Arlington Community Resource Guide 2009 - 2010 My Own Directory Child/Children’s School _____________________________________ Doctor ___________________________________________________ Hospital __________________________________________________ Dentist ___________________________________________________ Pharmacy _________________________________________________ Others ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Don’t forget to call us if your child will be absent or late! Arlington Creative Start Phone: 781-648-0515 Fax: 781-648-2746 2 September 2009 Dear Parent/Guardian, This resource guide is designed to help you obtain information and locate resources in your community and surrounding towns and cities. Please be aware that this list is updated yearly as resources can change and new resources become available. This guide is arranged in alphabetical categories for easy use. If you have any questions or need further assistance please give us a call. Thank you, Kelly Curran, MSW, LCSW Social Worker 3 Table of Contents Adult Education ....................................................... Page 5 Child Care (including After-School Care) .............. Page 6 City or Town Office ................................................ Page 7 Clothing Assistance ................................................. Page 8 Crisis Hotlines ......................................................... Pages 9 Disabilities Services ................................................ Page 10 Domestic Violence .................................................. Page 11 Financial Assistance ................................................ Page 12 Food Assistance …………………………………....Page 13 Health………………………………………………Page 14 Housing Assistance ................................................. Page 15 Interpreter Services………………………………..Page 16 Jobs and Training .................................................... Page 17 Legal Aid ................................................................. Page 18 Mental Health/Counseling ....................................... Pages 19-20 Parenting .................................................................. Pages 21-22 Public Schools ......................................................... Page 23 Recreation ................................................................ Page 24 Substance Abuse ...................................................... Page 25 Transportation.......................................................... Page 26 Utilities .................................................................... Page 27 4 Adult Education Arlington Community Education Arlington High School 869 Mass Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 Contact: Donna Eidson, Director Phone Number: 781-316-3568 Website: Provides classes on various topics for adults and children, including an introduction to computers and English as a second language classes. Cambridge Center for Adult Education Various locations throughout Cambridge, MA. Phone Number: 617-547-6789 Website: Programs for people who want to explore new educational areas and develop their abilities, for personal and professional reasons. Power Program Downtown Learning Center 25 Lexington Street Waltham, MA 02154 Contact: Kathleen Chlapowski Phone Number: 781-893-8050 x3160 Offers courses in English as a Second Language, individual tutoring in English, reading and GED. Employment Resources, Inc. 125 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA 02140 Contact: Kelly Gollobin Phone Number: 617-494-1154 Website: Provides career services, such as workshops and job fairs. Bunker Hill Community College 250 New Rutherford Ave. Boston, MA 02129 Phone Number: 617-288-2000 Website: The college offers more than 65 associate degree and certificate programs that prepare students for successful employment. Child Care Resource and Referral Agency : Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) 130 Bishop Allen Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone Number: 617-547-1063 Website: Referrals to child care programs for the communities of Arlington and Belmont Fidelity House 25 Medford Street Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-648-2005 Websites: This community center offers licensed programs throughout the school year, available to children enrolled in grades K-6. Provides full day programs for holidays, vacation days, snow days and other noschool days. Music, sports, and art programs are also offered. Arlington Family Connection Various locations throughout Arlington, MA Website: Supports families with children under age 6. Provides community resources, such as parenting information, seminars, workshops, drop-in playtime, and community assistance programs. **The Public Schools operate their own after school programs out of some of the elementary schools in Arlington. Contact your neighborhood elementary school (see page 22 for phone numbers) for information. Arlington Boys & Girls Club – Kids Care Club 60 Pond Lane Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-648-1617 Website: Offers a licensed after school program for children enrolled in grades K-5. They are open from September to June and offer care on school vacations and selected holidays. 