
Appendix for Web Edition Only
Dream Lab Instructional Packet
Many theories of dreaming have been proposed throughout history with many theories
being generated in the last century. You should be aware that there are many
misperceptions and myths about dreaming. The following exercise is intended to assist
you in developing the skills necessary to evaluate each theory you encounter from a
scientific and philosophical standpoint. Further, this exercise is intended to assist you
with learning each of the major theories of dreaming. The dream theories for this exercise
are as follows:
Wish-Fulfillment Theory
Jungian Theory
Gestalt Theory
Activation-Synthesis Theory
Cognitive Theories
“Pop” Psychology (atheoretical)
1. Use resources such as books, journals, e-journals, academic/professional
organization sponsored websites, etc. to identify and summarize these dream
2. Bring any notes you have to class to help you remember the theories.
3. Be sure to critique the empirical evidence and underlying philosophies that
support the theory. Be ready to discuss your personal critique identifying the
strengths and limitations of each theory with your group and later, the class.
Day 1
4. You will be divided into groups based on one of the theories above.
5. Discuss the theory within your group.
6. Discuss your personal critiques with the group.
Day 2 / Day 3
7. Take the standard dream report and evaluate that dream through the viewpoint of
your group’s assigned theory.
Day 4
8. Each group will present their summary, critique, and evaluation of the dream to
the class.
Dream Report
“I was in a room with 2 windows. The walls and ceiling were charcoal gray and the floor
was made of concrete. There is no furniture in the room. Although it is dark outside, it is
still daytime. I feel that there is someone else in the room although I see no one. As I
walk toward a window to my right I notice that the room is slanted and I have trouble
walking. My movements are very slow. I decide to go outside and I look for a door.
There is none. In a moment I am in a small clearing on the side of a mountain. It is sunny
and there is a young man sitting next to me. I do not know him but he is trying to talk to
me. I can’t make out his face and I can’t understand what he is saying. I then leave him
without saying a word. I look back and he is gone. Then I notice a small pond and walk
to its edge. I see a great deal of motion under the surface but cannot see exactly what it is.
Finally, I see a fish, only the fish has four legs where its side and bottom fins should be
and is trying to talk to me as it looks up through the water at me. The fish then crawls
ashore and is still attempting to speak but there is no sound. The fish disappears and I fall
in the water. I hear a big splash that doesn’t’ muffle when I go under. It is very loud for a
splash. For a second I am terrified and then I began to calm down. Then I am upside
down and looking at some moss. There is nothing in the water with me although I do not
feel completely safe. I struggle to get out of the water and have some trouble breathing. I
finally break free and get out of the water. It looks wintry. You know, like gray skies and
bare trees. I do not feel cold but I know it is winter. I think to myself, ‘I need to get
home.’ I then begin to wonder where it is that I am and how to get home. I am then in my
house but the furniture is different. I know it was my house, but I had never seen the
furniture before. It is all pink. I thought it was sort of okay but then I decided I wanted
my furniture back. My brother then came in the front door and said he was moving in
with me. He had a glass case and in that was a pet lizard. I told him I didn’t like it and he
should get rid of it or he wasn’t moving in. Strange how I reacted to the lizard and not
him moving in. Anyway, I then noticed a light layer of smoke on the floor. I soon
determined it was fog from outside and not smoke. I looked out the door and my brother
was on the hill that sits way up the road. Even though he was a long way off, we were
talking to each other as if we were standing very close. He told me I needed to eat. Then,
I woke up. Strange, I was very hungry and ready for breakfast.”
* The dream report was self recorded upon awakening and donated by an anonymous
Additional Information
Gender: Female
Age 31
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Country and Region: U.S. – Southeast
Education: BA in English and MA in American Literature
Marital Status: Single
Relationship Status: Boyfriend of 7 months
Children: none
Occupation: High School English and Literature Teacher (non-local)
Medical History: No significant medical or psychiatric history
Medications (taken in previous 2 weeks): None
Family: Mother (58), Father (60), and Younger Brother (26)
Date of the report: 10-22-99
Approximate time of the dream: around 6-7 a.m. – late in the sleep period
Approximate bedtime: 11 p.m.
Weather at the approximate time of the dream: Calm, temp = around 50 degrees F
Important Related Events Recalled (week prior): Her brother announces he is moving out
and into an apartment with a friend. She watched a TV show on redecorating.
Related Events (past 24 hours) She watched a TV show on ocean exploration. She also
read a chapter in a novel about a man with a pet iguana.
Related Events (in the near future): Her brother is moving out in a week. She will be
giving exams next week. Winter is approaching.
Standard Lecture Outline
1. Dream Characteristics
a. Sleep Architecture
b. Cognitive Experiences
c. Affective Experiences
d. Perceptual Experiences
2. Wish-Fulfillment Theory (Freud)
3. Jungian Theory (Jung)
4. Gestalt Theory (Perlz)
5. Activation-Synthesis Theory (Hobson & McCarley)
6. Cognitive Theories (e.g., Hall, Van de Castle, Domhoff)
7. Pop Psychology
a. Media availability
b. Empirical vs. Non-Empirical