June 23, 2013

Week _For the week of June 16,
From Joey Versace to You: Hello Ladies! If you are not a part of the Women’s Ministry here at
CCV, I definitely want to encourage you to go and check them out. They recently started, just this week,
a study through the book of James. Great community and an excellent way for you to be invested in,
especially considering how much energy you devote towards helping others grow. Tuesdays at 7pm in the
San Dimas campus auditorium. Check it out!
LIFEgroup BIG IDEA: Happy Fathers Day! This week Jeff is talking about the mistakes David made as a
father and the devastating effects it ended up having, as seen through the life of Absalom. There may be fathers
right now in your group who are struggling with guilt over their past parenting mistakes. You may also have the
sons or daughters of un-ideal father figures who are living out the consequences of bad parenting. Be ready for
this! It could be a heavy week. If there are specifics you are aware of, talk to your Director. They can give you
info on what resources CCV has to give intentional help (ie Counseling, Outreach, etc.) and can give you
specific next steps you can share to help you equip your people for moral and spiritual success.
LIFEstudy: “Mistakes of a Father”
CONNECT: (10+ minutes)
> What is a very strong memory you have of your father?
> What would you say your relationship with your father was like?
> Share one way, whether good or bad, that that relationship has effected who you are today.
The story of David is quite epic. Kings, war, giants, prophets, and more. It’s definitely one of the more gripping
bible stories. However, it can also feel a little hard to relate to at times. Most of us live somewhere in the
middle of David’s highs and lows. Yet there are much stronger parallels to our own lives than we might at first
One in particular is the effect David’s decisions had on his family. Specifically his son, Absalom. David
repented, yet the chain of events his earlier decisions set into motion led to devastation beyond what he ever
imagined. And if we’re not careful, as fathers, we may be welcoming similar tragedies into our own lives.
Read 2 Samuel 13-15
2 Samuel 15:13 A messenger soon arrived in Jerusalem to tell David, “All Israel has joined Absalom in a
conspiracy against you!”
REVIEW: (10-15 minutes)
Spend some time reviewing sermon notes and any follow-up from previous discussion.
Q - Looking back at the sermon and personal study from this week’s message, was there anything that
particularly caught your attention, challenged you, or confused you?
DISCOVER: (20+ minutes)
Remember to ask for general observations about each passage before getting into the questions.
Considering 2 Samuel 13-15 answer the following Questions…
1. Who are Amnon, Absalom, and Tamar?
How does Absalom react to the news about his sister?
What does Absalom eventually do to Amnon?
Should Amnon have been punished?
If so, how and by whom?
What do you think the real reason is that Absalom killed Amnon (because of Tamar’s rape or
because he wanted to be next in line to be king)?
7. Discuss pride, greed, power, deception, and positioning. Go around in a circle and have everyone
discuss how they have been effected by at least one of these things.
8. Describe Absalom physically (2 Sam 14:25).
9. Describe Absalom’s character (2 Sam 14:28-33).
Why did the people love Absalom (2 Sam 15:1-6)?
Did Absalom deceive the people and David?
If so, why?
Why do you think David fled?
What happened to Absalom (2 Sam 18:9-10,15)
15. Who grieved Absalom’s death?
16. What important lessons can we learn from David and his family?
17. The following are qualities of David and Absalom that led to destruction. Site an example of each
from David or Absalom’s life: pride, greed, lust, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, ranger, deception,
vanity, and pretense.
18. What are some of the negative characteristics in your own life that could be effecting your family
(pride, greed, lust, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, ranger, deception, vanity, and pretense).
19. How do we avoid these characteristics?
20. How could “Dinner Table Time” (spending time together as a family communicating) have been
useful in the life of David?
21. How could Dinner Table Time be useful in yours?
22. How could “Bed Side Time” (sharing scripture with your children at night before bed or another set-aside
time) have been useful in the life of David?
23. How could Bed Side Time be useful in yours?
24. How could “Wood Shed Time” (time disciplining the children) have been helpful in the life of
25. How could Wood Shed Time be useful in yours?
26. How could “Mat Time” (time in prayer and modeling righteous living for the children) have been
helpful in the life of David?
27. How could Mat Time be helpful in yours?
28. How could “Bird Cage Time” (time when fathers open any cages and help their children set their
dreams free) have been useful in the life of David?
29. How could Bird Cage Time be useful in yours?
30. Starting tonight, can you commit to begin telling your children every day that you 1) love them, 2)
that you are proud of them, and 3) to tell them one thing they are good at?
PRAY: (15+ minutes)
Gender Breakouts: At least once a month, split up the women and men for prayer time.
Requests: (make sure you pray for each person’s “One Life”)