other FUNDS - The Mission Foundation

1. General Fund: (1988-Discretionary-General) - All revenue, expenditures and capital
of the Foundation that are not subject to terms and restrictions by donors are recorded
in the General Fund.
2. Margaret Erskine Bursary Fund: (1988-Bursary) - To provide bursaries to students
who have shown outstanding abilities, either in school or outside or a vocation in the
fields of Athletics, Education, Music, or the Arts, or Sciences.
3. Vic and Hilda Hollister Fund (Renamed & amalgamated March 17, 2011 from
- Hollister Prize for Earth Sciences Fund: (1988-Scholarship) - To provide financial
assistance to one student annually who will be pursuing advanced study in Earth
Sciences; and
- Hollister Scholarship for Basic Sciences Fund: (1989-Scholarship) - To provide
financial assistance to two students annually who will be pursuing advanced study in
Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics, and,
- Hollister Scholarship for Engineering Fund: (1990-Scholarship) - To provide
financial assistance to two students annually who will be pursuing advanced study in
Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
4. Jonson Bequest Fund: (1989-Discretionary-Field of Interest) - To provide
assistance for Drug and Alcohol abuse prevention, and/or to provide assistance for
students studying Gymnastics or Dance.
5. Friends of the Library Fund: (1993-Designated) - Established to maintain
Furnishings, Collections and Equipment in the Mission Library.
6. Clint Lobb Shake & Shingle Industry Fund: (1990-Scholarship) - In memory of
Clinton Lobb to provide financial assistance to students pursuing a career in Aviation or
7. Albert McMahon Mission City Rotary Club Fund: (1989-Discretionary-Field of
Interest) - To provide financial assistance to kids in Special Circumstances and in need
of help
8. George Willoughby Cooke Fund: (1991-Discretionary-Field of Interest Amended
2012) – In memory of George Willoughby Cooke to recognize academic achievement in
the fields of Mathematics and Science and friendship and kindness in Grades Seven,
Eight and Nine.
9. Youth Centre Fund: (1991-Designated) - To provide financial assistance for the
Mission Youth Centre. (Adolescent Resource Centre).
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10. Hollister General Scholarship Fund renamed eff. Jan. 1, 2010 from Mission
Memorial Hospital Study Fund: (1994)
- First Priority: To assist in the upgrading and modernization of skills of Health Care
workers employed by or associated with the Mission Memorial Hospital;
- Second Priority: To provide scholarship funds to graduating a grade 12 student if not
applied for by a mature student.
11. Enabling Fund: (1993-Designated) - To assist Mission Foundation in covering
operating and administrative costs.
12. Jim Slusarchuk Memorial Fund: (1993-Bursary) - To provide financial assistance
to graduating students of Mission's Secondary Schools in any vocational area.
13. Hollister UFV Science & Technology Entry Level Scholarship Fund (Hatzic):
(1994-Scholarship) - To provide financial assistance to one graduating student of Hatzic
Secondary School pursuing post-secondary education in the field of Science at UFV.
14. Hollister UFV Science & Technology Entry Level Scholarship Fund (Mission):
(1994-Scholarship) - To provide financial assistance to one graduating student of
Mission Secondary School pursuing post-secondary education in the field of Science at
15. Beaton Patience Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Fund: (1994Discretionary-Field of Interest) - To provide financial assistance in the area of Drug and
Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Care and Treatment.
16. Glen Kask Theatrical Legacy Fund: (1994-Discretionary-Field of Interest) Established to assist in the promotion of the Performing Arts.
17. Mission Life Time Learning Association Fund: (1994-Designated) - To provide
financial assistance to the Lifetime Learning Society.
18. Dirk Boswyk Fund: (1995-Scholarship) - In memory of Dirk Boswyk to provide
financial assistance to students in the area of Computer Science.
19. Cynthia Verhulst Memorial Scholarship Fund: (1995-Scholarship) - In memory of
Cynthia Verhulst to provide financial assistance to students in the area of Music.
20. G. W. "Bill" Harris Fund: (1996-Discretionary) - To provide funds for general
charitable purposes in conformity with the objects of Mission Foundation.
21. Community Fund: (1996-Discretionary) - To provide Funds to the Mission
Foundation in support of general charitable purposes.
22. Hollister-Trinity Western University General Scholarship Fund:
(1997-Scholarship) - To provide financial assistance to a Mission graduating student
pursuing studies at TWU.
