STAFF HANDBOOK (SAMPLE APRIL, 2014) Italicized comments are for your consideration in compiling the handbook for your school. ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL – STUDENTS The school must be notified when a student is absent. Remind your students and parents that it is very helpful if they call school and tell us why their child is absent; otherwise they will receive a call from the automated dialer requesting information regarding the absence. (We now have voicemail so they can leave a message during non-office hours.) Additionally, students returning to school following any absence must present a note from home explaining the absence in order for it to be excused. Such notes are to be sent to the office. (Please read the note before forwarding it to the office. Make sure it is dated and has the student’s first/last name and your name on it. Record that information directly on the note if the parent did not). Visits to a doctor or dentist during the regularly scheduled school day should be avoided. However, if a student is absent or tardy due to a doctor or dentist appointment, a note from the medical office must be presented to the school for the absence/tardy to be excused. Absences due to confirmed illness, death in the immediate family, and religious holidays are considered excused. ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL - STAFF When a staff member is absent from school, he/she is responsible for calling the school to report the absence by insert the specified time for your school. Cafeteria staff must speak to the Nutrition Services Manager who will report the absence to the principal. Custodians must notify the Plant Operator who will report the absence to the principal. All other employees are to speak directly to the principal or principal designee. Each supervisor needs to decide and designate in writing whether texting is an acceptable method of reporting an absence. Kindergarten instructional assistants shall make arrangements for a substitute. Certified teachers must contact the Substitute Teacher Center no later than one hour prior to the beginning of the school day. If you know that you will be out for more than one day and you want the same substitute, notify the office and we will contact the substitute for you. Retaining the same substitute for the length of your absence is critical for the continuity of the academic program. Each employee must fill out and sign a leave affidavit upon his/her return from any absence. This card must be given to the secretary in order for payroll to be completed and submitted on time. Be advised that absence without leave or falsification of the affidavit will result in disciplinary action. (See applicable labor agreement for specific leave guidelines and information.) ACCIDENTS All student injuries must be reported to the office (regardless of the nature) as soon as possible following the incident. Depending upon the seriousness, the teacher may bring or send the injured child to the office. A "Standard Student Accident Report Form" is to be completed. Each school will need specific procedures regarding completion of the form. Any staff member who is injured while on school grounds must file an accident report form with the secretary on the day of the injury. All employees of JCPS are covered by Workers Compensation. For procedures and further information, see the school secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS We begin each school day [insert time] with a morning telecast (Channel 4). Please check the "Opening Exercise Schedule" for the date(s) your students will participate by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the [insert school] Student Pledge. Routine daily announcements will be communicated via email each morning. All employees are expected to read this email before the school day begins. Announcements over the PA system during school will be limited as much as possible so as not to interrupt the instructional process. Therefore, information will be communicated via email and mailbox notes throughout the day. Make sure to check these during lunch and planning time. Occasionally, announcements will be made at the beginning of afternoon dismissal, so it is very important that each classroom be silent during that time. ARRIVAL - STUDENTS (Information as shared with parents) School begins at [insert time] A.M. Students may arrive at school anytime after [insert time] A.M. Students arriving prior to [insert time] A.M. will go to the Gym (not to lockers) and sit in lines according to their homeroom. Students who eat breakfast will report directly to the Gym upon completing their meal. For supervision prior to [insert time] A.M. the YMCA provides childcare. If you need this service, call [insert phone number] for information. (No other student supervision is provided before [insert time] A.M.) Students are dismissed from the Gym beginning at [insert time] A.M. At this time, students can go to the Bookstore (if needed), to their lockers, and then directly to their Homerooms. Children will not be allowed to use the restroom without first checking in with their teacher and getting a pass. Staff members are assigned to morning supervision duty in the cafeteria, gym, and hallways, as well as at the car pool and bus unloading areas, beginning at [insert time] A.M. Classroom teachers are expected to be at their classroom door, assisting with hallway supervision from [insert time] A.M. [elementary} PTA parents assist with arrival and dismissal for the first week of school. All students will be tagged indicating how they will go home from school. It is the classroom teacher’s responsibility to ensure that every student is tagged correctly and dismissed according to their tag. Please review transportation procedures with your students daily during the first two weeks. ASSAULT Any case of assault on or off school property when an employee is engaged in school business must be reported to the principal. The incident will then be reported, in writing, by the principal to the necessary personnel. ATTENDANCE - STUDENTS All homeroom teachers are expected to keep up-to-date, accurate attendance records in Infinite Campus. If a child arrives after the start of the school day, make sure he/she has a "Tardy Slip". The attendance clerk will adjust Infinite Campus attendance for that student. Attendance records are extremely important - percentages are used to calculate our school-based budget - so please be prompt and accurate. ATTENDANCE - STAFF There is an employee sign in/sign out book in the office. Every employee shall sign in before their work shift begins and sign out after it ends. This information is used to document employee payroll. All employees are required to sign in and out including the exact time of departure and arrival. No one is to sign in or out for someone else. Employees assigned to more than one school will sign-in and out each time they enter or leave each school. AUDIO VISUAL Any movies shown must be G-Rated. They must