article vii - City of Sarasota

City of Sarasota
Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Division 1. Signs
Section VII-101. Purpose and Intent
The provisions of these Land Development Regulations shall govern the type, number, size and
location of all signs which may be permitted.
Increased numbers and sizes of signs, as well as certain types of lighting, may unreasonably
distract the attention of motorists, obstruct the vision of motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists and
otherwise interfere with traffic safety. Indiscriminate erection and maintenance of signs seriously
detracts from the enjoyment and pleasure in the natural scenic beauty of the City and, in turn,
injuriously affects the economic well-being of the citizenry. As a City whose economic wellbeing relies in part on tourism, it is in the best interest of the citizenry that the natural beauty of
Sarasota be preserved.
It is the intent of this division to promote the well-being of the citizenry by restricting the
proliferation of signs and limiting the characteristics of signs which may be erected while at the
same time protecting the free speech rights of the citizenry under the First Amendment to the
Federal Constitution and Article I Section 4 of the Constitution of the State of Florida. It is also
the intent of this division to allow for the communication of information necessary to the conduct
of commerce, government and individual expression and to further the public interest in the
identification of residences and places of business and in the safe construction, installation and
maintenance of signs.
Section VII-102. Applicability and Scope
Signs shall be a permitted use in all districts, except in the MP zone district. No sign shall be
located, placed, posted, erected, altered, extended, installed or continued without first obtaining a
sign permit therefore in compliance with the requirements of this Division. Signs must be
maintained in strict conformance with city building and electrical codes and other applicable
governmental regulations.
Section VII-103. General Requirements
Every sign shall be subject to the following general requirements:
All signs shall be kept in good condition, present a neat appearance and be maintained in
a good state of repair.
No sign shall directly or indirectly create a traffic or fire hazard or interfere with the free
and unobstructed use of streets or sidewalks.
No sign shall be erected or maintained at any location in such a manner as to obstruct free
and clear vision at the intersection of any streets, drives or other public or private
vehicular access ways.
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
No sign shall be erected or maintained at any location where, by reason of the position,
illumination, shape or color it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused
with any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device, nor shall it make use of the words
"STOP," "LOOK," "DANGER" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in such a
manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
No sign shall be attached to or placed against a building in such a manner as to prevent
ingress or egress through any door or window of any building, nor shall any sign obstruct
or be attached to a fire escape.
All signs may be illuminated, but all light sources shall be directed away from adjacent
properties. See VII-110 for standards applicable to particular zoning districts.
No projecting sign shall project more than four (4) feet from the building wall.
Signs extending or hanging over any public or private sidewalk or pedestrian way shall
be no less than eight (8) feet above the surface of such sidewalk or pedestrian way. Signs
extending or hanging over any public or private vehicular way shall be no less than
fifteen (15) feet above the surface of such vehicular way.
All ground signs within fifty (50) feet of any street intersection shall be placed in back of
any required yard or building setback line, or the bottom of the sign shall be ten (10) feet
or higher above the crown of the road at the intersection and shall in all other respects
comply with the sight triangle restrictions of Section VII-1202.
Unless otherwise specified, no ground sign may be erected to a height greater than
twenty-five (25) feet above the level of the ground on which the sign is placed; except
that, in the RSF, RMF, OPB, MCI and CN zone districts, no sign may be erected to a
height greater than twenty (20) feet above the level of the ground, and in the NT, RSM-9,
district, no sign may be erected to a height greater than sixteen (16) feet above the level
of the ground.
Unless otherwise specified, no on-site ground sign shall be erected, constructed or
maintained in a required setback; except that such on-site ground signs conforming to the
following conditions, specifications and limitations may be placed in a required setback:
Any such on-site ground sign shall be erected or project no closer to the front
property line than one-third the depth of the required front setback.
No more than one (1) such on-site ground sign shall be erected, constructed or
maintained in any such required setback area per one hundred (100) feet frontage
of such setback area or per major fraction thereof; provided that, if a zoning lot in
one (1) ownership shall have less than one hundred (100) feet of setback frontage
on one (1) street, one (1) on-site ground sign may, nevertheless, be erected in the
required setback area for such zoning lot; provided, further, that in the case of
corner zoning lots, this paragraph shall be construed to permit at least one (1) onVII, D1-2
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
site ground sign in the required setback area on each street frontage of a zoning
lot in one (1) ownership, where the erection, construction and maintenance of
such sign shall not be in conflict with other portions of these regulations.
No such on-site ground sign shall be erected, constructed or maintained in any
such required setback closer than ten (10) feet to a side property line,
Where any on-site ground sign is erected, constructed or maintained closer to the
property line than the building line established by law, then such sign shall be
designed, constructed and maintained so as to present a minimum obstruction to
horizontal vision between three (3) feet and eight (8) feet above ground level at
the base of such sign and all words, figures, symbols and other parts of the
advertising message and of any board or other background for the same shall be
constructed and maintained either below the three (3) foot level or above the eight
(8) foot level provided nevertheless, that this provision shall not be deemed to
authorize any increase in the maximum height of signs elsewhere provided in
these regulations.
Unless otherwise specified, the mansard roof portion of a structure may be used for the
mounting of signs, provided that such sign shall not extend above the highest point of the
mansard roof line upon which the sign is mounted. A mansard roof sign is counted as one
(1) permitted wall sign.
Signs for businesses located on second floor only of a two-story building.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, a retail or service
establishment located only on the second floor of a building and occupying street
frontage in an office, commercial, special purpose, or production intensive
commercial zoning district, other than the CT and CSD zone district, may erect
one (1) wall sign per street frontage. Such a sign shall not:
Project more than eighteen (18) inches from the building wall.
Exceed one (1) square foot of area for each foot of building frontage
occupied by the establishment displaying such sign or signs.
Exceed a total aggregate area of forty (40) feet per sign.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, a retail or service
establishment located only on the second floor of a building and occupying street
frontage in the CSD zoning district may erect a maximum of three (3) signs
consisting of one (1) wall sign, one (1) canopy sign and one (1) hanging sign, per
street frontage. Such signs shall not:
Project more than eighteen (18) inches from the building wall.
Exceed one (1) square foot of area for each foot of building frontage
occupied by the retail or service establishment displaying such sign or
Exceed a maximum total aggregate area of sixty (60) square feet.
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2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Signs for businesses located above the first floor of a multi-story building.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, a retail or service
establishment located above the second floor of a multi-story building in a office,
commercial, special purpose, or production intensive commercial zoning district, other
than the CT zone district, may erect directory signs as specified below:
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control contains two (2)
or more separate activities or establishments, one (1) directory sign is permitted for each
entrance to the upper level. Such sign(s) shall be located on the ground level exterior and
may be either a wall sign or a ground sign. The sign may list the name of the
establishment(s) and may include a location map. Each directory sign shall not exceed a
total aggregate area of sixteen (16) square feet.
Marquee signs in commercial, special purpose and production intensive commercial zone
districts. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, in the commercial,
special purpose and production intensive commercial zone districts, signs located on
marquees or canopies shall be affixed flat to the surface, shall not project more than two
(2) feet above the marquee, and shall not extend horizontally beyond the marquee or
canopy. One identification sign may extend vertically below the marquee or canopy and
shall not exceed one (1) foot by six (6) feet or the width of the marquee or canopy,
whichever is less. Notwithstanding the foregoing, marquee signs are not permitted in the
CT zone district.
(Ord. No. 10-4927, 2-22-11)
Banners. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations, in the CSC-N, CSCC, CSC-R and CSC zone districts, and within unified developments in the C-CBD, DTC
and DTB zone districts, banners shall be permitted subject to the following regulations:
Regulations applicable to all banners:
The top and bottom of all banners shall be affixed to poles designed solely
for that purpose. No banners shall be affixed to other structures, vehicles,
utility poles, trees, shrubs or plants.
On poles up to forty (40) feet in height, the maximum height of banners
shall be eighteen (18) feet and the minimum height of banners shall be
eight (8) feet.
On poles in excess of forty (40) feet in height, the maximum height of
banners shall be forty (40) feet and the minimum height of banners shall
be twenty feet. Provided, however, in no event shall the height of a pole
exceed fifty (50) feet.
All banners shall be constructed of fire retardant material and shall be
replaced by the owner of the banner at a minimum of two (2) times per
All banners may contain written copy of a general non-advertising nature
plus identifying logos or symbols. The term “non-advertising nature” shall
mean the copy does not advertise specific merchandise or sale prices.
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City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Perimeter banners: The following regulations shall apply only to perimeter
Perimeter banners shall be of uniform dimensions throughout the zoning
lot upon which they are located.
