FAKE WEB SITES Have fun! Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ Buy Dehydrated Water http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/faq.htm Tree Octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ Velcro Crop http://home.inreach.com/kumbach/velcro.html Save The Rennets http://www.savetherennets.com/ Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division http://www.dhmo.org/ Dangers of Bread http://www.geoffmetcalf.com/bread.html Dog Island http://www.thedogisland.com/index.html Giant Palouse Worm http://www.palouseprairie.org/invertebrates/palouseworm.html http://www.norid.no/domenenavnbaser/domreg.html?sort=name domain name registries across the world http://www3.widener.edu/Academics/Libraries/Wolfgram_Memorial_Library/Evalua te_Web_Pages/Actual_Web_Pages_as_Examples/5722/ Evaluation pages _________________________________ Here are two websites that I was given that are not real: http://zapatopi.net <http://zapatopi.net/> - for the tree octopus www.dhmo.org - for a substance known as dihydrogen monoxide ---------------------_____________________ Here is a link to several of the fake web pages--you will have to scroll down a little to get to them. I used these with my students too. http://www.dillon2.k12.sc.us/teachers/searchtools.asp#Fake_Websites_to_Use _________________________________ I love the Mankato, MN bogus site, probably because I went to school there and lived close by; the Velcro crop is another. I also like the Pacific Northwest Tree frog site. ALl three work well with 6th grade. At first they are very laid back and savy, and then there is an "AH" moment and giggles. http://www.mckenziehighschool.org/mhs/bogus.htm ---------------------- WEBSITES Websites can be tricky to decipher. You want to make sure that it presents you with accurate information. We will evaluate the following websites to determine their validity. 1. http://city-mankato.us/ Where is Mankato? What is the current temperature? What tourist activities are available? Is the map correct? 2. http://www.fvza.org/ When did this agency start? Can you find any reference to it on any government website? 3. http://www.umbachconsulting.com/miscellany/velcro.html How is Velcro made? Is it possible that weather could effect its production 4. http://www.dhmo.org/ What is dihydrogen monoxide? Should it be banned? 5. http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ Can aluminum foil protect your brain from electromagnetic psychotronic mind control? 6. http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm 7. http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ Can a tree octopus survive? Are the pictures legitimate? I hope you can open the attached file. I developed the Webquest for a course I took. There is a list of fake websites. My favorite is the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency www.fvza.org. Gotta trust our government to keep us safe from all the vampires and zombies running around. Also students get a kick out of the Dyhydrogen monoxide website. Good Luck! Introduction You will be writing a research paper sometime this year. Not all information sources are going to be valid. You can't rely on Google, Dogpile, AltaVista, etc. for all your information needs. Even Wikipedia isn't always a reliable resource. To find the "good" information that you need for your papers you need to develop a set of criteria to judge the websites that you find. This WebQuest is designed to help you do that. WebQuest Task Your task is to develop a resource(handout, index card, poster, etc.) that your classmates can use in the media center or at home to help them evaluate Internet resources on their own. WebQuest Process 1. The first step is to get organized into groups of three. You will be working with the students on either side of you. 2. Then your groups will examine web sites that explain what to look for in quality web sites. Is it a good web site to use or has someone put it up as a hoax? Look at three or four of the following sites. Criteria for Web Site Evaluation: http://www.lib.unich.edu/ugl/guides/evaluate Evaluation Wizard: http://wizard.imsa.edu/evaluate Quality Information ChecKlist: http://www.quick.org.uk/menu.htm Kathy Schrock's Guide: http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/evalmidd.html Evaluating Web Sites: Criteria and Tools: http://www.library.conrell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/webeval.html How to Evaluate a Web Page: http://manta.library.colostate.edu/howto/evalweb.html 3. Take notes as you read through the web site. Make a list of the criteria that you find. What things are listed as important? What questions should you be able to answer about quality information sites? Is there a checklist or chart provided? 4. In your groups compare the notes you have taken. Develop a list of at least 5 questions you need to answer to evaluate a web site. (Your list can have more than 5 questions to answer.) 5. Now take your group's master list and use it to evaluate a web site. Select a web site from the list below. Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency: http://www.fvza.org <http://www.fvza.org/> Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: http://www.dhmo.org <http://www.dhmo.org/> The Twinkies Project: http://www.twinkiesproject.com <http://www.twinkiesproject.com/> The Jackalope Conspiracy: http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm California's Velcro Crop: http://home.inreach.com/Kumbach/velcro.html Buy an Ancestor Online: http://www.fulkerson.org/ancestors/buyfix.html Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches: http://www.pmichaud.com/toast 6. Evaluate your list. Did it help you? Do you need to change it by adding or removing anything? Work on making any necessary changes in your group. 7. Now select a site from the list below. In your groups use your revised master list to evaluate the web site. Discuss whether you would use the site for a research paper or project. Facts about the Civil War http://www.idiotica.rom/cranium/encyclopedia/content/civilwar.htm American Civil War http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_civil_war Civil War, American http://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Article?id=ar117060 <http://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Article?id=ar117060&st=amerrican+civil+wa r> &st=amerrican+civil+war Civil War, U. S. http://gme.grolier.com/cgi-bin/article?assetid=0064040-0 8. Re-evaluate your list. Make any final revisions. 9. Now your group can create your resource for the media center. It can be a handout, an index card, a checklist, etc. Be creative. What would be most helpful for you and your friends? Be sure to include all of the following in your resource: Who made it- Take credit for your hard work and include the names of everyone in your group! A Title - Make it something to remember At least five questions/criteria to ask when evaluating a web site. Evaluation Rubric Students will be able to write a list of criteria for web site evaluation. Students create a list of 4 criteria. Criteria are uneven in focus or contain mistakes. Students create a list of 5 criteria. Criteria are uneven in focus or contain mistakes. Students create a list of 5 or more criteria. List is comprehensive and accurate. Students will be able to use their lists to effectively evaluate web resources. Students feel that their list is less than effective to evaluate web sites. Students feel uncertain about the effectiveness of their list to evaluate web sites. Students demonstrate that their list is effective when evaluating web sites Students will identify valid and reliable web resources. Students are able to identify reliable web resources. Students identify one or two reliable web resources. Students identify three reliable web resources. Students will be able to create a resource to help their classmates evaluate web resources. Students create a resource that contains errors. Students create a resource that is accurate but not visually interesting. Students create a resource that is accurate and visually interesting. Conclusion Congratulations! And Thank You!! By completing this Webquest, you and your classmates are closer to being good information consumers and expert web site evaluators. You have learned valuable things about the authority, accuracy and currency of information you find on the Internet. The criteria you developed can be applied to free web sites as well as to the online services the media center has. You also made a real tool that others can use. Do you know the Onion? A satirical weekly probably more suited to high school age. Here's the link: http://www.theonion.com/content/index just search fake, hoax, bogus websites, web evaluation examples, etc. here is one page - the dihydrogen monoxide is great and mankato, MN - who would spend time doing this?!?! http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html This is one of my favorite. But search the archives for bogus or hoax websites and you will likely find a ht. http://www.idiotica.com/cranium/encyclopedia/content/civilwar.htm http://www.oskaloosa.k12.ia.us/staff/johnsonj/Site/Bogus_Webistes.html Here's a bunch I made for info lit lessons: http://www.idiotica.com/cranium/encyclopedia/ http://www.allaboutexplorers.com/ This is a terrific one we plan to use next year. Also, idiotica.com has some pretty funny ones. I've got a bunch of them linked to my website. Check out the bottom 10 links on the "Critical Evaluation of Website Resources" page for some really good ones. I just used Kathy Schrock's web evaluation lesson with my highly capable 4th & 5th graders, and even though it was a middle school lesson, it turned out well. http://teacherweb.com/WA/HIllsideElementary/Library/links6.stm ! I have a few on this page that I used when I taught a media literacy class. I haven't checked the pages in a few months, so I apologize if there are any broken links. www.quia.com/pages/websiteeval.html If you go to www.protopage,com/chslinks you will find a whole widget of them. I use them at the high school level to teach website evaluation. Hope this helps. I usually use http://www.michelangelo.com/buonarroti.html which gives good information, but when you delve deep find out the website belongs to a website design company and I show the kids how you have to be careful where the information comes from, they are just trying to sell their services, and are not experts on Michelangelo. You may have already gotten links to these but here are some of my favorites: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/webeval/eval12.h tm (especially dyhydrogen oxide--water--ha!) http://www.mckenziehighschool.org/mhs/bogus.htm (especially tree octopus and velcro) The fake site I use is: zapatopi.net/treeoctopus . I put together a small list of links to sites