English 1301 Daily Plan



Fall 2007


INSTRUCTOR: Audrey A. Herbrich

OFFICE: Liberal Arts Building 135

PHONE: (979) 743-5218

EMAIL: audrey.herbrich@blinn.edu

INSTRUCTOR WEB SITE: http://www.blinn.edu/schulenburg/faculty

CAMPUS WEB SITE: http://www.blinn.edu/schulenburg/index.htm

CLASS: SBLA 121 Meets TR 10:25 – 11:40 a.m.

OFFICE HOURS: MW from 10:15 – 11:50 a.m.

TR from 8:45 – 10:25 a.m.

F from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. and other times by appointment

Core Curriculum Statement: English 1301 is a Core Course in the 42-hour Core of Blinn College. As such, students will develop proficiency in the appropriate Intellectual Competencies, Exemplary Educational

Objectives, and Perspectives. For more information, refer to www.blinn.edu/corecurriculum.

Course Description: This writing-intensive first-semester freshman composition course focuses on the writing of researched argumentative, expository, and persuasive papers. Analytical reading, critical thinking, and library-based research skills are emphasized. Essays, including a 2000-word documented library research-based paper, are required. Prerequisites: Passing THEA score or alternative test score or completion of English 0321 with a grade of 'C' or better. Three class hours per week. Credit: Three semester hours.

Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes

Full participation in English 1301 allows students to learn:

 to use appropriate library research methods;

 to paraphrase and summarize, fairly and accurately, the ideas of others;

 to support their own theses with the works of others in a well-assimilated, accurately and appropriately documented final product;

 to follow the current guidelines and conventions set forth by the Modern Language Association for the

 writing of research papers; to recognize purpose, audience, and tone as they apply to various readings; to apply the principles of purpose, audience, and tone to their own writing;

 to revise essays in response to others' comments so that improvement is evident to their immediate audience;

 to understand the connection between thought and written language, especially the concepts that govern grammatical and syntactical usage, as well as the various criteria that determine correctness, appropriateness, and idiomatic language choice as dictated by given rhetorical situations, in the endeavor to communicate logical thought clearly and precisely;

 to evaluate and formulate discourse, thereby reinforcing the inherent logical habits of the mind;

 to analyze and review essays or short studies in a critical manner; and

 to understand and apply the principles of persuasion to the development of arguments.

*In short, the expectations of the course are for you to comprehend and effectively apply material presented.*

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Required Books:

Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Jane E. Aaron. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman,


Neuleib, Janice, et al., eds. The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication. Boston: Pearson Custom

Publishing, 2005.

Standard college-level dictionary.

Preparedness is essential for effective learning; plan to purchase materials (paper, folders, pens, etc.) which will personally facilitate this. Scantrons will be needed for the midterm and final exam.

Grading System:


Essay 1

Essay 2

Essay 3






Final Exam

Research Project

Students are expected to keep track of their grades and save all work.




Participation/Attendance: Students will be held responsible for regular classroom attendance, and active, meaningful attendance will directly increase a student’s overall course grade. For each class period a student misses, two percentage points will be deducted from this area.

Essays: The instructor will assign three major essays (documented 650 to 750 words) to help the student learn to prewrite, draft, critique, revise, and polish written assignments. MLA documentation and formatting apply, and students will be asked to utilize and turn in photocopied sources with Essay 3.

Research Project: A research project (2000+ word documented research paper with several preliminary steps) will be assessed throughout the course to determine knowledge of skills taught in class. MLA documentation and formatting apply, and students will be asked to turn in photocopied sources with the essay.

Midterm: A midterm exam will be given to assess knowledge of material presented at the semester’s halfway point.

Final Exam: This exam will be given to determine whether or not the student has sufficient knowledge of the skills needed to advance to the next level of college-credit English. It will include a 750-word in-class documented essay and course inventory test.

Extra Credit: Students will have the opportunity to rewrite one major essay towards the semester’s end for up to ten (10) additional points (one letter grade) on that assignment grade.

In addition to the above assignments, the instructor will assign homework, group work, and various in class assignments (see attached Daily Plan).

Note Well: In order to earn credit for the course, each student must submit a 2000+ word documented research paper that reflects a sincere effort to address the assignment.

