UCCS: Coming of Age in the 21st Century Inclusive, Academically Rigorous, Connected Regents’ Area of STUDENT SUCCESS Goals, Strategies, Tactics, and Performance Measures I. GOAL: CREATE A VIBRANT, ENGAGED CAMPUS COMMUNITY Strategies A. Improve Student Retention through Focused, Concerted Efforts Tactics: 1. Enhance advising services. 2. Train advisors in developmental advising. 3. Increase advising staff. 4. Begin peer mentor program. 5. Research student needs (e.g. class sizes, scheduling, ease of registration, SIS replacement) and meet needs. 6. Foster shared responsibility for diversity among faculty, staff, and students. 7. Create model of shared advising with Student Success academic advisors and faculty members. 8. Reward faculty and staff for student-centered behavior. 9. Create an intentional marketing communication plan to reach students. 10. Integrate student retention in all aspects of university life. 11. Initiate secret shopper approach for all front-line offices to understand student experiences; conduct student focus groups. 12. Create annual survey of faculty and staff climate to measure engagement. 13. Use Noel Levitz data to establish baseline measures to determine level of satisfaction with departments; compare year-to-year. 14. Develop an activity attendance tracking system through a Mountain Lion One Card swipe system. Use the information to track demographic information and identify activities as campus traditions. 15. Develop an activity template for campus activities that specifies specific goals and purposes relating to the strategic plan and targeted audiences. Track activities for participant tasks, attendance levels, volunteer hours, and budget. 16. Conduct National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) assessments of campus conditions; use the measures to facilitate campus workshops and retreats to stimulate discussion about ways to improve the programs on campus. Performance Measures: 1. Improve retention rate (freshman to sophomore) by 2% per year to reach a 73% rate by 2012. 2. Measure satisfaction of all students through National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) measures of student engagement in year-to-year comparisons. 2 3. Improve Noel Levitz level of satisfaction with departments by 2 % per year; compare year-to-year. 4. Incorporate data results into planning and into individual and unit merit review. B. Enhance Student, Faculty and Staff's Social, Cultural, and Recreational Experiences Tactics: 1. Increase student, faculty and staff attendance at theater, music, art, and other campus cultural events. 2. Expand campus lecture series. 3. Develop robust programming for the Heller Center for the Arts and Humanities. 4. Develop robust programming for the Student Recreation Center. 5. Develop a premier intercollegiate athletic program. 6. Lead the RMAC in competition and academic achievement. 7. Improve and expand athletic facilities. 8. Create student-friendly spaces in all academic buildings. 9. Increase campus welcome activities with faculty and staff involvement. 10. Develop co-curricular transcript program. 11. Expand public art and art themes throughout the campus in indoor and outdoor spaces. 12. Expand student, faculty and staff celebrations of excellence. 13. Develop databases to provide information and track student, faculty and staff involvement in campus social, cultural and recreational activities. 14. Measure year-to-year improvements in annual climate by using database to survey and provide feedback on the activities. Performance Measures: 1. Measure year-to-year student participation increases in theater, music, art, cultural programming. 2. Measure year-to-year student participation increases in recreation activities. 3. Assess RMAC competition and academic achievement results. 4. Complete improvements to Mountain Lion Stadium. 5. Complete construction of Mountain Lion Field House by summer, 2008. 6. Complete student spaces in all buildings by 2010. 7. Show significant increase in public art and art themes by 2010. 8. Show increased attendance of student, faculty and staff participation in theater, art, music, recreational, NCAA athletic, and celebration events, measured through the use of the campus activity database. C. Create New Opportunities for Faculty-Student Engagement Tactics: 1. Make UCCS a model of integrated academic and student success. 2. Educate faculty on changing roles for engagement. 3. Train new and existing faculty in retention. 4. Assign faculty mentors to all new students. 5. Encourage faculty participation in student events. 6. Fund faculty/student coffees, lunches, and other interaction opportunities. Performance Measures: 1. Integrated academic affairs/student success models established by 2008. 3 2. Measure year-to-year numbers of faculty educated and trained for new engagement and retention role. 3. Measure year-to-year faculty participation in student events and interaction opportunities. 4. Participate in Greater Expectations Institute in summer 2007 and develop campus model for academic affairs/student affairs partnership on retention. II. GOAL: EXPAND STUDENT ACCESS TO UCCS OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH VIGOROUS AND RESPONSIBLE GROWTH Strategies A. Enhance Recruitment Efforts to Attract Students to Opportunities at UCCS Tactics: 1. Develop a comprehensive enrollment management program. 2. Create coordinated, strategic marketing efforts reflecting UCCS identity, mission, and vision. 3. Launch a marketing campaign highlighting campus activities and accomplishments. 4. Expand partnerships with high school and community colleges. 5. Engage UCCS community members to participate in outreach and recruitment efforts. 6. Seek to attract a student body reflective of the diversity of the region. 