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23. Adair Family Fund: (1997-Bursary) - Established for Mission residents, past &
present, to enable them to further their education or training in any discipline of the Arts
or in the Finance/Accounting fields.
24. Hollister-Trinity Western University Health Science Scholarship:
(1998-Scholarship) To provide financial assistance to a Mission graduating student
attending Trinity Western University for studies in the health sciences.
25. Mission Sports Loggers Association Fund: (1999-Bursary) - To provide
bursaries to graduating Mission students who have shown citizenship, particularly in the
fields of Athletics/Sports.
26. Hollister-Trinity Western University Post Secondary Scholarship: (1999Scholarship) - To provide financial assistance to a Mission graduating student attending
Trinity Western University for studies in any field. If no application is obtained from a
graduating student the scholarship may be granted to any Mission student already
enrolled at TWU.
27. Harris Family Fund: (1999-Bursary) - To provide financial assistance to graduating
Mission students for studies in the fields of Horticulture or Veterinary Science
28. Mission Hospice Society Endowment Fund: (2000-Designated) – To provide
funds to assist the Society to carry out its duties.
29. Negrin Fund: (2000-Discretionary) - The funds are to be applied to “The objects of
the Foundation” and to memorialize the Negrin Family.
30. Ellis Family Fund: (2000-Bursary) - To financially assist students in furthering their
post secondary education in the fields of business, accounting, computers or finance.
31. Elizabeth O. Stevens Memorial Fund: (2000-Bursary) - To provide a bursary for a
student or students studying towards careers in the fields of health sciences, nursing or
32. Finch Memorial Fund: (2000-Scholarship) - To provide 2 scholarships of equal
value (at least $500) one going to a student going into science, the other to a student
going into arts.
33. Yum Science Fund: (2000-Scholarship) - A scholarship for a student going on to
further education in the fields of sciences or math. Restricted to a graduating student
from Heritage Park Secondary School
34. Jack Cannon Memorial Fund: (2001-Bursary/Scholarship) - A bursary and/or
scholarship for Mission Grade 12 students intending to continue their education at a
trade or vocational training school or institute.
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35. Derrough Fund (2001 Discretionary-Field of Interest) - For candidates pursuing;
first priority – musical studies, related programs; second priority – trades in any field of
36. LeDuc Fund: (2002 Bursary) -To provide bursaries for students 16 years of age or
over attending an educational institution whose credentials are recognized by the
Province of British Columbia. Must be a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church,
Mission, BC.
37. Skillicorn-Melanchuk Fund: (2002 Bursary) -To provide bursaries to persons
seeking to enhance their skills in the field of Music (primary objective) or Art (secondary
objective). Skill enhancement programs must be provided by persons/organizations
either within Canada or the United Kingdom only, and whose credentials are recognized
by the Province of British Columbia.
38. Carrie Skillicorn Fund: (2003 Bursary) - To provide bursaries to students pursuing
post secondary in the field of Business Administration.
39. Bernice V. Cordick Fund: (2003 Bursary) - To provide bursaries to students
pursuing post secondary studies in the fields of Mathematics or Literacy. Equal
weighting for demonstrated leadership, citizenship, peer counseling, and community
service as well as scholastic achievement.
40. Debbie Mattson Memorial Fund: (2003 Bursary) - To provide bursaries to students
pursuing post secondary studies in the fields of Veterinary Science, Animal Welfare
(primary objective) or Health Science (secondary objective).
41. Fenmo Boswyk Music Fund: (2003 Discretionary - Field of Interest) - To provide
grants and/or bursaries to Mission residents pursuing enhancement of their skills
however composition, arrangement and other related endeavours are also acceptable
for consideration.
42. Annette Fitch Memorial Fund: (2004 Bursary) - To provide bursaries for students
completing the French Immersion program in S.D. #75 pursuing post secondary in
French language first preference.
43. Norma Kenney Fund: (2004 Designated) - To meet the goals and objectives of the
Mission Heritage Association.
44. McPherson Family Community Fund: (2004 Discretionary) - To provide qualifying
organizations and/or individuals for general charitable purposes in conformity with the
objects of Mission Foundation.
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45. Michael & Cynthia Butcher Fund: (2005 Bursary) - To provide non-academic
bursaries for students who are residents of Mission attending S.D. #75 pursuing skills
enhancement in fields such as Food & Nutrition, Clothing & Textiles, Tourism &
Hospitality, Carpentry & Metalwork.