Preparedness: Students are expected to read all assigned material and to remain attentive and actively participate in class for the entire time. This includes not only taking notes during lectures and discussions but also utilizing the required textbooks and materials during class time. For major papers, students are expected to have completed prewriting and writing outside of class for self and peer editing. Failure to do so may result in the student’s removal from the class for that day.

Grade Equivalencies for Essays:

A+ = 98

B+ = 88

C+ = 78

D+ = 68

F = 50

A = 95

B = 85

C = 75

D = 65

0 = 0

A- = 92

B- = 82

C- = 72

D- = 62

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Manuscript Form: All papers must exhibit an understanding of MLA format. Remember: English 1301 is not a course in creative writing. Adherence to guidelines and directions in writing is imperative.

Grading Criteria

The A paper represents original outstanding work; it shows careful thought, fresh insights, and stylistic maturity.

Having practically no mechanical errors to distract the reader, it is free of jargon, clichés, and other empty language. Word choice is marked by a high degree of precision and a varied, advanced vocabulary; sentences are structured in a manner that creates interest and rhetorical power. The tone is appropriate for the designated audience. The reader moves through the A paper effortlessly because of its effective transitions, lucid organization, and thorough, purposeful development. Having finished, the reader feels that he has learned something, that he has received some unexpected and welcome illumination. In the A paper all research material is correctly documented, and formatting adheres to current standards of the Modern Language

Association. Directly quoted passages are gracefully integrated into the text with appropriate attribution.

The B paper is significantly more than competent. Besides being almost free of mechanical errors, the B paper delivers substantial information and makes cogent, fresh arguments--that is, in both quality and interest-value.

Its specific points are logically ordered, well developed, and supported, and unified around a clear organizing principle that is apparent early in the paper. The B paper's relatively few syntactic, usage, and mechanical errors do not seriously distract the reader, but the language, while neither trite nor bureaucratic, probably lacks the candor and the precision of the most memorable writing. Its transitions, while appropriate, emphasize the logical turnings of the writer's mind, making the reader occasionally more aware of the efforts taken to unify and control an idea than of the idea itself. In the B paper all research material is correctly documented, and formatting adheres to current standards of the Modern Language Association. Directly quoted passages are integrated into the text with appropriate attribution.

The C paper represents average college-level work. It is a competent expression of ordinary thoughts in ordinary language; its content/focus is general, commonplace, or trivial, or not adequately related to the assignment; its development is vague, incomplete, or inconsistent; its organization lacks adequate or appropriate transitions or relation of ideas. The C paper, in addition to meeting all the requirements of the assignment, exhibits a writing style that is basically correct and is marred by a relatively few syntactic, usage, and mechanical errors. By relying on generalities rather than precise, illustrative details, the writer of a C paper leaves the reader feeling not much better informed than when the reader first picked up the essay. In the C paper all research material is correctly documented, and formatting adheres to current standards of the Modern

Language Association. Directly quoted passages are integrated into the text with appropriate attribution.

The D paper has only skeletal development and organization. Its serious mechanical errors, together with the awkwardness and ambiguity of its sentence structure, make the reader feel slighted, as if his time and attention were of little concern to the writer.

Note Well: A paper exhibiting major weaknesses in any specific area— content, development, organization, grammar and mechanics, documentation conventions, writing style —or, indeed, a failure to address the assignment is usually considered, at best, a D paper.

As writing that falls below minimal standards for college-level literacy, the F paper shows lack of thought and purpose, little or no organization, numerous mechanical errors, and a garbled or immature style.

Sometimes inadequacy in one area is enough to fail a paper—the writer, for instance, may not have control of punctuation, producing fragments or comma splices in almost every paragraph; however, serious weaknesses usually occur in several areas of concern.

A paper should earn the grade zero if it contains plagiarized content in any form, including the failure to acknowledge the source of any borrowed material (summarized, paraphrased, and directly quoted) and unmarked exact wording (directly quoted from either a primary or a secondary source), whether a specific well-

Herbrich—ENGL 1301 4 chosen word, a phrase (two or more words), a clause, or full sentence(s). A paper can earn a zero if it does not address the assigned topic or if directions have been either ignored or not followed.

Note: In addition to the aforementioned criteria, a self edit worksheet will be given for each major essay so that students are made aware of and subsequently have the time to correct errors before submitting the essay.

