IEEE802.11 Sensor Networking P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni Paolo Ferrari Dept. of Electronics for Automation and INFM, University of Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia Italy, Tel: +39 030 3715627, Fax: +39 030 380014, email: Alessandra Flammini Dept. of Electronics for Automation and INFM, University of Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia Italy, Tel: +39 030 3715627, Fax: +39 030 380014, email: Daniele Marioli Dept. of Electronics for Automation and INFM, University of Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia Italy, Tel: +39 030 3715430, Fax: +39 030 380014, email: Andrea Taroni Dept. of Electronics for Automation and INFM, University of Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia Italy, Tel: +39 030 3715440, Fax: +39 030 380014, email: Keywords: Smart sensor, IEEE802.11, Wireless Ethernet, IP, Sensor Network 1. Introduction In a modern industrial plant there are thousands of transducers and a significant part of the total cost is due to cables. Moreover, a wired system requires a continuous maintenance and offers a reduced scalability; in effect, adding new segment or modifying an existing one could be very costly, since structural works should be necessary. Consumer market is evolving toward pervasive wireless applications and this trend will result in a general cost reduction for all wireless communication devices and chipsets. Industrial market still resist on cabling position, even if wireless promises are very attractive; for instance, better mechanical reliability in hostile environments (with vibrations or corrosive agents) and high network scalability, even in successive steps, can be achieved. In fact, today many vendors propose standard-based and proprietary wireless products ready to be used in industry, but generally no care is taken of time-critical applications. Solutions that use proprietary hardware and protocols can offer superior performance and lower power consumption than Standard-based solution, since they can be finely trimmered on client requirements. In reality, a wireless network is frequently installed into an already present network structure, so extra attention should be paid about compatibility. In a factory there is a network stratification where each layer operates at a different level, from a single automation cell up to the administration. If a smart transducer is able to talk with high level protocols, bottleneck can be avoided since no (or less) gateways are needed. Furthermore, Internet and Web offers the higher degree of standardization and a wireless transducer supporting Internet protocols can be greatly advantaged. Wireless networks based on international Standards seem to be a good option because, although they can not reach a full optimization, they are widely known and supported. Among Wireless standards, Bluetooth (BT) [1] and Wireless Ethernet (IEEE802.11) [2] are the most diffused ones: Bluetooth is a short range (<10-100 m), low data-rate (<700 kbit/s) communication standard, while IEEE802.11 is designed to replace Ethernet wired network since it has a higher data-rate (i.e. 54 Mbit/s using part g specification) and a longer range (100 m or more with an external antenna). In addition, IEEE1451 group is currently working on part 5 to produce a standard on wireless sensor and these two Standards are favorite candidates to be adopted at low layer. Porting of Internet protocols over Bluetooth is more complicated than over IEEE802.11 that is a part of the famous IEEE802 family. In addiction, IEEE802.11 is the natural solution for Ethernet based-environment; in fact, IEEE802.11 components [3] are commonly employed to extend industrial Ethernet links, as depicted in Fig. 1. Our objective is to show the feasibility of a wireless sensor network for industrial application that has a low cost and that can be easily integrated with an existing infrastructure. For all these reasons the IEEE802.11 standard has been chosen as physical layer and a 8-bit microcontroller has been used to manage the wireless interface. 2. Preliminaries IEEE802.11, also known as Wireless Ethernet or WiFi, was born in 1996. It defines the MAC (Medium Access Control) and the Physical layer (PHY) of a wireless connection between fixed and mobile stations. Wireless Ethernet architecture is essentially a cellular type network: the active stations can access a backbone network (Distribution System), by means of base stations (Access Point), and exchange data; otherwise, if no base station is present, active stations can communicate directly each other, provided that their ranges overlap. The last topology is called “ad hoc” network. PHY layers included in the IEEE802.11 are: Frequency Hopping spread-spectrum radio in the ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) free band; Direct Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) in the