Pointers can also be declared of type void

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Chapters 6 and 7
Delegates and Events
Memory Management and Pointers
How the runtime allocates space on the stack and the heap
How garbage collection works
How to use destructors and the System.IDisposable interface to ensure
unmanaged resources are released correctly
The syntax of using pointers in C#
How to use pointers to implement high-performance stack-based arrays
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Call Back Functions
Passing Functions as parameters - general Example:
int G ( int t , int f
( int x )
) // function parameter - function return
// type int function name f
// parameter list - int x
// compute f ( t ) using function f and the parameter t.
// return t. Return the product of this value and t
return t * f ( t ) ;
call back occurs
// xsquared is a function with an integer parameter x
// and an integer return value
int xsquared ( int x )
return x * x;
Y = G ( 3, xsquared )
t and
// client calls function G with an integer parameter
// and the function xsquared
cout << G ( 3.0, xsquared ) << endl; // cout - prints output 27
Name of function is the address
of the function
Disadvantage: no type safety -
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Delegates are objects similar to classes – used to wrap methods
These wrapped methods are then passed to other methods
Type Safety – also in .NET methods are typically inside an object
They are typically associated with an instance
Starting Threads
void EntryPoint( )
thread performs some taks
Thread NewThread = new Thread()
// direct approach isWRONG
Generic Library Classes
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Using Delegates in C#
Single and multicast delegates
Singe Cast delegates wrap one method – similar to defining a class
Syntax examples:
delegate void VoidOperation(unit x);
delegate double TwoLongsOp(long first, long second);
delegate string GetAString();
Note: a delegate type gives a name to a method
Terminalogy: The instance of a class is referred to as an object
The instance of a delegate is referred to as a delegate
An instance of a given delegate can refer to any instance or static
method on any object of any type, provided that the signature of the
method matches the signature of the delegate.
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namespace SimpleDelegate
delegate double DoubleOp(double x);
class MainEntryPoint
instantiate delegates
static void Main()
methods are passed to
delegate constructor
DoubleOp [] operations =
new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.MultiplyByTwo),
new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.Square)
pass delegate and value to a
a method
for (int i=0 ; i<operations.Length ; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 7.94);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 1.414);
static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)
//Call back occurs here
double result = action(value);
Console.WriteLine("Value is {0}, result of operation is {1}", value,
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class MathsOperations
public static double MultiplyByTwo(double value)
return value*2;
method signatures must
match the signature of the delegate
public static double Square(double value)
return value*value;
is 2, result of operation is 4
is 7.94, result of operation is 15.88
is 1.414, result of operation is 2.828
is 2, result of operation is 4
is 7.94, result of operation is 63.0436
is 1.414, result of operation is 1.999396
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Multicast Delegates
It is possible for a delegate to wrap more than one method
Such delegates are called multicast delegate
The method return type must be of type void ( because methods
can return different data)
The wrapped methods are called in sequence
// return type void assumes
delegate void DoubleOp(double value); multicast
class MainEntryPoint
static void Main()
instantiate delegate
DoubleOp operations =
new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.MultiplyByTwo);
operations += new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.Square);
add another delegate
operator += is overloaded
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 2.0);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 7.94);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 1.414);
static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)
Console.WriteLine("\nProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = "
+ value);
action(value); // call back occurs here
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// Methods wrapped by delegate
class MathsOperations
public static void MultiplyByTwo(double value)
double result = value*2;
Console.WriteLine("Multiplying by 2: {0} gives {1}", value, result);
public static void Square(double value)
double result = value*value;
Console.WriteLine("Squaring: {0} gives {1}", value, result);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 2
Multiplying by 2: 2 gives 4
Squaring: 2 gives 4
ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 7.94
Multiplying by 2: 7.94 gives 15.88
Squaring: 7.94 gives 63.0436
ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 1.414
Multiplying by 2: 1.414 gives 2.828
Squaring: 1.414 gives 1.999396
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A form of communications between objects
Windows Applications are message based
A detailed example - Structure of a sample application:
Event Generator:
Event Handler:
Event Handler:
Main Program
Note: classic object oriented design - the main program does nothing
except instantiates the various objects that make up the application
Delegates are used as a means of wiring the event up when the message
is received by the application
The event receiver can by any application
The sender’s job is to raise the event
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Using System;
Using System.Windows.Forms;
Namespace SomeNameSpace
static void Main();
UserInputMonitor inputMonitor = new UserInputMonitor();
