Agenda Item No.: E.1.a. 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure. Recommendation: That the December 4, 2002, Office of the City Manager report be received for information. Report Summary This report outlines the Terms of Reference for the 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure and provides an organizational chart that shows the reporting relationships and the staffing structure at the management level. Previous Council/Committee Action At the August 27, 2002, City Council meeting the following motion was passed: 1. That the August 27, 2002, Office of the City Manager report remain in private under Section 25(1)(c)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). 2. That approval to enter into an agreement between the City of Edmonton and International Masters Games Association be given in accordance with the terms and conditions in Attachment 1 of the August 27, 2002, Office of the City Manager report. 3. That approval be given to enter into a funding agreement between the City and other orders of government regarding funding for the 2005 World Masters Games. Report The 2005 World Masters Games (Games) structure will involve the Routing: Delegation: Written By: December 4, 2002 File: 2002CMO098 Executive Committee A.B. Maurer, P.Eng., C.B. Stasynec C.B. Stasynec Office of the City Manager (Page 1 of 1 Tripartite Government Board, the City Manager, the 2005 World Masters Games Advisory Committee and the Games Local Organization. The Terms of Reference for this structure is presented in Attachment 1. Attachment 2 presents the organizational chart depicting the structure to the management staffing level. The Tripartite Government Board will be formed to monitor the progress of the Games and to provide an opportunity for government partners to raise issues and express concerns. The Tripartite Government Board shall involve the Mayor (chair), City of Edmonton, the City Manager and one appointed political representative from the Governments of Alberta and Canada. The City Manager will be responsible to oversee the 2005 World Masters Games project. The Advisory Committee and the Games Local Organization will report directly to the City Manager. The Games Local Organization will be the staffing structure required to do the planning and staging of the Games. It will require a staffing complement of 25 to 30 people and approximately 4,000 volunteers. It is anticipated that hiring will commence in early January 2003. Background Information Attached 1. 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure 2. 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Chart Attachment 2 is not available electronically. A hard copy may be obtained by calling the Office of the City Clerk at 496-8178. E 1 a Attachment 1 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure 2005 WORLD MASTERS GAMES ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE TERMS OF REFERENCE INTRODUCTION The Edmonton 2005 World Masters Games (WMG) is an international multi-sport event that will draw 20,000 competitors from around the world from age 25 to 90+. Competition will be in 25 sports, with 30 to 40 separate venues being required. Generally, participants will stay in Edmonton for the duration of the Games and then take the opportunity to visit the region and country. The economic impact is projected to be $30M. An organization of up to 30 full time staff, up to 50 part time staff and approximately 4,000 volunteers will be required to stage a successful Games. There will be 4 key components to the organizational structure of the Edmonton 2005 World Masters Games. These components are the Tripartite Government Board, the Office of the City Manager, the 2005 World Masters Games Advisory Committee and the Local Games Organization. TRIPARTITE GOVERNMENT BOARD The Tripartite Government Board will be formed to monitor the progress of the Games and to provide an opportunity for government partners to raise issues and express concerns. This group shall be comprised of the Mayor of the City of Edmonton (chair), the City Manager, and one appointed political representative from the Governments of Alberta and Canada. Specific Duties and Responsibilities The Tripartite Government Board shall: 1) Meet on a quarterly basis to review the overall progress and performance of the Games Local Organization. 2) Create linkages with business, sports, arts, cultural and multicultural communities within and around Edmonton. 3) Create linkages with potential local, national and international sponsors and partners. 4) Represent the Edmonton 2005 World Masters Games at events and functions. Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 5 Attachment 1 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The City Manager will be responsible to oversee the planning and implementation of the 2005 World Masters Games. The WMG Advisory Committee and the General Manager of the Games Local Organization will report directly to the City Manager. Specific Duties and Responsibilities The City Manager shall: 1) Provide the overall leadership to the planning and staging of the Edmonton 2005 World Masters Games. 2) Appoint, in consultation with the Tripartite Government Board, external representatives to the WMG Advisory Committee. 3) Appoint the Chair of the WMG Advisory Committee. 4) Create & appoint subcommittees of the WMG Advisory Committee as needed. 5) Attend or delegate attendance to all WMG Advisory Committee meetings. 6) Attend all Tripartite Government Board meetings. 7) Provide a quarterly 2005 World Masters Games progress report to Executive Committee. 8) Approve the staffing structure and hire/appoint management staff. 2005 WORLD MASTERS GAMES ADVISORY COMMITEE Purpose Reporting to the City Manager, the 2005 World Masters Games Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) is administrative in nature and is responsible to provide community, stakeholder guidance and advice to the City Manager regarding the 2005 World Masters Games. Specific Duties and Responsibilities The Committee shall: 1) Monitor the planning and implementation of the WMG and WMG related activities. 