adv evol learning targets.doc

Advanced Evolutionary Topics
I know
I need
Learning Targets
Name ________________________
Learning Target
I can describe what makes up a gene pool.
 Define gene pool.
How was the picture of the penguins supposed to remind you of a gene pool?
Why is it important for a species to have a large gene pool?
2. I can understand why populations evolve not individuals.
 Describe how the population of Peppered moths in England evolved due to the Industrial Revolution.
3. I can analyze data to show directional, stabilizing, or disruptive selection and describe how each is effecting the
 How does directional selection change the evolution of a population? Illustrate this with a graph. Think
about Peppered moths.
How does stabilizing selection change the evolution of a population? Illustrate this with a graph. Think
about Sickle Cell Anemia.
Advanced Evolutionary Topics
Learning Targets
I know
I need
Name ________________________
How does disruptive selection change the evolution of a population? Illustrate this with a graph. Think
about the color difference of male and female birds.
Learning Target
4. I can describe why a bottleneck effect has a negative effect on a population.
 Define bottleneck effect.
What does this do to the gene pool of a population?
What did you learn about bottleneck effect from the black footed ferret lab?
5. I can describe how a trait can have a high prevalence in a population due to founder effect.
 Define founder effect.
How was The Blue People of Troublesome Creek an example of founder effect?
Advanced Evolutionary Topics
I know
I need
Learning Targets
Name ________________________
Learning Target
6. I can describe various types of sexual selection in animals and relate how it is an example of disruptive selection.
 Define sexual selection.
Describe the mating ritual of the blue-footed booby.
7. I can use the Hardy Weinberg Theorem to calculate allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population.
 Write the Hardy Weinberg equation below.
How did the Teddy Graham lab help further your understanding of this concept?
8. I can contrast convergent and divergent evolution.
 Define convergent evolution and give an example. (think about the convergent concentration game)
Define divergent evolution and give an example.
Define coevolution and give an example. (think about the ants and the acacia tree)
Advanced Evolutionary Topics
Learning Targets
Name ________________________