be either legally copyrighted or meet JCPS guidelines for presentation. Movies are to be connected to content; showing a movie for entertainment/reward requires administrative approval. BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL SUPERVISION In order to ensure the safety of all students as they arrive to, and depart from school, staff may be assigned to morning or afternoon student supervision responsibilities on a volunteer or rotating basis. This schedule can be found in the “Meetings and Schedules” section of the handbook. To provide optimum student supervision, safety and security, all classroom teachers will be at their classroom doors during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal to supervise students within the room and in the hallway. BELLS 8:35 8:55 9:05 3:45 [insert school specific times] Breakfast Students dismissed from gym to classrooms and Bookstore Opens School Begins Dismissal BIRTHDAYS (Information as shared with parents) Please make arrangements with the classroom teacher prior to sending any birthday treats to school. If sending edible treats, we recommend that you send ones that are easy for your child to distribute such as cookies, cupcakes, etc. It is also recommended that the treats be purchased, commercially prepared items for food safety reasons. Because of allergy and medical restrictions the teacher must be consulted prior to providing treats to the school. Treats can be brought to the Office by you or your child in the morning before school. While birthday treats are acceptable, this is not to be considered a birthday party for your child. Visitors, camcorders, party favors, etc., are interruptions of the educational process and are not permitted. BOOKSTORE The bookstore will be open from [insert time] a.m. until [insert time] a.m. daily. A supply and price list will be posted outside the bookstore window. BULLETIN BOARDS/CLASSROOM DECORATIONS Classrooms should be orderly and decorated in an attractive and inviting way. Bulletin boards are to be used to highlight student work, a season, holiday, or special topic your class is studying and are to be updated periodically. Caution should be taken to assure the appropriateness of all materials posted (non-sexist, non-stereotyping, and non-religious). For fire and safety reasons, glass on the classroom doors must not be covered in such a way that vision into the room is blocked. Items are not to be hung from classroom ceilings as this causes problems with the security alarm system. BUSES A child may ride a bus other than his/her regular bus. However, a note from the parent that has been approved by the school office is necessary for even a one-day change. If the student is going home a different way than indicated on the student’s enrollment form or is going on a different bus or car than usual, the student must provide a note from a parent each day the change occurs advising the bus driver, teacher, and office staff of the change. If a student is going home with another student, both students must have a permission note from his/her parent. Bus drivers require a copy of the note and a signature from a school official in these instances. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that students board buses at dismissal in a timely manner. In the event that a student misses the bus, the teacher must accompany the student to the office in order to resolve the issue. CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS The following district-wide solicitations for charitable contributions are authorized by the Board of Education: For Employees and Students Crusade for Children Fund for the Arts Metro United Way United Negro College Fund Each school may select one other organization or campaign which has been pre-screened by the District's fundraising committee to which contributions may be solicited on a local school basis. The District's pre-screening committee has approved charities from which schools may choose. The list of these charities is located in the policies section of this handbook. CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT, DEPENDENCY Kentucky law mandates that any person who suspects child abuse must report this to the Child Protective Services office at 595-4550 (e-mail and fax options are available). This is each staff person's legal responsibility. This report must be made as soon as the abuse, neglect, or dependency is suspected. The principal or counselor must also be immediately informed. Documentation of the notification to CPS is to be kept on file in the office. See [insert section] for the memorandum from the superintendent that summarizes the requirements for “Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect”, issued yearly. Adult Abuse/Spousal Abuse If you have reasonable cause to suspect that a person is the victim of spousal abuse/domestic violence or that a mentally or physically impaired adult is the victim of abuse, neglect or exploitation you are required to make a report to the Adult Abuse Hotline at 595-4803. Death of the adult does not relieve one of responsibility for reporting the circumstances surrounding the death. Kentucky law grants immunity from civil or criminal liability to any person acting upon reasonable cause in the making of such a report. CLASS SCHEDULES Daily classroom schedules cannot include non-instructional time (e.g. restroom, telecast, recess, etc.). The only non-instructional time to be included is lunch. A copy of your daily schedule must be sent to the office by [insert date]. A copy is to be posted outside of your classroom door by the end of the second week of school. Should changes occur during the school year, submit a revised schedule to the office and post the update. COLLECTIONS The collection of money from students or parents is not permitted without prior approval of the principal. Receipts must be issued for all funds collected and the Multiple Receipt Forms (available from the Bookkeeper) shall be used. When collecting money, send it to the bookkeeper daily for deposit. No money is to be kept in individual teachers’ classrooms. COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS Maintaining on-going, professional and positive communication with parents is vital to the success of our efforts to assure the success of every student. Every classroom teacher should make a personal introduction to each parent prior to the opening of school or within the first two (2) weeks of school. An information letter to parents should be sent home during the first week of school. A copy of any communication you send home to the entire class must be turned into the office. If the contents have the potential to be problematic or controversial, the letter must be submitted to the principal for discussion and/or approval before it is copied and distributed. Remember to follow confidentiality guidelines during any communication, verbal or written, with parents and/or community members. CONFERENCES, PARENT/TEACHER Through conferences, teachers and parents can