7. Create a retention committee to guide program and policy development. 8. Position UCCS in three distinct markets: local, statewide, and national. 9. Include diverse media in recruitment efforts. 10. Publicize “affordability” through scholarships, financial aid, and work opportunities. Performance Measures: 1. Increase student enrollment from southern Colorado by 2% per year through 2012. 2. Increase out-of-state students by 3% per year through 2012. 3. Increase UCCS Colorado students by 1% per year through 2012. 4. Improve freshmen to sophomore retention by 2% per year through 2012. B. Increase Financial Aid/Scholarships/Student Support to Facilitate Access Tactics: 1. Provide multi-year financial aid packages with incentives for maintaining and/or improving GPA. 2. Create more on-campus student jobs. Performance Measures: 1. Have multi-year financial aid packages available by 2009. 2. Have increased campus jobs available by 2008. C. Attract Students from Diverse Backgrounds to Enroll and Succeed at UCCS Tactics: 4 1. Initiate peer recruitment program. 2. Expand Pre-Collegiate bridge processes with multi-cultural affairs and student recruitment. 3. Invite diverse students to campus events. 4. Publicize the success of diverse students. 5. Continue expansion of international student exchange programs. Performance Measures: 1. Increase first generation student enrollment by 2% per year through 2012. 2. Increase number of international exchange programs and international exchanges sponsoring countries. 3. Increase proportion of international students enrolled at UCCS. D. Expand Student Body To 10,000 Students By 2010 Tactics: 1. Develop a comprehensive enrollment management program. 2. Increase retention. 3. Increase marketing efforts. 4. Increase recruiting staff. 5. Increase on-campus visits by prospective students. Performance Measures: 1. Increase overall enrollment by 2% per year. 2. Increase recruitment yields by 2% per year. Regents’ Area of QUALITY/EXCELLENCE: Goals, Strategies, Tactics, and Performance Measures III. GOAL: PROVIDE EXCELLENCE IN LEARNING Strategies A. Guarantee a Quality Comprehensive Educational Experience that Prepares Students to Excel Personally, Professionally, and as Global Citizens Tactics: 1. Make experiential and integrative learning a UCCS hallmark. 2. Create learning communities. 3. Make student-centered support (projects, research and creative work, mentoring, etc.) a part of teaching evaluation. 4. Strengthen and expand the sustainable development minor. 5. Identify needed new programs. Performance Measures: 1. Measure year-to-year increase in experiential and integrative learning opportunities for all students. 2. Measure with quality evaluation the number of learning communities established from 2008-2012. 5 3. Expand teaching effectiveness measures by 2008. 4. Double the capacity for the sustainable development minor by 2008. 5. Develop and implement 8-10 new programs from 2007-2012. B. Provide Effective Infrastructure to Support Faculty Development and Innovative Teaching Tactics: 1. Create improved reward system to supportive teaching excellence and engagement. 2. Initiate a faculty mentoring program. 3. Expand services in the Teaching and Learning Center. 4. Work to establish 52% of class sections being taught by tenure-track faculty. 5. Define role of non-tenure track faculty. Performance Measures: 1. Department criteria for promotion and tenure revised by May 2008. 2. Mentoring program established by 2008. 3. Review Teaching and Learning Center offerings to ensure that they enhance campus goals by fall, 2007. 4. Have 52% of class sections taught by tenure-track faculty by 2009. 5. Complete Faculty Assembly Task Force Report on Non-tenure Track Faculty and implement by 2009. C. Expand Technology to Enhance Learning Tactics: 1. Develop robust web-based learning infrastructure for all UCCS courses. 2. Expand and coordinate wireless LAN access across campus. 3. Provide a high performance, centralized web infrastructure for hosting and managing campus web-based content and services. 4. Provide excellent, unified web-based student services through a student portal. 5. Continue to develop and implement IT security-related policies, best practices, and guidelines. 6. Increase support for technology-enhanced teaching facilities. Performance Measures: 1. Work toward a Learning Management System that will support faculty and student needs and improve the learning experience. 2. Increase the number of classes that are taught online and that use the Learning Management system by 10% per year until all campus courses are incorporated. 3. Implement a campus-wide wireless network that will be fully functional by fall 2007. 4. Provide a centralized method of creating and maintaining departmental web sites using a single content management system. Have first phase operational by fall 2007, second phase spring 2008, entire campus operational by summer 2008. 5. First web-based student portals were implemented in fall 2006; continue to add services such as GPA calculator, single sign-on and other web applications. Student portals should become the one-stop center for online student services. Usage for spring 2007 was 700+ students; goal for spring 2008 is 3500+ students. 6 6. Four security-related policies were implemented in spring 2007; continue to develop and implement needed policies for review by the Administrative Policy Committee. 7. Continue to improve technology in academic spaces such as labs and classrooms to meet the specific needs of the programs, including hardware, software, training and institutional support, with a goal of 90% using appropriate technology. IV. GOAL: CUSTOMIZE AN INDIVIDUAL UCCS LEARNING, DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE FOR STUDENTS Strategies A. Provide Entering Students the Academic, Intellectual, Developmental, and Social Support Necessary for Success and Excellence Tactics: 1. Create an integrated first-year experience for all students including individual learning plans, a four-year portfolio and co-curricular transcript program. 