The maximum size of each perimeter banner shall be twelve (12) square
feet per face.
No more than two (2) perimeter banners shall be affixed to each pole.
Internal banners: The following regulations shall apply to internal banners:
Internal banners shall be of uniform dimensions throughout the zoning lot
upon which they are located.
On poles up to forty (40) feet in height, the maximum size of internal
banners shall be twelve (12) square feet per face.
On poles in excess of forty (40) feet in height, the maximum vertical
dimension of internal banners shall be equal to one-fifth (1/5) of the height
of the pole and the maximum size of the internal banners shall be twenty
(20) square feet per face.
No more than four (4) internal banners shall be affixed to each pole.
Non-exposed neon signs shall be permitted in all zone districts in accordance with the
other requirements of this Division. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neon signs are not
permitted in single family, multiple family and the CT zone districts.
Electronic Message Boards. Electronic message boards may be used in conjunction with
permitted signs in any of the office, commercial, and production intensive commercial
zone districts. Displays on electronic message boards shall not be changed more than one
(1) time in any twenty-four (24) hour period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, electronic
message boards are not permitted in the CT zone district.
(Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07; Ord. No. 07-4770, 12-17-07)
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City of Sarasota
Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Section VII-104. Computation of Sign Number and Area
Number. Each single display surface or display device shall be considered one (1) sign
except as otherwise provided. In the case of double-faced signs, on-site double-faced
signs with the same message on both sides or advertising the same business shall be
considered as one (1) sign.
Area. The surface area of a sign shall be the entire face of a sign, including any framing,
trim or molding, but not including
Measurement shall be made based
on the entire area within a regular
rectangles, circles, triangles and
ellipses, or the cumulative
combination of up to three such
contiguous forms. In the case of
double-faced signs, each sign face
shall be included for the purpose
of determining the total aggregate
area of the sign.
Calculation of Frontage. For the purpose of computing the number and area of signs, the
frontage of a zoning lot shall be established by orientation of the frontage of the buildings
thereon or of the principal entrance points to the premises if building frontage does not
clearly indicate zoning lot frontage. If neither of these methods is determinative, the
Director of Neighborhood and Development Services shall select on the basis of traffic
flow on adjacent streets, and the zoning lot shall be considered to front on the street with
the greater traffic flow.
(Ord. No. 10-4912, 6-7-10)
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City of Sarasota
Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Section VII-105. Removal of Signs Improperly in the Right of Way
The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to remove and dispose of any sign
located in the right of way of any public right-of-way in violation of this Division.
Section VII-106. Exemptions from a Permit Requirement
The following activities and signs shall not require a permit, provided that the sign
complies with the limitations of this Division. An otherwise exempt sign which exceeds
the limitations set forth in this Section shall require a permit and be governed by the
applicable Sections of this Division.
Changing copy. Changing the advertising copy, announcement or message on a
marquee, electronic message board, or changeable copy sign board. See VII-110
(5), VII-110 (16) and VII-110(19) for additional regulations applicable to the
Downtown, CT and CBN zone.
General maintenance. Cleaning or painting, or comparable general maintenance
or repair of a sign that does not alter any regulated feature of such sign.
Integral signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citation,
commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, or similar
material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type construction and
made an integral part of the structure and which do not exceed four (4) square feet
in area.
Legal notices. Identification, informational or directional signs erected or required
by governmental bodies.
Public Signs. Signs of a non-commercial nature and in the public interest, erected
by or on the order of a public officer or public agency, such as directional signs,
traffic signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, hospital signs and associated signs
in the SMH district, and informational signs.
Stadium signs. Non-electrical signs placed within a stadium that face inward
toward the playing field.
Window signs. Window signs may be placed on the interior of any window. See
VII-110 (5), VII-110 (16) and VII-110(19) for additional regulations applicable to
the Downtown, CT and CBN zone.
Property Identification Signs. Signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in area and
bearing only property numbers, postbox numbers, names of occupants of
premises, or other identification of premises.
Directional or Warning Signs. Non-advertising directional or warning signs or
symbols such as “ENTRANCE”, “EXIT”, “BAD DOG”, “CAUTION”, “SLOW”,
“NO TRESPASSING”, etc., located on and pertaining to a private zoning lot, and
not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
Temporary Construction Signs. One (1) non-illuminated, temporary construction
project ground sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area. Such sign
may not be erected more than sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
actual construction and must be removed within fifteen (15) days after the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If construction is not continually and
actively prosecuted to completion, such sign shall be removed within fifteen (15)
days of expiration of the building permit.
Real Estate Signs. One (1) non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR RENT” sign
per zoning lot when such sign has an area per face of not more than four (4)
square feet.
Professional nameplates not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
One (1) non-illuminated bulletin board or identification sign for each street
frontage for public, charitable or eleemosynary institutions, to be located on the
premises of such institutions and to be no more than twelve (12) feet in total area.
One (1) double-faced non-illuminated bulletin board or identification sign for
each street frontage for houses of worship, to be located on the premises and to be
no more than twenty (20) square feet per face or forty (40) square feet in total
area. Illuminated bulletin boards and identification signs for these uses require a
Identification signs at the entrance drives of residences, estates and ranches,
which do not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
One (1) hard hat sign at each entrance to a construction area, of no more than two
(2) square feet.
Political campaign signs announcing candidates seeking public political office
and other data pertinent thereto shall be permitted up to a total area of sixteen (16)
square feet for each premises in a residential zone and thirty-two (32) square feet
in a commercial or industrial zone. These signs shall be confined within private
property. These signs may be displayed ninety (90) days prior to and twenty-one
(21) days after the election for which intended. In cases where a final election
follows within seventy-five (75) days of a primary election, those candidates who
won in the primary election may continue to display their signs during the interim
period and up to twenty-one (21) days after the final election.
Setback of Exempt Signs. The signs enumerated in Subsection VII – 106(A) which do
not require a permit may be located in required front setbacks no closer than five (5) feet
from the property line and meet the sight triangle restrictions cited in Section VII-1202 of
this Code.
Impact of Exempt Signs on Calculations Under Other Sections of this Division. The face
area of exempt signs shall not be included in determining compliance with the maximum
allowable sign area provisions of this Division. Exempt signs are allowed in addition to
signs for which permits are required.
(Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07; Ord. No. 10-4912, 6-7-10)
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Section VII-107. Permits Required
All signs require a building permit except for those listed as exempt in Section VII-106.
Application Requirements. An application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by the
information and documentation required by the Director of Neighborhood and
Development Services.
Identification Tag. The Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, at the time
of the issuance of the permit, shall also issue to the applicant a tag which shall have
printed or impressed thereon “CITY OF SARASOTA SIGN PERMIT”, the number
thereof, and the year of its issuance. No sign, unless specifically exempted, shall be
erected, displayed, rebuilt, repaired, painted or otherwise maintained which does not have
such a tag securely attached thereto or to its supporting structures so as to be plainly
visible from the street or roadway.
Work on Un-Permitted Signs Prohibited. No person shall perform or assist in the
erection, construction, maintenance, alteration, repair or painting of any sign for which a
permit has not been procured.
Penalty for Placement of Signs Prior to Receiving a Permit. If a sign required by these
regulations to obtain a permit is erected before a permit is obtained from the Director of
Neighborhood and Development Services, the permit fee for the sign shall be tripled.
Section VII-108. Signs Permitted in all Zoning Districts
The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts except the MP and POS districts.
Exempt Signs. Signs exempted from permitting requirements as enumerated in Section
Grand Opening Signs. One sign not to exceed fifty (50) square feet shall be allowed in
conjunction with the grand opening of a business (this includes grand openings resulting
from ownership changes). Such sign may be erected for no more than two (2) weeks. If
such sign is a banner, it shall be affixed to the wall of the building.
Special Event. One sign not to exceed fifty (50) square feet shall be allowed in
conjunction with a special event permitted by the City. Such sign may be erected for no
more than two (2) weeks.
Portable signs.
Each business may be allowed one (1) temporary portable A-frame sign, on
private property, during the hours the business is open and provided the sign is
less than 4 feet high and less than 18 by 24 inches per face, unless otherwise
prohibited in VII-110.
(Ord. No. 10-4912, 6-7-10)
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City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Section VII-109. Signs Prohibited in all Zoning Districts
District Regulations. Signs which are not specifically permitted in a zone district or are
otherwise specifically permitted under these land development regulations.
Obscenities. Signs which are obscene, indecent or immoral.