evaluate the growth and achievement of the student and communicate the progress to be expected. This should be planned in order to produce the intended results. The conference should enumerate the student's strengths as well as areas of needed improvement. Designated conference days are built into the district calendar, but conferences may also be held at other times if necessary. Scheduling is done by the teacher, taking into consideration the convenience of the parent. Include documentation of the conference in Infinite Campus. It is recommended that parent-teacher conferences held for an ECE or ESL student will also include personnel from those areas. The counselor will strive to schedule SBARC meetings before or after school, or during a teacher's planning time. However, due to the need to consider the schedules of the numerous people involved in these conferences, SBARC's may be scheduled at other times. Teachers may be compensated according to contractual guidelines after filling out the appropriate form. CONFIDENTIALITY Information about students is confidential and is to be discussed only in privacy with appropriate staff members who work with that child or with the parent/guardian. Information is not to be discussed inside or outside the school with unauthorized persons. When writing a referral or a note to parents concerning their child, do not write the name of any other child on the referral (i.e. John was fighting with another student in his class; not John was fighting with Mary.) Never discuss another child during a parent conference. Do not leave confidential student information on an answering machine or voicemail unless there is an emergency. The professional reputation of our school hinges upon dealing with information about students in a confidential and sensitive manner. Your concern for confidentiality is critical to maintaining [insert school name] good reputation in our community. It is a professional responsibility and obligation. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No employee of the Jefferson County Public School District shall be directly or indirectly interested in the sale to and contract with the school district of books, stationary or any other property, perishables, materials, supplies, equipment or services for which school funds are expended. COPY MACHINES The copier in the mailroom is for office use only. There are four other copiers/duplicators for teacher use. Each certified staff member will have a code for copier use. The PTA will also have a designated code. Please consider the cost of toner and developer when making copies and only do so when truly necessary. COPYRIGHT LAWS Please be advised that any material that is copyrighted has special restrictions regarding duplication. It is the express responsibility of each teacher or instructional staff member to observe the law regarding reproductions of said items. The office and local school administration accept no responsibility for individual violations of copyright law. (See memo "Technology and Copyright Infringement" located in the back of this handbook.) CUSTODIAL SERVICES We are fortunate to have a dedicated custodial staff that keeps our school neat and clean. To continue having such a clean school, we must all work together. Please work with your students and colleagues to implement the following guidelines: Form a general housekeeping process with your students. At the end of each day, allow time for students to organize their desk and prepare books and papers to go home. Important Information If any equipment in your room fails, let the plant operator know using the form located in your handbook. Notify the Plant Operator and/or Principal of any safety issue noted in the building or on the grounds Remind students not to put their hands on the walls or bulletin boards as they walk through the halls. Plan an organized procedure for using the restroom facilities. Notify the plant operator immediately if there are problems with plumbing, cleanliness or safety in the restrooms. Students may not chew gum in school. Do not leave windows open when you are not in your classroom. When using copy machines and laminating machines, please leave the machine and area neat. Remember that the staff lounge is for all staff. Do your part in keeping it a place that is attractive and comfortable. The refrigerator will be cleaned out every two weeks (on pay day Friday). Please remove anything belonging to you before you go home on those days. Any remaining articles will be thrown out. The principal and/or plant operator will make weekly building inspections of the building and grounds. DISCIPLINE We maintain a school climate where teachers can teach and students can learn. To do so, follow the Jefferson County Public Schools’ Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline in implementing our school discipline plan. Classroom Management - Having well organized plans for instruction and daily classroom rules and routines ready to implement the first day of school will set the climate for learning. During the first weeks of school, teach and re-teach rules and routines. Remember to include procedures and expectations for behavior in hallways, the lunchroom, the restrooms, in special areas, and on the bus. Teach your consequences and rewards for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Reteach the procedures and expectations throughout the school year. Teacher Responsibilities Discuss and post classroom behavior expectations on the first day. Review procedures and routines regularly. Provide positive feedback to students when they follow the procedures you’ve set. Supervise students at all times. Students are not to be left in the hallways or alone in a classroom for disciplinary or any other reasons. When a student needs to see the Principal or Counselor for disciplinary reasons, send a discipline referral to the office, not the student. Upon receipt of the referral, an administrator or member of the Student Response Team will come to get him/her as quickly as possible. No students are to be sent unaccompanied by an adult to the office for disciplinary action. NOTE: If there is an immediate threat to the safety of students or adults, press the red emergency button in your classroom. An administrator will respond. Students are not to be deprived of attending special area classes as a means of discipline, and incomplete work will not be sent with students to complete during these classes. Special area classes are part of the curriculum and each student needs to attend and participate. Special Area teachers are not to send students who misbehave back to the classroom teacher. Corporal punishment is never to be used in the Jefferson County Public Schools under any circumstances. Behavior Expectations and Standards (Information as shared with parents) Students who attend [insert school name] are encouraged and expected to: Be responsible Follow directions Work hard Respect themselves and others Treat others the way they want to be treated