites from e.g. cm/d to m3/s. The unit hydrograph theory is based on the following assumptions: 1. The rainfall-runoff system is linear: This means that the duration of the surface runoff is constant for a given unit storm period, and the runoff is proportional to the effective rainfall depth. Thus, for a rainfall intensity twice the unit depth, the ordinates of the unit hydrograph have to be multiplied by two in order to obtain the corresponding surface runoff. 2. The principle of superposition applies: This is demonstrated with an example in Figure 6.19 for a rainstorm that lasts 3 days. The effective rainfall on these three days is 1, 3 and 2 mm, respectively. The rainfall of the first day produces a runoff Q1 equal to the unit hydrograph (DUH in figure 6.18). The rain of 3 mm on the second day produces a runoff Q2 starting on the second day and with ordinates three times the unit hydrograph (principle of linearity above). Finally the 2 mm rain on the third day results in a hydrograph Q3 with ordinates twice as large as the DUH and starting on day 3. The principle of superposition means that the rainfall-runoff relation of each day is independent of events on other days, so that the combined effect of the three day rainstorm may be found by adding the runoff (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) produced by each single day as shown on the bottom of figure 6.19. This process of computing the runoff for each time step and the subsequent shifting and adding is known as convolution. The process of convolution shown in Figure 6.19 is numerically worked out in Table 6.1 3: Time-invariance: This means that the unit hydrograph does not change with time. So, in summer and winter, dry or wet season, the same direct runoff response to rainfall excess applies.Thus if the rainfall-runoff system may be assumed linear and time-invariant, the unit hydrograph may be convoluted with the effective rainfall to yield the direct runoff or surface hydrograph, as demonstrated with an example in Table 6.1. 6-37 Derivation of the unit hydrograph Graphically the derivation of the unit hydrograph would involve the following steps: 1. Draw the full runoff hydrograph and separate the base flow 2 Determine the ordinates of the base flow and surface runoff 3. Draw the hydrograph of surface runoff and calculate the volume/depth 4. Calculate the runoff coefficient which, is usually expressed as follows: k 5. total surface runoff total ra inf all (6.19) Let us say that the resulting runoff coefficient is 0.5 and that the total rainfall was 10 cm. Therefore, the effective rainfall is equal to 5 cm. But the unit hydrograph is one which, has a surface runoff contribution due to a unit of effective rainfall (i.e. 1cm) and not due to 5 cm of effective rainfall. 6. Therefore, we divide the ordinates of the surface runoff hydrograph by 5 to obtain the respective ordinates of the unit hydrograph we require, for the duration of our interest or specified duration. Numerically the ordinates of the Unit Hydrograph can be solved from the set of of equations presented in matrix form as show below: The general expression for the set of equations relating the runoff ordinates (Q), unit hydrograph ordinates (U) and effective rainfall ordinates (P) may be written as Qn = ni-1UiPn-(i-1) (6.20) Where n is the total number of runoff ordinates which is determined from the expression n = M + J –1 (6.21) where M is the total number of rainfall ordinates and J is the total number of unit hydrograph ordinates. It should be noted that Ui = 0 for i > J and Pi = 0 for i > M. 6-38 The set of equations may also be written in matrix form Q=PU (6.22) from which U could be solved as QP-1. However, the inverse of matrix P