6 City or Town Offices Arlington Town Hall 730 Mass Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: (781) 316-3000 Website: Arlington Recreation Department 422 Summer Street Arlington, MA 02476 Phone number: (781) 316-3880 Website: Offers recreation scholarships for various recreational programs for all ages. Council on Aging 27 Maple Street Arlington, MA 02476 Phone number: 781-316-3400 Website: Provides advocacy and support services to Senior Citizens in Arlington. Department of Health and Human Services 27 Maple St., Ground Floor Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: (781) 316-3250 Website: Provides safety net for those who are experiencing difficulty in their lives and need help. The agency also promotes the health and well being of Arlington Citizens. 7 Clothing Assistance Pink Dolly 8 Medford St. Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-646-7811 Resale clothing shop for children ages 0-8. Harvest Food Pantry 459 Putnam Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone Number: 617-252-0005 x308 Allows parents to purchase second-hand clothes for 10 cents per item. Salvation Army Phone Number: 781-395-9783 (Somerville), 617-354-9159 (Cambridge) Website: Arlington PTO Thrift Shop 175 Mass Ave. (Basement of Fox Library) Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-483-3433 Website: The Thrift Shop sells gently used clothing, toys, books, house wares, small furniture, baby equipment and more. All merchandise in the store is donated. Children’s Clothing Exchange 391 Evereteze Way Cambridge, MA 02141 Phone Number: 617-576-0039 Website: Allows parents to recycle clothes their children have outgrown and get clothes that they can grow into. For every item you bring in, you can take home something new(er). 8 Crisis Hotlines For Substance Abuse Hotlines, please see Substance Abuse page. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts HIV/AIDS Information lines: 800-235-2331 Hepatitis hotline: 888-443-4372 Website: Poison Control Center Phone Number: 800-222-1222 Emergency advice about poisoning and information on poisons. SafeLink Domestic Violence Helpline Phone Number: 800-992-2600 Referrals, peer support and information on location and availability of shelters Rape Crisis Hotline Phone Number: 617-492-7273 REACH Beyond Domestic Violence Phone Number: 800-899-4000 Buckle Up Hotline Phone Number: 800-443-SAFE Information on child safety and location of car seat loan programs. RESPOND, Inc. Domestic Violence 24-hour information and referral line Phone Number: 617-623-5900 MA Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) Phone Number: 800-532-9571 Information about lead laws and consumer rights. Samaritans Suicide Prevention 24 Hour Hotline: 617-247-0220 Business Phone: 617-536-2460 Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling 24 Hour Helpline: 800-426-1234 Counseling and referrals for gamblers and their families Parents Helping Parents (PHP) Hotline Phone Number: 800-882-1250 PHP Parental Stress Line Phone Number: 800-632-8188 Confidential counseling and support for parents 9 Disabilities Services Arlington Disability Commission 20 Academy Street Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-316-3431 Website: Local disability information, services and referral. Thom Mystic Valley Early Intervention 10 J. Gill St. Woburn, MA 01801 Phone Number: 781-932-2888 Website: Early Intervention is a program for children ages birth to three years who are delayed in their development. Services include evaluations, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental play therapy, family support. Arlington Public Schools – Early Education Phone Number: 781-316-3698 Website: Assessment and programs for children with special needs, ages 3 to 5 years. Family Ties Phone Number: 800-905-TIES (8437) Website: Support for families with children with special needs Disability Law Center 11 Beacon Street, Suite 925 Boston, MA 02108 Phone Number: 617-723-8455 or 800-8729992 Website: Provide information, referral, technical assistance and representation regarding legal rights and services for people with disabilities Federation for Children with Special Needs 1135 Tremont St. Boston, MA 02120 Phone Number: 800-331-0688 or 617-236-7210 Website: Advocacy and referrals for children with special needs and their parents or guardians 10 Domestic Violence For Domestic Violence Hotlines, please see Crisis Hotlines, page 9. Reach Beyond Domestic Violence Phone Number: 800-899-4000 (Hotline) Website: Provides 24 Hour Hotline, Emergency Shelter, Legal Advocacy, and Support Groups. Arlington Youth Consultation Center Whittemore Robbins House 670R Mass Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-316-3255 Website: (click on Department/Services, scroll down to and click on Health and Human Services, and click on Arlington Youth Services). Provides individual and family counseling. Includes a support group for women leaving violent home situations Casa Myrna Vasquez, Inc./Safelink Phone Number: 1-800-992-2600 Website: A resource for all victims of domestic violence: crisis intervention, safety planning, support, information and referrals support for friends of victims and emergency shelter. Jane Doe, Inc. Phone Number: 617-248-0922 Website: On-line information/Resource guide for domestic violence. 