Behave appropriately Remember: The best way to teach and reinforce these expectations is by modeling them. Role plays at the beginning of a school year can also be an effective way to teach young children what you expect from them. Time-Out System Each teacher will have a time-out partner. It is expected that you and your partner will establish procedures you will use to communicate the reason, duration, and expectations for work completion while your student is out of your room. This communication should be private (i.e. not to be overheard by the student involved or any other student) and occur before the student is escorted to the receiving teacher’s classroom or area. Class Rewards As a part of our school-wide discipline plan, classes will be eligible to earn points for good behavior in common areas. Upon earning 25 points, the class will receive the appropriate reward. A positive, pro-active, consistent behavior management plan is the best way to insure an orderly educational environment. Please adhere to the system and plans that have been developed by your colleagues. DISCIPLINE REFERRALS The system of monitoring and reporting disciplinary referrals at [insert school] will be as follows: All referrals are to be submitted on the four part Pupil Disciplinary Referral Form. When completing the form, make sure and include your teacher number (use classroom #) in the space in the lower right hand corner of the form marked "code of referral source". Submit referral to the appropriate administrator. The referring staff member keeps the gold copy. Do not list the name(s) of any other student(s) on the referral form due to confidentiality. If more than one student is involved, each student must have a separate referral form. If needed, you may attach a post-it-note to the referral to provide more information for the administrator. (Remember to use professional language when describing the reason for the discipline referral.) After the administrator has taken the necessary action(s) with the student, a copy will be mailed to the student’s home and the remaining copies will be processed. The administrator will: record all referrals on a disciplinary referral log sheet and in Infinite Campus. return the pink copy, indicating what action was taken, to the referral source, forward the yellow copy to the counselor, if appropriate. file the white copy of the referral in the office. The principal will also prepare and submit a discipline referral report to the Central Office, as necessary. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Students are to go to their lockers with their teachers at a designated time. All students should be prepared to go home, seated and silent at [insert time] p.m. Each classroom teacher is responsible for making sure every student leaves their classroom when they are called. Make arrangements with a colleague to supervise your students on the afternoons you have dismissal duty. DRESS CODE - STAFF Teachers are professionals and serve as role models for students. Work attire should reflect this. Extremes in fashions should be avoided in teaching as they usually are in the business world. DRESS CODE - STUDENTS (Information as shared with parents) [insert school dress code] As stated in our SBDM policy, all students are expected to dress appropriately for the activities of the school day and the weather. Students are not allowed to wear halter tops, spaghetti-strapped tank tops, or any clothing that exposes the abdominal area. Shorts, skorts, or skirts should be worn at an appropriate length; no shorter than the end of the fingertip when the arm is extended straight down the side of the body. Pants are to be worn at the waist level at all times. Students should wear shoes that will be safe for all activities, including P.E. Students should wear closed toe shoes. Students are encouraged to wear tennis shoes daily. Heels should be limited to 2" or less. The staff at [insert school name] solicits your cooperation in emphasizing cleanliness, neatness, and appropriateness of dress for our students. Personal hygiene, good grooming, and good manners enhance student's success. Any type of clothing that causes distractions in the classroom or any clothing that leads to misconduct will result in students being referred to the principal or counselor. DUTY HOURS Please refer to the "Duty Hours" information in this handbook for specific information regarding your work hours. No one is permitted to leave the school grounds during work hours unless written permission is given by the principal to do so. Routine appointments are not to be scheduled during the employees’ duty hours. See the principal if you have any questions. EARLY DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Please discourage your parents from taking their children out of school early. This affects the students' and school's attendance. If the student is to leave early, parents must pick him/her up in the office. For dismissal during school hours, release pupils ONLY when approved by office personnel. If you receive a note from a parent regarding early dismissal, be sure to send it to the office in the morning. Do not send the student to the office for pickup; wait for a call from the office when the parent arrives. BE ALERT for any special custody situations of students in your classroom. EXERCISE [elementary schools] According to Kentucky law, it is mandated that students have at least 150 minutes (indoors or outside) per week of vigorous exercise. Scheduled P.E. classes will account for some of this time. The remaining time becomes the responsibility of the classroom teacher. Each classroom teacher will sign up for 20 minute blocks of time for extended P.E. use. It is expected that no more than four classes will utilize a playground area at any one time. Teachers are to be vigilant in monitoring their students at all times while on the playground. All classroom teachers must adhere to the posted extended P.E. schedule and NO CLASSES may be outside after 3:15 P.M. This information must be included in the substitute folder. A walkie-talkie will be provided for two-way communication between outside and the office. FEE WAIVERS For students on free/reduced lunch whose parents have submitted a Fee Waiver Form, mandatory waiver of fees shall apply to all charges required for participation, including classroom fees and fees for field trips. If a parent who has submitted the Fee Waiver Form voluntarily waives the right to the fee waiver provisions and wishes to pay a portion or all of a specific fee, then written documentation from the parent verifying the payment is required. The school bookkeeper will provide you with information regarding students on Fee Waiver, as well as those whose parents have waived their right. FIELD TRIPS Field trips must be related to the curriculum, properly planned/supervised and a “Field Trip Request” form must be submitted to the principal for approval. A field trip request must be made at least one month in advance of the planned field