Unit 4 Writing Prompts

Name _____________________________________________
Date Due ______________
Background Information
This is your second short essay. You need to build on what you learned from writing the
Unit 2 Essay and the Ethnography and continue to develop your writing skills. At this point I
expect your writing to be error free. I am expecting significantly more out of you this time. Be
sure to go back and look at your past essays and the comments I wrote for you. Take those in to
consideration as you work.
The focus of your essay should be analysis. It is important that you provide me with
specific information to support your argument, but do not simply provide factual information.
You must show me that you understand and are analyzing the content. It may be necessary to
discuss, or at least mention, material we studied in other units.
Be sure you use MLA format and include a works cited. Your essay should be between
one and two pages.
Each essay will be worth 60 points and will be graded as follows:
- 35 points for your essay content
- 15 points for writing style (MLA format, grammar, proof reading, etc.)
- 10 points for your works cited (your essay must include three sources)
Writing Prompts
1. What are the three main reasons the Aztec Empire collapse? Which of those three was most
important? Explain.
2. Following the conquest of the Aztec by the Spanish, Mexico has had a tumultuous history.
Revolutions, civil wars, and social conflict have happened regularly. Provide examples of this
conflict and explain why it has been so frequent.
3. “The Spanish in Mexico were obviously ruthless in their conquest of the Aztec and their
repression of the native population of New Spain. They did this not out of general hatred, but
out self interest. Simply put, they saw an opportunity to help themselves, so they did. That is
human nature. It is no different than buying from companies which use sweatshops, eating
chocolate farmed by slaves, or sitting idly by as people die in Developing Countries such as
Sudan.” Is this statement correct or incorrect? Explain.