Signs in Rights-of-Way. Signs, other than those erected by a governmental agency or
required to be erected by a governmental agency, erected on the right-of-way of any
street, road or public way, or signs overhanging or infringing upon the right-of-way of
any street, road or public right-of-way.
Signs on Public Property. Signs erected on public property, other than signs erected by a
public authority for public purposes.
Portable Signs of Any Type. Except as outlined in Section VII-110(5) and (15) j. of these
(Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07)
Revolving Signs, Whirling Signs or Animated Signs.
Wind Signs.
Signs on Utility Poles or Trees, Shrubs or Plants.
Signs in Setback Areas. Except as outlined in Section VII-103(K) of these regulations.
Roof Signs.
Buildings Which Constitute Signs. No building may be constructed in any zoning district
which is designed to represent or to depict an article, a product or an item of food which
is for sale or which is available on the premises upon which the building is located. This
prohibition shall include, but shall not be limited to, depictions of animals or fowl from
which the food products are derived.
Off-Site Signs.
Section VII-110. Sign Requirements in Particular Zoning Districts
Signs are permitted in the various zone districts, subject to the following restrictions:
Residential Single Family Districts
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the residential
single family districts except:
Subdivision development signs: Two (2) non-illuminated subdivision ground
signs, each having a total aggregate area of no more than one hundred (100)
square feet, on a subdivision property while under development, to advertise the
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City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
sale of zoning lots or new houses; provided that such subdivision has an area of at
least four (4) acres, and provided, further, that such signs shall be removed when
eighty (80) percent of the individual zoning lots or houses have been sold.
Family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification wall sign no more
than eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Identification signs for entryways of subdivisions: Such signs shall contain only
the name of the subdivision and shall not contain promotional or sales material;
lettered portions of such signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in total
aggregate area.
Permitted or conditional nonresidential use, not otherwise listed: One (1)
identification wall sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area and one (1)
double-faced bulletin or ground sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area
per face or thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area. Such signs may be
Houses of worship: Two (2) identification wall signs not to exceed a maximum
area of thirty-two (32) square feet per sign and one (1) double-faced ground sign
or bulletin board for each street frontage not to exceed a maximum area of twenty
(20) square feet per face or forty (40) square feet of total area per sign.
Cemeteries or mausoleums, private parks, playgrounds, libraries, yacht clubs,
country clubs, golf courses, botanical gardens, historical monuments and
museums: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed a maximum total
aggregate area of sixteen (16) square feet.
RTD-9 Non-residential Sign Standards.
a. Projecting Sign
One projecting or pole / post sign, not to exceed 4 square feet in
area per face, may be attached perpendicular to the façade or
placed on a post in the front yard. A sign post shall not exceed 6feet in height, excluding the decorative cap. Signage may be
externally illuminated by reflection of a light source aimed at its
surface. All lighting must be shielded to prevent glare or
or Pole / Post Sign
nuisance beyond the property line.
b. Portable
c. Other signs
In addition to a projecting sign or pole/post sign, each business
may be allowed one (1) portable A-frame sign, on private
property, during the hours the business is open and provided the
sign is less than 4 feet high and less than 18 by 24 inches per
All other signs not specifically permitted.
(Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10)
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Signs other than those specifically listed above are prohibited. No sign
permitted above shall be erected within twenty (20) feet of any adjacent property
line. Ground signs are permitted above may be erected in required front yards, but
may be no closer to the right-of-way line than one-third (1/3) of the depth of the
required front yard, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet; provided that
ground signs for houses of worship may be located in front yards no closer than
five (5) feet to the right-of-way line, with a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
Residential Multiple Family Districts
Except in RMF-R, no signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted
in the residential multiple family districts except:
Subdivision development signs: Two (2) non-illuminated subdivision ground
signs, each having a total aggregate area of no more than one hundred (100)
square feet, on a subdivision property while under development to advertise the
sale of zoning lots or new houses; provided that such subdivision has an area of at
least four (4) acres, and provided, further, that such signs shall be removed when
eighty (80) percent of the individual zoning lots or houses have been sold.
Family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification wall sign no more
than eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Identification signs for entryways of subdivisions: Such signs shall contain only
the name of the subdivision and shall not contain promotional or sales material;
lettered portions of such signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in total
aggregate area.
Permitted or conditional nonresidential use, not otherwise listed: One (1)
identification wall sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area and one (1)
double-faced bulletin or ground sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area
per face or thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area. Such signs may be
Houses of worship: Two (2) identification wall signs not to exceed a maximum
area of thirty-two (32) square feet per sign and one (1) double-faced ground sign
or bulletin board for each street frontage not to exceed a maximum area of twenty
(20) square feet per face or forty (40) square feet of total area per sign.
Cemeteries or mausoleums, private parks, playgrounds, libraries, botanical
gardens, historical monuments and museums, radio and television stations, and
model homes: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed a maximum total
aggregate area of sixteen (16) square feet.
Off-street parking lots: One (1) identification ground sign not to exceed a
maximum total aggregate area of four (4) square feet.
Multiple-family dwellings or assisted living facilities: One (1) identification wall
or ground sign which may have two (2) faces on each streetside, with the surface
area of such sign or signs not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in total
aggregate area. Such sign may be illuminated.
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Manufactured housing parks: One (1) identification wall or ground sign, which
may have two (2) faces at each entrance. Such signs shall contain only the name
of the park and shall not contain promotional or sales material. The surface area
of such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) feet in total aggregate area.
Non-profit community theaters: One (1) identification wall, canopy or ground
sign no more than thirty-two (32) feet in aggregate area or one (1) projecting sign
which shall project no more than four (4) feet from the building wall, which may
not exceed twelve (12) square feet per face, plus one (1) double-faced bulletin or
ground sign which may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per face, on
each streetside.
Hotels or motels:
One (1) identification ground sign and one (1) identification wall or
projecting sign which may not exceed three (3) square feet of area for each
foot of building frontage or one and one-half (1½) square feet of area for
each foot of frontage property occupied by the building, whichever is
greater; but not exceeding a total aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250)
square feet. Signs for each streetside are permitted when frontage occurs
on arterial or collector streets.
One (1) wall or projecting identification sign for any accessory use having
frontage in a hotel or motel, no more than forty (40) square feet in area.
Hotel or motel uses located in the RMF-4, RMF-5 and RMF-6 districts
may erect one (1) on-site ground sign, as indicated above, on an arterial or
collector street no closer to the front property line than forty (40) inches.
Private clubs: One (1) identification wall, ground or projecting sign (which shall
not project more than four (4) feet from the building wall), which may have two
(2) faces, no more than twelve (12) square feet in total aggregate area.
Fraternities or sororities: One (1) identification wall sign no more than eight (8)
square feet in area.
Colleges or universities: One (1) identification wall or ground sign, which may
have two (2) faces, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area per face, at
each major entrance to such college or university.
Real estate: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR RENT”
sign, which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face.
Bed and breakfast inn or lodging house: One (1) identification wall or ground sign
no more than six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted
provided that such illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or
incandescent bulb. All lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as
to shield adjacent properties from direct glare. Neon signs, animated or moving
signs are prohibited. The building and zoning administrator shall determine that
the style of the sign is compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in
the district.
VII, D1-13
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City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
RMF-R District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the RMF-R
district except:
Permitted or conditional uses: One (1) wall sign or a ground sign which may have
two (2) faces on each streetside to identify a development, with the surface area of
such sign not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area. Such
signs may be illuminated. No sign permitted above shall be erected within twenty
(20) feet of any adjacent property line. Ground signs above may be erected in
required front yards, but not closer than one-third (1/3) the depth of the required
front yard.
Real estate signs: One (1) non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR RENT” sign,
which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face, which may advertise
the sale or rental of apartments or condominiums for a period of one (1) year;
provided that the structure contains twelve (12) or more existing units.
Nonresidential uses in a mixed use development: One (1) identification wall sign
per street frontage not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area for each
nonresidential use.
WFR District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the WFR district
except for:
Multiple-family dwellings or interval occupancy facilities: One identification wall
or ground sign, which may have two (2) faces, with the surface area of such sign
not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area.
Hotels and motels:
One (1) identification ground sign which must be set back at least forty
(40) inches from the front zoning lot line.
One (1) identification wall or projecting sign which may not exceed three
(3) square feet of area for each foot of building frontage or one and onehalf (1½) square feet of area for each foot of zoning lot frontage,
whichever is greater.