trip. The bookkeeper will provide deadlines for submission of field trip approvals by the Board of education. Bus arrangements for field trips will be made by the bookkeeper once the trip has been approved. You are responsible for obtaining proper parent permission slips signed by the parents/guardians of students who participate. Blank parent permissions slips are available in the office. Completed slips must be turned into the office prior to the trip along with the names of any students not attending the field trip. The reason for non-attendance should be noted next to the students’ names. Remember: No student is to be excluded from any field trip without prior communication with the parent/guardian and permission of the principal. Chaperones are to be at least 21 years of age, and no siblings or non-(name of school) children are allowed on field trips. Chaperones must have a Criminal Background Check completed and must be cleared and approved before attending any field trip. Administration of medications on field trips must be in compliance with JCPS procedures and arranged at least 24 hours in advance of the trip. FIRE EVACUATION It is each teacher’s responsibility to instruct students about and practice fire evacuation procedures. In the event of a drill or actual fire evacuation, the following procedures will be followed: Students, accompanied by an adult, are to WALK SINGLE FILE in silence to their assigned area. Teachers are to take their grade book and check roll at the assigned area to insure that all students are present and accounted for. Classes (staff and students) are to remain in the assigned area until directed otherwise by designated office staff. Silence must be maintained in these safe areas so important information can be heard. Fire evacuation directions are included in this handbook and should be posted in each classroom as well as included in the substitute folder. FUND RAISING According to JCPS Policy IGDF Student Fund Raising Activities each school may conduct only one (1) school-wide fund raising project. Any additional school-wide projects will require Board of Education approval. All fund-raising activities, regardless of scope, require approval from the Principal and must be of direct benefit to the students. No student shall be compelled to participate, solicit or meet any kind of quota in any school wide fund-raising activity. Candy/food sales are prohibited during the school day. GRADING All teachers are expected to keep accurate and up to date grades in Infinite Campus. Documentation of formal and informal assessments must be included. Reports are issued to parents at the end of every six (6) week period. Dates for these reports can be found in the school information section of this handbook and on the JCPS school calendar. All reports will be reviewed by the Principal. Grade books must be turned in to the office at the end of the year and will be retained by the school for five years. All teachers shall adhere to the JCPS Student Progression, Promotion and Grading Handbook. GUM Students may not chew gum in school. HALL EXPECTATIONS Students will use a hall pass at all times when leaving the classroom. Any student found in the hallway without one will be instructed to return to their classroom. Students will walk at all times in an orderly manner, keeping to the right of the hallway. Students are expected to be silent and orderly in the hall, keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves. An adult will always accompany classes as they move from one place to another in the school building. HARRASSMENT/DISCRIMINATION Harassment/Discrimination is defined as intimidation by threats or acts of physical violence or the expression of hatred, contempt, or prejudice toward an individual for any reason. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and/or physical behavior of a sexual nature. Jefferson County Public Schools does not tolerate harassment/discrimination against students or employees for any reason. Corrective action will be taken, as described in the JCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline and the Student Bill of Rights, JCPS Policy JBA Harassment/Discrimination and/or JCPS Policy GBAA Harassment/Discrimination. Employees shall report incidents of harassment or discrimination in the workplace to your principal, immediate supervisor, or to the Office of Compliance and Investigations, 485-3341. HEALTH ROOM Children who become ill at school are to be brought by you or sent with an adult to the office with the proper health form. At no time should a teacher or assistant call a parent to ask the parent to pick up a sick child. If medication is necessary it will be dispensed from the office. However, it may be necessary for personnel to dispense medication while on a field trip. (See Field trip policies and procedures section) HOMEWORK Homework is a part of the total educational process and serves to review, reinforce, and extend learning. The primary purpose of giving homework is to provide a review of lessons already taught in class. Homework is also given to enrich or to extend the classroom presentation; to assist in the establishment of independent work habits and assumption of personal responsibility by the pupil; and to help keep parents abreast of the curriculum. Homework should be developmentally appropriate and easily understood by the students and/or parents. These assignments should be graded, recorded and returned to students in a timely manner. Refer to the JCPS Progression, Promotion and Grading Handbook for specific information. Note: As requested by the PTA, no homework will be assigned on Skate Party nights, Kentucky Kids Day or Open House. [insert school specific events] INTERNET USE Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) offers access to electronic information through the internet. Along with this access to computers and to people all over the world comes the availability of materials that may not be considered appropriate for use in the classroom. You are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that students should follow when using these information resources. Parent permission is required for student use of the internet. All JCPS staff must read and agree to comply with the Acceptable Use policy. KEYS Classroom keys are provided for each teacher. Notify the office immediately if keys are lost. Keep your door locked when you and your students are not in the room. LEAVES OF ABSENCE JCPS grants leaves, paid and unpaid, to employees in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations and the provisions of the applicable union contract. No other leaves are considered as legitimate absences and cannot be approved. Specific information regarding the various types of leaves can be found in the applicable union contract. If called for Jury Duty, the employee must report to work on any days their presence is not required in court. The other most often used leaves are discussed here. Personal Leave Each staff member is credited