MessageDisplayer inputProcessor =
new MessageDisplayer(inputMonitor);
ManagersStaffMonitor Mortimer =
new ManagersStaffMonitor(inputMonitor);
InputMonitor.Run ( ); // start application
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1. Define the event argument, i.e. the object that is passed to the event
// enumerated request types
enum RequestType {AdRequest, PersonalMessageRequest);
class UserRequestEventArgs: EventArgs // must be derived from EventArgs
private RequestType request;
// constructor
public UserRequestEventArgs(RequestType request): base ( )
this.request request;
// readonly property for private data request
public RequestType Request
return request;
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2. Implement UserInputMonitor – This is the object that deals with user
input. It will ask the user which message they want to see
class UserInputMonitor
// define delegate and method signature to call back event handlers
public delegate void UserRequest(object sender,
UserRequestEventArgs e) ;
// tell compiler that this class contains a member event, of a type given
// by the delegate
public event UserRequest OnUserRequest;
//method that fires event
public void Run( )
bool finished = false;
Console.WriteLine(“Select preferred option:”);
Console.WriteLine(“ Request advertisement – hit A then Return”);
Console.WriteLine)” Request personal messge from Mortimer “ +
“= hit P then Return”);
Console.WriteLine( “ Exit = hit X then Return”);
string response = Console.ReadLine();
char responseChar = (response == “ “ ? ‘ ‘ : char.ToUpper(response[0]);
switch (responseChar)
case ‘X’:
finished = true; break;
case ‘A’:
OnUserRequest(this, new
case ‘P’:
OnUserRequest(this, new
}while (!finished);
} // end of class
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3. Implement MessageDisplayer – object that is responsible for
displaying the appropriate message
class MessageDisplayer
// constructor adds delegate – MessageDisplayer wants to be notified
// so it can display the appropriate message
public MessageDisplayer(UserInputMonitor monitor)
monitor.OnUserRequest += new
// Event handler
protected void UserRequestHandler(object sender,
UserRequestEventArgs e) // event argument
switch (e.Request)
case RequestType.AdRequest: // enumerated type
Console.WriteLine(“Mortimer Phones is better than anyone “ +
“else because all our software is written in C#!\n”);
case RequestType.PersonalMessageRequest:
Console.WriteLine(“Today Mortimer issued the following “ +
“statement: \n Nevermore!\n”;
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4. Implement ManagerStaffMonitor – the object that will like to be
notified whenever someone has asked to see his personal message
( does not care about ad requests)
class MangerStaffMonitor
// constructor adds delegate – ManagerStaffMonitor wants to be
// notified so it can display the message Box
public ManagerStaffMonitor(UserInputMonitor monitor)
monitor.OnUserRequest +=
new UserInputMonitor.UserRequest(UserRequestHandler);
// Event handler
protected void UserRequestHandler(object sender,
UserRequestEventArgs e) // event argument
if ( e.Requst == RequestType.PersonalMessageRequest)
MessageBox.Show(“Kaark!”, “Mortimer says …”);
Sample Output given input A and P :
Select preferred option:
Request advertisement – hit A then Return
Request personal message from Mortimer – hit P then Return
Exit – hit X then Return
Mortimer Phones is better than anyone else because all our software is written in C#!
Select preferred option:
Request advertisement – hit A then Return
Request personal message from Mortimer – hit P then Return
Exit – hit X then Return
Today Mortimer issued the following statement:
Message Box
Mortimer says …
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Generating Events
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SimpleEvent
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for BusEntity.
/// </summary>
public class BusEntity
string _time = "";
public BusEntity()
// Adds event handler - passing method to handle the
Form1.Action += new
private void EventManager_Action(object sender,
ActionCancelEventArgs ev)
ev.Cancel = !DoActions();
// change text in event args ev object
ev.Message = "Wasn't the right time.";
private bool DoActions()
bool retVal = false;
DateTime tm = DateTime.Now;
if(tm.Second < 30)
_time = "The time is " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
retVal = true;
_time = "";
return retVal;
public string TimeString
get {return _time;}
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SimpleEvent
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for BusEntity.
/// </summary>
public class BusEntity
string _time = "";
public BusEntity()
// Adds event handler - passing method to handle the
Form1.Action += new
private void EventManager_Action(object sender,
ActionCancelEventArgs ev)
ev.Cancel = !DoActions();
// change text in event args ev object
ev.Message = "Wasn't the right time.";
private bool DoActions()
bool retVal = false;
DateTime tm = DateTime.Now;
if(tm.Second < 30)
_time = "The time is " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
retVal = true;
_time = "";
return retVal;
public string TimeString
get {return _time;}
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Preprocessor Directives
No longer important in C# - since there is no pre-processor – However, The
C# compiler recognizes # directives
#define and #undef
- define and undefine labels
#if, #elif, #else, and #endif - used to inform compiler whether or not to
compile a block of code
#warning and #error - raises warnings and errors when the compiler
encounters them
#error “ Some message to yourself
#region and #endregion - directive allows blocks of code to be treated as a
singe block with a given name – editors can
recognize these directives and provide better code
layout on the screen
#line – a directive used to alter line number information that is output by the
compiler in warnings and error messages ( used when compiling
code together with other packages that alters the code before
compilation) so that line numbers and file names match.