The signs permitted by paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall not exceed a
total aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
VII, D1-14
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Private recreation clubs: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted if such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged to shield adjacent properties
from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The building
and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is compatible
with adjacent properties and other properties in the district. If approved in
accordance with Section VI-104(B) of this Code, as a recreational
club/condominium project, the private recreation club’s sign may be made a part
of such condominium identification sign (see subsection VII-110(D)(1) above).
Such combined sign will then be considered a “project identification sign.” Such a
project identification sign shall not exceed thirty-eight (38) square feet in total
aggregate area.
VII, D1-15
City of Sarasota
Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Downtown Zone Districts: DTN, DTNE, DTE, DTC and DTB. All signage on a site is to
be integrated into or otherwise visually related to the project’s building(s) and is to be
composed of materials and colors compatible with the materials of the building(s) as
determined by the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services based on
information supplied by the developer. When in conflict with any other sign standards the
following standards apply.
a. Design Guidelines
b. Lighting
See Appendix D. Advisory Community Design Guidelines.
These non-mandatory guidelines should be consulted prior to developing signs
for any project.
Signage may be externally
illuminated by reflection of
a light source aimed at its
surface. All lighting must
be shielded to prevent glare
or nuisance beyond the
property line.
Signage may be externally
illuminated by reflection of
a light source aimed at its
surface. All lighting must
be shielded to prevent glare
or nuisance beyond the
property line.
Signage may be externally
illuminated by reflection of
a light source aimed at its
surface. All lighting must
be shielded to prevent glare
or nuisance beyond the
property line.
The use of cabinet-type box
signs or channel letter signs
with translucent backlit
panels is prohibited.
The use of cabinet-type box
signs or channel letter signs
with translucent backlit
panels is prohibited except
on secondary streets (see
Map VI-1001). Where
cabinet type box signs are
allowed, only opaque panels
where only the lettering
appears to be lighted are
The use of cabinet-type box
signs or channel letter signs
with translucent backlit
panels is prohibited except
on secondary streets (see
Map VI-1001). Where
cabinet type box signs are
allowed, only opaque panels
where only the lettering
appears to be lighted are
On primary streets,
backlighting with neon or
fluorescent white light is
permitted only for signs that
use individually cut opaque
letters a.k.a “halo
illuminated letters”)..
On primary streets,
backlighting with neon or
fluorescent white light is
permitted only for signs that
use individually cut opaque
letters (a.k.a “halo
illuminated letters”).
Signage inside shopfront
windows may be neon lit.
Signage inside shopfront
windows may be neon lit.
Signs with flashing or
intermittent lights,
continuous changes of
message, lights of changing
degrees of intensity, and
lights or lighting effects that
cause glare are prohibited.
Signs with flashing or
intermittent lights,
continuous changes of
message, lights of changing
degrees of intensity, and
lights or lighting effects that
cause glare are prohibited.
The backlighting of
awnings or canopies and
messages attached thereto is
The backlighting of
awnings or canopies and
messages attached thereto is
Backlighting with neon or
fluorescent white light is
permitted only for signs that
use individually cut opaque
letters (a.k.a “halo
illuminated letters”).
Signage inside shopfront
windows may be neon lit.
Signs with flashing or
intermittent lights,
continuous changes of
message, lights of changing
degrees of intensity, and
lights or lighting effects that
cause glare are prohibited.
VII, D1-16
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
c. Wall Sign
d. Building
Identification Sign
e. Projecting Sign
f. Monument
Ground Sign
A single external wall sign
band may be applied at the
top of the 1st floor façade of
each building, providing
that it not exceed 2 feet in
height by any length.
A single external wall sign
band may be applied at the
top of the 1st floor façade of
each building, providing
that it not exceed 2 feet in
height by any length.
A single external wall sign
band may be applied at the
top of the 1st floor façade of
each building, provided that
it does not exceed 2 feet in
height by any length.
Where there is more than
one sign, all signs should be
complementary to each
other in the following ways:
1. Type of construction
2. Letter size and style of
3. Method used for
supporting sign.
Where there is more than
one sign, all signs should be
complementary to each
other in the following ways:
1. Type of construction
2. Letter size and style of
3. Method used for
supporting sign.
All approved nonresidential uses may have
one projecting sign
permanently installed
perpendicular to the façade.
Such a sign shall not exceed
a total of 4 square feet in
area per face. The bottom
of such signs shall be a
minimum of eight feet
above the walkway.
Projecting signs, not to
exceed 4 square feet in area
per face for each separate
business entrance may be
attached perpendicular to
the façade. The bottom of
such signs shall be a
minimum of eight feet
above the walkway.
Where there is more than
one sign, all signs should be
complementary to each
other in the following ways:
1. Type of construction
2. Letter size and style of
3. Method used for
supporting sign.
Buildings 6 stories or
higher may have a single
building identification sign
repeated on each building
frontage, applied
horizontally at the top of
the highest floor facade,
provided that it does not
exceed 3 feet in height.
Building identification
signs may also be applied
vertically at one corner of
each building frontage
provided that the sign does
not exceed 3 feet in width
and 3 stories in height.
Signs shall use individually
cut letters or channel letters
and shall be backlit, if
Projecting signs, not to
exceed 4 square feet in area
per face for each separate
business entrance may be
attached perpendicular to
the façade. The bottom of
such signs shall be a
minimum of eight feet
above the walkway.
On each secondary street
frontage, one free standing
monument sign not
exceeding 50 square feet in
area on all faces and not
exceeding 10 feet in height
above grade. See also
FCOD VI-905.
On each secondary street
frontage, one free standing
monument sign not
exceeding 50 square feet in
area on all faces and not
exceeding 10 feet in height
above grade. See also
FCOD VI-905.
VII, D1-17
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Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
g. Marquee Sign
h. Temporary
Portable A-Frame
i. Window Sign
j. Awning / Canopy
k. Real Estate Sign
Theatres may have one
marquee sign for each
building frontage that
includes an entrance
available to the general
public. The marquee shall
not extend beyond the top
or sides of the building.
A single temporary portable
A-frame sign may be
allowed for each business,
on private property,
provided the sign is less
than 4 feet high and less
than 18 by 24 inches per
Theatres may have one
marquee sign for each
building frontage that
includes an entrance
available to the general
public. The marquee shall
not extend beyond the top
or sides of the building.
A single temporary portable
A-frame sign may be
allowed for each business,
on private property,
provided the sign is less
than 4 feet high and less
than 18 by 24 inches per
Such signs shall cover no
more than 20 percent of the
area of any single pane of
any window. A permanent
address shall be permitted in
addition to the 20 percent
coverage. Window signs
shall not be included in any
calculation of total sign area
for the building or tenant.
Such signs shall cover no
more than 20 percent of the
area of any single pane of
any window. A permanent
address shall be permitted
in addition to the 20 percent
coverage. Window signs
shall not be included in any
calculation of total sign area
for the building or tenant.
Awnings / canopies at the
first story may have signs.
No such sign shall exceed
20 percent of the area of
each awning / canopy (top
plus all sides).
Awnings / canopies at the
first story may have signs.
No such sign shall exceed
20 percent of the area of
each awning / canopy (top
plus all sides).
Where there is more than
one sign, all signs should be
complementary to each
other in the following ways.
Where there is more than
one sign, all signs should be
complementary to each
other in the following ways.
1. Type of construction
2. Letter size and style of
3. Method used for
supporting sign.
One double faced nonilluminated “For Sale” or
“For Rent” sign for each
street frontage not
exceeding 16 square feet per
face and not exceeding 6
feet in height above grade.
Upon sale or rent, the sign
shall be immediately
1. Type of construction
2. Letter size and style of
3. Method used for
supporting sign.
One double faced nonilluminated “For Sale” or
“For Rent” sign for each
street frontage not
exceeding 16 square feet
per face and not exceeding
6 feet in height above
grade. Upon sale or rent,
the sign shall be
immediately removed.
One double faced nonilluminated “For Sale” or
“For Rent” sign for each
street frontage not
exceeding 4 square feet per
face and not exceeding 4
feet in height above grade.
Upon sale or rent, the sign
shall be immediately
VII, D1-18
City of Sarasota
Unofficial Zoning Code
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
l. Other signs
m. Other Regulations
All other signs not
All other signs not
specifically permitted.
specifically permitted.
See Sections. VII-101 thru VII-109
All other signs not
specifically permitted.
(Ord. No. 04-4531, Sec. 3, 6-7-04; Ord. No. 07-4770, 12-17-07; Ord. No. 09-4890, 1019-09; Ord. No. 10-4927, 2-22-11)
VII, D1-19
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
OPB and OCD District. No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be
permitted in the OPB and OCD district except:
Child care and family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification
wall or ground sign of no more than eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Permitted or conditional nonresidential use, not otherwise listed: One (1)
identification wall sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area and one (1)
double-faced bulletin or ground sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in
total aggregate area.