2. Identify student learning outcomes, connecting co-curricular experiences to the education of students in a developmentally appropriate manner. 3. Develop progress monitoring systems to ensure success (e.g. mid-term grades, academic advising, and mentor interactions). 4. Emphasize service and leadership experiences as important for all entering students. Performance Measures: 1. Increase by 5% from baseline year the number of freshman participating in individual learning plans, a four-year portfolio and co-curricular transcript program. 2. Have cluster courses available for selected students by fall 2007. 3. Have progress monitoring systems in place by fall 2008. 4. Have information on service learning and leadership experiences provided at new student orientation. B. Set High Standards for Academic Rigor and Provide All Students Ongoing Support to Ensure Success Tactics: 1. Provide individual attention (advising, mentoring, goal development, major and minor selection, etc.) in support of a four-year portfolio to ensure success. 2. Expand services in the Excel Centers. 3. Explore creation of a University Learning Center. 4. Create and implement an honors program. Performance Measures: 1. Measure outcomes of students involved in initiated leadership-based projects and programs, including GPA, retention, and graduation rates of students participating in the first year experience and co-circular transcript programs. Benchmark results to establish measurement standards for future years. 2. Have pilot portfolio program in place for AY 2008-09. 3. Increase Excel Centers participation rates by 10% by AY 08-09. 7 4. Pilot Honors Program spring 2008; have it fully functioning by fall 2008. C. Make Experiential and Integrative Learning a UCCS Hallmark. Tactics: 1. Increase opportunities for research and creative work among students, faculty and community. 2. Offer curriculum and instruction that encompasses the experience and knowledge of diverse and marginalized groups. 3. Expand service learning and internships. Performance Measures: 1. Measure increase in curriculum and instructional programs. 2. Measure outcomes of students involved in initiated leadership-based projects and programs. 3. Increase the percentage of undergraduate and graduate students involved in research activities and co-curricular programs. 4. Develop list of research and creative work opportunities for faculty, student, and community and post on website by 2008. 5. Show 10% increase in engaged service learning and internship opportunities by 2009. V. GOAL: TRANSFORM TODAY’S POTENTIAL INTO TOMORROW’S LEADERSHIP Strategies A. Expand Leadership Programs Tactics: 1. Expand the Chancellor Leadership Class. 2. Create a leadership program available to all students. 3. Expand access to the leadership minor. Performance Measures: 1. Measure student enrollment in leadership programs. 2. Measure outcomes of students involved in initiated leadership-based projects and programs. 3. Increase the percentage of undergraduate and graduate students involved in student activities, academic and co-curricular leadership programs. B. Provide Leadership in Sustainability Tactics: 1. Communicate sustainability goals to the campus and broader community through the development of a consistent communication plan. 2. Partner with appropriate governmental and non-governmental agencies to broaden the impact of UCCS efforts. 3. Expand curriculum offering with content on sustainability. 4. Continue sustainable development. 8 Performance Measures: 1. Track increased contributions from the community to UCCS for environmental issues and projects, achieving an increase in funding and support for programs focusing on sustainability efforts. 2. Track the newsletters, web sites, programs and reports concerning sustainability that are available to the campus and broader community and demonstrate an increase from year to year. 3. Reduce energy use as evidenced through annual monitoring of utility costs based on a per square foot comparison of developed property. 4. Demonstrate the effectiveness of campus retrofits. 5. Increase the number of courses offered in the Sustainability Development Minor. C. Expand Campus Inclusiveness Tactics: 1. Sponsor programs, conferences, and community events which invite and encourage diverse perspectives to increase leadership opportunities. 2. Assess reporting mechanisms, programming, and interventions to positively impact campus climate. 3. Measure inclusiveness in campus climate surveys. Performance Measures: 1. Demonstrate increased student engagement and inclusiveness in year-to-year comparisons. D. Increase Faculty and Staff Development Opportunities Tactics: 1. Identify development needs for faculty and staff. 2. Increase on-campus offerings for faculty development. 3. Increase on-campus offerings for staff development. 4. Increase funding available for faculty and staff development. 5. Create a fund exclusively for faculty and staff development to be administered by the Human Resources Office. The fund will provide on-campus development programs specific to faculty and staff, with the programs determined by the Human Resources Advisory Board. Performance Measures: 1. Complete Institutional Research survey to assess and prioritize faculty and staff development needs in fall 2007; continue to survey faculty and staff. 2. Track funds available for staff development annually and demonstrate a year-toyear increase in those funds. 