Lactation Educator Program Curriculum Lesson Plans

UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Curriculum Lesson Plans
Directions: (Reviewed in Video Instructions) Page 28
Write a lesson plan for EACH topic using the forms below.
-Minimum of 12
a. Every lesson plan starts with a list of objectives. Objectives are measurable ways
of evaluating learning. Objectives are often confused with goals. The difference is
that the measurement of whether a goal is met is the objectives. If the objectives
are met, the goal is accomplished.
b. THREE parts to an objective:
1. Condition or time reference when the behavior will occur.
By the end of class …
By the end of the session ...
After the film showing …
After the demonstration….
2. Performance or what the participant is to do or know.
… the participant will state….
… the participant will list …
… the student will demonstrate …
3. Criterion or exactly what is expected, usually a number.
… 3 reasons
… 2 ways
… 1 position
Do Use Action verbs: list - define - describe - state - identify on diagram
Do Not Use the following words in objectives!!!!!:
…know …understand …have knowledge of
By the end of class, the participant will state 3 reasons for breastfeeding.
After the film showing, the participant will list 2 ways to express breastmilk.
After the demonstration, the student will demonstrate, 1 positioning for breastfeeding.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan Instructions
Rationale: Try not to be generic
The rationale is the reason you teach a skill or information. It is the WHY and
BECAUSE of teaching. It provides the motivation for the learners. It is in an
algebraic format (If A, then B, and sometimes C).
EXAMPLE: When a client know about ___(Your topic)_______ they are able
to _____________; ______________; and ________________.
EXAMPLE: When a client understands ___(Your topic)_______ they are able
to _____________; ______________; and ________________.
NOW You Can Use the following words in rationales:
…know …understand …have knowledge of
Learning Strategies: Most important part of the curriculum plan.
The methodologies or HOW you teach the material and information.
Teacher Activity
The description of the steps the teacher must take to accomplish
objectives. Describe teacher activity fully and be creative in your
teaching. In the age of information we cannot lecture to the students.
Learner Activity
What the participants will be doing to increase the learning and meet the
objectives. Described in detailed terms. Remember, we learn by doing!
4. Materials Needed: Listing of the materials required for learning
activity to take place. Attach pictures or photos of proposed teaching aids.
If the teaching aid is home made or problem solving situation, then it
must be included with the lesson plan. A sketch or picture of large posters will
be adequate. List all equipment needed, projectors, overheads, computers,
white boards, felt pens, etc.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: __Risks of Not Breastfeeding
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) State 3 risks of not breastfeeding to the mom
2.) Lists 3 risks of not breastfeeding to the baby
3.) List 1 risk of not breastfeeding to the partner
4.) List 1 risk of not breastfeeding to society
RATIONALE: When a client knows about the risks of not breastfeeding they are able to
make an informed choice. This reduces the amount of ABN given and she’s
motivated to breastfeed and this increases her confidence to defend her choice to
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: ________________________________________
__I will use a basket and fill it with various items that represent the costs of not
breastfeeding to mom, the baby, the partner and society. I will have the students pass
around the basket and each individual will take out one item and I will ask what they
think it represents in terms of risks of not breastfeeding, I will discuss what it really
means and then they will pass it to the next student.
Materials Needed: Large basket filled with various items to represent costs of not
breastfeeding. Examples of items to be used include: prescription papers (mom),
formula can with cost attached (baby), an earth ball (society), a pink slip (partner).
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: _Position and
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Demonstrate at least 3 positions for breastfeeding
2.) Describe “latch on” using the sandwhich analogy
3.) List other things to do while breastfeeding
RATIONALE: __When a client knows about position and latch they are able to find a
position for breastfeeding that is comfortable for both mother and baby; this increases
her perception of breastfeeding and thus makes it more likely for her to continue
breastfeeding for a longer amount of time.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will use a baby doll to help demonstrate positions for
breastfeeding. I will demonstrate first and then have each participant practice a
different position with the doll by passing the doll around. I will help students adjust
positions accordingly and add pillows or comfort measures as needed.