ISM; Infrared (not commercially sustained). MAC layer uses an access protocol of the CSMA/CA (Carrier-Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) family relying on a random backoff and on control frames (Request To Send/Clear To Send packets). A data encryption algorithm, called WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy), is also provided to guarantee both wireless station authentication and privacy protection. There are three implementations of the IEEE802.11: the older realization was the 802.11b that operates at 2.4GHz with a maximum data rate of 11Mbit/s; 802.11a was introduced to increase data rate up to 54 Mbit/s but it works at 5GHz, a frequency that is not free in Europe; last and more promising is the 802.11g, compatible with part 802.11b (2.4GHz) and featuring the same transfer rate of 802.11a. This improvement has been obtained by the use of a combination of DSSS and Ortogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique. 3. Proposed Approach The proposed approach is shown in Fig. 2a, where several IEEE802.11 wireless transducers belong to the same “ad hoc” network together with other WiFi devices. There is no difference between a PC or a wireless transducer and, generally, information can be exchanged peer-topeer without any rule. The proposed architecture has a master-slave topology, because in industrial applications such organization offers a reliable solution that keeps network traffic low and produces repeatable results. Anyway, this solution is open to any data architecture; as an example, each network entity can be a master or a slave and, since everyone is visible within the same cell, master rights could be passed each other. Moreover, the proposed architecture can be linked with an already present wired Ethernet segment by means of an Access Point (AP) as illustrated in Fig. 2b. The AP enables wireless network traffic to be transmitted over the a preexisting fixed network, overcoming range limitation and allowing merging of different wireless sub-networks. The conceptual block diagram of the proposed wireless transducer is shown in Fig. 2. There are three main parts: transducer interface and signal processing blocks are common to any smart sensor, while IEEE802.11 MAC (Media Access Control) and RF section are specific of a WiFi equipped transducers. Nowadays, in a smart sensor, signal processing is always performed by a microcontroller and, in order to keep costs low, it should also furnish an adequate support to communication algorithms. In fact, network protocols require more computational power than traditional point-to-point ones. In view of the fact that transducer interface and signal processing depend on specific realization and application of a wireless device, they are not treated here. In the following, only problems related with networking are considered, while transducer is substituted with generic I/O lines (analog or digital). The proposed system relies on a protocol stack (i.e. a set of protocols) based on IEEE802.11, but it is also ready to connect with internet. Wireless Ethernet protocol is directly derived from standard IEEE802.3 with insertion of a LLC (IEEE802.2 Logical Link Control) and SNAP (IEEE802.3 SubNetwork Access Protocol) fields. Differences with more common “Ethernet II”, which hasn’t LLC and SNAP, can be here ignored since they are transparent to any upper protocol. Internet Protocol (IP) is fundamental in every application that could be interconnected with a global network, so it has been implemented as a basis, then a transport layer protocol should be put over it. The internet stack offers two protocols, UDP (User datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transfer Control Protocol); the first is the simplest, in fact it accommodates few information allowing link data multiplexing (virtual “ports” over the same network link); the second is a powerful connection-oriented protocol that guarantees a reliable transport providing retransmission of lost data packets. Obviously, TCP software is more complex and, even though solutions optimized for microcontroller were proposed in [4,5], UDP has been used in this work. In addition, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) must be implemented to assure proper operation. Last, a suitable proprietary protocol has been designed over UDP, how it is reported in Fig. 4a with the well-known Ethernet frame. Protocol operation is typical of a master-slave architecture; the master interrogate each slave waiting for a response. Messages from master to slave (Fig. 3b) have the following fields: Destination: indication of which slave is the destination of the message. This field seem to be redundant since MAC and IP addresses already specify a unique physical device; actually, it is useful in case of multiple sensors that share the same network card (i.e. multiplexing) Command & length: type of message (read/write, Data or Config). It also contains length (4-bit) of the following data-field. Data: data for WRITE operations Master_Timer: value of the master timer when the message was compiled. Response messages from slave to master (Fig. 4c) are composed of: Source: indication of which slave is the source of the message. Considerations reported in the above Destination field are still valid. Command Ack & length: Acknowledge of the received command and length (4-bit) of the following data-field. Data: data from READ operations Slave_Timer: value of the slave timer when the message was compiled Link_Quality: value of the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator, range 27-154) given by the slave card. Once again, during this preliminary test phase simplicity has been preferred to safety; no control or error correction/prevention facilities have been introduced. It should be remarked that this protocol provides a certain degree of flexibility; for example, slaves could generate messages to the master without being asked for. This extension, not tested yet, can be carried out modifying the meaning of Command Ack field; for instance, if asynchronous message are needed (e.g. alarms), a bit of this field can be reserved to signal an unsolicited transmission. A general scansion cycle of the proposed wireless system is reported in Fig. 5. The scansion total length can be obtained as Ts = Ti · N where N is the number of slave in the sub-network system and Ti is the interrogation time required to transfer and process slave data. In order to reduce the interrogation time Ti, the master sends a request to slave n, decodes the slave (n-1) reply then receives slave n reply; parallelly on the other side, during this time the slave n can decode and create its response packet which will be processed next slot. To demonstrate a really working 802.11 sensor network, a prototype has been build as shown in Fig. 6. Each WiFi transducer has an analog input channel (0-3.3V), 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs. The core of the system is a low-cost 8-bit microcontroller PIC18LF452 from Microchip with 32 kbytes of flash-type program memory and 1536 bytes of RAM; other integrated peripherals used in the prototype are the 10bit AD converter and two 16-bit timers. As IEEE802.11b MAC and PHY device an Orinoco Silver PCMCIA card from Lucent has been adopted. This kind of solution is very effective since wireless PCMCIA cards can be found cheaply in every computer shop, while single components of a 802.11 chipset must be purchased in lots of thousands. Moreover, if well-industrialized and standard-compliant RF devices are employed, layout design of the prototype is greatly simplified. Orinoco card must be inserted into a standard 68-pin socket and the PCMCIA bus interface has been implemented with a Cypress CY37128 CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device); it hosts a state machine that helps the microcontroller to access sequentially the registers required to drive the 16-bit wide PCMCIA bus. Both microcontroller and CPLD operate at the main clock frequency of 20MHz. The power supply section serves transducers, logic circuits and 802.11 module. It can accept input from a fixed source or from a mobile source like a battery or a solar cell. It should be said that all devices used can support 3.3V operation but the prototype works at 5V because of Orinoco Silver Card constrains (PCMCIA “standard mode”). 4. Results The prototype, shown in Fig. 5 and powered with 5 V, absorbs about 350mA of which 180mA are due to the WiFi card alone. The software has been written in C; IP/UDP stack has been arranged to fit the poor memory resources of the μC, while the Orinoco Silver Card driver has been derived from a free library (Lucent HCF-light). The total occupation is 15 kbytes of code space and 1 kbytes of RAM. Experimental setup includes two wireless transducers and one PC connected together with a “ad hoc” network topology (see Fig. 2a). This configuration has been preferred since it should be a favorable situation to achieve the best performance. Experiments are divided into two groups: in the first one, only two prototypes have been used, one set as the master and the other working as a slave; in the second set both prototypes are slaves and dialog with the PC, where a LabVIEW virtual instrument acts as the master. Panel of the proposed test interface is shown in Fig. 7. With the first setup a point-to-point connection between master and slave has been employed to measure the true rate of Ethernet packet generation (maximum throughput). Given that software of master and slave is over our total control with no Operative System overhead, an accurate estimation of delays can be done. 100 consecutive request messages have been generated by the master and received by the slave, that was programmed not to respond: a mean time of 2.6 ms is required