(J&S Matus Motor Sports, Inc) 9006 Sundown Drive, Pearland, Texas 77584 Fax: 281-605-1340 Call with questions: 281-303-1844 or 281-802-9863 e-mail: info@texasmile.net ALL FORMS FOUND @ www.texasmile.com Event Date: October 21-23, 2011 Driver/Rider Name_____________________________________ Home Phone________________________________ Work/Cell Phone________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State____________ Zip_______________ DL#___________________ St.____ E-mail___________________________________________________FAX______________ DOB____________ AGE_________ CIRCLE DIVISION TYPE: Automobile OR Motorcycle LSR Automobile OR LSR Motorcycle Exhibition Automobile OR Exhibition Motorcycle Automobile: Circle one to two CLASS TYPES per vehicle (Extra fee applies to choosing two CLASS types) 1. STREET LEGAL 2. NOT STREET LEGAL If you chose Automobile, LSR Automobile or Exhibition Automobile Circle or fill in the blanks: Body Style: Coupe , Hatchback, Sedan, SUV, Truck, Wagon, Convertible Speed Range: UNDER 190 mph or OVER 190 MPH Year:_______________ Make:______________ Model:_____________ Predominant Color:______________ Engine Induction: Naturally Aspirated, Single Turbo, Twin Turbo, More Than Twin Turbo, Supercharger, Supercharger-turbo Combo Engine Number of Cylinders: 3 cylinders, 4 cylinders, 5 cylinders, 6 cylinders, 8 cylinders, 10 cylinders, 12 cylinders, Rotary, Electric, Hybrid Engine Cubic Inch/ Liter Equiv. Range: 501.00 cid and over / 8.210 liters and over 440.00 to 500.99 cid / 7.210 to 8.209 L 373.00 to 439.99 cid / 6.112 to 7.209 L 306.00 to 372.99 cid / 5.015 to 6.111 L 261.00 to 305.99 cid / 4.277 to 5.014 L 184.00 to 260.99 cid / 3.015 to 4.276 L 123.00 to 183.99cid / 2.016 to 3.014 L 93.00 to 122.99 cid / 1.524 to 2.015 L 62.00 to 92.99 cid / 1.016 to 1.523 L 46.00 to 61.99 cid / 0.754 to 1.015 L 31.00 to 45.99 cid / 0.508 to 0.753 L Up to 30.99 cid / 0.507 L and Under Will Find Out Fuel: Gasoline, Alcohol, Diesel, Electric, Hybrid Electric, E85 Nitrous: Yes or No Methanol Injected: Yes or No Driveline: Rear Wheel Drive, Front Wheel Drive, All Wheel Drive MOTORCYCLES: Choose one to two CLASS TYPES per motorcycle .(Extra Fee applies to choosing two types) 1. Inline Motor / Factory Stock 2. Inline Motor / Modified 3. Inline Motor / Unlimited 4. V Twin Motor / Factory Stock 5. V Twin Motor / Modified 6. V Twin Motor / Unlimited Motorcycle, LSR Motorcycle, Exhibition Motorcycle Circle or fill in the blanks: Body Style: Sport Bike, Classic/Cruiser/Touring, Sport Touring, Chopper/Bobber, Enduro, Other Manufacture Origin: USA (American Iron) , Asia, Europe Year:_______________ Make:______________ Model:_____________ Predominant Color:______________ Engine Induction: Naturally Aspirated, Single Turbo, Twin Turbo, More Than Twin Turbo, Supercharger, Supercharger-turbo Combo Engine Number of Cylinders: 1 cylinders, 2 cylinders, 3 cylinders, 4 cylinders, 6 cylinders, 8 cylinders, Electric Cubic Centimeters: 499cc or less 450cc to 599cc 600cc to 749cc 750cc to 999cc 1000cc to 1199cc 1200cc to 1349cc 1350cc to 1500cc 1501cc + Fuel: Gasoline, Alcohol, Diesel, Electric, Hybrid Electric, E85 Nitrous: Yes or No Methanol Injected: Yes or No Inches over Stock Length: None .1 to 2 2.01 to 4 4.01 to 6 6.01 to 8 8.01 to 12 12.01 + LSR Automobile or LSR Motorcycle: Please Fill in your Class: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Car/Motorcycle Number – (up to 4 digits): 1st choice _________ 2nd choice_________ 3rd choice__________________ Please check that you have attached or are brining with you all the required forms: 1. Tech Form________ 2. Medical Stats________ IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: 2. Will you be staying in a self-contained motor home (meaning bring own water, generator, etc.). YES or NO NO DUMPING OF ANY TYPE OF WASTE – fluids or solids. No Outdoor CAMPING ALLOWED (tent, etc.) Form of payment: Money Order_____Check_____ Cash_____ UNLIMITED RUNS OVER TWO OR THREE DAYS VISA____MC____ Discover_______ Fri-Sun Entry Sat-Sun Entry $360.00 = _______ $260.00 = _______ Card #____________________________________________ Expiration date:_______________ EXTRAS 2nd CLASS TYPE $65.00 = _______ MOTOR HOME- Overnight Fee $30.00 per night = _______ Second Driver/Rider: goes under your name & number 1 run $40, 2 runs $60, 3 runs $80, 4 runs $100 = _______ Is name & address on entry same as name/address for credit card? YES____________ If no, insert name and billing address below: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (RIDER refers to motorcycle rider NOT passenger) TOTAL AMOUNT $__________ I hereby authorize NASA Texas/The Texas Mile to charge my credit card listed for the total fees listed in this entry. I have read, understand & agree to all the stipulations outlined in the NASA TEXAS/Texas Mile Entrant Agreement and Release: Signature:_________________________________ Signature__________________________________ Date:____________ (J&S Matus MotorSports, Inc) 9006 Sundown Drive, Pearland, Texas 77584 