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- Attributes are defined in the .NET Framework base classes that serve as
a directive to the compiler (similar to pre-processor directives) –
- They can cause extra data to be provided of the compiled assembly which
can be examined by using the “technique of reflection”
- There is no limit to attributes since the user can define their own attributes
- Attributes are markers that can be applied to a method or class
Some Base .NET Class attributes:
Conditional –prevent compiler from compiling the statements
[Conditional (“DEBUG”)]
public void DoSomeDebugStuff()
// do something
DllImport – to access basic Windows API or old-style functions – used to
mark a method as being defined in an external DLL rather than in any
Obsolete – To mark a method that is obsolete – depending on the setting
applied to the attribute, the compiler will generate a warning or an error
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Memory Management
The fundamental type is System.Object
Value Type
Managed Heap
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Value Data types – using the Sytem Stack:
- virtual memory – memory addressing handled by the OS –
mapping memory address seeing by the program to actual location in
hardware memory or on disk
Stack Pointer – tells the address of the next free location (downward from
high memory to low) – used to store value types and copy parameters
during function calls
Reference Data Types – use the managed heap (managed by the CLR)
Successive objects are placed on the heap using a pointer to indicate the next
free location
When the garbage collector cleans up it moves free space to the end of the
heap and updates all references for objects on the heap
Instantiating reference types is now faster – offsetting the overhead
encountered when the garbage collector runs
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Garbage Collection and Freeing Unmanaged Resources
All objects are on the heap and referenced by the client code
All objects are removed from memory by the garbage collector.
There can be a delay between the reference going out of scope and the
object being deleted. The garbage collector runs independent of the
code and the collection of an object is non-deterministic. However,
The garbage collector can be forced to run using System.GC.Collect( )
C# does support destructors. A destructor may be defined, which
will be automatically invoked when the object is garbage-collected
The underlying .NET architecture the method Finalize() is compiled
replacing the user defined destructor.
In general, a destructor slows down the garbage collection since it
takes two passes by the garbage collector (GC)to destroy the object.
The first one calls the destructor (Finalize()) and the second one
removes the object. The destructor should only be used as a backup.
When the destructor is called the unmanaged resources can be
cleaned up. We know the destructor has been called by the garbage
collector which will clean up the managed resources, so that the
destructor only has to clean up unmanaged resources ( ex: closing a
file). Since destruction on unmanaged resources is not deterministic,
the destructor cannot reference managed resources anyway, so there is
no point in letting a destructor free up managed resource.
If resources need to be cleaned up immediately and cannot wait for
the garbage collection to occur, or the objects of some class contain
references to other managed objects that are large and should be
cleaned up as soon as the object containing the references is no longer
needed, the class should implement the IDisposable.Dispose ( )
If a client calls Idisposable.Dispose() then that client indicates that all
resources associated with that object ( managed an unmanaged)
should be cleaned up.
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The System.IDisposable Interface
A recommended alternative to using a destructor
Your class should inherit
interface IDisposable
class MyClass : IDisposable
// IDisposable declares a single method nameded Dispose();
// we implement this method in MyClass
public void Dispose()
// implementation
Example – Class ResourceGobbler ( uses some resources)
ResourceGobbler theInstance = new ResourceGobbler();
// do some processing
theInstance.Dispose(); // call the instance method Dispose to
// clean up resources
This code will fail if an exception occurs and should be placed in a try block
ResourceGobbler theInstance = null;
// ensures that Dispose is always called on theInstance
ResourceGobbler theInstance = new ResourceGobbler();
// do some processing……….
// call the instance method Dispose to clean up resources
if (theInstance != null) theInstance.Dispose();
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A more effective way to accomplish this is using the keyword using
( a different context here as when using the keyword using for namespaces)
The following code generates Intermediate Language IL equivalent to the try
using (ResourceGobbler theInstance = new ResourceGobbler())
// do some processing
The instance theInstance is scoped to the block below the using statement
When the variable theInstance goes out of scope the Dispose method will be
called automatically even if exceptions occur
If you have a try block – you can also call Dispose in the Finally Clause
which always gets executed.
Implementing IDisposable and a Destructor –
In the example on the next page, the consumer calls Dispose() –
indicating that all managed and unmanged resources need to be cleaned
If the GC calls Finalize(). I.e. the ~ResourceHolder (destructor
– nothing needs to be cleaned up
- destructors have no return type, no parameters and no access modifier.