3. Measure year-to-year improvements in the number of on-campus development workshops offered. 4. Measure program quality through surveys of faculty and staff participants. 5. Increase faculty development opportunities by 10%. 6. Increase staff development opportunities by 10%. 7. Include budgets for staff and faculty development in Human Resources and Academic Affairs budgets. VI. GOAL: INVEST IN GROWTH OF RESEARCH AND CREATIVE WORK 9 Strategies A. Provide an Environment Conducive to Research and Creative Activity Tactics: 1. Continue to build infrastructure for sponsored research and creative works. 2. Develop a support structure for un-sponsored research, scholarship, and creative works. 3. Continue to develop and upgrade research, scholarship and creative works facilities. Performance Measures: 1. Double the external funding for sponsored programs by 2014. 2. Double the number of faculty submitting proposals for external funding by 2014. 3. Increase internal grants (CRCW) to tenure-track faculty, especially to those in disciplines not able to garner large external grants. 4. Develop appropriate laboratory spaces dedicated to research in the new Science and Engineering Building and the renovated Science Building. B. Create Opportunities for Collaborative Scholarship and Creative Work Tactics: 1. Engage faculty and students from historically underrepresented groups in research. 2. Increase faculty and student opportunities for research. 3. Expand funding for research collaborations with students. Performance Measures: 1. Inventory and publish opportunities for collaborative research projects. 2. Create funds for collaborative research project with students. C. Provide Recognition and Reward for Research and Creative Efforts Tactics: 1. Expand participation in local research conferences. 2. Host award ceremonies for research. 3. Examine faculty reward system to adequately recognize research efforts. Performance Measures: 1. Increase participation in local research conferences by 10%. 2. Hold annual celebration for researchers. 3. Review RTP criteria to ensure that breadth and depth of research/scholarly activities are recognized. D. Develop Centers of Excellence to Encourage Faculty to Create New, Original Research Projects Tactics: 1. Seed competitively-selected faculty groups seeking to create new research projects. 10 Performance Measures: 1. Three major efforts developed and funded by 2012. E. Develop Areas of Strength Connected to Community Interests and Needs Tactics: 1. Work with local community to identify areas of opportunity linked to campus strengths. 2. Develop distinctive programs and research related to sustainability. 3. Support research programs supporting broad representation of diversity issues. 4. Build sustainable model for National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers. 5. Expand UCCS lecture series. 6. Expand cultural offerings. 7. Create additional institutes and centers connected to the community. 8. Increase technology transfer. Performance Measures 1. Convene a campus/community taskforce to review campus strengths and community needs and determine what new centers, institutes and other partnerships could be developed by March 2008. 2. Measure the number of new programs and research developed related to sustainability. 3. Complete a sustainable financial model for NISSSC by December 2008. 4. Combine all existing campus lectures, and a few added ones, into a packaged university lecture series by June 2008. 5. Measure added cultural offerings. 6. Measure increase in technology transfer. 7. Build 2-4 new programs/centers/areas based on community needs by 2010. 8. Ensure funding sources for NISSSC beyond AFOSR grant by 2010. VII. GOAL: EXPAND INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Strategies A. Facilitate Faculty Collaborations to Support Multi-Disciplinary Research and Creative Work Tactics: 1. Identify multi-disciplinary research and creative work opportunities. 2. Seek applications for seed funding for new multi-disciplinary projects. Performance Measures: 1. Develop 2-4 new multi-disciplinary research projects by 2010. 2. Have Institutional Research investigate funding opportunities for multidisciplinary projects during 2007-08. 3. RTP research criteria will give credit for multi-disciplinary research. B. Develop Campus-Wide Innovation Initiatives to Generate Ideas with Impact Tactics: 11 1. Establish clear policies to encourage, promote, and reward entrepreneurship and innovation in course delivery of academic and clinical programs. 2. Support innovation that leads to sustainability. 3. Expand technology transfer. 4. Develop a brand of innovation for UCCS. 5. Expand networking events for faculty, staff, industry, government and non-profit sectors. 6. Develop projects that transform or impact societal units by applying ideas from faculty, students, and staff. Performance Measures: 1. Develop appropriate C1/C2 policies. 2. Increase by 10% the number of invention disclosures submitted by faculty, staff, and students by 2009. 3. Increase patents by 10% by 2010. 4. Increase license agreements by 10% increase by 2010. 5. Office of Research and Innovation Initiatives will sponsor 5-10 networking events per academic year. 6. Develop 2-5 new projects by 2010. C. Develop an Academic and Business Plan for a Research Park on North Nevada Tactics: 1. Facilitate faculty involvement in development of a research and innovation park. 2. Facilitate community involvement in the development of a research and innovation park. 3. Develop and approve a North Nevada Academic and Business Plan for a research and innovation park. Performance Measures: 1. Add 3-5 faculty members to the research and innovation park planning team. 2. Add 3-5 community leaders to the research and innovation park planning team. 3. Complete a research and innovation park business plan by December 2007. D. Build a Research and Innovation Park on North Nevada Tactics: 1. Identify financial model for a research and innovation park. 2. Obtain legal approval of a research and innovation park plan. 3. Begin physical site planning. 