First Day Plan—

Lesson Plans
Watkins 1
1/17 First Day Plan—
A. Role
B. Introduction
C. Syllabus and Books (Plag!)
D. Student Info Cards
E. Students—Two Truths and a Lie
F. Group Assignments
G. Discuss 5 paragraph essay [What is the 5 par. Essay? Why did you use this in high school? Why are
standardized tests scored according to 5 par.? Why go beyond that?]
H. Diagnostic Assignment
I. Watch TV show
J. Discuss my modeled essay
K. Gradesheet
L. In-class Diagnostic
Priorities—My classes are first to me. To you?
Pet peeves—“I don’t watch TV,” closed-mindedness, eye-rolling, sighing, packing up before time to go
Dept. average~74.5
(FERPA) Federal Education Right to Privacy Act
Rich text formatting
Attendance—10% rule=1.4 absences
Longer essays do not necessarily make better essays (Make choices)
Assignment sheet plag.
Schedule—Plag. Sheet due on 9th
Student Info Cards:
Name you prefer to be called
Preferred Email Address
Local Address
Fall 2004 Course Schedule (Class name, Dept., Prof.)
Work Information/Schedule
Favorite TV Show
10. Previous English classes
Plagiarism Sheet
1/24 Second Day Plan
A. Briefly mention graded essays
B. Collect Plagairism Signature sheets (page 11—I must see the book!)
C. Names! Catch-up: Presentation assignments, email, changes to syllabus
D. Pre-task Writing: What are the easiest parts of writing an essay? The most difficult parts? How long does it
take you to write one page? Develop a plan for drafting essay one by Tuesday. Remember the 24 hours off
E. Discuss
F. Open note Syllabus quiz (in pairs after five minutes)
Syllabus Quiz
What do I prefer to be called?
When are my office hours?
What final grade is not used/given in English 1010?
How many absences can you have in this class?
Where is the UWC?
What are the consequences for a plagiarized paper?
How many late papers can you have?
Where is my office?
What word processing program must you use?
10. What format do we use in English?
Extra Credit: Name one of my pet peeves.
G. Discuss answers to quiz
H. Essay Organization (with UWC handouts)—Reinforce ideas of Intro/Conclusion
Lesson Plans
Watkins 2
J. Essay 2 Assignment/Grade sheet
K. Listen to songs… outline the essay I would write
L. Post-task Writing: Develop a plan to draft essay 1/Freewrite
M. Reminders: Bring SFC, Notebook, Plag, Sign.
N. Reminders: Homework, drop date, drafting, notebook, bring FC
O. Give back Essay one: Mention class average, office hours, drop date
A. Pre-task Writing: Do you think that you have stereotyped one group or another in your writing/in your everyday
life? Can stereotyping be helpful when writing to a particular audience? How can you avoid stereotyping in your
writing? Can you think of any television shows that stereotype their perspective audiences? Does it work for
them? Does it work for you?
B. “The Box” Quiz
C. Go over the quiz
D. Presentation
In-class writing: Re-write paragraphs (IOOV 237) [First, read aloud dramatically]
1. Read revised paragraph one aloud (2 people)
2. Read revised paragraph two aloud (2 people)
E. Discussion over journal entry (my example: The Apprentice season three high school grads vs. college grads)
What is the motivation here?
F. Connect to Language Awareness issues. Who are you including? Who are you isolating? Do you have to
stereotype to answer these questions?
G. Explanation of class goals:
a. To see audience as more than just stereotyping a group.
b. To see audience as a way to improve your writing to larger groups as well as smaller ones.
c. To see your audience as a group made up of individuals.
H. Explanation of class activities:
d. Ask who The Simpsons is trying to appeal to; watch two short clips from The Simpsons to see two
different intended audiences
e. Ask who The West Wing is trying to appeal to; watch two short clips.
f. Ask who My So-Called Life was trying to appeal to; watch two short clips.
g. Ask who Mr. Show is trying to appeal to; watch two short clips.
h. Ask for more examples.
I. Discussion over changes in opinion if time.
J. Language Awareness Workshop
1. Quiz--pictures of sofa, coke, ect…
2. Go over quiz
3. Gobbledygook
4. Worksheet
5. Formal/Informal (ok, contractions)
K. Post-task Writing: Post-task writing: Based on today’s class discussion, has your opinion changed from your
original journal entry at the beginning of class? How will you change Essay 2 based on this discussion?
L. Group work time
M. Reminders: Draft Essay 2. Reading Group Presentations. Intro Paragraphy Presentations. Bring SFC.
A. 15 minute in-class writing: What is revision? Were you taught to revise? What is your writing process?
B. Presentations
C. Language Awareness Workshop
Quiz--pictures of sofa, coke, ect…
Go over quiz
Formal/Informal (ok, contractions)
Lesson Plans
Watkins 3
D. “Shitty First Drafts”
F. Go over peer revision sheet
1. Emphasize examples, details
G. Revision Workshop
Read one paper aloud
The people on your immediate right and left should fill out revision sheets for each essay (2 per essay)
Discuss audience and write at the top of your gradesheet.
