Break - Ulrik Christensen


Bottom Series 3, Episode 3. Break.

----------------------------------- by Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall.

Scene 1. The Flat.


[Richie and Eddie enter the flat Both are wearing their overcoats, obviously they have just returned home. They both take off their coats and hang them on the stand by the door during the opening discourse. Richie is holding two pieces of paper.]

Richie: Who would have believed it?! A late booking, stand by, seventy five

percent discount. You see, that's what you get for haggling, you see,


Eddie: What? A kick in the bollocks?

Richie: What do you mean? He was merely falling over and steadied himself by

putting his boot into my testicles.

[He grabs his crotch and moves it around]

Ow, ow...

Anyway, there's no arguing with that! A seventy five percent discount

on a heat seeker's bronze-a-thon. Nine day special of sun, sea, sand

and sex!

Eddie: Yeah! Bridlington won't know what's hit it!

Richie: [Indicating text on the tickets] Yeah, look at that! Only twenty five

minutes to the beach...

Eddie: Oooh! car. Richie:



I thought Bridlington was on the coast.

Well it is!

Eddie: So what it really means, is twenty five minutes from




[Shrugs] What's the address?


Richie: Well, I've never been there... But it sounds romantic.

[They both sit at the table.]

And hey, Eddie! It's got a 'Dong' in it! Lucky omen!

Eddie: Yeah, we're in the luck all right, I mean, imagine if Dick the barman

hadn't spotted us filling our glasses from the drip tray, we'd never

have scarpered down that back ally and bumped into 'Dodgy' Bob


the most violent travel agent in the world.

Richie: Just imagine, it only cost us four thousand pounds!

Eddie: we?

YEAH! ... We haven't actually got four thousand pounds, have

Richie: Well, yes yes yes yes yes, but that's why he gave us such an interesting


Eddie: What? Turn up with the money by Christmas or we die?

Richie: Yeah, yeah! Ooooh! We're going on holiday!

[Shakes his head in excitement]

God! It's so exiting!

Right, now the coach leaves at midnight...

Eddie: Mmmhum.

Richie: things we

need to nick for the beach.



Right, you put the kettle on and I'll make a list of all the

Okey-Dokey. [Goes into the kitchen]

Number one: sun tan lotion.

Eddie: Ah, Richie, we're going to Bridlington... Well, Doncaster, I hardly

think we'll be needing sun tan lotion.

Richie: Oh yes, yes, Uhhuh, uhhuh... Drizzle oil, then!



Gloom juice!

Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes, ah, ah, wind smear!

Eddie: Wind smear? I don't think we need to take the contents of your


[Richie gets up and joins Eddie in the kitchen.]

Richie: Well actually, that's where you're wrong, Eddie. 'Cause if you think

carefully about it, we will need to 'take the contents of my


[Both laugh]

Oh, aren't we having a great time!?

You see, that's what makes the English great, Eddie. You know,

laughing at adversity. I mean, if we were millionaires living in

Bermuda, we wouldn't have found that very funny, would we!?

[Both think about it for a moment]

Both: No...

Richie: Oh well, never mind. What else do we need for the beach?

[Eddie takes the two cups of tea he has made into the lounge and both

sit down at the table.]



Ah, tetanus jabs.

Ah, yes, yes, better see doctor Wild Throat for a booster.




Richie: choosers.

He's not a doctor of medicine, you know.

Well I know, yes, but he's cheap.

Gave you rabies last year.

Well it only cost three quid. Come on, Eddie, beggars can't be

Eddie: No, but they can froth at the mouth and eat the furniture.

Richie: masks,

well full radiation suits, really.



All right, what else? Err, well, industrial wellingtons, gas


It's not like it was in my childhood. Oooh! Condoms!




Well, we can take last year's can't we?

Well have we got any left?

Yeah. All of 'em.

Richie: Oh! Thank god for that! I just hate going to the chemists...

I keep thinking my Mum'll find out. I mean, buying Johnnies is just

a CONSTANT embarrassment!

Eddie: What do you mean? You've only done it once! And that was back in 1977!

Richie: shop

Hey, hey! It's a bloody convincing performance, though. That

assistant could have sworn I was French.

Eddie: cream

Yeah, maybe that's why you came out with fifty tubes of Pile

as well.