2) Recommend strategies and initiatives to the City Manager that would enhance the planning and staging of the WMG. 3) Review any issues that could have a material effect upon the financial situation or overall success of the WMG. Attachment 1 - Page 2 of 5 Attachment 1 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure 4) Request such information and explanations from the Games Local Organization, as the Committee may consider necessary and appropriate to carry out its objectives. 5) Chair such subcommittees as the City Manager may establish for the objectives and purposes of hosting the Games, such subcommittees to include but not be limited to sponsorship, marketing, sports & venues, operations, finance & administration and government partners. 6) Review, as needed, the Terms of Reference for the Committee and recommend changes to the City Manager. 7) Provide on-going guidance and advice to the City Manager and General Manager of the Games Local Organization. 8) Liaise with the Tripartite Government Board as needed. Structure 1) The Committee shall be comprised of up to 13 members. 2) The Committee shall consist of: The City Manager or designate The General Manager of the 2005 World Masters Games Local Organization Three (3) members in total - 1 senior administrative member from each order of government Up to 8 representatives from external partner organizations and/or the business community 3) All members of the Games Local Organization Management Team shall be free to attend meetings of the Committee except for any in-private sessions. 4) The Chair shall, in consultation with the City Manager or designate and the General Manager of the Games Local Organization, establish the agenda for the meetings and ensure that properly prepared agenda materials are circulated to members with sufficient time for review prior to a meeting. 5) The Committee shall meet a minimum of 4 times a year and may call special meetings as required. 6) The minutes of the Committee meetings shall accurately record the recommendations reached and shall be distributed to committee members and the Games Local Organization Management Team. Attachment 1 - Page 3 of 5 Attachment 1 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure Duration of the Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee will be active for the duration of the project, estimated to begin in the first quarter of 2003 and conclude at the end of 2005 or upon receipt of the Committee’s final report whichever comes first. Time Commitment Required It is estimated that Advisory Committee meetings will be of a 2-hour duration with a minimum of 4 meetings per year for 3 years – total minimum required hours: 24. It is estimated that subcommittee meetings will occur on a bimonthly basis in 2003 (6) and increase to a monthly basis in 2004 (12) and the first half of 2005 then decreasing to bimonthly (9). The meetings are estimated to be of a 2-hour duration – 54 hours required. There may be a requirement for preparatory and follow-up work in addition to the above. Criteria for Selecting the Advisory Committee It is recommended that the following criteria be employed in the selection of the external partner and business community members of the WMG Advisory Committee: Advisory Committee members will demonstrate: 1) A keen interest in masters sports. 2) Expertise in one of the following areas: amateur sport, fundraising, planning and staging events, facility management, marketing, tourism, and business. 3) Strong analytic and communication skills. 4) Proven ability to work in a team environment at a senior level. 5) Proven ability to act with integrity, respected by their peers. 6) The ability to commit the required time. Remuneration No set remuneration will be provided. Authorized expenses will be reimbursed. Administrative Support The Office of the City Manager shall provide administrative support for this committee. Attachment 1 - Page 4 of 5 Attachment 1 2005 World Masters Games Organizational Structure 2005 WORLD MASTERS GAMES LOCAL ORGANIZATION The Games Local Organization (GLO) will be the staffing structure required to plan and implement the 2005 World Masters Games. It is anticipated that there will be a total of up to 30 staff with 5 management staff in the leadership role. Staff will be hired on an as-needed basis. The management positions are as follows: General Manager Senior level position reporting to the City Manager and having involvement with the Advisory Committee. Responsible for the overall management and control of the Games Local Organization. Manager, Sports & Venues Reporting to the General Manager of the GLO, responsible for the planning and implementation of the sports competitions, venue selection and preparations, and liaising with local, national and international sports organizations. Manager, Marketing & Sponsorship Reporting to the General Manager of the GLO, responsible for the planning and implementation of all marketing, sponsorship, communications, special events and merchandising initiatives. Manager, Finance & Administration Reporting to the General Manager of the GLO, responsible for the planning, coordination and management of all financial systems, all information technology systems, all administrative matters and all legal requirements of the GLO. This position will supervise and coordinate with City of Edmonton shared services staff. Manager, Operations Reporting to the General Manager of the GLO, responsible for the planning and delivery of all support services for the Games. This includes the Games Centre, volunteers, medal presentations, transportation, medical services, registration systems, signage and pageantry. Prepared by: Office of the City Manager November 28, 2002 Attachment 1 - Page 5 of 5