Cemeteries or mausoleums, public parks, playgrounds, libraries and model
homes: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed a maximum total aggregate
area of sixteen (16) square feet.
Off-street parking lots: One (1) identification ground sign not to exceed a
maximum total aggregate area of four (4) square feet.
Multiple-family dwellings: One (1) identification wall or ground sign, which may
have two (2) faces on each streetside, with the surface area of such sign not to
exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in aggregate areas. Such sign may be
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet per
Parking garages: One (1) non-illuminated wall sign at a ratio of one (1) square
foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up to a maximum of twenty (20) square
Business, professional, medical or dental offices or clinics: One (1) wall sign for
each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street
frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet or one (1) double-faced
ground sign for each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal
foot of street frontage up to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet per face, or sixty
(60) square feet in total aggregate area.
OPB-1 and OND District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the OPB-1 and
OND district except:
Business, professional, medical or dental offices or clinics: One (1) wall sign for
each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street
frontage, up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet, or one (1) double-faced
ground sign for each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal
foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet per face.
Real estate signs: One (1) non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR RENT” sign
for each street frontage, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet per face.
VII, D1-20
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Accessory uses: No signs shall be allowed except those permitted under Section
OP and ORD District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the OP and ORD
district except for:
Office park identification signs: One (1) wall or double-faced ground sign for
each street frontage up to a maximum of sixty (60) square feet in total aggregate
area for all signs and a maximum of thirty (30) square feet per face for doublefaced ground signs. In addition, identification wall signs are permitted for
individual offices up to a maximum of four (4) square feet.
Office park directory signs: One (1) wall or one (1) hanging identification sign to
identify the office within the office park which shall be no greater than forty (40)
square feet in total aggregate area or twenty (20) square feet per face.
Child care and family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification
wall or ground sign of no more than eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Public parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities, libraries, museums and other
public recreational or cultural uses: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed
a maximum total aggregate area of sixteen (16) square feet.
Other permitted or conditional uses, except individual business or professional
offices located within office parks: One (1) wall sign for each street frontage at a
ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up to a maximum
of thirty-two (32) square feet or one (1) double-faced ground sign for each street
frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up
to a maximum of twenty-four (24) square feet per face or forty-eight (48) square
feet in total aggregate area.
CN and CND District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the CN, CBN
and CND district except:
Libraries: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed a maximum total
aggregate of sixteen (16) square feet.
Houses of worship: Signs for houses of worship shall be permitted subject to the
same limitations applicable to commercial or service establishments under
paragraph (5) of this Section.
Business, professional, medical or dental offices or clinics: One (1) wall sign for
each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street
frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet, or one (1) double-faced
ground sign or hanging sign for each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square
foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up to a maximum of thirty (30) square
feet per face or sixty (60) square feet in total aggregate area.
VII, D1-21
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Private clubs: One (1) identification wall, ground or projecting sign which shall
project no more than four (4) feet from the building wall and which may have two
(2) faces, no more than twelve (12) square feet in total aggregate area.
Commercial or service establishments: Wall, ground, projecting or canopy signs
to advertise services or sales of products on the premises, provided that no sign
shall project more than four (4) feet from a building wall. In addition, no ground
sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height above ground level in the CN and
CBN districts and sixteen (16) feet in height above ground level in the CND
district. Signs in this subsection are subject to the following limitations:
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet of area
for each foot of building frontage occupied by the business displaying the
signs or one (1) square foot of frontage of property occupied by the
building, whichever is greater; and no business shall display more than
three (3) signs, with a total aggregate area of no more than one hundred
twenty (120) square feet regardless of building or property frontage.
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control
contains two (2) or more separate activities or establishments, one (1)
ground sign per street frontage is permitted. Such sign shall identify the
building, complex of buildings, or businesses or services within the
buildings or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. It
shall not exceed two (2) square feet of surface area for each foot of
building frontage or one (1) square foot of area of frontage of property
occupied by the building, with a maximum total aggregate area of one
hundred twenty (120) square feet. The individual establishments with
street frontage located in such a building or complex of buildings shall be
permitted a wall, projecting or canopy sign as in this subsection (5), but a
ground sign is prohibited.
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage of no more than sixteen (16) square feet per
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
Child care or family day care centers: Wall, ground, marquee or projecting signs
for building identification, provided that:
The aggregate area for all signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of area
for each foot of building frontage occupied by business or one and one-half
(1½) square feet of area for each foot of frontage property occupied by
VII, D1-22
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
building, whichever is greater, with a maximum limit of three (3) signs with a
total aggregate area not to exceed three hundred (300) square feet.
Sign display surfaces shall not be located on the rear or sides of CN, CBN or
CND activities when such display would orient the sign to the residential
neighborhood rather than to the CN, CBN or CND district.
(Ord. No. 09-4890, 10-19-09)
CG, CRT, CGD and CRD District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the CG, CRT,
CGD and CRD district except:
Multiple-family dwellings: One (1) identification wall or double-faced ground
sign on each streetside, with the surface area of such sign not to exceed thirty-two
(32) square feet total aggregate in area. Such sign may be illuminated.
Other permitted or conditional uses: Wall, ground, pylon, canopy, marquee or
projecting signs to advertise services or sale of products on the premises, provided
that no sign shall project more than four (4) feet from buildings’ wall. In
addition, no ground sign shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height above ground
level in the CG and CRT districts and sixteen (16) feet in height above ground
level in the CGD and CRD districts. Signs in this subsection are subject to the
following limitations:
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of
area for each foot of building frontage occupied by the business displaying
the signs or one and one-half (1½) square feet of area for each foot of
frontage of property occupied by the building, whichever is greater; and
no business shall display more than three (3) signs with a total aggregate
area of no more than one hundred eighty (180) square feet regardless of
building or property frontage.
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control
contains two (2) or more separate activities or establishments, one (1)
ground sign per street frontage is permitted. Such sign shall identify the
building, complex of buildings, or businesses or services within the
building or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. It
shall not exceed three (3) square feet of surface area for each foot of
building frontage or one and one-half (1½) square feet of area of frontage
of property occupied by the building, with a maximum total aggregate area
of one hundred eighty (180) square feet. The individual establishments
with street frontage located in such a building or complex of buildings
shall be permitted a wall, projecting or canopy sign as provided in this
subsection (2), but a ground sign is prohibited.
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet per
VII, D1-23
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
No ground sign shall be erected within thirty-five (35) feet of any property zoned
residential in the CG, CGD, and CRD districts. This limitation does not apply to
the CRT district.
CI and ICD District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the CI and ICD
district except:
Permitted or conditional uses: Wall, ground, pylon, canopy, marquee or projecting
signs to advertise services or sale of products on the premises, providing that no
sign shall project more than four (4) feet from building wall. In addition, no
ground sign shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height above ground level in the
CI district and sixteen (16) feet in height above ground level in the ICD district.
Signs in this subsection are subject to the following limitations:
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of
area for each foot of building frontage occupied by business or one and
one-half (1½) square feet of area for each foot of frontage of property
occupied by buildings, whichever is greater, with a maximum limit of
three (3) signs with a total aggregate area for all signs of two hundred fifty
(250) square feet.
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control
contains two (2) or more separate activities or establishments, one (1)
ground sign per street frontage is permitted. Such sign shall identify the
building, complex of buildings, or businesses or services within the
building or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. It
shall not exceed three (3) square feet of surface area for each foot of
building frontage or one and one-half (1½) square feet of area of frontage
of property occupied by the building, with a maximum total aggregate area
of two hundred fifty (250) square feet. The individual establishments
located in such a building or complex of buildings with individual street
frontage shall be permitted one wall, projecting or canopy sign as in this
subsection (1), but ground signs are prohibited.
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, which shall not exceed thirty-two (32)
square feet per face.
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
VII, D1-24
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2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
CP District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the CP district
except for:
Office park identification signs: One (1) wall or double-faced ground sign for
each street frontage up to a maximum of sixty (60) square feet for an
identification wall sign and a maximum of sixty (60) square feet per sign for
double-faced ground signs. Signs permitted under this paragraph shall be for the
purpose of identification of an office park development located on a particular
zoning lot.
Office park directory signs: One (1) wall or one (1) hanging identification sign to
identify the individual offices or business establishments within the commercial
office park development, which shall be no greater than fifty (50) square feet in
total aggregate area or twenty-five (25) square feet per face.