can only be obtained if P is a square matrix. Multiplying both sides of equation ?? by the transpose PT yields a square matrix (PTP) for which the inverse exists. Hence PT Q = PT P U (6.23) and the unknown vector U is found from U = (PT P)-1 PT Q (6.24) The matrix inversion method is one of the methods to solve the unit hydrograph from a set of rainfall-runoff data. Using a spreadsheet the matrix inversion method is available in the form of a multiple linear regression. The above problem is considered to consist of 6 linear equations of the type Y = c1X1 + c2X2 + c3X3 + c4X4 (6.25) where the dependent Y-variable is the discharge, the X-coefficients the ordinates of the unit hydrograph and the independent X-variables the precipitation values. Application of Unit hydrograph Consider a rain storm lasting three 3 time steps (say days) for which the effective rainfall is given by P1, P2 and P3. The unit hydrograph consists of 4 ordinates, U1, U2, U3 and U4. The convolution procedure as explained in Table 6.1 may be written as follows. 6-39 Q1 = P1U1 Q2 = P2U1 + P1U2 Q3 = P3U1 + P2U2 + P1U3 Q4 = 0 + P3U2 + P2U3 + P1U4 Q5 = 0 +0 + P3U3 + P2U4 Q6 = 0 +0 +0 + P3U4 (6.26) Since Ui = 1 it follows that Qi = Pi thus the total of effective rainfall equals the surface runoff. (The convolution procedure does not account for losses). Table 6.1 Numerical example of the convolution procedure Time 1 2 3 4 DUH 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 P 1 3 2 Q1 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.2 2.0 2.0 0.9 0.2 Q2 Q3 Q 0.1 0.8 5 6 7 0.0 It should also be noted that there are unit synthetic hydrographs which are derived from basin characteristics. 6.4 Reservoir storage analysis The major aim of evaluating the water resource is for planning purposes for the different water uses. In summary, water resources evaluation is carried out for the purpose of, to name a few; estimation of water requirements for hydro power generation, water supply for municipal and industrial supply and for the operation of water resource schemes. The methods that are applied in water resources evaluation are flow duration curve, mass curve analysis and the hydrologic mass balance approach. The yield of a basin is determined without storage and with storage. The water use in the basin is first quantified and this can be for water supply, irrigation, hydro power generation or a combination of the above uses. A major output of the river basin is a quantity of water per year W delivered according to some seasonal schedule. If at is the fraction of W to be delivered in month t, . then atW is the amount to be delivered in any month t and W is a single scalar 6-40 variable characterising the yield of the basin, at represents the fractional total yearly water demand W required for month t (water use coefficients). In a river basin, the water demand which can be provided with zero storage is: at I Min t a t W 1,2,...12 (6.27) 12 Dt 12 D t 1 t and a t 1 t 1 (6.28) t where It is the river flow in month t. This is the diversion flow that could be diverted from the river all year round without the need for a water storage facility. 6.4.1 Flow duration curve Another approach of determining the diversion flow is to use the flow duration curve for that basin. The most basic form of flow characteristics particularly for low flow investigation is the flow duration curve. A flow duration curve shows graphically the relationship between any given discharge and the percentage of time that discharge is equalled or exceeded. Flow duration curves are constructed by counting the number of days, months or years with flows in various class intervals. The selection of the time unit depends on the purpose of the