I've used with my students on my school library web page (sites that I found via the great folk here at LM_Net: http://hardinvalleyes.knoxschools.org then click on Library Media Center, under "Information", select "Website Evaluation" I wish our district's website program gave us manageable URLs to send people to specific sections--I've cut and pasted the direct link below: http://mediacenter.hardinvalleyes.knoxschools.org/modules/groups/group_pages .phtml?gid=508157 <http://mediacenter.hardinvalleyes.knoxschools.org/modules/groups/group_page s.phtml?gid=508157&nid=64666&sessionid=a86ac6b6d74eab770383b9dc9589ba07&ses s ionid=a86ac6b6d74eab770383b9dc9589ba07> &nid=64666&sessionid=a86ac6b6d74eab770383b9dc9589ba07&sessionid=a86ac6b6d7 4e ab770383b9dc9589ba07 I have a couple of pages that might help. The first 2 are lessons. This is a lesson I have been working on - but have not presented yet. I hope to next year. Is it real? http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/index.cfm?subpage=311003 This is a lesson that I do with the 12th grade. I think some of the links might be broken now. I will probably look for replacements in the fall. 12th Grade Research Web Evaluation Project http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/resources.cfm?subpage=441962 Another page: Critical Evaluation Techniques http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/index.cfm?subpage=344288 Another page: Hoax Sites http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/resources.cfm?subpage=373543 Web Evaluation Workshop for Teachers http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/workshops.cfm?subpage=623219 More Hoax Sites http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/resources.cfm?subpage=527538 The best lesson I did all year, I used 2 sites--just google "Tree Octopus" and you should get the Zapatopi.com site. You can get the official tshirt, pin, bumper stickers, etc. I even got a stuffed octopus and a "Save the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus" display (I put books about UFO's, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, etc., in the display, and the kids STILL didn't make the connection). I even had my teachers believing tree octopi were real! The other is the Federal Zombie and Vampire Registration Site--it has to be real, because they use an official government seal on the home page, right? I've collected some http://delicious.com/nmtc_Librarian/IsThisReal www.thedogisland.com It's an absolutely hilarious website about an island where you can send your dogs to live. I had my 5th graders fill out a shot questionaire about it where I had them navigating the website. I made them tell me the copyright date, go to FAQs, and tell me the facilities. Then I had them read the disclaimer, which clearly states that the website is fake. It's a really funny website, though, and my 5th graders loved it. You might look at uncyclopedia at http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Here is a page I put together for my 5th graders - http://www.wcboe.k12.md.us/custom_pages/005/Main/hoaxsites.htm Try these (one is real though). http://www.lesd.k12.az.us/webpages/kwestrick/index.cfm?subpage=561121 Northwest Pacific Tree Octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ Dihydrogen Monoxide <http://www.dhmo.org/> http://www.dhmo.org/ http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ It shows up on the first page of results for a Google search for "octopus." It's pretty hilarious! * http://www.thedogisland.com/index.html Does Your Dog Need a Vacation? * http://www.dhmo.org/ Check out the dangers lurking in water bottles... dihydrogen monoxide. * http://home.inreach.com/kumbach/velcro.html CA Velcro farmers suffering crop issues this year * http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ Are people trying to control your thoughts? Try the aluminum foil deflector beanie * http://www.rythospital.com/about/ RYT Hospital-- specializing in the latest nanosurgical technologies, brain transplants, and male pregnancy * http://www.fvza.org/index.html What federal agency is protecting us from vampires and zombies? Why the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency, of course.... If you come to my web page (www.mckayhs.org), click on library and go to "Evaluations," you will find a list of 20 or so. The Civil War, and Mars are two of the best. http://www.dillon2.k12.sc.us/teachers/searchtools.asp#Fake_Websites_to_Use_F or_Student_Instruction_on_Using_the_Internet Feline Reactions to Bearded Men http://www.improbable.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.html The White House http://www.whitehouse.net <http://www.whitehouse.net/> Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html Dihydrogen Monoxide Research http://www.dhmo.org <http://www.dhmo.org/> Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow Torches http://www.sci.tamucc.edu/~pmichaud/toast/ MoonBeam Enterprises and Lunar Travel Agency http://www.dreamweaverstudios.com/moonbeam/moon.htm Tree Octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus.html British Stick Insects http://www.brookview.karoo.net/Stick_Insects Bio defense detector-McWhortle http://www.mcwhortle.com/index.htm Monitor camera...takes your picture http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3072/camera1.html Left-handed Whopper release from Burger King http://www.zbach.com/page%2025/whopper.htm First Human Male Pregnancy http://www.malepregnancy.com <http://www.malepregnancy.com/> Jackolope conspiracy http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm Dog Island http://www.thedogisland.com <http://www.thedogisland.com/> http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/ http://descy.50megs.com/akcj3/bmd.html http://www.improb.