However, students may not be given this worksheet if a draft is not turned in or is incomplete.

Allow the passage of ten days’ time before expecting the return of graded material for major assignments.

Print Management System

Each student is automatically given a print system account as the start of the semester along with 15 credits (i.e.

$15.00). The credits can be utilized in the library and lab settings for any print jobs. Credits are not refundable nor does the balance roll over to the next semester.

Scholastic Integrity and Plagiarism

The Blinn College Student Handbook defines plagiarism as “the appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own written work.” Plagiarism also includes the following inexcusable offenses: failure to properly indicate directly quoted passages, phrasings, or significant wordings as such by the proper use of quotation marks and misattribution of cited material. Collusion is defined as the “unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment of course requirements” (50). Collusion is considered to be as egregious as plagiarism.

A student who cheats or plagiarizes will receive a zero for the assignment and will be required to meet with the instructor and academic dean for appropriate resolution to the problem. According to the Blinn College Student

Handbook, the following penalty “may be imposed by the instructor [. . .]: an appropriate grade penalty ranging from a zero on the assignment/examination up to and including the imposition of an F for the entire course [for egregious plagiarism].” Note: “A student receiving an F in a course because of scholastic dishonesty MAY

NOT withdraw from that course” (52).

Note well: Scholastic dishonesty does both the student and the instructor a disservice by hindering learning.

Any form of scholastic dishonesty indicates academic weakness on the student’s part, setting the student up for failure in the course. Instructors use the software Turnitin.com as a means of plagiarism control.

Internet Policy

Since the Internet is, often, a questionable resource for information, no general Internet source materials (such as those obtained through Google or other comparable searches) will be allowed in student essays. An exception to this will occur with the student’s choice of outside resources for Essay Three. Even so, each student must determine the relevance and reliability of any information obtained and cite each source appropriately.

Civility Statement: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others.

Civility Notification Statement: According to the Blinn College Student Handbook, if a student is removed from class because of uncivil behavior, the student may not return to that class until the student arranges a conference with the instructor; the incident must be resolved before the student returns to class. Note that if behavior “is threatening or violent, the [local] police have jurisdiction and the College’s Discipline Code, as outlined in the Student Handbook, takes precedence” (53).

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Class Policies:

Food, drinks, and tobacco products are not allowed in the classroom.

All cell phones must be turned off when entering classrooms, computer labs, library, or any designated testing area in an effort to minimize disruption of the learning environment. This also includes any textmessaging while in these areas. If an emergency exists where the student must be accessible by phone, the student must inform his/her instructor prior to class and the phone must be set to "vibrate." Prior approval by administration is needed to have phones turned to "vibrate" while using the library, computer labs, or designated testing areas.

Attendance: The College District believes that class attendance is essential for student success; therefore, students are required to promptly and regularly attend all their classes. Each class meeting builds the foundation for subsequent class meetings. Without full participation and regular class attendance, students shall find themselves at a severe disadvantage for achieving success in college. Students are expected to arrive to class on time and to stay in class the full time. Tardiness indicates an ill preparedness and is disruptive to both the instructor and students; so, too, is leaving a class early. Any student who does so without the instructor’s approval may be counted absent. A student should schedule doctors’ appointments and other similar obligations for times outside the class period. Notification of an advance absence or the reasons for an absence are the student’s responsibility . Conferencing with the instructor in a timely manner is the best way to find out what lectures, assignments, and due dates he or she missed during an absence.

If a student has one week’s worth of absences during the semester, he/she will be sent an e-mail by the College requiring the student to contact his/her instructor and schedule a conference immediately to discuss his/her attendance issues. If the student subsequently accumulates two weeks’ worth of absences, he/she will be administratively withdrawn from class.

See p. 46-47 in The Handbook for an explanation about excused absences and further policy information.

Withdrawl Note: Senate Bill 1231 (passed by the 80 th session of the Texas Legislature) limits the number of courses from which an institution of higher learning may allow an undergraduate student to withdraw to no more than six, including any transfer courses. SB 1231 affects any student enrolled as a first-time freshman at

Blinn College and all other Texas universities and colleges, beginning in the fall 2007 semester.