curve. If a project is for the diversion of water from a river without storage (say you want to pump water daily to a town directly from the river), then the unit should be a day. This will indicate the absolute minimum flows of the river. But for reservoir designs the month or even the year may be sufficient , depending upon the size of the reservoir in relation to the inflow. Flow duration curves are mostly used in preliminary water resource studies (determination of the diversion flow and preliminary reservoir capacity) and for comparison of different rivers. Figure 6.20 shows the flow duration curves for Zambezi and Rufiji rivers. 6-41 Flow Duration curves for Zam bezi and Rufiji rivers 4500 Discharge (m 3/s) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 10 % Time flow is exceeded or equalled Rufiji river Zambezi river Figure 6.20 Flow duration curves for Zambezi and Rufiji Rivers 6.4.2 Mass Curve Analysis A mass curve is constructed by plotting the accumulative monthly or yearly flows against time. Figure 6.21 shows a diagram for a 4 year period. The slope of the mass curve at any time is a measure of the inflow rate at that time. Demand curves are straight lines having a slope equal to the demand rate which is uniform. Demand lines drawn tangent to the high points of the mass curve (A,B) represent rates of withdrawal from the reservoir. Assuming the reservoir to be full whenever a demand line intersects the mass curve, the maximum departure between the demand line and the mass curve represents the reservoir capacity required to satisfy the demand. It should be noted that the accumulative inflows have to be adjusted for evaporation loss and required releases for downstream users. If the demand is not uniform, the demand line becomes a curve i.e. a mass curve of demand, but the analysis remains the same. It is essential, however that the demand line for non-uniform demand coincide chronologically with the mass curve, i.e., June demand must coincide with June inflow. It should also be noted that a demand line must intersect the mass curve when extended forward. If it does not, the reservoir will not refill. Figure 6.22 shows a mass curve where the demand is non-uniform. 6-42 Figure 6.21 Mass curve for constant water demand Figure 6.22 Mass curve diagram for non-uniform water demand. 6-43 REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Linsley, R.K., Kohler, M.A., and Paulhus, J.L.H. 1982. Hydrology for Engineers. 3 rd edition McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Musgrave, G.W. and Holtan, H.N. 1964. Infiltration. Section 12 in Handbook of Applied Hydrology: Ven Te Chow editor, McGrwa-Hill Book Company, New York. Shaw, E.M. 1983. Hydrology in practice. Van Nostrand Reinhold (U.K.). Sherman, L.K. 1932. Streamflow from rainfall by the Unit-Graph method> Eng. NewsRec., Vol. 108. Chow, V.T. Editor, 1964. Handbook of Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill Book Company New York. 6-44 CHAPTER 6 EXERCISE Question 1 Table 1 shows the current meter velocity measurements that were carried out for a certain river in Tanzania. Calculate the discharge for the river at that particular time using the mean and the mid section and compare the results. Table 1. Current meter flow velocity measurements for a certain river in Tanzania Vertical Number 1 Distance from bank (m) 1.22 Depth (m) 0.29 V0.2 M/s V0.6 (m) 0.095 V0.8 (m) 2 2.134 0.43 0.122 3 3.049 0.61 0.101 4 3.963 0.64 0.128 5 4.878 0.70 0.134 6 5.793 0.69 0.140 7 6.707 0.67 0.152 8 7.317 0.76 0.213 0.146 9 7.927 0.85 0.239 0.152 10 8.537 0.92 0.25 0.159 11 9.146 0.899 0.274 0.180 12 9.756 0.945 0.284 0.174 13 10.366 0.976 0.296 0.159 14 10.976 0.930 0.274 0.195 15 11.585 0.945 0.253 0.159 