ALEXANDER HAMILTON HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEETING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Thank you so much! Thank you to Mr. Uglialoro, Prinicipal of Frelinghuysen Middle School, and Ms. Brown, FMS Guidance Counselor, for attending our HSA meeting tonight to provide parents with information and answer questions about the transition to middle school. Thank you to Mrs. Gustavsen for providing Spanish translations of parent communications. Grade Level Updates: Grade 3: In Math, third graders are learning about fractions and fraction concepts related to division. They continue to improve their understanding of multiplication and division, especially in the context of word problems. In Language Arts, third graders continue learning the features of non-fiction texts and how to answer questions about them. Students are writing paragraphs in response to an informational prompt that references one text. They are also learning to draft, revise, and edit these pieces directly in Google Docs since this is a different process from writing on paper. Grade 4: Fourth grade students continue to focus on non-fiction texts and have been learning about Westward Expansion. Students are researching topics of their choice within the Westward Expansion theme using multiple sources to write a five paragraph essay. Fourth grade students are well on their way to mastering multiplication facts. We have seen a marked improvement in multiplication fact fluency. Thank you for your continued support at home. Grade 5: In math, fifth grade students are continuing to learn about fractions with a focus on multiplying and dividing fractions. In language arts, they are focusing on Traditional Literature and are reading folktales, fables, and legends from a variety of authors and cultures with an emphasis on theme and author’s message. In preparation for the transition to Frelinghuysen Middle School, we are sending home Course Selection Forms that need to be filled out and returned to school by February 19th. Thank you for your assistance in helping your child to fill out and return the form. Curriculum Updates: Naglieri Testing: Naglieri Testing for Grades 3 and 4 takes place February 22nd thru February 24th during students’ Technology periods. Please see the February calendar for specific dates for your child’s class. ACCESS for ELLs English Proficiency Test: ELL (English Language Learning) students in Kindergarten through grade twelve participate in the administration of the ACCESS for ELLs language proficiency test. With this information, we are able to monitor individual student progress in English language acquisition on an annual basis. See the February calendar for ACCESS testing dates. iReady: Since October, teachers have been providing differentiated instruction in a blended learning environment, which includes a mixture of teacher and online instruction. The iReady online instruction is aligned to Common Core State Standards and is designed to be challenging, engaging, and interactive. Students are encouraged to access these lessons at home. Based on information gathered from multiple assessments, including iReady, our Academic Enrichment teachers are providing additional support to students either in or out of the classroom as needed. Students are currently completing the second diagnostic assessment and Student Profile Reports will be sent home to parents on February 26th. If you have any questions about your child’s reports or iReady instruction, please contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Noone. STEM Night & Book Fair Family Night: This year we welcome you to our first Family S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Night on March 16th from 6:30-8:00 pm. Unlike previous years when we had a Science Fair full of displays that were created by students in advance, this is an interactive evening for the whole family. In preparation for this event, please continue to send in cardboard and styrofoam egg cartons, and plastic bottle tops and place them in the boxes outside the main office. The Book Fair Family Night will be in the Library during STEM Night. Academic After School: Notices for students who were selected for Academic After School were sent home in November. Academic After School began on December 8th and continues through March 16th every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm. PARCC Results and Information: Throughout the school year teachers will be working in Professional Learning Communities to analyze PARCC data, MSD Benchmark Assessments, and i-Ready data in order to set and monitor Student Growth Objectives and differentiate instruction to meet students’ learning needs. Information on Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and PARCC can be found on the Alexander Hamilton School Website under Parent Resources. Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Report Card: Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Report Card information has been posted on the Alexander Hamilton School Website on the front page with other information on preventing harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB). Alexander Hamilton School scored 77 out of 78 possible points on a self-assessment completed by our School Safety and Climate Team in June 2015. Upcoming Events: Report cards sent home via backpack-February 12th Shadowball Assembly-February 10th at 2:00 pm (parents/guardians are invited) i-Ready Student Profiles sent home via backpack-February 26th Next HSA Meeting is Tuesday, March 8th, at 9:30 am. Mrs. Noone will provide information on the upcoming April PARCC Assessment. Kids are welcome! Please see the school calendar and Bits and Pieces for other upcoming events.