Richie: Yes, well maybe my mime was a little indistinct, yes, but you know,

I mean it was worth the day trip to Birmingham just to find a chemist

who didn't know us, you know. I mean, it might have been a long way

'round just to buy a three pack of Johnnies we never use, but


tell you what! [bangs the table three times leaps to his feet]

There's been no piles in this house since 1977!

Eddie: Yep! We can sit down with a thump as merrily as we like.

Richie: I know! And we've still got the Johnnies as a souvenir!

[Takes a pack of Johnnies from a canister and blows the dust off them]

Hooray! Eddie:

Richie: You see, that's what makes the English great, Eddie.

What? Not having piles? Eddie:




Richie, you have gone insane!

Richie: exited

No, no it's all right, Eddie, it's all right, I'm just over

about the holiday.

[He sits down again, then leaps to his feet and shouts with joy,

running his hands over his front, massaging and pinching his nipples]

I wonder what we'll do!?

Eddie: Well, the same as we normally do. Sit about in the boarding house

playing scrabble until the rain lets up, then dash out to the bookies

and back.

Richie: will be

Oh yeah! Oooh, I can't wait. Hey, do you think the land lady

anything like the one we had last year?

Eddie: What? You mean, dead?

No, no no, I mean before the accident. Richie:

Eddie: Oh, oh.

Richie: Hey, did you ever get your lighter back?

Eddie: No, they kept it for the inquest.


Hey, do

Oh did they, uhh. Oh but she was a sweet-heart wasn't she!

you remember her last words?

Both: Oh Mister Hitler, do you know anything about gas leaks?

Eddie: [Mimes flicking a cigarette lighter three times]

Both: BOOM!



Still, that was the first time we were warm on that holiday.

Yes, yes. Ha ha har.




Har har har.

Har har Har.

Ha ha har.


Ah! Oh

Right! Where shall we put the tickets so we can't find them?

no! That was the wrong way 'round, wasn't it. I'm getting so over

exited! I'd better have a little sit down. [He does] DaDar!

Another victory for the piles cream! Right, now, where is the safest

place in the house?

Eddie: Well, in the tin with the rubber Johnnies.

Richie: Of course! You're a genius, Eddie.

[He places the tickets in the canister]

There! [Sighs with relief]

Right, I'm off upstairs to try on my swimming trunks, you know, give

them an airing, get them used to the old swagger!

Eddie: Good, that will give me just enough time to make a deviously fiendish

mischievous phone call.

[Richie thinks about it for a moment then shrugs, goes out the door

and up the stairs. Eddie nods knowledgeably]

Scene 2. The Flat.


[Eddie is by the sofa on the telephone]

Eddie: bunk-up

Yeah, that's right Cher, me proud Hollywood beauty. A two week

with me in sunny Doncaster. I'll bring the vodka, you bring those saucy

bits of string. What do you say? YES!! Oh, god! Oh! Oh! If only this

was plugged in!

[He holds up the phone's wall connection plug]

[Richie slowly opens the door in the background]

Richie: Eddie... Eddie... Help!

[Richie walks slowly and painfully into the room wearing in a gold

dressing gown. He makes his way slowly towards Eddie.]

I've got my swimming trunks on.

I have no particular interest in seeing them. Eddie:

Richie: off...

No, the only thing is, they're so tight, I can't get 'em

Feels like I'm being garroted. God, I hope I don't sneeze, I'll be

sliced in three!

Eddie: All right I'll get the pepper, then, and a camera.

Richie: Eddie! This is no laughing matter! Oh! Oh, Oh, god I mustn't shout,

goh... I nearly ingested myself then.

Eddie, you've gotta help me get 'em off.

Eddie: What! Uh, oh all right, well let's have a look then.

[Richie looks around him, embarrassed then opens the robe]

Oh, there.

[Eddie looks in a trying-not-to-look kind of way, before looking

closer, closer and closer then up at Richie]



Well where are they?

Well that's the thing! They're so tight, you can't actually see them!

But I know they're on, I can feel them. Oh boy, can I feel them.

[Eddie again closely inspects Richie]

Eddie: They must be somewhere under all these folds...




All right, close, close. Oh god.

[He shields his eyes and tries to think logically]

What colour are they?!