Hotels and motels: One (1) identification ground sign and one (1) identification
wall sign which together may not exceed a total aggregate area of one hundred
twenty (120) square feet for each street frontage.
Child care and family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification
wall or ground sign of no more than eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Public parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities, libraries, museums and other
public recreational or cultural uses: One (1) identification wall sign not to exceed
a maximum total aggregate area of sixteen (16) square feet.
Other permitted or conditional uses including, but not limited to, banks and
financial institutions, restaurants and private clubs and lodges: One (1) wall sign
for each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of
street frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet or one (1) double-faced
ground sign for each street frontage at a rate of one (1) square foot for each lineal
foot of street frontage up to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet per face or sixty
(60) square feet in total aggregate area.
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
CSC, CSC-N, CSC-C, or CSC-R Districts
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Identification of shopping centers and shopping center establishments: One (1)
sign for the first five hundred (500) lineal feet of zoning lot frontage and one (1)
additional sign for each five hundred (500) lineal feet or major fraction thereof
above five hundred (500) lineal feet of zoning lot frontage, for the purpose of
general identification of the premises as “________ shopping center”; provided
that over fifty (50) percent of the identification sign is used for the shopping
center identification and the balance may be used for identification of
establishments in the center by name and nature. The maximum area of each such
sign shall be as follows:
a. CSC-N: One hundred seventy-five (175) square feet in total aggregate area.
b. CSC-C: Two hundred (200) square feet in total aggregate area.
c. CSC-R: Three hundred (300) square feet in total aggregate area.
No ground sign shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height.
d. CSC: Three hundred (300) square feet in total aggregate area.
No ground sign shall exceed sixteen (16) feet in height.
Businesses located in the shopping center.
One (1) sign which may not exceed one and one-half (1½) square feet of
surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of store frontage, plus one (1) sign
for sides of buildings, based on each complete forty (40) lineal feet, next
to and visible from a public street, using the ratio of one and one-half (1½)
square feet of surface area for each lineal foot of side, with a maximum
sign area of two hundred (200) square feet; such signs shall refer only to
the name and nature of the business conducted in the building and to
goods and services offered; shall be mounted flat against the wall or
window of the building or on canopies, marquees, or awnings; or shall
project not more than four (4) feet from the building; and one (1) hangingunder-canopy identification sign which may not exceed the dimensions of
one (1) foot by six (6) feet or the width of the canopy, whichever is less.
In the CSC and CSC-R district: One (1) sign per building elevation next to
and visible from a public street with a maximum sign area of three
hundred fifty (350) square feet for businesses having a gross floor area of
thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet or larger in a shopping center.
Each business with a gross floor area of thirty-five thousand (35,000)
square feet or larger may divide the maximum of three hundred fifty (350)
square feet of one (1) building elevation sign area between a wall sign on
the building and a sign on the mall frontage of which the mall frontage
sign will not exceed fifty (50) percent of the aggregate area of three
hundred fifty (350) square feet.
Real Estate Signs. One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square
feet per face.
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Mall Directory Signs. One (1) wall and one (1) hanging marquee identification
sign, to identify each entrance of a mall or the businesses within the mall, of no
more than fifty (50) square feet total aggregate area or twenty-five (25) square
feet per face.
Ground Signs for Detached Structures. One (1) ground sign for each detached
structure subject to the following restrictions:
The total aggregate surface area of the ground sign and any street frontage
sign permitted by subsection (2) above shall not exceed an amount equal
to one and one-half (1½) square feet for each lineal foot of building
frontage of the detached structure or two hundred (200) square feet,
whichever is less.
The ground sign shall refer only to the name and nature of the business
conducted in the detached structure.
The ground sign display surface must be located in the street frontage area
only and shall not be facing toward a residentially zoned district.
Ground sign shall be located a minimum distance of two hundred (200)
lineal feet from any shopping center identification signs permitted by
subsection (1) above.
Entrance/Site Directional Signs. One (1) ground sign, not to exceed four (4) feet
in height above the level of the ground, or one (1) ground sign, not to exceed
seven (7) feet in height above the level of the ground with a three and one-half
(3½) foot open clearance between the ground and the bottom of the sign, may be
located at each driveway entrance of a shopping center. The purpose of said sign
shall be to identify a shopping center and the names and locations of businesses in
a shopping center having gross floor areas of thirty-five thousand (35,000) square
feet or larger. The ground sign shall be no more than fifty (50) feet in total
aggregate area or twenty-five (25) square feet per face.
Sign display surfaces shall not be located on the rear or sides of CSC, CSC-N,
CSC-C, or CSC-R activities when such display would orient the sign to the
residential neighborhood rather than to the CSC, CSC-N, CSC-C, or CSC-R
CSD District
Business, professional, medical or dental offices or clinics. One (1) wall sign for
each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street
frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet, or one (1) double-faced
ground sign or hanging sign for each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square
foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up to a maximum of thirty (30) square
feet per face or sixty (60) square feet in total aggregate area.
Other permitted or conditional uses. Wall, ground, projecting or canopy signs to
advertise services or sales of products on the premises, provided that no sign shall
project more than four (4) feet from a building wall and no ground sign shall
VII, D1-27
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
exceed twenty (20) feet in height above ground level. Signs in this subsection are
subject to the following limitations:
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet of area
for each foot of building frontage occupied by the business displaying the
signs or one (1) square foot of area for each foot of frontage of property
occupied by the building, whichever is greater; and no business shall
display more than three (3) signs with a total aggregate area of no more
than one hundred twenty (120) square feet, regardless of building or
property frontage, no more than one (1) under-canopy identification sign,
which shall not exceed the dimensions of one (1) foot by six (6) feet or the
width of the canopy, whichever is less.
(Ord. No. 06-4682, 7-26-06)
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control
contains two (2) or more separate activities or establishments, one (1)
ground sign per street frontage is permitted. Such signs shall identify the
building, complex of buildings, or businesses or services within the
building or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. It
shall not exceed two (2) square feet of surface area for each foot of
building frontage or one (1) square foot of area for each foot of frontage of
property occupied by the building, with a maximum total aggregate area of
one hundred twenty (120) square feet. The individual establishments
located in such a building with street frontage shall be permitted signs as
in this subsection I2(b) above, but a ground sign is prohibited.
Real estate signs. One (1) double-faced-non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, of no more than sixteen (16) square feet per
Bed and breakfast inns. One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
Sign display surfaces shall not be located on the rear or sides of CSD district uses
when such display would orient the sign face to a residential neighborhood rather
than to the CSD district.
(Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07)
C-CBD District
Multiple-Family Dwellings. One (1) identification wall or ground sign which may
have two (2) faces on each streetside with the surface area of such sign not to
exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area.
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
Hotels and Motels. One (1) identification ground sign and one (1) identification
wall or projecting sign not exceeding a total aggregate area of two hundred fifty
(250) square feet; plus one (1) wall or projecting identification sign not to exceed
forty (40) square feet in area for any accessory use having street frontage.
Real Estate Signs. One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square
feet per face.
Other Permitted or Conditional Uses. Wall, ground, roof, canopy, marquee or
projecting signs for building identification, provided that:
The aggregate area for all signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of
area for each foot of building frontage occupied by business or one and
one-half (1½) square feet of area for each foot of frontage of property
occupied by the building, whichever is greater, with a maximum limit of
four (4) signs with a total aggregate area not to exceed three hundred (300)
square feet.
A bonus of three (3) square feet of sign area shall be permitted for each
foot by which the vertical dimensions between the base of the sign and the
ground or sidewalk elevation immediately below the sign exceeds fifty
(50) feet, provided that the amount of height bonus shall not exceed three
hundred (300) square feet in area and the amount of area permitted for
signs under fifty (50) feet in said vertical dimension shall not exceed three
hundred (300) square feet.
Individual establishments located on the ground floor in a single building
containing two (2) or more separate activities or establishments shall be permitted
to install signs for identification or for advertisement of services or products
available in such establishments. The aggregate area of such signs shall not
exceed three (3) square feet of area for each foot of building frontage occupied by
the business, with a maximum aggregate area of three hundred (300) square feet.
Signs permitted by this paragraph shall include only wall, canopy, marquee, or
projecting signs and shall be restricted in location to ground floor level.
Individual establishments located in a multiple-story building shall be permitted
to display signs in accordance with either of the following two (2) options:
Individual establishments located on the second floor of a multiple-story
building shall be permitted to install one (1) wall sign per street frontage at
the second floor level for identification or advertisement of services or
products available in such establishments. Such signs shall not exceed one
(1) square foot in area for each foot of building frontage occupied by the
establishment displaying such sign or signs or exceed a total aggregate
area of forty (40) square feet per sign.