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.html http://www.d-b.net/dti/ http://www.allaboutexplorers.com/ http://www.pmsd.k12.pa.us/schools/hs/library/Bogus.htm http://andoverhs.anoka.k12.mn.us/imc/bogus.html http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?folder=83136 http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites.html http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites2.html http://www.umich.edu/~engtt516/lifetimes.html http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~doswell/Conference_papers/SELS96/WoO.html http://www.genochoice.com/ http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/ http://www.dhmo.org/ http://www.mcwhortle.com/ http://www.malepregnancy.com/ http://www.sandman.com/telco.html http://www.improb.com/airchives/paperair/volume1/v1i1/barney. This website has both real and hoax sites ready for comparison: : http://www.library.ucla.edu/college/help/hoax/evlinfo1.htm I do a presentation to our 7th graders about website selection and evaluation. After I talk about the various aspects of website evaluation I pretend we are doing a research project on Mars and we evaluate three sites as a group. We look at one that is inaccurate, one accurate, one irrelevant (I talk about how easily one gets distracted while doing homework!): http://www.idiotica.com/cranium/encyclopedia/content/mars.htm http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Mars http://www.mars.com/global/Global+Brands/Snackfood/Mars.htm Which is the real site for Mankato, Minnesota? http://city-mankato.us <http://city-mankato.us/> or http://www.ci.mankato.mn.us <http://www.ci.mankato.mn.us/> These two sites will give you much to discuss. Check Joyce Valenza's Evaluating Web Pages at http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/evaluating.html Some of these may not be active. Some of them may be blocked at your school. My bogus website page is located at http://www.mckenziehighschool.org/mhs/bogus.htm The mother lode is if you can read about Authur Butz at http://www.ibiblio.org/team/history/controversy/abutz/intro.html He really writes that the Holocaust didn't happen. Take a look at http://muse.widener.edu/%7Etltr/How_to_Evaluate_9.htm Have your students evaluate two of the sites ( Maybe the MLK sites would work.) in the presentation and then show them the presentation. Just an idea that might work for you. I put several hoax sites on this page www.quia.com/pages/websiteeval.html Here's my (somewhat silly) list. There are some funny sites here. The tree octopus is a perennial favorite with my students, and believe it or not, they fall for it. http://del.icio.us/PamatMES/site-evaluation The ones also tagged "bogus" are the fakes. This website fooled even teachers until we took a closer look. Be sure to read the 'For Teachers' link. http:// www.allaboutexplorers.com/index.html There is a list I compiled here, and I think it is pretty current... http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/webeval/ eval12.htm http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites.html shambles has a lot of sites listed - also some games, and a variety of levels depending on the age group you are targeting. I like the one about egg-shaped golf balls and dog island. Some of our students had a tough time with the golf balls. http://www.martinlutherking.org/ http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ http://www.idiotica.com/cranium/encyclopedia/content/mars.htm http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie http://www.zapatopi.net/afdb.html Americans for cloning Elvis http://ww.geocities.com/ americansforcloningelvis Feline reactions to bearded men http://www.sree.net/stories/feline.html This website has both real and hoax sites ready for comparison: : http://www.library.ucla.edu/college/help/hoax/evlinfo1.htm <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.library.ucla.edu/col lege/help/hoax/evlinfo1.htm> Tree Octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus.html <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus .html> The History of the Fisher Price airplane: http://www.weathergraphics.com/tim/fisher/ <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.weathergraphics.com/ tim/fisher/> http://whs.d214.org/results/whslibspecial/researchhelps/fakesites.htm <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://whs.d214.org/results/whs libspecial/researchhelps/fakesites.htm> http://www.thedogisland.com/ <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.thedogisland.com/> http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus /> 1. Tree Octopus 2. Texas Jackalope 3. Burmese mountain dog 4. Some of your real whiz kids might like Stick Insects. 