Well they were yellow when I put 'em on.

All right, well, turn around'n bend over and I'll get me tool kit.

Richie: Ok, thanks Eddie. Oh, why did you make me buy a thong, Eddie?

[He turns around and bends over the arm of the sofa.]

Eddie: Here goes.

[He rams a claw hammer, head first, right up Richie's rear end.

Richie tries not to scream]

Yeah! I think I've got a purchase.

[He slowly pulls the hammer back out. The back of the thong is hooked

over the claw. Eddie pulls it harder, eventually stretching it out to

about fifteen feet before it slips from the claw and flies back,

smashing Richie right where it hurts. He collapses in agony.]


Richie: losing

Hmm... Dunno... I think we're going to have to burn them off.

[Strokes his chin thoughtfully]

Anything, Eddie, Anything. Just make it quick, I think I'm

consciousness; I think my legs are going to sleep!

Eddie: [Lighting a handy oxyacetylene torch and puts on a pair of welding


Yeah, well I think this should wake them up.

Richie: What?

[Eddie lays on his back, sticks his head under Richie's dressing gown

and thrusts the oxy torch up at his crotch. Richie screams and we hear

the thong break]

Eddie: Yep, here we go!

[holds up a tiny thing that looks like two elastic bands tied together]



There we are! There's the little fellah that was causing all the


Oh! Oh! Oh, thank god they're off. You know, in future I think

just going to have to own up to not being quite a 26 waist any more.

Eddie: 26? What's that in feet? Yards? Miles?

Richie: I mean look at that! Look at that!

[Holds the thong up and peers at it.]

I mean God! Who invented the thong? Sadist! It's like wrapping cheese

wire 'round your tackle. I mean, even though I had it on, I could

still be done for indecent exposure!

Hey! That's a thought, Eddie. Do you think Bridlington's topless?

Eddie: No, Richie, I think you should bring your bra.

Richie: [Sarcasm] Oh har har har har har. Ahahahahahahr.

[mimics a fart of sarcastic hilarity]

Ok, so my pectorals are a little bit flabby at the moment...

Hey, though that is a point, Eddie. You and me, us guys, right, we're

going to Bridlington to get laid, right?




One snag, there's not many people going to actually want to shag two

fat, balding, sweaty sort of rubber Johnnies full of custard, really

are they?

Eddie: No?

Richie: No, 'cause we're not rich. So if we want to score, we're going to have

to hit that beach like two greased cougars from the planet bigbollocks,

who've just been sacked from the Chippendales for being *too sexy*!




Richie: Exactamon, mon brarve. However, Nil desperandum, we're English and

there's a way out of everything.

Yep, usually the lavvy window.

Richie: Shut up. Now, to achieve the bod that birds will kill to wriggle on,

we've only got one option.

Eddie: income?

What? Buy them seventeen gin & tonics and lie about our

No, Eddie, no. We're going to have to lose some weight. Richie:



Wha, why don't you just stay at home?

Right, where's my manuals? Here we are.

[consults a bookcase]

Joy of sex... More joy of sex... Cooking in the nude...


Ah! Here we are! German Luftwaffe airfoce exercises!

This book used to belong to my Dad, you know.

Ahha. Was he in the war?

Richie: Oh very much so, Eddie, very much so, yes. He got hit during the blitz,

you know.

Eddie: Did he?!

Richie: light out,

Oh yes... By an air-raid warden. Yeah, he wouldn't put his

you see. Good 'ol Dad, though, he won the fight. Oh, but my Mum and

Dad, Eddie... My Mum and Dad. There was a romance. It was one of those

fleeting war time romances, you know. I mean, they were only together

for, what...



Five minutes.

If that. Yep, ships in the night, Eddie, ships in the night.

He was

pissed, wandered into the ladies by accident, one thing lead to another,

off came her winceyettes, the johnny machine jammed, bim-bam-bom whiff

of cordite and he was off.

Eddie: Ahh well, hey ho, it's all a load of bollocks, isn't it.

Richie: Yep, it's all a load of bollocks. Come on, twenty Luftwaffe pressups!

Let's go!

[They both go into the kitchen and lay down on the floor,

in position for doing pushups.]


Un, duex, trois, and achtung!