Materials Needed: I will need one infant sized baby doll, swaddle blanket, footstool,
boppy pillow and pillows to help students adjust to comfort level when practicing
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: Anatomy and Physiology
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Describe the structure of the breast
2.) Have knowledge of why babies suck so much
3.) Identify the stages of lactation
RATIONALE: __When a client knows about the anatomy and physiology of the breast,
they are able to know the mechanism behind milk production and breastfeeding, then
they have knowledge to know they are physically capable of producing enough milk
for their babies and thus increases their confidence to breastfeed.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: To demonstrate and explain the anatomy and physiology
of the breast I will use a handwritten diagram demonstrating the high suck need and
low milk volume (similar to given diagram in UCSD CLE book by Gini Baker, but
using an original version). In addition, I will use a fake broccoli floret or picture of
one to help participants visualize the anatomy of the breast.
Materials Needed: Whiteboard, dry eraser pens and a picture of a broccoli floret with
stems or a plastic food toy of broccoli.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: __Getting Enough
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Identify 3 feeding cues in their infant
2.) Know the proper feeding frequency for a 24 hour period
3.) Have knowledge of milk transfer
4.) Describe how breastfeeding is a demand and supply system
RATIONALE: _When a client knows about when their baby is getting enough they are
able to know their baby is receiving enough nutrition through their own milk and
body and thus are less likely to supplement with formula.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will distribute a breastfeeding log, as well as use a
whiteboard to write out the acronym of the FIL factor and lead a discussion on supply
and demand. I will also use am electrical outlet as a prop to demonstrate the concept
of creating “plug in’s” by the demand and supply system.
Materials Needed: Electrical plug in, white board, erase pens, and a breastfeeding log
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: _Breastfeeding Plan
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Describe a breastfeeding plan from hospital to home that fits their needs
2.) Have knowledge of the importance of establishing a solid breastfeeding plan
3.) Understand the need to limit visitors and unnecessary distractions during the 2
week period
RATIONALE: __When a client has a breastfeeding plan then they are better prepared to
make the transition from the hospital to home and be thus be able to plan visitors
appropriately and thus can create a more peaceful breastfeeding enviornment and
provide a better visiting experience for family and friends.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will guide participants through writing their individual
outline of a hospital to home breastfeeding plan where participants can record their
plan for the hospital stay as well as other details pertaining to the first few days at
home as it relates to breastfeeding. I will prompt them to address certain barriers such
as comfort measures for leaving the hospital, how to keep visitors limited and when
to schedule visitors due to the 2 week growth period after returning home.
Materials Needed: _Rule paper and pencils, list of prompted questions for
participants to record a breastfeeding plan.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: ___Common Concerns
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Describe 3 methods for sore nipple management
2.) Have knowledge of the reasons for engorgement and how to manage pain
associated with it
3.) Identify 2 infections of the breast associated with breastfeeding
RATIONALE: When a client is made aware of common concerns of breastfeeding they
have knowledge of barriers to breastfeeding and then are able to better address these
problems and thus be encouraged to breastfeed even if/after a problem occurs.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will show participants product samples of sore nipples
management such as creams and nipple shields and pass them around to participants.
I will lead an open discussion addressing fears about any common concerns and any
recommended products or solutions to them.
Materials Needed: _Product samples from Medela or Lansinoh to pass around to
participants and describe how they can help in sore nipple management.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: Pumps and Equipment
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Identify the parts of a breastpump and related equipment
2.) List questions to take into consideration when determining if a brestpump is appropriate for use
3.) Identify any other addition supplies and equipment needed for breastfeeding
RATIONALE: When a client is familiar with breastfeeding equipment and supplies
used in breastfeeding they can distinguish with supplies are going to best fit their
needs and thus provide a more comfortable experience using breastfeeding
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: To facilitate learning, I will have 2 breastpumps and
various breastfeeding supplies such as milk storage bags, nursing bras and hydrogel
pads. I will describe via lecture and demonstration the parts of the breastpumps and
differences between them and describe the proper storage of pumped milk and
storage time, as well as the criteria for finding a well fitted nursing bra.
Materials Needed: 2 breastpumps, (1 electrical- borrowed from hospital/clinic
location) and 1 manual breastpump (from on location site as well), a nursing bra for
example,milk storage bags and a sample of hydrogel pads.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: _Back to Work or School
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Define a workable plan for going back to work or school
2.) Have knowledge of laws reguarding breastfeeding in the workplace
3.) Describe 3 ways to make a smoother transition back to work or school
RATIONALE: __When a client has knowledge that they can successfully breastfeed
while going back to work or school they are more confident in their ability to balance
their professional role and their role as a mother therefore increasing her confidence
to successfully breastfeed while returning to work or school.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: To engage participants I will have their pair share with
other participants about what their perceived plans are for returning to work or
school. From the pair share we will go around the room and share different situations,
hopefully facilitating an appreciation for ones own unique situation. After discussion,
I will prompt participants to write down “knowns” about their return to work/school
and “what if’s” to both prepare for transition with the knowledge they already have
and then prepare for possible situations that could arise.