4. Initiate research and development park planning. Performance Measures: 1. Complete financial model by December 2007. 2. Obtain legal approval for the park plan by March 2008. 3. Begin physical site planning in January 2008. 4. Begin research and innovation park planning in October 2007. E. Grow Total Resource Development (TRD) Annually to Support Campus Tactics: 1. Complete projects approved with City of Colorado Springs. 12 2. Complete projects negotiated with SEMA. 3. Identify additional partnership opportunities. 4. Identify C1/C2 structure needed for campus to maximize revenues. Performance Measures: 1. Grow total resource dollars annually by 10% over each year during the plan. 2. Add one new TRD initiative each year, 2007-2012. 3. Execute at least three new public/private partnerships during the five years of the planning horizon. 4. Implement a campus comprehensive C1/C2 strategy that maximizes incentives and revenues by August, 2009. VIII. GOAL: PROMOTE DIVERSITY AND ASSURE INCLUSIVENESS Strategies A. Embrace Diversity Tactics: 1. Generate inclusive campus definition of diversity. 2. Increase diversity among faculty, staff, and students. 3. Expand Pre-Collegiate and CU Opportunity programs. 4. Develop and implement diversity training for faculty and staff. 5. Incorporate diversity into all freshmen seminar courses. 6. Encourage study abroad programs. 7. Increase support for diverse student clubs and organizations. 8. Include diversity issues in campus climate survey. 9. Engage all of southern Colorado in campus diversity initiatives. Performance Measures: 1. Publish campus diversity definition in 2008. 2. Measure year-to-year increases in diverse faculty, staff, and students. 3. Increase retention and graduation rates across student demographics. 4. Increase % of units participating in programming focusing on diversity. 5. Measure year-to-year increases in Pre-Collegiate and CU Opportunity Programs. 6. Measure year-to-year numbers of faculty and staff completing diversity training. 7. Complete inclusion of diversity in freshmen seminar by 2009. 8. Measure year-to-year increases in study abroad programs. 9. Publish results of annual climate survey. 10. Measure year-to-year increases in community participation in campus events. B. Cultivate Campus Climate of Enthusiasm for and Acceptance of Differences Tactics: 1. Communicate to all faculty and staff recruits the campus values of justice, equality respect, and fairness. 2. Create marketing and communication messages supporting acceptance of differences. 3. Deal fairly and appropriately with problems related to difference. 4. Increase representation of underrepresented populations through the campus. 5. Develop diversity awareness training for faculty and staff. 13 6. Provide broad access to University programs. 7. Measure enthusiasm for and acceptance of differences in campus climate survey. Performance Measures: 1. Develop and implement Diversity Training Program. 2. Review campus publications and web site for attention to inclusiveness. 3. Demonstrate increases in acceptance through campus climate survey. C. Commit to Development of Cultural Competency Tactics: 1. Adopt and disseminate definition of cultural competency across campus to faculty, staff, and students in multiple and varied formats. 2. Create instructional template to inventory current diversity instruction across all UCCS academic units. 3. Consolidate support mechanisms for diversifying the curriculum and evaluate best practices. Performance Measures: 1. Adopt cultural competency definition by AY 2007-08 and incorporate into web sites, curriculum, and departmental assessments. 2. Have instructional template created, contacts made, and project launched. 3. List “best practices” for diversifying the curriculum. D. Make Diversity and Inclusiveness Integral to the Work of the University: Teaching, Research, Student Success, and Business Operations Tactics: 1. Consistently communicate the university’s commitment to the core values of diversity and inclusiveness. 2. Integrate the diversity strategic plan into campus strategic plan. Performance Measures: 1. Review campus goals, core values, college mission statements. 2. Integrate the two diversity plans. IX. GOAL: BECOME A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS Strategies A. Provide Leadership, Knowledge, and Communication Inspiring Excellence in Sustainability Tactics: 1. Add sustainability to the list of campus core values. 2. Achieve approval of an official campus sustainability policy. 3. Institute a permanent Sustainability Advisory Committee of faculty, staff, and students. 4. Institute a measurement of sustainability within a UCCS Core education goal. 5. Increase significantly the percent of students, faculty, and staff that have a basic awareness of sustainability. 14 6. Communicate sustainability goals to the faculty, staff, and students. Performance Measures: 1. In five years, UCCS is recognized as a leader in sustainability within the Pikes Peak region. 2. Periodic surveys of the campus community indicate an increased awareness of sustainability efforts. 3. Increase the number of course offerings that teach, train and include research for sustainability. 4. Host a state-wide sustainability program that attracts and is open to all ages of participants from middle-school through life long learners. B. Support Campus Innovations Leading to Sustainability Tactics: 1. Reward and recognize faculty, staff, and students who have creative ideas for increasing sustainability. 