46. Calnek Family Fund: (est. 2005 completed 2015 Bursary) - Bursary for
candidate(s) pursuing their post secondary education in any field.
47. Circle of Wisdom Society Fund (COWS): (est. 2006 completed 2010 Bursary) Bursary for female candidate(s) pursuing the teaching profession in any field
(trade schools and/or university/colleges). Strong academics, well rounded abilities,
volunteerism displayed, good leadership skills, strong social skills, and ability to express
themselves verbally.
48.CrimeStoppers Perpetual Fund: (2006 Field of Interest and/or grants) - To provide
funds for the purposes of meeting the goals and objectives of the Central Fraser Valley
49. David Fryer Fund (2006 Scholarship) - To provide scholarships to students who
attended at least two years in school’s music department. Showed leadership and
demonstrated the “spirit” of the music department.
50. Rock Family Fund (2006 Scholarship-Field of Interest and/or grants)
- To provide scholarships for post-secondary studies leading to a career in Pharmacy;
- proceeds to benefit the Mission Hospice Society, and/or
- proceeds to provide a lunch or breakfast program for needy students in Mission
Schools or assist in funds a Food Bank (food for the needy) service in Mission.
51. Robin and Fran Sorrell Fund (2006 Scholarship) - To provide scholarship for
enrollment in post secondary program emphasizing poetry and English.
52. Albert McMahon Memorial Fund (2006 Scholarship) - To provide scholarship for
full-time secondary studies leading to forestry related trades or professions. Preference
to candidates with a strong record of volunteerism or community involvement.
One award for each secondary school.
53. Ralph Babuik Fund (2006 Scholarship) - To provide scholarship for candidates
pursuing careers in the Trades (such as carpentry, plumbing, construction, etc.)
54. James Muir Family Fund (est. 2007 Discretionary-Field of Interest, completed
Half to provide monies for the beautification of Mission:
Half to be disbursed to Mission Hospice Society, or its successor.
55. Rotary Literacy Endowment Fund (est. 2007 Field of Interest completed 2011)
- To promote literacy both in Mission and around the world.
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56. Rotary Sustaining Scholars Fund (est. 2008 Scholarship, completed May 2012)
- To provide scholarships for post-secondary students in their second, or subsequent
57. Cliff and Marjorie Rock Family Fund (2008 Discretionary) - To provide monies for
discretionary grants.
58. Marilyn McClinton Memorial Fund (est. 2004 Bursary) - To provide bursaries for
graduating grade 12 students pursuing Education.
59. Gerry Potter Memorial Fund (est. 1996 Bursary) - To provide bursaries for
graduating grade 12 students pursuing post-secondary in fine arts programs.
60. Ross Allan Memorial Fund (2008 Bursary) - To provide bursaries for Mission
Secondary School graduating students pursuing (1st priority) engineering or (2nd priority)
applied science.
61. Mission Granite Club Fund (2009 Discretionary-Field of Interest) - To provide
funds for the development of junior curling, youth curling camp, and/or bursary for curler
attending post-secondary.
62. Hannah Dodd Memorial Scholarship (2009 Scholarship) - To provide scholarships
- initially in 2010 to a Mission Secondary School student pursuing Science or
Mathematics with goal of studying medicine or going into medical research. May have
subsequent funding.
63. Paula Chmilar Memorial Fund (est. 2006 Scholarship) - Scholarship to assist
candidate(s) enrolling in a program leading to a career in which reading and writing can
make a significant difference in the world. This could include, but is not limited to,
careers in teaching, creative writing, journalism, scholarly research, or literacy
64. Start-up #19 Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Legacy Fund
(est. 2009 Scholarship - Pending capitalization) - Award to candidate pursuing postsecondary studies in business.
65. Builders Fund (est. 2010, Discretionary)
Amalgamated Start-up #11 Dollars for Scholars (est. 2011) and Start-up #4 Robbie
Dyck Fund (est. 2002) to:
a. augment undercapitalized funds;
b. augment scholarship/bursaries; and/or,
c. act as a “flow through” vehicle within aims of the Foundation.