11 Financial Assistance Department of Transitional Assistance 300 Ocean Ave Revere, MA 02151 Phone Number: 781-286-7800 (Serving Arlington, Belmont, Lexington families) 200 Pleasant St Malden, MA 02148 Phone Number: 781-388-7300 (serving Burlington families) Provides cash benefits to families who meet financial guidelines. 12 Food Assistance Arlington Food Pantry Church of Our Savior 21 Marathon Street Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-316-2351 Website: Must be a resident of Arlington; no income requirements. SERVE New England Phone Number: 888-742-7363 Website: Low cost food for those willing to do 2 hours of community service. WIC- Women, Infants and Children’s Program Phone Numbers: 781-643-4507 and 800WIC-1007 Website: (click on Resident, click on Family then Food and Nutrition) Provides nutritional and health education, healthy food, and other services free of charge to qualifying families. Available to low-income pregnant women and children 0-5 years of age. Meets in Arlington every Tuesday from 9 am to 5 pm at Alewife Pediatrics. United Way’s First Call for Help Phone Number: 877-221-6277 Website: Provides assistance with housing, food, utilities, legal support and other basic needs. Food Stamp Program Department of Transitional Assistance 300 Ocean Ave Revere, MA 02151 Phone Number: 781-286-7800 (Serving Arlington, Belmont, Lexington families) 200 Pleasant St Malden, MA 02148 Phone Number: 781-388-7300 Phone Number: 800-249-2007 Website: For low-income single people and families. Project Bread Food Source Hotline Phone Number: 800-645-8333 Website: Referral to an emergency food pantry or meal site. 13 Health Massachusetts Dental Society Phone Numbers: 800-342-8747 Website: Provides referrals to dentists and special needs dentistry Children’s Medical Security Plan Phone Number: 800-531-2229 Website: (click on Resident, click on Health then Paying for Health Care) Provides children and adolescents with access to primary care and preventative services. Commonwealth Connector Phone Number: 877-623-6765 Website: Connects MA residents with a variety of insurance plans Healthy Start Phone Number: 800-841-2900 Website: Provides free insurance program for pregnant, uninsured, low-income women. Medicaid/MassHealth Phone Number: 781-665-9993 Website: Provides health insurance for eligible families Network Health Phone Number: 888-257-1985 Website: Provides health insurance for low-income families. 14 Housing Assistance Housing Corporation of Arlington 20 Academy St. Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-316-3429 Website: Provides income eligible families with affordable housing; Provides financial assistance to eligible families at risk of facing homelessness. Arlington Housing Association Phone Number: 781-316-3091 Provides affordable housing for Arlington Residents. Arlington Housing Authority 4 Winslow Street Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-646-3400 Website: Provides subsidized housing for elderly, low-income families and disabled persons. Mass Housing and Shelter Alliance Phone Number: 617-367-6447 Website: Bristol Housing 300 Melody Street Waltham, MA 02450 Phone Number: 781-891-9510 Assists families at risk of homelessness. Medford Family Life 2 Central Ave. Medford, MA 02155 Phone Number: 781-391-9116 Provides long term housing, individual case management, community based services, and life skills programs. Emergency Shelter Commission Phone Number: 617-635-4507 Website: Resources for services and housing for homeless persons. Solutions at Work PO Box 391349 Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone Number: 617-492-0300 Website: Helps people transition out of homelessness by providing services such as the Children’s Clothing Exchange, access to the internet to help with job searches, adult clothing for job interviews, and a low-cost moving service. First Call for Help Phone Number: 800-231-4377 Website: Help with housing, food, utilities, legal support and other basic needs. 15 Interpreter Services Catholic Charities – Community Interpreter Services (CIS) Arlington Creative Start will contact CIS for any family requesting interpreter services for families speaking limited English. CIS provides professional interpreters in over 70 languages in order for families to access critical legal, health, and human services in their primary language. MA Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter/CART Referral Services 150 Mt. Vernon St., 5th Floor Boston, MA 02125 617-740-1600 Voice 617-740-1700 TTY Provides translation services to the deaf, deaf-blind, late deafened, and hard of hearing. 