- each class writes it’s own destructor
- The difference between Close() and Dispose()
Close() closes resources that can be opened again ( ex: files)
Dispose () the client is finished using the resource
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public class ResourceHolder : IDisposable
private bool isDisposed = false;
public void Dispose()
// implement Dispose without parameter
//call Dispose with bool true
// tell GC that destructor no longer needs to be called
// more efficient – unmanged objects are already cleaned up
GC.SuppressFinalize(this); // don’t call destructor
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)// with param
if (!isDisposed)
if (disposing)
//cleanup managed objects by calling their Dispose() methods
// cleanup unmanged objects
isDisposed = true;
~ResourceHolder() // destructor called by GC Finalize ()
Dispose (false); // call dispose with Boolean false
} // end of class
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Unsafe Code
Pointers –
Powerful and flexible tool
Performance –
Backwards compatibility
Debugging - Make memory addresses available to the user
The syntax is complex
Pointers, when not used carefully can cause bugs in your code
Easy to overwrite memory
.NET type safety checks are bypassed
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Due to the risk associated with pointers - code using pointers is surrounded
with the keyword unsafe
unsafe int GetSomeNumber(0
// code within method can use pointers
unsafe class SomeClass
// any method in the class can use pointers
void SomeMethod()
// block within method can now use pointers
// A variable itself cannot be declared unsave
unsafe int *pX; // not possible
Compiling unsafe code require compiler option
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Pointer Syntax
& address operator
dereference opeator ( get the contents of this address)
int x = 10;
int *pX , *py;
pX = &x;
pY =pX;
*pY = 20;
Value of x 
A pointer can be declared to any value type but not to an array or class.
Pointers can only be declared and point to unmanaged data types
The garbage collector handles CLR all managed types
Casting pointers to integer types- Pointers are addresses stored as integers
int x = 10;
int *pX , *py;
pX = &x;
pY =pX;
*pY = 20;
uint y = (uint)pX; // cats pointer pX to an integer and store as an integer
int *pD = (int*)y; // cast int y to an address and store as a pointer
Pointers take 4 bytes, thus they can only be cast to an uint, long, or ulong
Note: Integer value must be withing memory address range
64-bit processors will occupy 8 bytes – will certainly cause overflow
Use checked context to avoid overflow
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Casting between Pointers
byte aByte = 8;
byte *pByte = &aByte;
double pDouble = (double)pBytee; // legal – but could lead to problems
Pointers can also be declared of type void
void *pointerToVoid;
pointerToVoid = (void*)pointerToInt;
The sizeof Operator - takes the type as parameter and returns the size in
Can be used in built-in types and struct
For struct the size will depend on the fields within a struct
sizeof cannot be used on classes
Pointer Arithmetic ( connot be done on pointers of type void)
Operators +, -, +=, -=, ++, and -- can be used
When dereferencing contiguous memory, Scaling will depend on the pointer
type - to dereference
General : - Ex: P is of type T and X is added to P then the arithmetic is as
P + X *(sizeof(T))
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Pointers to Structs
Work the same way as pointers to value types – except
struct cannot contain a reference type
struct MyStruct
public long X;
public float F;
MyStruct * pStruct;
MyStruct S = newMyStruct();
dereference operators *. Or ->
pStruct = &S;
*(pStruct).X = 4; OR pStruct->X = 4;
Pointers to structure members:
long *pL = &(S.X);
float * pF = & ( pStruct->F) ;
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Pointers to Class Members – using fixed keyword
Assigning a pointer to a member of a class in a regular way would produce a
compiler error, because a class is a CLR managed object it is garbage
collected and the memory pointed to by pointers is not garbage collected
A special syntax is required that tells the garbage collector that there may be
pointers pointing to members of certain class instances
MyClass MyClassObj = new MyClass();
fixed ( long *pObject = &(myClassObject.X)
// object will not be moved until block exits
multiple fixed statements may be declared before the block
fixed ( long *pX = &(myClassObject.X))
fixed (float *pF =&(myClassObject.F))
fixed ( long *pX = &(myClassObject.X))
fixed (float *pF = &(myClassObject.F)
MyClass MyClassObj = new MyClass();
MyClass myClassObj2 = new MyClass(0;
fixed ( long *pX = &(myClassObject.X), pX2 = &(myClassObj2.X))
// object will not be moved until block exits
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Allocating an array on the stack using a pointer
class MainEntryPoint
static unsafe void Main()
Console.Write(“How big an array do you want?”;
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
uint size = uint.Parse(userinput);
long *pArray = stackalloc long ( (int)size);
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
pArray[i]= i * i;
Store values
using brackets
Access values
using pointer
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
Console.WriteLine(“Element {0} = (i)”, I, + * ( pArray + i ));