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66. Public Art Endowment Fund (est. 2010 Discretionary-Field of Interest) - For the
purpose of providing funds to support public art which is accessible, has aesthetic
qualities, reflects the values and beliefs of the community and celebrates our rich
heritage. The artwork may be permanent, semi-permanent, functional, temporary, or
visiting and includes all forms of art and performance.
67. Esther Claire Kathleen Clemo Scholarship Fund (2010 Scholarship) - To provide
scholarships to candidates:
a) enrolling in university with a view to becoming a school teacher; and/or,
b) enrolling in university with a view to becoming a registered nurse.
68. Jack & Mary Brown Fund (est. 2010 Bursary) - Bursaries to candidates pursuing
post-secondary in trades, carpentry, electrician, plumbing, etc.
69. Start-up #23 Ted Brown Animal Welfare Fund (est. 2011 Discretionary-Field of
Interest Pending capitalization) - For the purpose of providing:
a) care and shelter for sick or injured animals; and/or,
b) veterinarian expenses as necessary to achieve part (a) in the Mission and Fraser
Valley Regional District area/region.
70. Start-up #24 Animal Welfare Fund (est. 2011 Designated-Field of Interest) For the purpose of providing care and welfare of animals to organizations as listed on
71. Marco Corbin Scholarship Fund (est. Sept. 2011 completed April 19, 2012) To provide a scholarship to a Heritage Park Secondary student pursuing postsecondary studies in Fine Arts, Music, Dance, Drama; preference will be given to the
student who demonstrates community leadership.
72. John and BJ Pearson Fund (Dec. 2011 Bursary) - Bursary) to candidates pursuing
post-secondary studies leading to a career in policing; first priority in the RCMP. Priority
to students who have participated in the RCMP Boot Camp. Second priority is
emergency services, fire, or ambulance. Third priority would be an interest in nursing.
73. Mission District Historical Society Archives Fund (est. Mar. 2012 completed
October Designated) - To provide funding for archival purposes only.
74. Reel on the River Fund (est. May 2012 completed June 19, 2014DiscretionaryField of Interest) - To provide funding for projects of an artistic nature in the Mission
75. James Patty ‘Special Needs’ Fund (est. Feb. 2013 Bursary) - To provide a student
with financial help in pursuing post-secondary study in the field of special needs. This
would include the following areas: a) Special Education, i.e. School Teachers,
Assistants; b) Community Support, i.e. Social, Recreational Worker; c) Social Work, i.e.
Family Counselors; and, d) like Fields of Study.
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76. Start-up #28 Jane Hyslop Memorial Fund (est. Jan. 2013 Bursary - Pending
capitalization) - To provide a bursary for a student who intends to continue their studies
and education in the field of performing theatrical arts, stage production and/or
managing, costume or set design.
77. Carly Rae Jepsen Bursary Fund (est. March 2013 Bursary) - To provide financial
support to a student pursuing post-secondary studies or training in the area of Fine and
Performing Arts. This includes but is not limited to students with an interest in voice,
instrumental, dance, drama, music creation/production, and musical theatre.
78. Marilyn Boswyk Memorial Fund (est. December 2013 Discretionary) - To help
fund a seniors’ centre or alternatively to support seniors’ activities in the District of
79. Start-up #29 Lee & Park Family Fund (est. Feb. 27, 2014) Bursary/Scholarship Pending capitalization) - To provide bursaries and scholarships for students who want to
study a) Industrial Design, b) Architecture, or c) Engineering in a post-secondary school.
80. Start-up #30 Robson Family Fund (est. October 16, 2014 Bursary - Pending
capitalization) - To provide bursaries for students who are planning a career in Health
Services. Preference is to be given to a student who has overcome unique challenges.
81. Mission Hillstompers Terry Cox Athletic Bursary Fund (est. Nov. 13, 2014
Bursary) To provide bursaries to Mission resident students graduating class who will
continue the pursuit of excellence in athletics or a field of study related to athletics (i.e.
kinesiology, sports management, coaching, education in physical fitness, or physical
therapy). Priority will be in the following order: continuation in track and field,
continuation in another sport, study in a field related to athletics (as outline above).
82. Mission 2014 BC Winter Games Legacy Fund (est. April 23, 2015 Discretionary)
To provide grants toward sports infrastructure in Mission or for the provision of bursaries
for athlete/coach/official development in Mission, which will be administered on a
flowthrough basis by the Foundation. We recognize that TrueSport may be involved in
some allocations.
updated: 3 March 2016