by the prototype to build and send a packet. These time intervals have been measured in hardware (with a Logic Analyzer HP1692A connected to the microcontroller) and also verified with a network sniffer, like Ethereal, installed on the PC. Next, the proposed system architecture has been stressed with all its functionalities activated. The PC run the LabVIEW interface that accesses the sensor with mode and protocols previously described, while the Logic Analyzer measures time delays probing microcontroller pins. For each transducer, analog input is connected to a waveform generator HP33120 (sinewave @ 10 Hz, 4Vpp), digital inputs are associated to a dip-switch bank and digital outputs are attached to some LEDs. In this conditions, the mean time over 30 measures of the following operations has been computed: ICMP Echo Request (as known as PING) takes 5.7ms The time that takes the master to retrieve information from a slave with a single request (no cycle and no overlay) is Td = 11.5 ms Ti, defined above, is 9.3 ms (cycling and processing overlay activated) Finally, some experiments about the operative range covered by the prototype have been also carried out. This kind of measurement strongly depends on environmental conditions: if a level of RSSI equal to 80 is considered as a safe working limit, a 60 m indoor range can be obtained with no obstructions. Presence of metal obstacles or reinforced walls reduce this range down to a half. 5. Conclusions In conclusion, a complete solution to connect a IEEE802.11 based sensor with a wireless network has been presented. WiFi is gaining market popularity and prices of interface cards, chipset and other related components are falling. At the same time vendors of industrial components are moving toward wireless solution to replace old wired control devices. The proposed wireless system architecture can be integrated in an existing Ethernet infrastructure by means of commercial AP, since most diffused protocols are supported (IP and UDP). To show feasibility, some sensor prototypes have been realized using standard PCMCIA cards interfaced with low cost electronics. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the system is compatible with soft real-time application in industry (Ts<10ms). Anyway, power consumption is rather high and the short autonomy of a battery power supply still remains the main disadvantage of the proposed IEEE802.11 sensor system. 6. Reference [1] Bluetooth SIG, “Specification of the Bluetooth System 1.1”, 2001, <> [2] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, “IEEE Standard for Information technology, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems, Local and metropolitan area networks. Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications”, 1999 [3] Siemens Corp., RLM (Radio Link Module), CP1515 (Wireless Ethernet card), MOBIC (Mobile Industrial Communicator), <> [4] FLAMMINI, A., FERRARI, P., SISINNI, E., MARIOLI, D., TARONI, A., ‘Sensor Interfaces: from field-bus to Ethernet and Internet ‘, Sensor & Actuators, part A, vol 101/1-2, September 2002, pp. 194-202 [5] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A.Taroni, “A Low-cost Internet-enable Smart Sensor”, Proc. on IEEE Sensors 2002, 12-14 June 2002, Orlando, USA. Wired Ethernet Access Point SCADA PLC PLC AP AP Wired Ethernet Figure 1. Wireless Ethernet used as a bridge between two Ethernet segments. Ethernet infrastructure 802.11 Transducer Access Point b 802.11 AP a Transducer 802.11 Transducer 802.11 802.11 Transducer Transducer 802.11 802.11 Transducer Transducer Figure 2. Proposed architecture: a) a wireless transducer network with an “ad hoc” topology; b) more general wireless transducer network with an Access Point and a wired Ethernet backbone. Figure 3. Block diagram of the proposed wireless transducer(S is for sensor, A is for actuator). a) 16 20 8 4-22 (0-pad to 16) 4 ETH 802.3 IP header UDP header Proposed Protocol ETH chksum (+LLC+SNAP) b) c) 1 1 0-16 2 Destination Command+len Data (write) Master_Timer 1 1 0-16 2 1 1 Source Com. Ack+len Data (read) Slave_Timer Reserved Link_quality Figure 4. The proposed protocol messages (3b master and 3c slave) and their position inside the Wireless Ethernet packet (3a). Ts Ti Master S0 Slave 0 D2 R0 S1 D0 R1 S2 D1 R2 D+S Slave 1 D+S Slave 2 D+S slot n-1 slot n slot n+1 Figure 5. Operations performed by master and slaves during a cycle of the proposed protocol (in case of 3 slaves). Decode phase for slave n-1 is performed during interrogation of slave n. (R=receive, S=send, D=decode) Power supply DA μC DS AS PIC18LF452 8-bit bus PCMCIA interface logic CY37128 802.11b card Orinoco PCMCIA bus Figure 6. Block diagram of the proposed prototype. (DA=digital actuators, DS=digital sensors, AS=analog sensor) Figure 7. LabView virtual instrument that implements, on a PC, the master functionality and the user interface of the proposed wireless network.