[they don't move a muscle... pause]

How you doing, Eddie? Have you started?

Eddie: Yeah.



Richie: pressups?

How's it going?

Like a dream.

What, you mean one of those dreams where you can't do



That's the one, yes.

Well, perhaps we should build up to that one.

[They both start to get up]

Come along, we'll do some situps.

Eddie: What?

[Richie lays on his back]

Richie: Situps.

[Eddie reluctantly does the same]

Hands behind the head, and after three... one two three and...

[Both strain, but again don't move.]

No, we'd better skip that one as well.

Eddie: Uh.. It's very heavy going, isn't it. It's a wonder they could get

into their aeroplanes after all this. No wonder they lost the bloody


Where'd your Dad get this book from? [he takes it]

Richie: some

Well it's hard to tell, Eddie. I mean, my Dad... He moved in

very mysterious circles.

Eddie: Did he?

Richie: Yes, well he had one leg shorter than the other, you see.

Eddie: Ahh. Oh, look! There's an inscription:

[in German accent]

"For all zee good verk you are doing for zee cause, keep it up,

mums zee word, Adolf."

Richie: that

Ahh, my Dad, Oswald Richard, hey! They don't make them like

anymore! [gives the Nazi salute] hours

Come on Eddie, we've got to change tact. We've only got twelve

and I've still got to lose three stone. Do you think I should try

combining food?

Eddie: What with? Larger? The telly?

No Eddie, I know! I'm going to get me some liposuction! Richie:

Eddie: [Defensive stance] Not from me, your not, matey!

Richie: do it!


Eddie! Get a grip! Come on, get a hold of the hoover and let's

Oh, ohh!

[Eddie goes over to the hoover]

Are you sure this wise?

Richie: this in

Hollywood all the time!



What do you mean wi... Of course it's wise! Eddie, they do

Do they?

Right, fire 'er up.

Eddie: Right.

[He steps on the hoover's on button and

Richie opens his dressing gown]

Richie: Ok, now nice gentle circular motions around the hip area.

Eddie: Right you are.

[He starts hoovering Richie's flab]

Richie: Ahhh, that's good, that's working. Jolly good.

Eddie: [laughs merrily and begins to whistle]

[Suddenly there is a horrible sucking noise as a small soft part of

Richie's anatomy gets sucked into the hoover's pipe. Eddie tries to

pull the pipe away, but it's stuck fast!]



Eddie! Put it on blow! PUT IT ON BLOW!!

You dirty, dirty bastard!

Richie: Quick, Eddie! Hurry! I've nearly reached the bag!

[Eddie steps on the reverse button, Richie screams]

Scene 3. The Flat.


[Eddie is sitting by the organ reading a newspaper as Richie opens the door and slowly hobbles in with the aid of a walking stick.]

Richie: You say they do that in Hollywood all the time?

[Eddie shrugs]

Blimey! It's no wonder they're all members of the twelve inch club.

Eddie: Yeah.




It's no good, Eddie. We're going to have to change tact again.

How do you mean?

Well, you look around any modern gym, Eddie, what do you see?

Eddie: up

Well, loads of birds with those funny underpants that go right

their cracks.

Richie: No,




They go right up.


Go rrrright up.


Eddie: and

Yes, yes. Yes that's lovely, Eddie, that's lovely...

But, eh, what else do you see?

I don't see anything else, mate. Not until the police arrive

prize me off the window. I got a good thirty minutes out of that last

tube of super glue.

[Mime his face and hands stuck to a window pane]

Richie: Yeah, yes, lovely. Weights, Eddie! Weights and lifting machines, and

that's what have here...

[He points with his walking stick to the 'lifting machine' The fridge

is out in the middle of the room with a rope tied around it, threaded

through two pulleys on the ceiling and has a pair of handle-bars from

a bicycle on the other end.]





Now, this machine will exercise your pecs, your tecs, your fibula,

your timula, your primula...

Eddie: Dairy-Lee...

Everything, mate.




Gorgonzola... What's that Greek one with the holes in it?

Nana Mouskouri.


That's the one.

Richie: Plus, added bonus, it'll do all that... Without stretching your todger

out to three and a half foot.

Phew! [mocks mopping his brow]

Richie: Right! Lets get on with it. Forty minutes on this and Charles


will be committing suicide.