with three (3) days of personal leave per year. These days shall be used at the employees' discretion. Personal leave will be granted upon request to the Principal. The Principal may deny such leave for certified staff if the total requests exceed 10% of the staff for any one day. No personal leave will be granted for the last five days of the school term, except for graduations of family members (detailed in JCTA/JCBE contract). Personal leave not used by the staff will roll over to sick days the following year. When absent, and personal leave is claimed, a yellow personal leave affidavit must be filled out and signed by the employee, in the presence of a notary (the secretary). The completed personal leave affidavit must be turned into the office. Sick Leave Each staff member is provided with sick leave in accordance with state law, board policy, and the applicable union contract. When absent and sick leave is claimed, a white sick leave affidavit must be filled out and signed by the employee in the presence of a notary. The completed card must be turned into the secretary the day you return after an absence. Improper or unapproved use of leave may be cause for disciplinary action. LEAVING SCHOOL Neither staff members nor students are to leave the school grounds during the regular school day unless approved in writing by the principal. If an emergency occurs and you need to leave school during the day, you must obtain written approval of the principal before leaving. Routine appointments should be scheduled during non-work hours or when school is not in session. LESSON PLANS Quality planning for instruction is essential for effective teaching and classroom management. It is the professional responsibility of each certified teacher to maintain written evidence of this planning. Lesson plans must be written at least one week in advance in a clear and concise manner so that anyone can follow them and should reflect varied teaching methods to meet all students' learning styles and needs. Goals and objectives (KCAS and/or Common Core Standards) should be listed. (This can be noted at the beginning of a unit of study or inserted throughout as appropriate.) Materials should be noted. The only non-instructional time that is to be included in the lesson plan book is lunch. Lesson plans will be reviewed by the principal according to the schedule found in this handbook. Each lesson plan book must be turned into the office at the end of the school year and will be retained at the school for 5 years. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER All classes have regularly scheduled Library times. Instruction and book checkout will occur during these times. The library will be closed and unavailable to staff or students during the Librarian’s planning and library management times. Library Policies Students may have no more than two books checked out at one time. Students are expected to be orderly, but not silent. Students should use a shelf marker when browsing for books. There are a variety of resources available for teacher use. Teachers may checkout materials by having the library media clerk or library volunteer checkout the item(s) on the computer. The Librarian is not to be interrupted during her classes for this or any other purpose. LOCKERS Locker assignments are determined annually and included in the school information section of this handbook. Primary students will share (2 students to one locker) and each intermediate student will be assigned his/her own. Grade groups may continue to use book storage lockers for "extra" textbooks as they are available. Please indicate, however, which books are in which lockers and submit this information to the bookkeeper. Book storage lockers must be locked. Remind/teach students to keep the locker areas neat and clean. They may not know how to do this without guidance from you. Primary teachers should practice how to load and unload lockers with their students during the first few days of school. Each classroom teacher will submit a class roster with assigned locker numbers to the office by [insert date]. LUNCHROOM Inform your students of appropriate lunchroom conduct and go over the following school cafeteria behavior expectations (as written in the Parent-Student Handbook) frequently: Remain properly seated until dismissed. Use good table manners. Show respect for adults and other students through appropriate behavior and attitude. Keep table area clean. Raise your hand for assistance from an adult. Use a voice that can be heard at your table only. Listen to and follow directions. Information as shared with parents: Children are encouraged to eat all of their lunch but no student will be forced to eat certain foods that he/she dislikes. Adults are available in the cafeteria to assist with opening condiments, juice boxes, etc. If a student is allergic to any food product, please provide a doctor’s statement to the office. If a child is allergic to milk, he/she will be given juice in its place for breakfast and lunch, provided we have a doctor’s statement. For safety reasons, please do not pack any glass containers in your child’s lunch. Students may not wear coats, jackets or backpacks when going through the breakfast or lunch line. No additional food (e.g. class pizza parties) may be served to students by parents or staff until one-half hour after the lunch line is closed, in accordance with federal school lunch program guidelines. ([insert time]) Teachers will walk their classes to the cafeteria and pick them up at the door following the posted lunch schedule. MAIL SERVICE "Pony Mail" runs three times weekly (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Only mail related to school business may be sent through the pony. US Mail is delivered to and picked up daily from the school office. Any US mail you receive will be placed in your mailbox. You are required to check your mailbox in the morning, at lunch, and at the end of the day for mail and messages. Mailbox keys are provided so that employees can and will retrieve their mail from the hallway. Students are not to be send to retrieve mail due to the confidentiality of materials that may be placed in mailboxes. MAKE-UP WORK (Information as shared with parents) Students are allowed one day for each day of excused absence plus one more day in which to turn in the make up work. MASTER CALENDAR All important dates/events for your classroom will be written on the calendar in the office hall after they have been approved by the principal. Check this calendar daily to keep informed of pertinent information. MEDICATION Medication is dispensed from the office to students who have a notarized "Permission to Give Medication" affidavit on file. Date and time that the medication is issued is recorded. No student is permitted to have medication (with the exception of asthma inhalers, which require approval) in his/her desk, locker or backpack. If found, secure the medication and immediately contact the office to arrange pick-up. Teachers and other instructional staff will be provided training on the dispensing of medication on field trips and will then be responsible for doing so in accordance with JCPS policies and procedures. Student information regarding medications is confidential --- do not discuss a student’s medication except with authorized personnel. MONEY AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS Money and personal belongings should never be left in the school overnight. During the day a teacher must not leave his/her wallet etc., where it could easily be taken while he/she is out of the room. