donald trump and the gop

I doubt if Donald Trump really cares about what most people think of him
and in particular what I think; however, let me move forward with my
thoughts. On the front-end, Donald Trump lost me when he said something
similar to “I don’t even ask God for forgiveness.” Secondly, he recently
stated similar language that the only other book that is more popular than his
“The Art of The deal” is the Bible; yet, when pressed by a reporter, Trump
would not or could not give even “one quote from the Bible.”
With the preceding being said, in my opinion Donald Trump will not get
enough delegate votes for the GOP Nomination; however, he has been good
for the nation and in particular for “stating the thoughts and frustrations of
average Americans” in an otherwise boring political season. The
Republican Party in recent years has become too politically correct in trying
to appease and cater to everybody instead of simply stating over and over,
this what we believe, this is what we want to accomplish for our great
nation, and most of all this how we are going to do it together, with the help
of everyone.
Donald Trump has awakened the Old Conservative Silent Majority,
Evangelical Christians, and just about anyone who considers himself or
herself a conservative Christian. Not because of his profession of faith or
lack of, Donald Trump is tapping into the inner soul, heart, and mind of not
only Mississippians, but basically all Americans who are losing faith or have
already given up on government at practically all levels.
Having watched most of the recent GOP Debate on television, my initial
impression was the following: Any of the 17 announced GOP Candidates for
president of the United States would do a good job and in my opinion be
much better than the present leadership at the White House. Secondly, would
not the other 16 candidates make up the most fantastic White House Cabinet
in the history of our Great Nation? . Bob Usey can be reached at © “Copyright”, 2015, Bob Usey