2. Develop the process and criteria for a campus sustainability award. 3. Empower UCCS employees to pursue energy, water and resource savings. 4. Establish a departmental sustainability award that recognizes, through a budget increase, the collective efforts of people within a department who have implemented an innovative environmentally sustainable solution to an issue. Performance Measures: 1. Award the first sustainability award at the May 2008 campus awards ceremony. 2. Recognize sustainability champions weekly in the campus newsletter Communique. 3. Distribute department sustainability awards quarterly beginning July of 2008. C. Value Human Resources to Realize the Campus Vision Tactics: 1. Establish competitive compensation practices for competitive performance. 2. Expand faculty and staff development opportunities. 3. Increase the number of staff at UCCS. 4. Expand the number of internal promotional opportunities for staff at UCCS. 5. Explore the opportunities for creative hiring opportunities such as spousal hires when recruiting out of state faculty. 6. Develop a survey of separating faculty and staff in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. Performance Measures: 1. Increase the staff to faculty ratio every year. 2. Increase recruitment of faculty through the implementation of creative hiring opportunities such as a spousal hire program. 3. Implement a university approved separate survey of faculty and staff. 4. Implement a competitive compensation practice. D. Develop Human Resources and Organizational Infrastructure in Support of the Campus Vision Tactics: 15 1. Establish clear policies to encourage, promote, and reward entrepreneurship in course delivery and other programs. 2. Expand human resources services available for administration, faculty, and staff. 3. Support timely resolution of disputes. Performance Measures: 1. Increase the professional level of staff working in the Human Resources Department. 2. Increase the availability of intuitive web-based applications on the Human Resources website. 3. Increase the number and availability of training programs offered by the Human Resources department. 4. Track faculty disputes in a confidential process that demonstrates a reduction in the time spent to resolve disputes. E. Create a Marketing and Advancement Function in Support of the Campus Vision Tactics: 1. Establish a formalized marketing function. 2. Establish a marketing budget. 3. Determine the organizational structure of the marketing function. Performance Measures: 1. Develop a formalized marketing function by July 2007. 2. Identify a marketing budget by July 2007. 3. Complete the organizational marketing structure by July 2007. X. GOAL: BUILD BRIDGES TO THE COMMUNITY, REGION, NATION, AND WORLD BY BECOMING A SOCIAL, CULTURAL, ECONOMIC AND INTELLECTUAL HUB Strategies A. Provide Intellectual Property to Stimulate Community Economic Development Tactics: 1. Expand research efforts and opportunities to take products to market. 2. Increase licensing activity. 3. Expand patents, license agreements, and invention disclosures. Performance Measures: 1. Measure the increases in patents and intellectual property taken to market. 2. Measure the increase in licensing activity. B. Provide Leadership for Community and Regional Diversity Efforts Tactics: 1. Convene a campus-wide committee to develop a comprehensive publicity effort to promote, advertise, and coordinate community and campus activities. 2. Create contact information list of diverse community groups and organizations to invite to campus to events and/or as resources. 16 3. Create “how to put on a public event” packet and identify the “go to” person/office for questions related to how to successfully host an event on campus and in the community. 4. Create university speaker bureau and publicize to diverse communities. 5. Coordinate UCCS representation at diverse community banquets and events throughout the year. Performance Measures: 1. Establish committee and develop publicity effort. 2. Complete and distribute contact list. 3. Create packet. 4. Generate list of campus speakers and track UCCS participation. 5. Complete list of community events and establish pool of UCCS representatives. C. Meet Local and Regional Academic and Program Needs Tactics: 1. Work with local and regional stakeholders to expand program offerings. 2. Develop partnerships with local and regional entities. 3. Increase outreach efforts to military and community organizations to determine academic and program needs. 4. Expand internship opportunities through development of increased employer partnerships. Performance Measures: 1. Measure the numbers of programs implemented annually based on community and military assessment. D. Contribute to the Cultural and Intellectual Vitality of the Community and Region Tactics: 1. Promote and increase theater, recreational, and sporting event activities. 2. Promote university lecture series to the community and region. 3. Promote the use of the Kraemer Family Library to the community and region. Performance Measures: 1. Measure the increased number of community people in attendance at activities and events. 2. Measure increase in community use of the library. E. Enhance Postsecondary Participation Rates for all of Southern Colorado Tactics: 1. Expand Pre-Collegiate Program in southern Colorado. 2. Expand outreach programs in southern Colorado. 3. Expand outreach to high school counselors in southern Colorado. 4. Expand southern Colorado middle and high school student visits to UCCS. Performance Measures: 1. Achieve 10% increase in southern Colorado Pre-collegiate students enrolling in UCCS by 2010 . 17 2. Implement 3-5 new outreach programs in southern Colorado each year (faculty presentations, high school visits, etc.). 