Fax: 281-605-1340 Call with questions: 281-303-1844 or 281-802-9863 e-mail: info@texasmile.net ALL FORMS FOUND @ www.texasmile.net page 3 of 3 ENTRANT AGREEMENT and RELEASE General Stipulations: I am attending this event as a participant, spectator or worker for fun and recreation. I agree to follow the directions of the Texas Mile Officials. I understand that I may be excused from participation without refund and asked to leave the facility if the Texas Mile Officials deem my driving unsafe or if my behavior or that of anyone with me is deemed detrimental to the event. I agree that I willingly accept the risk of driving on the race-track and/or facility, knowing that it may be dangerous. I understand that I am responsible and accept the liability for the safety of any passengers that I take out on the track in my car during the event. I understand that there is a possibility that I and/or my guest/crew could be injured or killed at an event. I hereby release the Texas Mile, the National Auto Sport Association, J&S Matus Motorsports, Inc, its officials, officers, members, workers, sponsors and other participants from any and all liability for damage to my car or equipment, theft of the same, injury or death of myself and anyone accompanying me at the event and anyone riding with me, whether adult or minor, which may result from my participation in this event. I agree that I will clean up my paddock area during and at the end of each day before leaving the facility. I will not damage the pavement or leave fluids such as oil, fuel or coolant on the pavement. I will take them with me. I understand that if I damage the facility in any way, including an on track incident, that I will be held liable to pay for that damage. I understand that my entry fee is not refundable. I understand that the event will be run rain, shine or snow and that I will not be refunded due to weather. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. I understand that the use of any illegal drugs by myself or the people with me will subject us to immediate dismissal from the event and facility. I understand that I am the only person responsible for the safety of my vehicle/motorcycle. I understand and agree that I will ensure that all required safety components are properly installed or fit properly on my motorcycle or in my car and on my person. I understand that the items listed on the tech sheets does not guarantee my safety and well being nor does it guarantee the safety or well being of others. I recognize and assume all risk of damage, injury and death that may be caused by a failure of any component of the car/motorcycle, including without limitation the items listed on the tech sheets and the rules. I have not relied on the list to be comprehensive or tailored to my car or motorcycle; it is instead a guideline. I am responsible for ensuring that my vehicle/motorcycle is in safe operating condition before each and every event in which I am a participant. I release J&S Matus Motorsports, Inc DBA The Texas Mile, its sponsors, shareholders, affiliates and all persons that have or might assist in the process of inspecting my car (collectively, “Released Persons”) from all liability of any kind for any property damage, personal injury or death that may occur to me or any occupant of my vehicle as a result of any of their acts or omissions, expressly including any negligent acts or omissions by the Released Persons. I understand that all forms of motor sports are dangerous and can kill me. I am an adult and accept all of these risks and agree not to join the litigious ranks of persons who believe all injury must be the result of fault by a person with money. MEDICAL Legal Acknowledgement and Release I certify that I have been examined by a physician and am physically fit to participate in a high stress, physically demanding driving event and/or race. I am not pregnant, suffering from any diseases or disorders or under any drugs, legal or illegal, that would affect my performance during this event. This is to certify that these statements are true and accurate. I agree that it is my sole responsibility to notify official personnel if any changes have occurred in my medical status and provide The Texas Mile with updated information. I also give permission to any hospital, institution, or physician, to furnish any information to The Texas Mile Contracted Emergency Response Personnel. I also give the right to medical personnel to treat me for medical conditions that might occur while attending a Texas Mile Event. This release is in addition to and cumulative of all releases I have given in conjunction with my entry and participation in a Texas Mile event. I have read, understand and agree to all the stipulations outlined in the PRINT NAME:_________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Driver/Rider:________________________________________________________ Date Signed:_______________ The TEXAS MILE www.texasmile.net J&S Matus Motorsports, Inc. Entrant Agreement and Release.