Late Assignments and Make-up work: All assignments are expected to be completed and are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date whether or not the student attends class. Turning in assignments early is acceptable; turning them in late is unacceptable.

E-mail Policy : While e-mail is an acceptable form of student-instructor contact, note that e-mail does not take the place of face-to-face contact. Therefore, e-mail shall not be used as a substitute for one-on-one conferencing. Any e-mail should be properly addressed, appropriately composed, and free of grammatical/

mechanical errors. E-mail containing errors that hinder readability will be returned to the student, unanswered.

Special Services for Students with Disabilities

Services and reasonable accommodations are available to students with documented disabilities. The Office of

Disability Services (ODS) on the Brenham campus (Rm. 104, Administration Building) provides direct services to students with documented disabilities and makes appropriate referrals to other resources on and off campus.

The ODS promotes awareness of the special needs and abilities of students with disabilities through educational events and outreach activities. Information, education, and consultation about specific disabilities are available to interested parties on request. Assistance to students with disabilities is provided in the following areas:

Assessment of needs and appropriate services

Provision of classroom and testing accommodations

Assistance in orientation and registration procedures

Counseling on disability related issues

For further information or to make an appointment, call the Brenham office at (979) 830-4157 or contact Dean

Moore on the Schulenburg campus.

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English 1301 Daily Plan

(Tentative: subject to change as needed)

All assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted.

MER = The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication

LBH = The Little, Brown Handbook

8-28 Class: Introduction to the course. Diagnostic essay.

HW: Read Course Information Handout.

Read MER “A Word About Honesty” p. 1-2 and Mortimer Adler’s “How to Mark a

Book” p. 211-16.

Read LBH 7a-c “Studying Effectively” p. 135-42 and LBH 40 “Using Dictionaries” p. 536-42.

8-30 Class: Lecture: Origins of the English language.

HW: Read MER Northrup Frye’s “Don’t You Think It’s Time to Start Thinking?” p. 17-20.

Read LBH 8a “Forming a Critical Perspective—Thinking and Reading Critically” p. 150-


9-4 Class: Lecture: Frye and defining “good writing.” Course Inventory.

HW: Read MER Maya Angelou’s “Champion of the World” p. 217-22 and Langston Hughes’s

“Salvation” p. 376-79.

9-6 Class: Lecture: Comparison/Contrast writing and Angelou and Hughes. Discuss Essay One.

HW: Read MER “Comparison and Contrast” p. 117-19 and Suzanne Britt Jordan’s “Neat People vs.

Sloppy People” p. 130-33.

Read LBH 1a “Understanding How Writing Happens” p. 2-3, LBH 2 “Developing and Shaping

Ideas” p. 16-44, LBH 3a “Writing the First Draft” p. 44-48, LBH 44d “Using Summary,

Paraphrase, and Quotation” p. 617-23.

9-11 Class: Lecture: Jordan, Writing Process, Revision, MLA Format. In-class practice.

HW: Read MER “Narration” p. 360-61 and George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant” p. 394-403.

Read LBH “Questions for Literary Analysis” on p. 741-42 and revising ideas in yellow boxes on p. 49, 58, 59, and 63. Familiarize yourself with LBH Ch. 47. Typed rough draft of Essay One due next class for self edit.

9-13 Class: Rough draft of Essay One due. Lecture: Narrative writing and Orwell. In-class self edit of

Essay One.

HW: Read MER “Persuasion” p. 433-37 and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” p. 507-13 and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” p. 590-600.

Final draft of Essay One due next class.

9-18 Class: Final draft of Essay One due.

Lecture: Oration, King, Swift, and in-class writing

activity. Discuss Research Paper.

HW: Read LBH 10 “Writing an Argument” p. 199-218 and 9g “Recognizing Fallacies” p. 192-98.

9-20 Class: Lecture: Argumentation and in-class activity.

HW: Read MER Gloria Steinem’s “Sex, Lies, and Advertising” p. 338-59.

Read LBH 8b “Viewing Images Critically” p. 164-72.

Research Project Proposal due next class.

9-25 Class: Research Project Proposal due. Lecture: Division/Analysis writing and Steinem.

View Marketplace of Ideas video. Discuss Essay Two.

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HW: Read MER Deborah Tannen’s “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” p. 141-48.

