
Name: ____________________________________________ Period: _______
Directions: As the final of the Civil Rights unit, you will write a five-paragraph (or more) essay evaluating the
successes and the failures of the Civil Rights movement from 1865-1968. The point of the essay is to trace the
events of the civil rights movement and in the conclusion to decide from your own understanding where the
movement needs to go after 1968. This will be done by organizing the information that was discussed
throughout the unit (documents, discussions, events, people, philosophies, etc.) into three categories: (1) judicial
policies, (2) government policies, and (3) social movements.
Part I: Identify from the documents and topics that were discussed within the unit where each of them fits in
the following chart and evaluate whether each was a success or failure in the “S or F” box for the civil rights
movement. (Worth 5 points)
Judicial Policies
S or F
Government Policies
S or F
Social Movements
S or F
Part II: OUTLINE: Develop an essay outline from the chart above that uses the three main topics on the back
of this worksheet. Within your outline make sure to:
(1) Include the most significant events that clearly portrays the successes and failures of the civil rights
(2) Clearly identify your ideas of where the movement needs to go in your conclusion
(3) Check your outline with your teacher before you begin to write your essay.
(4) Write it in pencil.
(Worth 5 points)
Part III: ESSAY: Parts of this essay will be written in class with the bulk of it to be completed as homework.
You will need to complete the five-paragraph essay that needs to include: a strong introduction that outlines
your essay, a thesis statement, the body detailing the successes and failures of the events that took place for the
movement, and your conclusion that shows your ideas of where the movement needs to go in the future based
upon the examples given within your essay. (Worth 30 points)
Thesis Statement:
“The successes and failures within the civil rights movement were determined by the judicial policies,
governmental policies, and the social movements combined and without each the movement would not have
had the same impact.”