3. Conduct summer workshop for southern Colorado high school counselors by 2008. 4. Increase by 10% UCCS/Southern Colorado high school visits each year. F. Increase Public Offerings Addressing Issues of Significance Tactics: 1. Develop formal university lecture series and promote to the community and region. 2. Develop more formal partnerships with NISSSC and the community and region. 3. Promote and feature faculty research to the community through the media and on-campus brown bag discussions. Performance Measures: 1. Measure the community attendance at lecture and other education events. 2. Measure the number of new partnerships created by NISSSC. 3. Measure the number of feature articles, television features and on campus events done on faculty research. G. Develop the Impact of a Regional Comprehensive University Tactics: 1. Market and promote the university’s research, centers, institutes, sporting events, and cultural opportunities throughout the region. 2. Recruit and attract students from throughout the region. 3. Provide consultants, subject matter experts and quality programs to the region. Performance Measures: 1. Measure the attendance at activities and partnerships developed throughout the region with the university. 2. Measure the number of students who attend the university from southern Colorado. 3. Measure the number of faculty and staff involved in southern Colorado in a consultant, lecture, and program roles. Regents’ Area of RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Goals, Strategies, Tactics, and Performance Measures XI. GOAL: DISTINGUISH AND COMMUNICATE A UNIQUE UCCS IDENTIFY Strategies A. Conduct an Inclusive and Professional Identity Branding Process Tactics: 1. Form a campus task-force to engage in an identity branding discussion. 2. Identify and work with an outside firm to help develop the UCCS brand. 18 3. Develop and execute a marketing communication plan to community the UCCS brand. Performance Measures: 1. Develop campus task force by July 2007. 2. Hire a marketing firm to work with task force by September 2007. 3. Develop a marketing and communication plan by December 2007. 4. Implement marketing and communication plan beginning in January 2008. XII. GOAL: STEWARD THE UCCS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND BUILD A CAMPUS INFRASTRUCTURE THAT FOSTERS DISCOVERY AND ESTABLISHES A SENSE OF PLACE Strategies A. Be Ecologically Conscious and Conservationist in Facilities Design and Development Tactics: 1. Hire and retain top architectural firms who understand the unique setting of the campus and design buildings to fit within this context. 2. Insist on following LEED and other green building strategies as new facilities are conceived and developed. 3. Make the campus an aesthetically enjoyable setting for learning and discovery. Performance Measures: 1. Assess number of LEED certified buildings on the campus. 2. Assess energy management projects implemented each year. 3. Assess number of awards given to campus for facility design and development by outside entities. B. Meet Commitments to Ongoing Capital construction Tactics: 1. Utilizing key personnel on the campus, review and update financial models as necessary to meet obligations. 2. Make payments as required to pay off Dwire Hall reconstruction and prepare for debt service payments for the Science/Engineering Building. 3. Finish the current capital projects authorized within budget and deliver on projected finish dates. Performance Measures: 1. Projects built and financed within context of overall campus budget. 2. Number of projects delivered on time and within budget. C. Plan for New Construction Tactics: 1. Utilizing key personnel on the campus, review and update the 2006 Facilities Strategic Plan as needed. 2. Update the five-year capital construction budget annually. 3. Review capital needs annually and adjust plans and priorities accordingly. 19 Performance Measures: 1. Deliver capital construction budgets on time each year to system and CCHE. 2. Assess number of Facility Program Plans approved by the system and CCHE during the five year horizon of the strategic plan. XIII. GOAL: INSPIRE ALUMNI TO CONNECT AND GROWTH WITH UCCS Strategies A. Connect with Alumni by Building a Comprehensive Marketing and Communications Program that Promotes Importance of Alumni Relations to Internal and External Constituencies, Strengthens the Interchange of Ideas and Issues Between the University and its Alumni, and Informs and Enhances Relationships Tactics: 1. Increase the number of accurate member e-mail addresses. 2. Enhance the broadcast e-mail delivery system for issues that have immediate interest to alumni. 3. Enhance and expand the features highlighting notable alumni and campus fundraising priorities. 4. Collaborate with colleges, athletics, and other strategically identified campus units to most effectively communicate with constituents. 5. Market and promote importance of alumni connections through consistent, highquality visual communications. 6. Increase frequency of communication with alumni. 7. Work with university relations office to ensure that alumni message is consistent with the overall message of the University. Performance Measures: 1. Increase number of alumni records with e-mail addresses. 2. Increase number of website visits and analyze alumni readership of e-newsletter. 3. Assess number of communications to alumni from all sources (web, print, etc). B. Expand the Alumni Advocacy Base Tactics: 1. Communicate and demonstrate the positive and unique attributes of UCCS. 2. Strengthen and train Alumni Board to be ambassadors for the University. 3. Use every communication channel available to distribute positive messages about UCCS that will encourage and equip alumni to be advocates. 