5. Ditto Foil Reflector Beanie Here is the link to my whole list. You might think some others OK but I used these successfully in the past. http://www.shsu.edu/%7Elis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html I have some websites on my Library Skills Blog that I use for grades 4-6 and there might be a couple you could use. You can find it at: http://csslibraryskills.blogspot.com <http://csslibraryskills.blogspot.com/> <http://hewitt76ex/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://csslibraryskills.blogspo t.com> Scroll down to the post that has the question marks and is titled "When in Doubt, Doubt. http://babybushtoys.com/products.html http://www.nathanielgorham.com/ (Nathaniel Gorham as 8th president of the United States.) http://courses.science.fau.edu/chm2020/news/000058.html (Pros and Cons of plastics but it's a blog) http://www.crystalinks.com/newton.html Information on Isaac Newton but the home page is the page of a psychic. would be interested in a HIT on this. I don't have any websites, but I do have a program that talks about evaluating websites. It looks like you are in a middle school so it may be to elementary. It also deals with online chatting. As I was working on a link for you, I noticed they've moved these programs to a web based format, yeah! There are two adventures: Privacy Playground (1st Adventure) and Cybersense and Nonsense (2nd Adventure). http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/games/privacy_playground/index.cfm http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/games/cybersense_nonsense/ You might look at uncyclopedia at http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page www.dhmo.org http://www.thedogisland.com/ or, just go to http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites.html !! I do a lesson on website evaluation and it's posted on one of my blogs. If you go to http://csslibraryskills.blogspot.com/ The scroll down to the post entitled "When in Doubt, Doubt" you'll see links to websites. Some are good, some are false. I often use this site when presenting to teachers or older students (sometimes as low as 5th grade). http://www.sree.net/stories/feline.html This is one of my favorites. http://www.allaboutexplorers.com/explorers/ Go to this website It is a great list http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html false web sites > I'm sorry this has taken so long. I received many many responses to email > inquiring about false web sites. This is my compilation. Please excuse any > duplicates in the list. Thanks to everyone that sent in your lists. > Feline Reactions to Bearded Men > http://www.improbable.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.html > The White House http://www.whitehouse.net > Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html > Dihydrogen Monoxide Research http://www.dhmo.org > Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow Torches > http://www.sci.tamucc.edu/~pmichaud/toast/ > MoonBeam Enterprises and Lunar Travel Agency > http://www.dreamweaverstudios.com/moonbeam/moon.htm > Tree Octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus.html > British Stick Insects http://www.brookview.karoo.net/Stick_Insects > Bio defense detector-McWhortle http://www.mcwhortle.com/index.htm > Monitor camera...takes your picture > http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3072/camera1.html > Left-handed Whopper release from Burger King > http://www.zbach.com/page%2025/whopper.htm > First Human Male Pregnancy http://www.malepregnancy.com > Jackolope conspiracy http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm > Dog Island http://www.thedogisland.com > http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/ > http://descy.50megs.com/akcj3/bmd.html > http://www.improb.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.html > http://www.d-b.net/dti/ > http://www.allaboutexplorers.com/ > http://www.pmsd.k12.pa.us/schools/hs/library/Bogus.htm > http://andoverhs.anoka.k12.mn.us/imc/bogus.html > http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?folder=83136 > http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites.html > http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites2.html > http://www.umich.edu/~engtt516/lifetimes.html > http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~doswell/Conference_papers/SELS96/WoO.html > http://www.genochoice.com/ > http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/ > http://www.dhmo.org/ > http://www.mcwhortle.com/ > http://www.malepregnancy.com/ > http://www.sandman.com/telco.html > http://www.improb.com/airchives/paperair/volume1/v1i1/barney. [ http://www.dhmo.org/ ]http://www.dhmo.org/ --- Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division -- make sure to go into the Press Pass Page [ http://www.d-b.net/dti/ ]http://www.d-b.net/dti/ --- Dream Tech Clones R Us I use these in a web eval lesson. I would love to see more. Please post a hit Here's a bunch. I haven't checked the links lately (some are not reliable), but I think you'll find some you can use. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoaxsites.html Here are some that I got from listserv responses this year. http://www.umbachconsulting.com/miscellany/velcro.html http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ http://www.buydehydratedwater.com/ http://www.thedogisland.com/index.html http://bigredhair.com/boilerplate/ http://www.sree.net/stories/feline.html http://www.ithaca.edu/library/research/AIDSFACTS.htm http://www.google.com/googlegulp/ http://www.kidsnetsoft.com/html/bogus.html http://www.weathergraphics.com/tim/fisher/ http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/hierakonpolis/zombies.html http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/webeval/eval12.h tm