Read LBH 45 “Avoiding Plagiarism and Documenting Sources” p. 629-38.

9-27 Class: Lecture: “How to Read an Ad” and Tannen. Plagiarism discussion and in-class

documentation practice.

HW: Read LBH 43 “Finding Sources” p. 571-98.

Typed rough draft of Essay Two due next class for self edit.

10-2 Class: Self edit of Essay Two in class. Lecture: Using the Library Effectively. Distribute

“Gathering Sources” worksheet for Research Project. Library Time.

HW: Read LBH 44 “Working with Sources” p. 599-629 and 3g “Giving and Receiving Comments” p. 66-69.

Three typed rough draft copies of Essay Two due next class for peer edit.

Gather Research Project sources.

10-4 Class: Peer edit of Essay Two.

HW: Read MER “Process Analysis” p. 641-43, Lewis Thomas’s “Notes on Punctuation” p. 77-

82, and Garrison Keillor’s “How To Write a Personal Letter” p. 644-48.

Final draft of Essay Two due next class.

Gather Research Project sources.

10-9 Class: Final draft of Essay Two. Lecture: Process Analysis writing, Thomas, and Keillor.

Group letter reading activity.

HW: Read LBH 42 “Planning a Research Project” p. 558-71.

Begin reading/highlighting/note-taking on research project sources.

10-11 Class: Diction and Figurative Language Activity: Stephen Crane text. Lecture:

Bibliographies and Research Project Annotated Bibliography. In-class practice.

HW: Read MER “Definition” p. 149-51 and Gloria Naylor’s “Mommy, What Does ‘Nigger’

Mean?” p. 389-93.

Read LBH 38 “Using Appropriate Language” p. 510-18.

Work on Research Project Annotated Bibliography.

10-16 Class: Lecture: Definition writing, Naylor, “standard language,” OED discussion, and review for Midterm Exam.

HW: Study for Midterm Exam.

Research Project Annotated Bibliography due next class.

10-18 Class: Research Project Annotated Bibliography due.

Take Midterm Exam .

HW: Work on Research Project rough draft.

10-23 Class: Discuss writing the Research Project rough draft. The Story of English video.

HW: Read LBH 18 “Comma Splices, Fused Sentences” p. 342-49, 19 “Pronoun Reference” p. 350-

57, and 20 “Shifts” p. 357-63.

Work on Research Project rough draft.

10-25 Class: Grammar Day: comma usage, pronoun reference, parallelism, and shifts. Research

Project questions.

HW: Read MER “Description” p. 209-10 and Virginia Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth” p. 682-87.

Work on Research Project rough draft.

10-30 Class: Lecture: Descriptive Writing and Woolf. Discuss Essay Three.

HW: Read MER E. B. White’s “Once More to the Lake” p. 424-32.

Work on Research Project rough draft.

11-1 Class: Lecture: Continue Woolf and description. Begin White with visualization activity.

HW: Read LBH 9a-c “Reading Arguments Critically” p. 179-87.

Typed rough draft of Essay Three due next class for self edit.

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Work on Research Project rough draft.

11-6 Class: Lecture: Finish White and discuss coherence and effective argumentation. Self edit of

Essay Three in class.

HW: Three typed rough draft copies of Essay Three due next class for peer edit.

Work on Research Project rough draft.

11-8 Class: Peer edit of Essay Three in class.

HW: Read MER Susan B. Anthony’s “Women’s Right to Vote” p. 438-47.

Final draft of Essay Three.

Work on Research Project rough draft.

11-13 Class: Final Draft of Essay Three due.

Lecture: Anthony, controlling tone, and developing style.

Make “To Do” list for Research Project.

HW: Work on Research Project rough draft.

11-15 Class: Research Project rough draft due. A self edit will be completed in class and credited with your typed rough draft. Lecture: Troubleshooting the final draft and author responsibility as researcher—Jayson Blair story.

HW: Work on Research Project final draft due next class and class presentation.

11-20 Class: Research Project final draft due.

Lecture: Censorship and banned books. Student presentations of research begin.

HW: Work on presentations .

------------------------------- Thanksgiving Break -------------------------------

11-27 Class: Student presentations of research continue.

HW: Work on presentations.