Materials Needed: _Rule paper and pencils, list of prompted questions for
participants to record “knowns” and “what ifs.”
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
TOPIC: _Maternal Nutrition
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Describe 3 nutrients that breastfeeding women need to increase during lactation
2.) List 3 strategies for weight loss during breastfeeding
3.) Have knowledge of birth control options
4.) Identify resources for information about Medications interactions in breastfeeding
5.) Have knowledge of alcohol and substance effects during breastfeeding
RATIONALE: When a client knows about maternal nutrition they are then able to make
better choices about the food they eat and how it affects their milk composition, they
are then able to provide more nutrient dense breastmilk to their baby.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: To encourage student learning, I will bring cartons of
food products that include the nutrients a breastfeeding mother needs to increase
during lactation (examples include: yogurt cartons-calcium, whole wheat bread- B12
and chicken breast-protein). I will facilitate discussion on how to read nutrition labels
and encourage suggestions of what other food groups provide these nutrients as well
as meal idea suggestions for breastfeeding mothers. I will provide a handout with
meal and snack combinations.
Materials Needed: Various food cartons with certain nutrition criteria and
breastfeeding mothers guide to snacking handout (WIC- or material from hospital).
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
TOPIC: _Myths About Breastfeeding
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Have knowledge of common myths surrounding breatfeeding
2.) Identify that breastfeeding is not contraindicated for breast surgeries
3.) List 2 questions they have regarding breastfeeding myths and have them answered
RATIONALE: When a client knows about the myths of breastfeeding, they have
accurate knowledge about the normalities of breastfeeding and are thus better able to
make decisions regarding breastfeed based upon fact not fiction.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will guide participants through the material by passing
around post it notes and having each participant write down one breastfeeding myth
they have heard of or they question to be true. Participants will then pair share with a
partner and exchange any knowledge of the subject. We will then have a group
discussion going around the group and addressing each myth and discussing its
validity. Those that are “true” will be written on the board and the others will
physically be thrown away (post it note) to symbolize the myths inaccuracy.
Materials Needed:
I will utilize post it notes, pens and dry erase board materials for learning.
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: _Support Systems
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Define a list of individuals who are available to provide support to them
2.) Have knowledge of free agencys that provide services to breastfeeding women
3.) Understand how to use support systems to promote better health
RATIONALE: When a client has a defined support system they are more likely to ask
for help with duties related to the infant, are more likely to know where to get
breastfeeding support for related issues and thus are more likely to be encouraged to
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will have participants create a list of possible
individuals they could contact for support. This will include me leading a discussion
asking participants to think about all of their social, professional, and personal circles
where they engage with individuals and help them identify the valuable resources
they already have for help. After the creation of that list, I will have them evaluate the
list and create a “back up” list they can create from the free agency’s I provide via a
handout. I will identify possible barriers to access and have the list of agencies be
targeted to the audiences specific needs (if low income, no transportation, ect.).
Materials Needed: Ruled paper, pens, access to dry erase boards and pens, and a list
of free agencies that offer resources for breastfeeding women (nearest hospitals,
breastfeeding hotlines, WIC agencies in the local area, domestic violence hotlines,
01/12 CLEC
UCSD Lactation Educator Program
Lesson Plan
TOPIC: _Resources
By the end of the session the student will be able to:
1.) Identify at least 3 breastfeeding resources
2.) Have knowledge of where to find answers for commonly asked questions regarding breastfeeding
3.) Have knowledge of the importance of creating a support group
RATIONALE: __When a client has knowledge of what resources are available to them
regarding breastfeeding they are able to know they have places for their questions to
be answered and thus are better able to address their specific needs during the
breastfeeding period.
Learning Strategies:
Teacher/Learner Activities: I will use a laptop computer to take students through a
virtual web tour of various online breastfeeding resources (examples include:,,, ect.) they can use. Students will be
able to record which sites they liked best or deemed most user friendly and will also
get a briefing of basic use of the internet regarding finding relevant resources that
provide credible information on the internet.
Materials Needed: Laptop computer connected to a projection screen for participants
to see the online sites.
01/12 CLEC