The Stranger - TheInsideScoop1112

The Stranger
terror – fear.
parlor – sitting room.
fascinated – amazed.
draft – current of air.
timid – fearful.
etched – carved.
frost – powdered ice.
What should the mercury in the doctor’s thermometer have done?
What is one way the stranger was different from most people?
-The rabbits were not afraid of him.
What is the most likely reason the author pointed out that the
stranger never tired when working in the fields?
-to show how special the stranger was
What was the first clue that the weather should have been changing?
-A flock of geese flew south.
Which event showed that the stranger was harmless?
-He watched the sun set with Katy.
If the stranger had been a hermit, how would he have acted?
-He would have been uncomfortable around the Baileys.
Why did the pumpkins on the Bailey farm grow larger than ever?
-The weather was warmer than usual.
What was different about the trees to the north of the Bailey farm?
-They had read and orange leaves.
Which of these events happened first in the selection?
-The stranger became a member of the Bailey family.
Which event from the selection could never really happen?
-The leaves changed color in one day.