[He walks over and stands underneath the dangling handle-bars.

He grabs both handles.]

Eddie: Right you are!

[Richie pulls down on the bar with all his might... We hear the rope

pulling taut but the fridge doesn't move]

Richie: Hmm... yes, yes... Ah, ease up on a couple of yoghurts in there would

you, Eddie.

Eddie: Righty-o... 'Charles'!

[He opens the fridge and takes out two packs of yoghurt]

Richie: What about that huge wobbly jelly?

Eddie: Well, you're standing over there!

[Richie turns around and pulls, hangs, stretches and strains as much

as he can on the rope but still there is no movement from the fridge.]

Richie: Hey, how am I looking, Eddie?

Eddie: Like a sort of vast mountain of Vaseline with a heart condition who's

just lifted the fridge about a millimeter off the ground.

Richie: Hey, no gain without pain.

Eddie: Hey! Hang on! What's that sellotaped to the bottom of the fridge?!

[He rushes over, gets down on his knees and peers into the tiny gap

between the floor and the bottom of the fridge for a moment then

looks up.]

Looks like that missing blackmail nudey snap of Desmond Lynham!

Richie: Well come on, Eddie! Give me a hand to lift the fridge! I want to get

a glimpse of Dessie's hammer-head!

[Eddie runs over and they each take a hold of the bar]

Right! Grab a hold of this and give it a bloody good yank!

[They both strain... Then we hear two 'Twangs' and both gasp,

grabbing their crotches in pain.]

Scene 4. The Flat.


[Richie & Eddie are standing in about the same position as before the fade out-in, adjusting their crotches after the twangs.]

Eddie: body

Right, this machine should increase your stamina and you lower

strength, so you can lift the fridge and have a quick deck at



Richie: Right!

[The shot pulls back to show a Moped with it's back wheel attached to

the belt of a treadmill. Eddie gets on the Moped and Richie stands on

the treadmill.]

Ok, Eddie! Fire her up!

Eddie: Okey-Dokey!

[He starts the Moped and the treadmill begins to move. Richie starts

running (for want of a better descriptive term) 'like a girl']

I'll just take 'er up to a steady seventy.

[He revs the hell out of the Moped, Richie tries his best to keep up.

Suddenly the front door bell buzzes. Eddie slams on the breaks sending

Richie flying forward, crashing through the window and onto the street.]

Eddie: break...

Right, ease up gently on the running, I'm just about to

[Looks around for Richie then sees the busted window]

Oh! Goh, should have said that earlier, really.

[Eddie goes over to the window and looks out]

Ah, just gotta go and answer the front door, Rich. That's right, you

just have a bit of a lie down... Yes. Get your breath back... And your

teeth. Yeah, yeah, they're over there by the lamppost.

[The doorbell buzzes again, Eddie makes his way to the front door]

Yes, all right, all right... Christ Almighty.

[Scene switches to the hallway to the front door]

Eddie: It's like walking down a corridor and answering the door in

Nazi Germany!

[He opens the door to a man in an overcoat.]


Mormon: is?!

Hello! Have you ever thought what a beautiful place the world

Eddie: Yes I have, thank you.

[Eddie punches the man in the face, shuts the door and walks back

along the hall.]

Charming man.

[Scene switches back to the broken window with Richie struggling

through the wreckage. His face is cut and bruised, nose bleeding and

shirt stained and dirty. He is shaking with rage.]



Richie: off

It's all right, Richie. All the birds love a scar!

Oh really? Well it's your lucky day then, isn't it, buster?!

[Richie picks up a handy chainsaw, starts it, leans down and cuts

Eddie's legs just below the knees. [out of shot] Eddie falls down off

the severed legs onto his stumps, looking bewildered.]

And let that be a lesson to you, young man! Let's see how much

mischief you can get up to without any legs!

Oh blimey look at the time! I've got all the packing to do! I've got to

lose three stone! Lordy Lordy! There ain't enough hours in the day,


[He goes out through the door.]

Scene 5. Richie's Bedroom.


[Richie is standing at his bedside packing a suitcase. He is packing a pair of his extra-high sided underpants.]

Richie: case I

Oooh! I'd better take the open crotch ones as well, just in

get lucky.

