Coordinator NEW guidance for the submission of Electronic Language Flag Award Results UPDATED MARCH 2013 How to return electronic marking grids to British Airways for processing. STEP 1 The school coordinator will receive an email, which will include a generic ‘zipped folder’ containing a master copy of grids. Instructions – detaching marking grids Double click on the zipped folder to open, inside you will find a folder including a number of files – each containing 25 marking grids. (Labelled 01-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100, 101-125, 126-150, 151-175, 176200, 201-225 & 226-250) Double click on the zipped folder to unzip it. Then select File, Save As and choose an appropriate place to save the file on your school network/drive. PLEASE SAVE THE FILE AS BALFA MASTER USN (Your Unique School Number) and your School name. NOTE: YOU MUST DETACH AND SAVE AS ABOVE BEFORE COMPLETING THE GRIDS, AS ZIPPED FILES ARE “READ ONLY” AND ANY INFO YOU INPUT WILL NOT BE SAVED D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 1 If you now make an extra copy of this unzipped file, you will have your own master file, which will mean you will no longer have to request grids. If you do forget to do this, a set will be available to download from our website. STEP 2 Instructions – completing the marking grids Open up the first saved file (01-25), ignore the first work sheet entitled ‘Summary’ as no input is required here. Along the bottom of the document, you will see numbered tabs. Click on the first numbered sheet (no.1) and complete the following fields (marked yellow) at the top of the marking grid Please note that there have been some slight changes to this part of the grids. TABS (i) Candidate’s First Name and Surname PLEASE ENSURE YOU TYPE THE NAME OF THE STUDENT EXACTLY AS YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR ON THE CERTIFCATE. If you request re-prints due to spelling errors, it could take up to 3 months to process. (ii) School name & Unique School Number (USN) You will only have to type this in once on grid number 1 only and it will appear on all the grids automatically. (iii) Tester’s name (iv) Language As you want it to appear on the certificate D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 2 (v) Year Group You only need to type in the number of the year group (e.g 9 or 10) (vi) Date Click on the yellow area, a downward arrow will appear from which you can select a date from the list (1-31). There is a separate yellow area with another downward arrow to select the month and year. STEP 3 Then proceed to complete the marks for the four sections: (i) Conversation (ii) Reading (iii) Role Play (iv) Listening To enter a candidate’s marks, you can either type an X in the relevant box OR when you click on a box it will highlight a drop down menu. You can choose the X from the drop down menu and it will automatically be entered into the marking grid. As you scroll down the page to enter the marks for other sections, the top part of the marking grid will seem to disappear. The information is still there, it is just temporarily hidden. No calculation or marking of scores is necessary, as the sheet will automatically do this for you. When you have completed the marking grid move on to the next tab at the bottom of the document, in this case, tab no.2. NOTE: if you erroneously enter two marks for the same topic, an error message will appear asking you to correct. D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 3 Simply click on the mark you wish to remove, right click on the mouse and the choose, “clear contents” If you complete the 25 marking grids, save and close and then move onto the next saved file (26-50) and compete the same process. Please only send back the sets of grids that you have completed, eg if you have tested 50 candidates, please delete the sets of grids that you have not used (75-100, 101-125, etc). If you have completed the first set (1-25) and then part of the second set (26-27), please send the complete set back (26-50). It will aid the process if your file is saved as and then sent to us, as for example: BALFA USN123 RYDE HIGH MAR 1-100 No of grids you are sending Unique School Number Submission month Name of your school STEP 4 Instructions – returning marked grids to BA Once you have completed as many marking grids as you need for the period in question, you are now ready to return the marked grids to BA. The cut off dates for submissions are: 31 December D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 4 Will cover all marked grids received from September 1st to December 31st Certificates & badges will be sent to you by the end of January at the latest 31 March Will cover all marked grids received from January 1st to March 31st Certificates and badges will be sent to you by the end of April at the latest 31 July Will cover all marked grids received from April 1st to July 31st Certificates and badges will be sent to you by the start of September PLEASE SAVE ALL GRIDS FOR A PERIOD AND SEND THEM IN ONE GO AT THE SUBMISSION TIMES. WE CAN NO LONGER ACCEPT GRIDS SENT OUTSIDE OF THESE TIMES. To return the marked grids to