ISP Activity Four Supplemental Instructions and Exemplars
ISP Checkpoint #2 requires a report on themes and symbols that are used in the film you are studying. The
following provides instructions and exemplars based on films previously viewed in class. It is expected that
you model checkpoint #2 accordingly.
Motif: a recurring subject, topic or idea in a story
Theme: the central message or idea in a story.
***The difference between a motif and a theme is that a motif identifies a subject while a theme
presents an idea. Therefore, a motif may be is small as a one word subject while a theme should be
presented in a phrase that conveys a message or a complete sentence.
Theme Phrase
Determination as a key
to personal reward.
Theme Statement
Approaching life’s challenges with
determination is its own reward.
Quiz Show
The American
The American Dream as
a corrupting influence
The American Dream is simply not
worth pursing because it corrupts
the intentions, integrity and morals
of those who pursue it.
One Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s
Rebellion as a social
Rebelling against unjust means of
control placed on people by any
social institution.
Exemplar: For the best possible results, you should model your ISP Theme Analysis after the example
found on the back of this page. High level 4 marks will go to those who include the following (just as the
examplar does):
introduce the film in the first sentence including director and year (italicize the title)
introduce the motif in the second sentence (in bold on the sample),
provide the theme phrase in the third sentence (second bold phrase)
provide three support examples from the film (in hand-written font)
and then end with the theme message (final bold phrase on the sample)
***remember that you can find a list of motif ideas on the note “ Profile of the Drama Genre “ that
we wrote in our notebooks from an overhead.
Sample Theme Analysis: Quiz Show (Robert Redford, 1994)
The film Quiz Show (Robert Redford, 1994) presents many themes that are of particular importance to
American culture. One of the many important motifs examined in the film is the concept of the American
Dream. In the film, Redford depicts an image of the American Dream as a corrupting influence on
those who pursue it. Examples are many and varied. First there is the character Herbert Stempel whose American
Dream intitially involves acquiring enough money to simply gain independence from his in-laws. However, in the
process of pursuing his dream,Herbert compromises his own integrity and sacrifices his morals when he deliberately
participates in a fraudulent game show in order to winmoney and to create the illusion that he is more knowledgeable
than seems humanly possible. In the end Herb freely admits in front of the U.S. Congress that he allowed himself to
be corrupted, although he is at least now willing to admit it. There is also Charles Van Doren whose American Dream
seems more oriented towards gaining the admiration of the public – something that his father has always had but
Charles has yet to personally acquire. Along the way, however, Charles also participates in a “crooked” game show to
fulfill his dream and in the process compromises his integrity by trying to maintain the illusion that the show is real
long after he could/should have set his soul free by admitting his mistakes. By the time Charles confesses before
congress, it is too late to even hold onto what he had already established for himself - a potentially very successful
career in education. Finally, it can even be argued that the character who was most determined to reveal the truth,
investigator Richard Goodwin, also had his own dream which might have corrupted him to an extent as well although
not as seriously as experienced by herb or Charlie. Early in the film, Richard admits on more than one occasion that he
feels like his career is not advancing. Although his intentions seem pure at first, it could be argued that Richard
quest for the truth might have turned into his own corrupted American Dream to advance his career by making a
name for himself in the congressional hearings. There were many signs that Richard was not going to accomplish
what he wanted but he persisted until the reputations of Herb and Charlie were ruined while the various executives got
away with their deceit. At least to some extent, it was likely that Richard was left to deal with his own guilt in the
end – at least the final shot of him watching Charlie drive away in disgrace certainly suggests this. In each of these
examples, Redford’s message regarding the Dream is clear. The American Dream is simply not worth pursuing
because it corrupts the intentions, integrity and morals of those who pursue it.
In addition to a theme report, your task for checkpoint #2 is to also analyze two symbols from your ISP
film. There are two types of symbols in films and you are required to analyze one symbol for each type.
Traditional symbolism is the same type of symbolism that you are used to identifying and analyzing in
literature. Such symbols involve objects that represent ideas. Remember, the symbol can be witnessed or
experienced through any or all of the five senses (sight, taste, smell sound, touch) but the idea that they
represent cannot be perceived directly through the senses at all.
Symbolic Idea
Striving hard to
achieve a goal
brings its own
Climbing these steps is the climactic part of
Rocky’s training – at the end of the famous
training montage, Rocky is at the the top of the
steps overlooking the city of Philadelphia was
his arms raised in victory
Quiz Show
the Chrysler
The Chrysler car that Richard considers
purchasing and how it represents the dream for
recognition and status in society
One Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s
Water control
the American
Dream is very
tempting and even
almost seductive
in an unhealthy
way for the
average citizen.
All obstacles to
our freedom
should be
challenged and
those that seem
the most
impossible can
still be overcome.
McMurphy is unable to find the strength to lift
the water cooler but at the end of the film, But
Chief not only lifts it but also hurls it through
the window enabling his escape as if in tributes
to McMurphy.
For your second symbol analysis you must choose from #’s 2 through 6 from the list of “Formal/Stylistic
Codes” found on the course handout “Cinematic Codes” used when we viewed and studied Quiz Show (the
choices are music, lighting, composition, camera angles, camera movement, editing). Your task will be to
explain how the director used one of these codes in a symbolic way in the movie
Exemplars: For the best possible results, you should model your ISP Symbol Analysis after the two
examples found on this page . High level 4 marks will go to those who include the following (just as the
exemplars do):
a) first identify the film in the first sentence and also identify the symbol (Type 1 response) or cinematic
code (Type 2 response) in the first sentence (first bold phrase in the sample) b)identify the symbolic idea
in the second sentence (second bold phrase in the sample) c)lastly explain the symbolic idea - provide
support in the form of describing characters, actions, events that show that your interpretation is valid
(hand-written font on the sample)
Sample Type 1 Symbol Analysis: Quiz Show (Robert Redford, 1994)
One of the many important symbols used by director Robert Redford in the film Quiz Show (1994) is the
Chrysler automobile that Richard Goodwin is considering purchasing at the very beginning of the film.
This car represents how the American Dream is very tempting and even almost seductive in an
unhealthy way for the average citizen. This symbolism becomes clear when we see Richard considering buying
the car even though he admits he cannot afford it and is further emphasized when his wife complains that he brought
home the Chrysler catalogue. As is hinted by his wife, if Richard is not yet financially secure enough to afford such a
new luxury car, he should not be considering buying one. But the fact that he is considering the purchase proves that
the car must be seductively tempting if someone as sensible as Richard is close to giving in to the temptation. The
reason the car represents the tempting nature of the American Dream is because Chrysler has always been advertised
as America’s car and because Richard is likely looking to improve his reputation and to ad a status symbol in buying a
car that he can’t afford. Reputation and status symbols are a part of the American Dream.
Sample Type 2 Symbol Analysis - Use of Composition in Quiz Show
One effective use of a stylistic code as a symbol in the movie Quiz Show (Robert Redford, 1994) can be
found in the use of composition in the scene where Charles Van Doren is interviewed by NBC executives
for a spot on a game show. The composition is used to symbolically represent how powerful executives
are willing to use intimidation in order to get people to do what they want in hopes of increasing
profits. Although Charles wants to get on Tic Tac Dough, the producers of 21 decide they would like him on their
show., This is because they feel Charles’class, clean-cut image and profession as a College instructor would help to
improve their ratings and thus increase their profits. As Charles is interviewed, we see him literally surrounded on
screen by the two NBC executives. We also see them towering over Charles as they stand and he sits. This composition
helps to create the feeling of pressure and intimidation that Charles experienced as he sat and listened to their plan to
fix the show so that Charles would win.