Show me your work.
H. Post-task Writing: How will Essay 2 change based on today’s class work?
I. Reminders: Revise, Notebook, Office Hours, Harbrace, check Syllabus/assignment sheet
A. 15 minute in-class writing: Outline your essay (post-drafting) using UWC 43
B. Presentation
C. Grammar, Mechanics, and Style
D. Comma/Semicolon Workshop
E.. Exercises
F. Post-task Writing
G. C/S Quiz
H. Grades “C” You’ve fulfilled every point of the assignment, “B” You’ve fulfilled every point well, “A”
You’ve fulfilled every point exceptionally well, “D” You haven’t met the assignment completely, “F” the
assignment is incomplete
I. Go over peer editing sheet, reminder of ‘quoties” pet peeve, MLA style
J. SCW List
Subject, Audience, Purpose
1. What is the most important thing I want to say about my subject?
2. Who am I writing this paper for? What would my reader want to know about the subject? What does my reader already know about it?
3. Why is the subject worth writing about? Will my reader think that the paper is worth reading?
4. What verb explains what I’m trying to do in this paper? (tell, compare, describe)
5. Does my introduction answer questions 1-4? If not, why?
6. How many specific points did I make about my subject? Did I overlap/repeat any points? Did I leave any
points out or add some that aren’t relevant to the main idea?
7. How many paragraphs did I use to talk about each point?
8. Why did I talk about them in this order? Should the order be changed?
9. How did I get from one point to the next? What signposts did I give the reader?
10. What job is each paragraph trying to do? Does it relate to the paragraphs before and after?
11. What’s the topic idea? Is it in the first sentence?
12. How many sentences did it take to develop the topic idea? Can I substitute better examples, reasons, details?
13. How well does the paragraph hold together? How many levels of generality does it have? Are the sentences different lengths and types? Do I need
transitions? When I read the paragraph out loud did it flow smoothly?
14. Which sentences in my paper do I like the most? The least?
15. Can my reader “see” what I’m saying?
16. Are any of the sentences wordy? Padded?
17. Can I combine any of my sentences?
18. Can I add adjectives and adverbs or find a more lively verb?
Things to check last
19. Did I check spelling and punctuation? What kind of punctuation problems did I have in my last essay?
20. How does my paper end? Did I keep the promises I made to the reader at the beginning of the paper?
21. When I read the assignment again, did I miss anything?
22. What do I like best about this essay? What do I need to work on?
K. Editing Workshop
Groups of 3 or 4
Give your essay and one editing sheet to the person on your right
Edit—on back of essay draft
Give your essay and one editing sheet to the person on your right
Edit—on back of essay draft
Show drafts to me; then, you may leave.