6-45 Question 2. The stage-discharge data for a river has been collected and are presented in Table 2. The river flow overtops the banks at a gauge height of 340.00 cm. (a) Establish the rating curve for the river (use linear and/or logarithms plots) and comment on the suitability of the curves in the conversion of river stage into discharge. (b) Use the least squares method to establish the rating equation which has the form: Log(Q) = a + KlogH Table 2. River discharge and corresponding river stage Gauge height (cm) Discharge (m3/s) 116 7.0 112 9.0 120 10.0 144 15.2 157 16.9 205 27.2 244 38.4 279 49.6 308 62.7 336 72.9 348 76.4 348 80.2 380 104.0 388 105.0 413 118.0 420 121.0 468 186.0 488 241.0 6-46 Question 3. Use the information given in Table 3. to construct the flow duration curve and estimate the flow that is available 50% of the time. Table 3. Discharge values (m3/s) for a certain river in Swaziland 02/10/1959 03/10/1959 04/10/1959 05/10/1959 06/10/1959 07/10/1959 08/10/1959 09/10/1959 10/10/1959 11/10/1959 12/10/1959 13/10/1959 14/10/1959 15/10/1959 16/10/1959 17/10/1959 18/10/1959 19/10/1959 20/10/1959 21/10/1959 22/10/1959 23/10/1959 24/10/1959 25/10/1959 26/10/1959 27/10/1959 28/10/1959 29/10/1959 30/10/1959 31/10/1959 01/11/1959 02/11/1959 03/11/1959 04/11/1959 05/11/1959 06/11/1959 07/11/1959 08/11/1959 09/11/1959 10/11/1959 11/11/1959 2.89 2.92 4.02 4.96 3.74 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.11 3.00 2.94 3.00 3.03 3.06 3.03 2.83 2.66 3.26 5.95 6.23 7.08 5.66 5.27 4.96 4.73 4.19 3.82 3.23 3.11 3.11 3.03 3.40 3.96 4.25 3.82 3.45 3.43 3.45 4.96 5.10 4.59 02/01/1960 03/01/1960 04/01/1960 05/01/1960 06/01/1960 07/01/1960 08/01/1960 09/01/1960 10/01/1960 11/01/1960 12/01/1960 13/01/1960 14/01/1960 15/01/1960 16/01/1960 17/01/1960 18/01/1960 19/01/1960 20/01/1960 21/01/1960 22/01/1960 23/01/1960 24/01/1960 25/01/1960 26/01/1960 27/01/1960 28/01/1960 29/01/1960 30/01/1960 31/01/1960 01/02/1960 02/02/1960 03/02/1960 04/02/1960 05/02/1960 06/02/1960 07/02/1960 08/02/1960 09/02/1960 10/02/1960 11/02/1960 7.16 6.71 6.46 6.12 5.89 5.92 5.97 7.39 6.26 5.89 6.46 6.43 6.26 5.89 5.58 5.30 5.07 6.54 8.66 8.33 6.57 6.09 6.20 14.22 11.36 11.21 9.71 8.41 7.53 6.97 6.54 6.65 18.55 22.51 20.73 15.49 12.20 13.56 14.13 12.74 14.24 21/02/1960 22/02/1960 23/02/1960 24/02/1960 25/02/1960 26/02/1960 27/02/1960 28/02/1960 29/02/1960 01/03/1960 02/03/1960 03/03/1960 04/03/1960 05/03/1960 06/03/1960 07/03/1960 08/03/1960 09/03/1960 10/03/1960 11/03/1960 12/03/1960 13/03/1960 14/03/1960 15/03/1960 16/03/1960 17/03/1960 18/03/1960 19/03/1960 20/03/1960 21/03/1960 22/03/1960 23/03/1960 24/03/1960 25/03/1960 26/03/1960 27/03/1960 28/03/1960 29/03/1960 30/03/1960 31/03/1960 01/04/1960 14.53 13.93 14.70 14.22 13.51 13.65 12.88 11.38 10.79 10.42 9.91 9.26 8.86 8.64 8.41 8.10 7.96 7.79 7.50 7.31 7.02 6.77 6.74 6.97 14.78 15.69 13.37 10.56 9.09 10.56 8.78 8.35 8.07 7.87 7.59 7.45 7.19 7.14 7.05 6.91 6.80 6-47 12/11/1959 13/11/1959 14/11/1959 15/11/1959 16/11/1959 17/11/1959 5.10 5.66 8.78 9.06 10.99 10.19 12/02/1960 13/02/1960 14/02/1960 15/02/1960 16/02/1960 17/02/1960 15.74 16.74 16.48 14.36 12.54 11.47 02/04/1960 03/04/1960 04/04/1960 05/04/1960 06/04/1960 07/04/1960 8.66 7.84 7.67 6.97 6.71 6.46 Question 4. Table 4 presents the monthly flows for a certain river in the USA (m3/s) (a) (b) Draw the mass curve Using the answer in (a) estimate the reservoir capacity for a constant demand rate of 4.5x106 m3 per month Table 4. Discharge values for a certain river in the USA (m3/s) 1961 1962 January 32.5 7.5 February 32.0 14.0 March 7.0 27.0 April 1.0 10.8 May 0.5 4.0 June 0.0 1.4 July 0.0 0.0 August 0.0 0.0 September 0.0 0.0 October 0.0 6.6 November 2.0 2.1 December 7.5 24.1 6-48