Each establishment located above the first floor of a multiple-story
building shall be permitted to install one (1) wall sign for identification or
for advertisement of services or products available in such establishments.
It shall be the responsibility of the building owner to determine and
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
present a plan to the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services
for his approval which details how the allowed signage will be distributed
among the individual tenants. The maximum allowed total aggregate sign
area shall be based on the following criteria:
One hundred fifty (150) square feet of signage for three (3) story
Two hundred fifty (250) square feet of signage for four (4) to eight
(8) story buildings; and
Three hundred (300) square feet of structures nine (9) or more
All signage for buildings which have elected the option in subparagraph
(6)(b) above shall be displayed on the ground floor level.
Multistory buildings are permitted to erect an outdoor (exterior) directory
monument or wall sign which meets the following standards:
Directory sign must be a ground-mounted monument sign or a wall sign.
Directory sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot of area for each one
thousand (1,000) square feet of the building’s gross leasable area.
Directory sign may not exceed a maximum size of one hundred (100)
square feet.
Signs or sign structures located on marquees or canopies shall be affixed flat to
the surface and shall not be more than two (2) feet high above the marquee and
shall not extend horizontally beyond the marquee or canopy. An identification
sign may extend vertically below the marquee or canopy, but may not exceed the
dimensions of one (1) foot by six (6) feet or exceed the width of the marquee or
canopy, whichever is less.
Business names on one (1) awning valance per street frontage in letters not more
than six (6) inches high are permitted and shall not be included in the calculation
of the number or aggregate area for all signs on such property.
Temporary portable A-frame signs no larger than seventeen (17) by twenty-two
(22) inches per face, with a maximum overall height of four (4) feet shall be
permitted on private property during the hours the structure thereon is open for
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
CT District
a. Design Guidelines
See Appendix D. Advisory Community Design Guidelines.
These non-mandatory guidelines should be consulted prior to developing
signs for any project in the CT zone.
b. Lighting for all signs.
Signage may be externally illuminated by reflection of a light source
aimed at its surface. Backlighting with neon or fluorescent white light is
permitted only for signs that use individually cut opaque letters (a.k.a.
“halo illuminated letters”). The use of cabinet/box signs with translucent
backlit panels is prohibited. The use of neon lighting inside a storefront
window or on the exterior, except for signs with individually cut letters,
is prohibited. All lighting must be shielded to prevent glare or nuisance
beyond the property line. The backlighting of awnings and canopies and
messages attached thereto is prohibited.
c. Wall Sign
Each business located on the first story may have one (1) wall sign on
each street frontage, at a ratio of two (2) square feet for each lineal foot
of street frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet per sign.
Each business located on the second story may have one (1) wall sign on
each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot
of street frontage up to a maximum of forty (40) square feet per sign.
Any such sign shall not project more than 12 inches from the building to
which it is attached or project above the elevation any façade of the
building or structure.
d. Awning / Canopy Sign
Awnings / canopies, when permitted, at the first and second story may
have signs. No such signs shall exceed 10 percent of the area of each
awning / canopy (top plus all sides).
e. Projecting Sign
Projecting signs, not to exceed 4 square feet in area per face may be
attached perpendicular to the façade. The bottom of such signs shall be a
minimum of eight feet above the walkway.
For businesses located on the ground level, one projecting sign may be
located at each separate business entrance.
For business located above the ground level, one projecting sign may be
located at each separate business entrance.
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
f. Window Sign
Such signs shall cover no more than 20 percent of the total window and
glass portion of the door area. A permanent address shall be permitted in
addition to the 20 percent coverage. Window signs shall not be included
in any calculation of total sign area for the building or tenant.
Handwritten signs of any type are prohibited.
g. Directory Signs
One (1) wall mounted directory sign may be located at each ground level
entrance for businesses located above the first story. The sign may list
the name of the establishment(s) and may include a location map. Each
directory sign shall not exceed a total aggregate area of sixteen (16)
square feet. Any such sign shall not project more than 12 inches from the
building to which it is attached.
One (1) directory sign at the intersection of Fillmore Drive and St.
Armand’s Circle is permitted in the public right-of-way upon issuance of
an encroachment permit by the City Manager or his designee subject to
the following limitations:
1. The size of the sign shall not exceed (16) square feet per side and shall
be limited to forty (40) inches in height and forty (40) inches in width
exclusive of posts.
2. The directory sign shall be limited in content to the identification of
the tenants or occupants of the business with addresses on Fillmore
Drive. There shall be no additions such as streamers, display boards,
or appurtenances affixed to the directory sign.
3. The City Manager or his designee shall be authorized to revoke the
encroachment permit for violation of any condition of approval or if the
sign is determined to be a hazard to public safety.
h. Real Estate Sign
One single or double faced non-illuminated “For Sale” or “For Rent”
sign for each street frontage not exceeding 16 square feet per face and not
exceeding 6 feet in height above grade. Upon sale or rent, the sign shall
be immediately removed.
i. Alley Sign
Alleys may contain one projecting or wall sign at each customer
entrance. Such signs shall not exceed 4 square feet in area per face. The
bottom edge of such signs shall be located a minimum of eight feet above
the walkway
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
j. Temporary Portable AFrame Sign
k. Marquee Sign
l. Ground Sign
m. Building Identification
n. Animated and electronic
message board signs.
Prohibited on the exterior of the building and inside a storefront window.
o. Talkking signs
Prohibited on the exterior of the building.
p. Other Signs
All other signs not specifically permitted.
(Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07; Ord. No. 10-4927, 2-22-11)
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2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
TAD District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the TAD district
Multiple-family dwellings: One (1) identical wall or ground sign, which may have
two (2) faces on each street-side, with the surface area of such sign not to exceed
thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area. Such sign may be illuminated.
No sign permitted above shall be erected within twenty (20) feet of any adjacent
property line.
Theaters: One (1) identification wall, canopy or ground sign no more than twentyfour (24) square feet in aggregate area or one (1) projecting sign which shall
project no more than four (4) feet from the building wall, which may not exceed
twelve (12) square feet per face, plus one (1) double-faced bulletin or ground sign
which may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per face, on each streetside. Such signs may be illuminated.
Other permitted or conditional nonresidential uses, not otherwise listed: One (1)
identification wall sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area and one (1)
double-faced bulletin or ground sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area
per face or thirty-two (32) square feet in total aggregate area. Such signs may be
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage which may not exceed sixteen (16) square
feet per face.
Hotels and motels:
One (1) identification ground sign and one (1) identification wall or
projecting sign which may not exceed three (3) square feet in area for each
foot of building frontage or one and one-half (1½) square feet of area for
each foot of frontage property occupied by the building, whichever is
greater; but not exceeding a total aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250)
square feet. Signs for each streetside are permitted when frontage occurs
on arterial or collector streets.
One (1) wall or projecting identification sign for any accessory use having
frontage in a hotel or motel, no more than forty (40) square feet in area.
Hotel or motel uses located on zoning lots with frontage on major or
minor arterial streets may erect one (1) on-site ground sign, as indicated
above, on the arterial street, no closer to the front property line than forty
(40) inches.
Business, professional, medical or dental offices or clinics located on zoning lots
with frontage on streets designated by the City thoroughfare plan as major or
minor arterials: One (1) wall sign for each street frontage, at a ratio of one (1)
square foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up to a maximum of forty (40)
square feet, or one (1) double-faced ground sign or hanging sign for each street
frontage, at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of street frontage up
VII, D1-34
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet per face or sixty (60) square feet in total
aggregate area.
Other permitted or conditional uses not otherwise listed above, located on zoning
lots with frontage on streets designated by the City thoroughfare plan as major or
minor arterials: Wall, ground, projecting or canopy signs to advertise services or
sales of products on the premises, provided that no sign shall project more than
four (4) feet from a building wall and no ground sign shall exceed twenty (20)
feet in height above ground level. Signs in this subsection are subject to the
following limitations:
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet of area
for each foot of building frontage occupied by the business displaying the
signs or one (1) square foot of frontage of property occupied by the
building, whichever is greater; and no business shall display more than
three (3) signs, with a total aggregate area of no more than one hundred
twenty (120) square feet regardless of building or property frontage.