BA, please follow these steps: Create a zipped folder in Excel by selecting File, New, Compressed (zipped) folder. Simply title it as mentioned above eg. BALFA USN123 RYDE HIGH MAR 1-100. Lastly email to: remembering to attach your zipped folder. We would recommend creating a new zipped folder for each period to avoid confusion D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 5 That’s the end of the electronic process. We recommend that you always keep a copy of your completed grids once you have sent them to BA. British Airways will delete the grids after a submission period and keep only the summary sheets. Frequently Asked Questions: Why have you changed to an electronic system? There are several reasons: The Flag Award has become so successful that it is no longer manageable on a manual system. Currently all school results are processed by hand, which takes several weeks to complete. When processing such a volume manually, there is a greater likelihood of errors in spellings, which leads to re-printing certificates The electronic system can deal with large volumes of results much more quickly and accurately, resulting in a much quicker turnaround time. Some marking grids and certificates have been lost in the post. This leads to disappointment when certificates do not arrive and if photocopies haven’t been taken, there is no record of the test having taken place. Why do you now send a master copy of grids for each school and no longer send grids at each period? As the BALFA programme grows, we need to find ways to simplify the process. We will no longer need to send grids to you, as you will have your own master copy. Alternatively, you will be able to download the sets of D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 6 grids from our website What if I make a spelling error and need a certificate re-printing? We will still deal with RE-PRINTS manually, as these will be minimal. You just need to email the Flag Award mailbox with the student details. These will be checked against our database and your certificate will be amended and sent to you. Due to unusually high work loads at present, it will take up to 3 months to process incorrect name spellings on certificates, so please ensure you check your spelling before you send to us. What do I do if I don’t want to submit tests for a specific period? We will email the BALFA Co-ordinator at your school asking if you require grids for each submission period. It is up to the Coordinator to respond if grids are required. If I do some testing at the start of a period, do I have to wait until the submission time to send the grids back? You can send them back before the end of a submission time but you would have to wait until the closing date for them to be processed. This is because the system is set up to process all UK school results at the same time. What is the role of the school Coordinator? It’s a very important one! The school Coordinator is the person that British Airways will communicate with regarding school results. They will be sent the blank marking grids and be responsible for emailing them back when they are completed. D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 7 They are also responsible for ensuring all the testers’ results for the school are on the marking sheets. This does NOT mean that the Co-ordinator has to complete all the marking sheets themselves! If there are several testers at one school, we would recommend that the marking grids are saved on a shared drive or memory stick and each tester is responsible for adding their own results to the file. When all results are complete for the school, the co-ordinator will email them back. British Airways will then send the certificates and badges to the coordinator for distribution. What if I am the school coordinator and I leave the school and want to test at another school? It is really important that the role of Coordinator is given to someone else and their email address is supplied to British Airways. If you want to test in a new school, please supply this email address and school details to us, so that we can create a new unique school number for you. Do the grids have to be inputted in order of passes, COA’s, fails? No. The system will automatically sort the grids and issue the correct certificates What happens if a student gets a COA and I want to re-test them to see if they can achieve a full flag. In this instance, keep the student’s record on file, as usual. Re-test the section or sections that need to be re-tested and type over the new marks onto the original electronic grid. We don’t need a record of the COA if the full flag is achieved on retesting. If the student fails for a second time, keep the marks as they were and we will issue a COA. D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 8 Why do we have to use zipped folders? Sending the electronic marking grids in a zipped folder is necessary to compress the size of the grids, which would otherwise be too large to send across the BA network. If you have any further questions about the new system, please do not hesitate to email D:\533571244.doc Last updated 22 OCTOBER 2012 9