16 Jobs and Training Cambridge Center for Adult Education Various locations throughout Cambridge, MA. Phone Number: 617-547-6789 Website: Programs for people who want to explore new educational areas and develop their abilities, for personal and professional reasons. Labor and Workforce Development Phone Number: 617-626-6560 Website: Information on the unemployment insurance program, how to file for benefits, and how to obtain job search and retraining assistance. Employment Resources, Inc. 125 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA 02140 Contact: Kelly Gollobin Phone Number: 617-494-1154 Website: Provides career services, such as workshops and job fairs. Power Program Downtown Learning Center 25 Lexington Street Waltham, MA 02154 Contact: Kathleen Chlapowski Phone Number: 781-893-8050 x3160 Offers courses in English as a Second Language, individual tutoring in English, reading and GED. 17 Legal Aid First Call for Help Phone Number: 800-231-4377 Website: Help with housing, food, utilities, legal support and other basic needs. Legal Advocacy Resource Center Phone Number: 617-603-1700 Website: Provides free legal assistance on housing, family law, public benefits, employment issues, and consumer issues. Centro Presente 54 Essex Street Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone Number: 617-497-9080 Website: Provides ESL, literacy, and citizenship classes, as well as legal services, for Central and Latin American immigrants. Massachusetts Bar Association 20 West Street Boston, MA 02111 Phone Number: 617-338-0500 Website: Referrals to legal aid programs and services Greater Boston Legal Services 197 Friend Street Boston, MA 02114 Phone Number: 800-323-3205 Website: Provides free civil legal assistance to lowincome families. Massachusetts Child Support Enforcement PO Box 55144 Boston, MA 02205 Phone Number: 800-332-2733 Website: Information on child support laws, filing claims and help with a specific case Harvard Legal Aid Bureau 23 Everett Street, First Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone Number: 617-495-4408 Website: Free legal services about housing, benefits and family law 18 Mental Health/Counseling Gamblers’ Anonymous Multiple locations. Phone Number: 617-338-6020 Website: Provides ongoing support system for people recovering from gambling addictions. Arlington Youth Consultation Center Whittemore Robbins House 670R Mass Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-316-3255 Website: Provides individual and family counseling. Includes a support group for women leaving violent home situations Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling 190 High Street, Suite 5 Boston, MA 02110 Phone Number: 617-426-4554 24 Hour Helpline: 800-426-1234 Website: Counseling and referrals for gamblers and their families Children’s Charter, Inc. Trauma Clinic 77 Rumford Ave Waltham, MA 02453 Phone Number: 781-894-4307 Services offered for victims of trauma and their families. The Children’s Room - Center for Grieving Room Center for Children and Teenagers, Inc. 1210 Mass Ave Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-641-4741 Website: Support center for families with children grieving the death of a loved friend or relative. Support groups for ages 3-5, 6-11, teens, and caregivers. Massachusetts Eating Disorders Association, Inc. (MEDA) 92 Pearl Street Newton, MA 02458 Phone Number: 617-558-1881 Website: Professional staff providing consultation, support and therapy to individuals recovering from eating disorders. South Cove Community Health Center Multiple locations. Phone Number: 617-521-6700 Website: Counseling services provided in Japanese, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Khamir, Mandarin. Services include mental health, social services, community health and family life center. Department of Mental Health (DMH) 20 Academy Street, Suite 304 Arlington, MA 02474 Phone Number: 781-641-8100 (Arlington Office) Website: Provides clinical, rehabilitative and supportive services for individuals with serious mental illness/emotional disturbances. 19 Wayside Youth and Family Support Network Multiple locations. Central Intake number: 1-800-4WAYSIDE Website: Offers a full range of mental health and substance abuse services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families including diagnostic assessments, psychological evaluation, medication evaluation and treatment, on-call emergency services, substance abuse evaluation/treatment and individual, group and family therapy. 20 Family/Parent Support Parenting Resource Associates – PACES Program (Parenting Coaching, Education and Support.) 4 Militia Drive, Suite 7 Lexington, MA 02421 Phone Number: 781-862-4446 Website: Offers parenting education and support groups. Department of Children and Families Mystic Street Arlington, MA 02747 781-641-8500 Provides support services to children and their families to prevent neglect and abuse. Offers a 24 hour hot line for child abuse and neglect. Fenway Community Health: LGBT Family and Parenting Services 7 Haviland Street Boston, MA 02115 Contact: Liz Coolidge Phone Number: 617-267-0900 Information, resources, activities and support for gay and lesbian parents and their children Big Brothers Big Sisters Massachusetts Bay 75 Federal Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Phone Number: 617-542-9090 Website: Matches volunteer mentors with boys and girls 7-14 years old Families First Parenting Programs 99 Bishop Richard Allen Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone Number: 617-868-7687 Website: Parenting education and support through seminars, workshops and consultations. Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 161 Mass Ave Boston, MA 02115 Phone Number: 617-236-8060 Website: Matches women volunteer mentors with girls’ 7-15 years old Family Ties Phone Number: 800-905-TIES (8437) Website: Support for families with children with special needs 21 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Website: Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association Multiple locations/local clubs. Phone Number: 781-646-TWIN Website: Offers support to parents raising multiple birth children. Mothers & More Multiple locations. Mothers & More is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of mothers through support, education and advocacy. Offers monthly meetings and a variety of quality events for Moms and their families. Phone Number: 866-281-6961 (for general information and questions) Website: Parents Helping Parents Phone Numbers: 800-632-8188 (parental stress line) 800-882-1250 (support groups) Website: Telephone counseling and referrals to confidential support groups for parents 22 Public Schools Arlington Schools: Brackett Elementary School 66 Eastern Ave. (781) 316-3702 Principal: Stephanie Zerchykov Thompson Elementary School 60N. Union Street (781) 316-3768 Principal: Sheri Donovan Bishop Elementary School 25 Columbia Road (781) 316-3792 Principal: Steve Carme Ottoson Middle School 63 Acton Street (781) 316-3745 Principal: Tim Ruggere Dallin Elementary School 185 Florence Ave. (781) 316-3730 Principal: Tara Rossi Arlington High School 869 Mass Ave. (781) 316-3594 Principal: Charles Skidmore Hardy Elementary School 52 Lake Street (781) 316-3782 Principal: Deborah D’Amico Website: Interim Superintendent: Kathleen Bodie (781) 316-3501 Pierce Elementary School 85 Park Ave. (781) 316-3736 Principal: Robert Penta Stratton Elementary School 180 Mountain Ave. (781) 316-3760 Principal: Alan Brown 23 Recreation Robbins Library 700 Mass Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 Phone Number: 781-316-3200 Website: Excellent resource for community groups that support families and children. Belmont KidSpace Payson Park Church 365 Belmont Street Belmont, MA 02478 Website: An indoor play space for kids 5 and under. There is a $3 entrance fee. Arlington Boys and Girls Club 60 Pond Lane Arlington, MA Phone Number: 781-648-1617 Website: Offers recreation scholarships for various sports classes. Includes swimming classes. Children’s Museum Museum of Science Phone Number: Phone Number: 617-426-0855 617-723-2500 Arlington Children’s Theater PO Box 1076 Arlington, MA Contact: Colleen Rua Phone Number: 781-874-9841 Website: A positive theatrical experience for children ages 5-18. Arlington Recreation Department 422 Summer Street Arlington, MA Phone Number: 781-316-3880 Website: Offers recreation scholarships for various recreational programs for all ages. 24 Curious Creatures Kids Zoo Phone Number: 978-537-5518 New England Aquarium Phone Number: 617-973-5200 Drumlin Farms Phone Number: 781-259-9807 Stone Zoo Phone Number: 617-541-5466 Substance Abuse Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Multiple locations. Phone Number: 617-426-9444 Website: Provides ongoing support system for recovering alcoholics. Wayside Youth and Family Support Network Multiple locations. Central Intake number: 1-800-4WAYSIDE Website: Offers a full range of mental health and substance abuse services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families including diagnostic assessments, psychological evaluation, medication evaluation and treatment, on-call emergency services, substance abuse evaluation/treatment and individual, group and family therapy. Al-Anon/Alateen Multiple locations. Phone Number: 508-366-0556 Website: Support for family members affected by alcoholism or other substance abuse. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Phone Number: 866-624-3578 Website: Provides ongoing support system for recovering drug addicts. Helpline (Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education) Phone Number: 800-327-5050 Website: Provides free and confidential information and referral for alcohol and other drug abuse problems and related concerns. 25 Transportation MBTA Phone Number: 800-392-6100 (Route/Schedule Info) 617-222-5000 (Main Switchboard) Website: Public transportation. Reduced fees are offered for patrons who meet certain eligibility requirements. Arlex Taxi Corporation of Lexington (Yellow Cab) Depot Square Lexington, MA 02420 Phone Number: 781-862-4601 26 Utilities Arlington Assistance Program Phone Number: 781-316-3250 Website: (click on Department, scroll down to and click on Health & Human Services, and scroll to Arlington Assistance Program) Financial assistance mainly used to subsidize utilities and back up fuel assistance. NSTAR Phone Number: 800-592-2000 Website: Protection against electricity or gas shut-off due to overdue electric/gas bills. Eligibility requirements. United Way Phone Number: 800-231-4377 Website: Help with housing, food, utilities, legal support and other basic needs. Cold Relief Phone Number: 800-632-8175 (Energy Assistance Program) 866-ENERGY7 (Winter Heating Helpline) Financial aid for heat Verizon Phone Number: 800-870-9999 Provides customer assistance programs designed to make telephone services more affordable for MA residents with limited income. Good Neighbor Fund – Salvation Army Phone Number: 800-334-3047 Website: One-time help with utility expenses. Mass Energy Phone Number: 800-287-3950 Website: For low annual fee, reduces heat, gas and electric costs. 27