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles of students, parents, staff or community persons. NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT All non-custodial parents have the right to inspect their child’s education records and to receive an explanation of the records. The only exception to this is if a court order, such as a divorce or separation decree states otherwise and we have a copy on file in the office. All student dismissals must be made from the school office. Do not release a student without the approval of office personnel. PARTIES Classroom parties should be limited to: Fall, Winter, and Valentine's Day. Each party should last approximately one hour and be scheduled at the end of the day. Leave the last fifteen minutes for cleanup. Teachers can contact room parents for their help with these events. If you have any students who are not permitted to participate for religious reasons, please make arrangements for them in advance. P.T.A. [insert school name] PTA is very active in their support of activities designed to benefit all children. They provide many services for our children and families including a tutoring program, vision and hearing screening, a bi-weekly newsletter, and fund-raising events. They also sponsor whole school academic, social, cultural and athletic programs that enrich our students overall school experience. The [insert school name] PTA is associated with the 15th District, State and National PTA organizations. We are very fortunate to have such an active, supportive PTA, so please show them your support by joining yourself and encouraging your students and families to join the [insert school name] PTA. RECORD KEEPING Accurate record keeping is essential and the professional responsibility of each certified staff member. It is important to review student records early in the school year to become familiar with the student’s IEP or PSP, health needs or restrictions and special accommodations. These records should be kept in an organized manner and stored where they can be easily accessed. Student cumulative folders must be kept in a locked location to insure confidentiality. Student Records VISI records and health cards will be kept in the office. Current data is to be recorded on the VISI at the end of each grading period, within five school days of grade report distribution. All record keeping is to be done in blue ink unless otherwise notified. Grade Books Grade reporting will be conducted in accordance with JCPS Student Progression, Promotion, and Grading Handbook. Teacher Responsibilities All teachers are to maintain a complete, accurate, up-to-date record that contains assessment documentation for all areas found on the permanent record for which they are responsible. Accurate records are the basis for many decisions concerning placement, promotion and retention of student. Therefore, more grades or objective evaluations are better than fewer. Documentation of progress (i.e., folder of work samples) may be needed in some instances. Parents will be made aware if a student has an accumulation of zeros or grades below a "C", "NI" or "U". If you see a pattern of poor work habits developing, begin intervention strategies for improvement such as talking with parents, and/or consulting with an administrator. If a student is exhibiting unsatisfactory progress or is displaying changes in performance, parents/guardians must be notified in a timely manner prior to distribution of the interim grade reports and the final report card. All parents will be informed prior to a teacher reporting a D, NI or U on a student's report card. Frequency of Reporting Parents will receive written progress reports six times during the school year. Details and samples of the interim and regular report card can be found in the "Reporting Student Progress" section of this handbook. Insert information here regarding school specific information on use of on-line grading and reporting of grades. RELIGIOUS OBSERVATIONS JCPS forbids discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, national origin, economic status, marital or parental status, disabling condition, sexual orientation, and/or veteran status. Be aware of and sensitive to the following situations and plan accordingly: There may be students in your class whose religious beliefs preclude them from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, participating in holiday activities (e.g. creating Halloween decorations, drawing pictures of Christmas symbols, writing a holiday theme, exchanging valentines), attending certain assemblies, singing specific songs, participating in holiday parties, or going on certain field trips. Students who do not wish to participate in such activities will be excused from participation. Students whose religious obligations require absence from school are allowed to make up work missed. The district policy on excused absences allows students the number of days absent plus one (1) day to make up the work missed. Students must not be assigned work just before a holiday absence with the requirement that they turn it in immediately upon their return. Such a requirement violates the District's policy on excused absences and interferes with families' rights to practice their religion. RESTROOMS A child may be excused to go to the restroom, but must have a restroom pass. All students must be advised that defacing or destroying school property (writing on walls and toilet doors, stopping up sinks and commodes with paper towels and rolls of toilet tissue) are punishable offenses. Restroom Expectations (Information as shared with parents) Students will practice safety. Students will help maintain the cleanliness of the restrooms. Students will be orderly and quiet in the restrooms. SEARCH PROCEDURES DO NOT INITIATE ANY PERSONAL SEARCH OF A STUDENT WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING THE PRINCIPAL The purpose of searching students, their belongings, lockers, desks, or automobiles, is to protect the property and safety of others and/or to maintain the ongoing educational process of the school. Searches, used to determine if there is evidence of student misconduct, are to be conducted only when other techniques have been exhausted or when there is an immediate danger to life or safety. Students have the protection, as do all citizens, against unreasonable search and seizure of their property. Personal Search of Students A personal search includes a search of a student's accessories (purse, wallet, backpack, notebooks, gym bag, etc.) and/or other outer garments that would not require disrobing to the skin. There will be no group searches or disrobing to the skin. To conduct the personal search of a student's accessories or outer garments, the following procedure will be used: 1. Students under the immediate supervision of a teacher may be searched to determine if there is evidence of student misconduct if: Standards of reasonable suspicion are met. A second school employee is present to serve as a witness. Intentional embarrassment to the student is avoided. 