4. Ensure that alumni are kept well-informed of their role in helping the University achieve its strategic goals. Performance Measures: 1. Increase alumni board participants in training opportunities. 2. Increase numbers of alumni ambassadors. 3. Increase number of collaborative programs. C. Strengthen Outreach and Engagement Efforts toward Graduating Students 20 Tactic: 1. Develop and implement an outreach program directed toward graduating seniors and new graduates Performance Measures: 1. Increase regularity of contact with Colleges and increase number of collaborative programs developed to communicate with graduating seniors and alumni. 2. Increase number of contacts made with seniors and graduated students. D. Increase College-Based Alumni Connections Tactics: 1. Inspire current students to see their role as future alumni of UCCS by educating students about the value and honor of being a UCCS alumnus. 2. Develop a program to enhance UCCS’s communications efforts and coordinate a University and College-based communications plan. 3. Inspire students to fill roles in key campus events that provide exposure to a cross-population of students, i.e. Orientation, Commencement, Homecoming/Fall Fest, etc. Performance Measures: 1. See the development of University/College-based communications plan. 2. Increase the number of alumni connections made from each college. 3. Increase participation in campus events. E. Provide Alumni Services to Graduated Students Tactics: 1. Provide programs and resources that encourage alumni to pursue lifelong learning opportunities. 2. Utilize new technology to expand professional development opportunities for alumni through programs such as online mentoring/coaching and online skill enhancement. 3. Provide professional development and networking programs that can be used by alumni in collaboration with Career Services. Performance Measures: 1. Create a professional development program for use by alumni. 2. Create on-line opportunities for alumni involvement. 3. Increase opportunities for alumni to connect to UCCS to receive services. F. Connect Alumni with Students and Build Relationships with Students by Supporting their UCCS Experience and Introducing Them to Opportunities for Life Long Involvement with UCCS Tactics: 1. Research developing a Student-Alumni Association. 2. Increase support for students by growing the Alumni Association scholarship program. 3. Provide opportunities for alumni and student scholars to meet. 4. Develop alumni relationships with student leaders and outstanding scholars. 21 5. Connect alumni to students for purposes of mentoring. Performance Measures: 1. Establishment of Student Alumni Association. 2. Growth of annual scholarship dollars awarded to students. 3. Predictability of interactions with student scholarship recipients. 4. Increase the regularity of interaction with alumni and student leaders and outstanding scholars. XIV. GOAL: SECURE FINANCIAL FUTURE TO STIMULATE AND SUSTAIN RESPONSIBLE GROWTH Strategies A. Improve Student Retention Tactics: Tactics are listed under Goal I, Strategy A: Improve Student Retention Through Focused Concerted Efforts. Performance Measures: Performance Measures are listed under Goal I, Strategy A: Improve Student Retention Through Focused Concerted Efforts. B. Increase Student Body to 10,000 by 2012 Tactics: 1. Grow the student body by at least 2% in each year during the planning horizon. 2. Increase the number of WUE students by 2% each year. 3. Increase the number of non-resident students by 3% each year. Performance Measures: 1. Assess student body numbers each year in the planning horizon. 2. Assess number of WUE students in the student body each year. 3. Assess number of non-resident students in the student body each year. C. Stabilize and Build Financial Resources Tactics: 1. Stabilize enrollment and grow enrollment to build dependable source of revenues. 2. Add to the campus endowments to diversify revenue sources. 3. Support public policy improvements to stabilize funding from the state to support educational opportunities for resident students. 4. Examine new non-traditional sources of revenue to enhance campus financial position. Performance Measures: 1. Assess actual enrollments each year. 2. Measure endowments attributable to UCCS within the CU Foundation each year. 22 3. Assess amount of state funding dedicated to UCCS operating budget each year during the planning horizon. 4. Assess non-traditional sources of revenue as a % of campus budget each year. D. Focus on Total Resource Development Tactics: 1. Make TRD goals a part of each campus officer’s evaluation each year. 2. Examine new opportunities to bring financial value to the campus. Performance Measures: 1. Total TRD valuation increases by 10% each year in the planning horizon. 2. Number of TRD initiatives increases by one major initiative each year. E. Maintain a Balanced Budget Tactics: 1. Build each annual campus operational budget with a focus on conservatively budgeting to estimated available revenues. 2. Ensure that auxiliary units budget to available revenues each year. Performance Measures: 1. Campus budgets have revenues exceeding expenses each year. 2. Auxiliary results show growth in reserves and balanced operational expenses each year. F. Increase Philanthropy Tactics: 1. Work with the CU Foundation staff assigned to UCCS to enhance and diversify the donor base for the campus. 2. Make increasing philanthropy a goal of each UCCS officer in performance plans. 3. Examine new strategies and events to consider to increase philanthropic support of the campus. Performance Measures: 1. Improve annual giving amounts to the CU Foundation for UCCS by 3% annually during the planning horizon. 2. New philanthropic events occur each year.