11-29 Class: Student presentations of research continue. Debriefing on essays and research projects.

Extra credit (optional essay rewrite) due.

12-4 Class: Read “Eleven” supplement and definition writing techniques. Discuss “good writing.”

Final review for the Course Inventory and for the essay portion of the final exam.

HW: Read LBH Chapter 7d “Preparing and Taking Exams” p. 142-49 to prepare for final.

12-6 Class: In-class evaluative essay. Course Inventory exam.

HW: Prepare for final exam.

TBA Final exam: You will be given two hours to complete the definition essay.

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Research Project Steps

Paper Proposal (worth 5 points) Due Date: Sept. 25, 2007.


Select a significant social topic based on the research prompt handout. The topic must be problem/solution based! Topic selections may be discussed with the instructor any time during office hours prior to this due date.


In a typed, double-spaced, MLA-formatted paper, address the following in paragraph form using at least

250 words: a.

Introduce the issue. b.

Discuss why it is compelling to you. c.

Discuss what you know about this topic and what more you need to know. d.

Anticipate how you will argue this problem/solution issue. e.

Anticipate any potential problems that may arise during your research process (changes in the status quo, possible personal interview scheduling, sources being requested from other campus libraries, etc.)

Gathering Sources

Follow the directions on the handout given in class for library research.

Annotated Bibliography (worth 25 points) Due Date: Oct. 18, 2007.

Create a typed MLA style annotated bibliography of at least twelve (12) sources. Use the handout given in class as a guide, paying particular attention to source requirements from the Gathering Sources handout.

Planning the Paper

After highlighting facts in your photocopied sources, making observations, and creating notes, follow the directions on the handout provided for planning your research paper. Try a variety of invention strategies to get started. Your instructor is happy to help!

Writing and Self editing the Rough Draft (worth 5 points) Due Date: Nov. 15, 2007.

Write, then type a 2000+ word draft of the research paper that meets minimum source requirements and which contains at least 10 parenthetical (in-text) citations and at least 6 works cited entries. You will perform a self edit of the rough draft using a handout given in class.

Final Draft (worth 60 points) Due Date: Nov. 20, 2007.

Turn in only the final typed draft and your photocopied sources that show highlighting of information used in the final draft. Place these in the pockets of a paper folder, with the final draft on one side and the sources on the other side. Also, submit electronically to Turnitin.com.

In-Class Student Presentations of Research (worth 5 points) Due Date: Nov. 20-Nov. 29, 2007.

Student will present an informal review of their semester-long research project to their peers in class.

This presentation will serve as a measure of knowledge obtained through research and offer students a forum through which they can share their work and ideas. Further information regarding content and grading will be issued in class for these roughly five-minute presentations. Students can sign-up for a time during class, but if a student misses his or her assigned time due to an absence, that time cannot be made up.

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English 1301: Figuring Your Grade

Filling in this handout as the semester progresses will give you a good idea of your numerical standing.

Essay 1:


Typed Rough Draft

Self editing worksheet

Final Draft

Total Grade for Essay One

(minus 10 points if incomplete)

(minus 10 points if incomplete)

(minus 10 points if incomplete)


(worth 10% of final grade)

Essay 2:


Typed Rough Draft

(minus 10 points if incomplete)

(minus 5 points if incomplete)

Self editing worksheet (minus 5 points if incomplete)

Typed Rough Drafts and peer editing (minus 10 points if incomplete)

Final Draft

Total Grade for Essay Two ___________

(worth 10% of final grade)

Essay 3:


Typed Rough Draft

Self editing worksheet (minus 5 points if incomplete)

Typed Rough Drafts and peer editing (minus 10 points if incomplete)

Final Draft

(minus 10 points if incomplete)

(minus 5 points if incomplete)


(worth 15% of final grade)

Total Grade for Essay Three

Research Project:

Paper Proposal

Annotated Bibliography

Rough Draft with Self Edit

Final Draft

Class Presentation

Total Grade for Research Project

(worth 5 points)

(worth 5 points)

(worth 25 points)

(worth 5 points)

(worth 60 points)

Attendance/Participation Grade:

Midterm Grade:

Final Exam Grade:







(worth 30% of final grade)


(worth 10% of final grade)


(worth 10% of final grade)


(worth 15% of final grade)