Where a building or buildings under unified ownership or legal control
contains two (2) or more separate activities or establishments, one (1)
ground sign per street frontage is permitted. Such sign shall identify the
building, complex of buildings, or businesses or services within the
buildings or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. It
shall not exceed two (2) square feet of surface area for each foot of
building frontage or one (1) square foot of area of frontage of property
occupied by the building, with a maximum total aggregate area of one
hundred twenty (120) square feet. The individual establishments with
street frontage located in such a building or complex of buildings shall be
permitted a wall, projecting or canopy sign as in this subsection, but a
ground sign is prohibited.
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
NT District
Only the following signs are permitted:
Multiple-family dwellings, assisted living facilities, bed and breakfast inns,
schools, colleges or universities:
One (1) identification wall or ground sign per street frontage, not to
exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area per face.
One (1) canopy or marquee sign per building to identify individual
building or facility, provided that no sign shall project more than five (5)
VII, D1-35
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2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
feet from building walls and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in
Other permitted or conditional uses:
One (1) ground sign per street frontage per zoning lot not to exceed
sixteen (16) feet in height above normal ground level with a maximum
total aggregate area of one hundred twenty (120) square feet for all faces.
Such signs shall identify the businesses or services, building, or complex
of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter.
Wall, canopy, or marquee signs provided that no sign shall project more
than five (5) feet from building walls and that the aggregate area of all
these signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of area for each foot of
the building frontage occupied by the business displaying the signs. No
business shall display more than three (3) signs with a total aggregate area
of more than one hundred (100) square feet regardless of building
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated “FOR SALE” or “FOR
RENT” sign for each street frontage, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet per
No ground sign shall be erected within thirty-five (35) feet of any property in
residential use, excluding hotels and motels.
a. General Standards
b. Design Guidelines
See VII-101 thru 109
See Appendix D. Advisory Community Design Guidelines.
These non-mandatory guidelines shall be consulted prior to
developing signs for any project.
c. Lighting
Signage may be externally illuminated by reflection of a light source aimed at
its surface. All lighting must be shielded to prevent glare or nuisance beyond
the property line.
The backlighting of awnings and messages attached thereto is prohibited.
Backlighting with neon or fluorescent white light is permitted only for signs
that use individually cut opaque letters (a.k.a. “halo illuminated letters”).
The use of cabinet-type box signs or channel letter signs with translucent
backlit panels is prohibited.
Signage inside shopfront windows may be neon lit.
Signs with flashing or intermittent lights, continuous changes of message,
lights of changing degrees of intensity, and lights or lighting effects that cause
glare are prohibited.
d. Wall Sign
A single external wall sign band (with individually cut letters) may be
applied at the top of the 1st floor façade of each building, providing
that it not exceed 2 feet in height by any length.
Where there is more than one sign, all signs should be complementary
to each other in the type of construction materials and letter size and
style of copy.
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
e. Projecting Sign
Projecting signs, not to exceed 4 square feet in area per face for each
separate business entrance may be attached perpendicular to the
The bottom of such signs shall be a minimum of eight feet above the
f. Awning / Canopy Sign
Awnings and canopies at the first story may have signs. No such sign
shall exceed 20 percent of the area of each awning / canopy (top plus
all sides).
g. Temporary Portable
A single temporary portable A-frame sign may be allowed for each
business, on private property, provided the sign is less than 4 feet high
and less than 18 by 24 inches per face.
h. Window Sign
Such signs shall cover no more than 20 percent of the total window
and glass portion of the door area. A permanent address shall be
permitted in addition to the 20 percent coverage. Window signs shall
not be included in any calculation of total sign area for the building or
tenant. Handwritten signs of any type are prohibited.
i. Marquee Sign
Theatres may have one marquee sign for each building frontage that
includes an entrance available to the general public. The marquee
shall not extend beyond the top or sides of the building.
j. Monument Sign
One free standing monument sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area
on all faces and not exceeding 10 feet in height above grade.
k. Real Estate Sign
One single or double faced non-illuminated “For Sale” or “For Rent”
sign for each street frontage not exceeding 16 square feet per face and
not exceeding 6 feet in height above grade. Upon sale or rent, the
sign shall be immediately removed.
l. Other Signs
Prohibited. All other signs not specifically permitted.
(Ord. No. 09-4890, 10-19-09; Ord. No. 10-4927, 2-22-11)
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ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
MCI District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the MCI district
Houses of worship: Two (2) identification wall signs not to exceed a maximum
area of thirty-two (32) square feet per sign and one (1) double-faced ground sign
or bulletin board for each street frontage not to exceed a maximum area of twenty
(20) square feet per face or forty (40) square feet of total area per sign.
Colleges or universities: One (1) identification ground sign, which may have two
(2) faces, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area per face at each major
Fraternities or sororities: One (1) wall sign, not to exceed eight (8) square feet in
total aggregate area.
Offices, medical uses or clinics, fairs and fairground activities, sports fields and
arenas, vocational training for physically handicapped persons: One (1) wall sign
for each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of
street frontage, up to maximum of forty (40) square feet, or one (1) double-faced
ground sign or hanging sign for each street frontage at a ratio of one (1) square
foot for each lineal foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of thirty (30) square
feet per face or sixty (60) square feet in total aggregate area. Maximum height for
a ground sign is twenty (20) feet.
Child care and family day care centers: One (1) non-illuminated identification
wall or ground sign not to exceed eight (8) square feet in total aggregate area.
Private clubs: One (1) wall, ground or projecting sign which shall project no more
than four (4) feet from the building wall and which may have two (2) faces, not to
exceed twelve (12) square feet in total aggregate area.
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated "FOR SALE" or "FOR
RENT" sign for each street frontage which may not exceed sixteen (16) square
feet per face.
Assisted living facilities and nursing homes: One (1) wall or ground sign which
may have two (2) faces on each streetside with the surface area of such sign or
signs not to exceed thirty-two (32) feet in total aggregate area.
Bed and breakfast inn: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than six
(6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the district.
VII, D1-38
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
I, ILW, IGD, and IHD District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises will be permitted in the I, ILW, IGD,
and IHD district except:
Permitted or conditional uses: Wall, ground, pylon, canopy or projecting signs to
advertise services or sale of products on the premises, provided that no sign shall
project more than four (4) feet from any building wall and no ground signs shall
exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height above ground level. For signs in this
The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet of
area for each foot of building frontage occupied by a business or one and
one-half (1½) square feet of area for each foot of frontage of property
occupied by the building, whichever is greater, provided that no
establishment shall display more than three (3) signs and no aggregate
area of signs shall exceed a total aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250)
square feet regardless of building or property frontage.
Where an industrial park or operation under unified ownership or legal
control contains two (2) or more establishments or in the case of two (2) or
more buildings under unified ownership or legal control, one (1) ground
sign per street frontage is permitted. Such sign shall identify the building
or complex of buildings and shall contain no other sign matter. Area and
surface calculations shall be as permitted in paragraph (1) of this
subsection. Individual establishments within a location covered by
paragraph (2) of this subsection may have one (1) wall sign per business
with the aggregate area not to exceed three (3) square feet of sign area for
each foot of store frontage. In addition, one (1) directory ground sign to
indicate activities located in the area is permitted per street frontage, with
a maximum total aggregate area of sixty (60) square feet.
Real estate signs: One (1) double-faced non-illuminated "FOR SALE" or "FOR
RENT" sign for each street frontage, which shall not exceed thirty-two (32)
square feet per face.
Bed and breakfast inns: One (1) identification wall or ground sign no more than
six (6) square feet in area. Illumination of the sign is permitted provided that such
illumination consists of only a low-intensity fluorescent or incandescent bulb. All
lighting for signs shall be so designed and arranged so as to shield adjacent
properties from direct glare. Neon, animated or moving signs are prohibited. The
building and zoning administrator shall determine that the style of the sign is
compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the area.
No on-site ground sign shall be erected within thirty-five (35) feet of any property
zoned residential.
VII, D1-39
Unofficial Zoning Code
City of Sarasota
2002 Edition
ARTICLE VII: Regulations of General Applicability
POS District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the C POS zone
district except:
Signs for governmental uses or purposes.
Signs for all other uses as may be found to be appropriate by the planning board
and the city commission.
MP District
All signs, including but not limited to, off-site signs on any watercraft, barge, floating
structure or contrivance, without regard to whether it is capable of moving under its own
power or sail, except for navigation, warning, trespassing or caution signs or those
required by the State of Florida to be affixed to docks, are prohibited in the MP district.
G District
No signs intended to be read from off the premises shall be permitted in the G district
Signs for governmental uses or purposes.
Signs in connection with conditional uses as may be found to be appropriate to
any such special exception and expressly granted by administrative approval.
(Ord. No. 03-4429, sec. 10, 1-21-03)
VII, D1-40