Name: Regents Writing Practice Document Based Essay Introduction Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2 Body Paragraph #3 Conclusion Restate Task or Historical Context Identify what essay will specifically be about (ex. Russian Revolution) State your opinion Make a comparison to another historical event Transition sentence Use first bullet point as Topic Sentence State Evidence – Use the Document (ex. Doc. #2 proves….) Explain your Evidence Bring in outside information to further support analysis (So What ……) Transition sentence Use second bullet point as Topic Sentence State Evidence – Use the Document (ex. Doc. #3 proves….) Explain your Evidence Bring in outside information to further support analysis (So What ……) Transition sentence Use third bullet point as Topic Sentence OR This could be your compare/contrast or cause and effect paragraph State Evidence – Use the Document (ex. Doc. #7 proves….) Explain your Evidence Bring in outside information to further support analysis (So What ……) Transition Sentence Restate Theme or Task What specifically did you prove, explain, or describe (what was the essay about?) Express your judgment or opinion based on evidence Make a comparison to another historical event Close sentence Name: Thematic Essay Practice Read the essay prompt below and fill in the chart: . Theme: Belief Systems The world has many different belief systems. Each is distinctive, but all greatly influenced the lives of their followers and the society in which the belief system was practiced. Task: Choose two major belief systems and for each • Explain key beliefs and/or practices • Discuss an influence the belief system had on the lives of its followers or the society in which it was practiced Task: (What do they want you to write about?) What evidence will you use to answer the prompt? What is your judgment? Evidence to support it? What other historical event is similar to this one? How and why? (outside information) So what (Because of this event what happened? What predictions can you make based on your knowledge of the prompt? Name: DBQ practice Read the prompt below and complete the chart: Theme: Belief Systems The world has many different belief systems. Each is distinctive, but all greatly influenced the lives of their followers and the society in which the belief system was practiced. Task: Choose two major belief systems and for each • Explain key beliefs and/or practices • Discuss an influence the belief system had on the lives of its followers or the society in which it was practiced Task: (What do they want you to write about?) Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: What is your judgment? Evidence to support it? What other historical event is similar to this one? How and why? (outside information) So what (Because of this event what happened? Name: Thematic Essay Practice Read the essay prompt below and fill in the chart: Theme: Government Role in the Economy Throughout history, the United States government has taken various actions to address problems with the nation’s economy. Task: Choose two actions that addressed a problem with the nation’s economy and for each • Discuss the historical circumstance that led to the action • Discuss the impact of this action on the economy of the United States Task: (What do they want you to write about?) What evidence will you use to answer the prompt? What is your judgment? Evidence to support it? What other historical event is similar to this one? How and why? (outside information) So what (Because of this event what happened? What predictions can you make based on your knowledge of the prompt? Name: DBQ practice Read the prompt below and complete the chart: Historical Context: Between 1953 and 1969, the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court was Earl Warren. Supreme Court decisions made during the “Warren Court” era led to significant changes in various aspects of life in the United States. Several important court cases affected equal protection under the law, separation of church and state, and the rights of individuals accused of crimes. Task: • Discuss how decisions of the Warren Court affected American society Task: (What do they want you to write about?) Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: Document # proves: What is your judgment? Evidence to support it? What other historical event is similar to this one? How and why? (outside information) So what (Because of this event what happened?