2. Students who are not under the immediate supervision of a teacher may be searched to determine if there is evidence of student misconduct if: Standards of reasonable suspicion are met. There is prior administrative approval and/or presence of a school administrator. A second school employee is present to serve as a witness. SEVERE WEATHER In the event of a severe weather drill or warning, the following procedures will be followed: Students, accompanied by an adult, are to WALK SINGLE FILE in silence to their assigned area. Teachers are to take their class roster and check roll at the assigned area to insure that all students are present and accounted for. Children get down on their knees, touch their heads to the floor and place their crossed arms over the back of their heads. Students cannot be positioned in front of bookcases, collapsing walls or doors, or windows. Students are to remain in the assigned area until directed otherwise by designated office staff. Silence must be maintained in these safe areas so important information can be heard. Severe weather assigned locations are included in this handbook and are to be posted in each classroom as well as included in the substitute folder. SMOKING All JCPS facilities and grounds are smoke free. Smoking is not permitted in the school building or on school grounds at any time. SPECIAL AREAS Special Area teachers will be available on a regularly scheduled basis to provide instruction in these areas. Special Area teachers are responsible for class supervision during assemblies held during their specified class time. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER CENTER To request a substitute teacher for sick, emergency, or personal leave, teachers are to call the Substitute Teacher Center at (485-7777). TEACHERS MUST NOTIFY PRINCIPAL OF THEIR ABSENCE AND REPORT THE JOB NUMBER PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL DAY. Requests for substitute teachers will be made the night before the absence when possible. Emergency requests for substitutes can be made up to one hour before the start of school. Emergency calls made later may result in a substitute not being available and, at the very least, arriving late. Refer to the section on “Absences” for details regarding reporting an absence. Substitute plans are to be available for the substitute. Leaving a message on the sub line, sending an e-mail, or depending on a colleague to provide substitute plans are not acceptable means of properly insuring that students receive quality instruction in case of teacher absence. SUPPLIES Funds are budgeted for each classroom teacher to purchase supplies. If additional materials are needed, notify the principal in writing and every effort will be made to provide what is needed to carry on a sound educational program. P.T.A. grants are also available. See the P.T.A. mailbox for forms. TARDINESS - STUDENTS Tardy students must go to the office for a tardy slip. Homeroom teachers shall require tardy students to present tardy slips upon arrival to the classroom. TARDINESS - STAFF It is necessary for all staff members to be punctual so that adequate supervision of students can be maintained. Late arrival not only jeopardizes the safety of students, but interferes with the delivery of organized, well managed instructional activities. If an emergency situation arises that will cause you to be late for work, you must call and speak to the principal or designee. Routine medical appointments are not considered emergencies and should not be scheduled during work time. TEACHER'S LOUNGE The lounge is available to all teachers and staff members. In order to help with the cleanliness, please return all trays and dirty dishes to the cafeteria. Please remove items from the refrigerator weekly. All items left on "pay day" Friday will be thrown out during cleaning. TELEPHONE USAGE Personal calls should be kept to a minimum, be brief in duration, and be made before/after school or during scheduled breaks. The school telephones are for business usage only. Students are not to be sent to the office to call home for homework, instruments, lunch money, etc. CELL PHONES Cell phones are to be muted during instructional time. Use of cell phones is restricted to non-duty times such as lunch or scheduled breaks. TEXTBOOKS Each teacher is responsible for the textbooks in his/her classroom. Each student is to have a State Textbook Form with a number recorded for each book assigned to him/her. This form must be signed by the parent, returned to the school, and kept by the teacher in the event of a lost book. Students who lose or damage books are to be reported to the office so that collection of funds for a replacement can be made. TRANSPORTATION An insurance affidavit must be completed and on file for any staff or parent volunteer to transport students. Transporting of students by staff members or parents should be limited and must be approved by the principal in advance. It is preferable for students to ride a school bus to and from any school-related function. VISITORS Parents and community members are invited to visit school and should be welcomed. The following policies and procedures will be shared with all visitors and must be followed: Arrangements for classroom observations are scheduled through the office. The classroom setting/educational process is not to be interrupted by visitors. All visitors must stop at the office to sign in and obtain a name badge. Often it is necessary for a parent to come to school during school hours to bring a book, lunch, and coat or to deliver a message. These items should be delivered to the office. An office staff member will insure that the child gets them. To release a child to go home you must have approval from the office. Routine Parent-Teacher conferences are not permitted during the student day unless they are scheduled during your planning time. If a parent shows up at your door, please direct him/her to the office. Note: There is a very specific SBDM visitation policy for school security. The intent of this policy is to keep classroom disruptions of the educational experience to a minimum. VOLUNTEERS Volunteer assistance in specific areas of the school program is encouraged. However, each volunteer must complete the proper form for a criminal records check. No person will be allowed to act as a volunteer without prior approval by an administrator.