Lesson Plans
Watkins 4
L. Post-task Writing
M. Reminders: Group 4!!!!, Email completed Essay 2 before 6, Office Hours, Bring a copy of the essay
to class for evaluation
A. 25 minute in-class writing: Self Evaluation
1. How much time did you spend on this paper?
2. After the revision workshop, what did you try to improve, or experiment with on this essay?
3. What are the strengths of your paper?
4. What are the weaknesses of your paper?
5. What one thing will you do to improve your next piece of writing?
6. Using the grade sheet (do not write on it), what grade would you give yourself on this essay. Justify it.
7. What about the assignment was interesting?
8. What did you find most difficult about writing this essay?
9. What did you find easiest when writing this essay?
10. What do you wish you had spent more time on?
11. What in-class work helped you the most in completing the essay?
12. What did you need more help with when completing this essay?
13. What advice would you give a friend who is about to write on this assignment?
B. Take up SCW from 13 people who were present last week (6:25)
C. Presentation—Group 4: John, Josh, Brian
D. Go over Essay 3 assignment sheet
E. Go over grade sheet
F. Film (90 min.)
G. Outline Essay
H. Post-task Writing: Draft/Brainstorm/Outline
J. I will return Essay 2 immediately after all conferences are complete
1. Check Journals
2. Absences
3. Midterm Grades
4. Take Questions about Essay 3
5. Return Essay 2
3/7 Spring Break
A. On-task writing:
B. Reading Presentation--John
C. Paragraph Presentations
C. Revision Workshop
D. Post-task Writing
E. Editing Workshop
F. Check Individual Outlines
G. Class Presentation Assignment
H. Gradesheet
I. My modeled Presentation Reminders: Essay due
Group time to work and prepare—No Class
A. Presentations
Lesson Plans
Watkins 5
A. Pre-task writing: Last week, your groups presented a visual essay to the class.
1. How was this different than writing the same type of essays?
2. What techniques did you use that may help you on essay four?
B. Presentations over readings (Choose from Essays in Chapters 1, 3, 5, or 6 of Common Culture or SFC 155-167):
1. Mike
2. Rhea
3. Michael
4. Jacob
C. Brief class discussion applying the readings to the writing done so far in class.
D. Audience discussion in groups
1. List two different publications your group is familiar with.
2. Stereotype their audiences. Who do you think reads each specific publication? Describe them!
From A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers:
1. How old is the audience?
2. What is the gender of the audience? Sexual orientation?
3. What is the socioeconomic condition of the audience? (i.e. class and wealth status)
4. What is the educational status of the audience?
5. What general philosophies of government or politics does the audience hold? Are they red or blue staters?
6. What value does the audience place on education, religion, work?
7. How does your audience feel about events in the present? The future?
8. What sources would be most convincing to this audience?
9. What terms do they have to define? What terms would the audience already know?
10. What issues most often make this audience angry or defensive? Why?
11. Does the publication use logic or emotion? Both? Neither? Why?
12. Have the publication stereotyped the audience, overlooking those who have different views?
3. Class Discussion to compare any overlapping assumptions.
E. Introduction to Essay 4 Assignment
F. Go over Gradesheet
G. Questions
H. Read poetry examples
I. Write poetry examples
J. Develop a modeled outline as a class.
K. Post-task Writing:
1. Brainstorm for Essay 4. What are the books, magazines, newspapers, websites that you enjoy reading
most? Why?
2. Things to decide before next week: text and audience
L. Reminders: READING!
A. Self Evaluation:
English 1010/Professor Watkins Semester Self-reflection: You must answer all of the following questions to receive full credit on this a
ssignment. Be honest with yourself when you reflect upon the kind of work you did in this class this quarter.
1. Think back to the beginning of the quarter. Did you have a plan that would help you succeed in this class? How many hours did you set
aside each week to work on homework, writing assignments, and so on? Did you follow your plan?
2. Do you think that you spent enough time preparing for class, writing your papers? If not, why not?
3. Do you think that you worked diligently in this class? Did you always/frequently/hardly ever work up to your potential? Did you
participate fully in work done in class (group exercises, revision workshops, editing workshops)? Did you always/frequently/hardly ever do the
homework required for the next day?
4. How many times did you discuss your papers-in-progress with me in my office? If you never came to my office for help (outside of the
conferences), why not?
5. How many times did you discuss your papers with people outside of class? Did this help?
6. Did you contribute to the class community by being in class? being on time? asking questions in class? answering questions in class?
supporting others in their group work on grammar and paper writing?
7. Are you using the writing hints from class in your writing now? the revision hints? the grammar points in your editing? If not, why not? If
so, are they helping you?
8. Are you using the evaluation sheets that are handed back to you with your graded essays? If so, how are you using them? Did they help
you prepare the next essay for grading? If not, why not? Explain.
Lesson Plans
Watkins 6
9. Again, reflect on the entire course: do you think your writing has improved? Do you feel prepared for English 1020 work? If not, describe
your weaknesses.
10. Based on all the work you’ve done so far, what do you think would be a fair letter grade for you in this class? Make sure you consider the
syllabus requirement, papers, class work, homework, participation, and so on. Give yourself the grade and be descriptive about why you
deserve it. Begging and pleading for a higher grade won’t work! I want you to honestly evaluate the work you did in this class.
B. Presentations
C. MLA Workshop
D. Writing about Lit Workshop
E. Post-task writing
F. Reminders
A. .On-task Writing: Self Evaluation and Grade essay 4
How much time did you spend on this paper?
After the revision workshop, What did you try to improve, or experiment with on this essay?
What are the strengths of your paper?
What are the weaknesses of your paper?
What about the assignment was interesting?
What did you find most difficult about writing this essay?
What did you find easiest when writing this essay?
What do you wish you had spent more time on?
What advice would you give a friend who is about to write on this assignment?
Using the grade sheet (do not write on it), what grade would you give yourself on this essay. Justify it.
B. Collect/Grade journals
C. Collect Essay 4
D. Candy
E. Reminders: Final exam times
A. Review of class
Per week, how much time did you spend on the work for 1010 outside of class?
How many times did you come to my office to conference (not counting the mandatory conference)?
What grade do you expect in this class?
Which assignment most interested you? Why?
Which assignment was the least engaging? Why?
Were in-class workshops helpful to your revision and editing process? Why or why not?
How would you change the theme of the class to become more engaging?
Did you feel that the theme helped to unify the assignments and your thoughts about the class? Why or why not?
Did the on-task writing entries help to focus your thoughts on class topics? Did you see the relationship between your on-task writings and on
daily activities?
What part of the class most prepared you for future writing assignments?
Name one student in this class who helped you the most. What did he/she do that was most helpful?
What would you change about this class?
What would you suggest should stay the same?
What was the most challenging part of the course?
What would you tell a friend who is taking my class in the spring?
B. Give back Essay 5 w/ class grade