[He takes another pair of crotchless Y-Fronts from a chest of drawers

and pops them into the suitcase.]

Right, is that everything? Oh! God, no, the sink!

[He goes over to the small wash-basin in the corner and wrenches the

bowl from the stand. Water from the disconnected pipes flows free.]

Richie: There we are, it's not the kitchen one, but it'll have to do.

[He puts it in the lid of the suitcase]

Mmmm... Oh, Christ! Wallpaper. Will they have wallpaper in


Urr-de-durr... Well, better safe than sorry, it's the North, isn't it.

They've probably ripped all their's down and put it into a hot pot or

made it into a curry[?] or something else frightful.

[He tears a large strip of wallpaper from beside the fire-place and

sticks it in the suitcase.]

Richie: There we are! Good!

Scene 6. The Flat.


[Shot shows the stairs to the second floor through the open door of the living room. We hear Richie's voice from the top of the stairs.]

Richie: Eddie! Could you give me a hand with these suitca...Whooooo!!

[Three suitcases come crashing down the stairs followed close behind

by Richie landing in the middle of them. He gets to his feet.]

Ahh, that's me. Huh! Good, saved a bit of time, too!

[He walks into the lounge area and sees Eddie off screen]

Eddie!? What are you doing?

[Eddie is on the sofa, bend over both hands at his knees]

Eddie: I'm just sewing my legs back on.

Richie: Oh, thank heavens for that! I thought you were masturbating again.

Eddie: Right, here we go!

[He stands up, but his legs are pointing the wrong way!]

OH BUGGER! I've sewn them on the wrong way 'round!

Richie: Oh, lordy, lordy! Must I do everything myself?!

All right, here we go!

[He picks up the chainsaw and starts it up]

All right, I'll chop your legs off again, I'll sew them back on.

Honestly, who'd be me? Clench!

[Richie runs through Eddie's legs with the chainsaw again then kneels

down in front of him]

All right, come one. Spit spot, Give me the needle, give me the thread.

It's not a hobby of mine this, you know.

[He begins sewing on Eddie's re-severed legs]

Scene 7. The Flat.


[Eddie's legs are now re-attached, Richie is just putting on the final touches.]

Richie: There! And don't let it happen again.

[He bites off the end of the thread on Eddie's knee and spits it out.]

Eugh! I nearly kissed you on the knob, then! Eugh!

[He sits down beside Eddie, who is still looking very tense and


Right, now Eddie, the coach leaves at Midnight, right?

[He picks up an alarm clock and starts winding it up.]

Eddie: Yeah.

Richie: So what time is it now?

Eddie: Uhh... [turns Richie's clock around and looks]

Five O'clock.



Right, thanks. So, that only gives us seven hours, right?


Richie: Oh god I hope we don't miss it!

[He sets the alarm and places it on the coffee table]

Right, set the clock. Now just keep your eye on the clock, all right?!

Just keep your eye on the clock all the time. Right.

[They both sit there staring at the alarm clock.]

There's only seven hours. [With a start] Uh! Did I pack!?

Yes, of course I did. [nervous laugh] That's an easy mistake to make.

Eddie, are you packed?



Certainly am. Never had any complaints.

No, I mean are you packed for the holiday?



Oh yes, that as well.

Good... Where are your bags?

Eddie: I haven't got any bags. I am wearing everything I need! Well,

everything I have, actually.

Richie: But Eddie... What about spares?




I'm wearing them as well.

Yes, but... Are you mad? What if you have an accident?

I'll go to the hospital.



No, I mean a trouser accident.

Well, I'll wear yours.

Richie: But you can't! I'm in mine! Oh, enough of this mindless trouser banter!

Have you got the wind break?

Eddie: No, it's just the way my underpants have been ironed.

Richie: Oh, thank god for that. Ooh! What about that thing you use on the

beach for keeping the wind out?



What? A cork?

[Annoyed] Oh look! It's just getting too trouserial around here! For

god sake, just concentrate on the clock!

Eddie: Clock, clock.

Richie: Just concentrate on it. Oh god... Oh god, have I done everything...

Have I done everything???

[Jumps with a start] UH! UH! UH! MILK!!! MILK!!!

[Leaps to his feet and runs to the fridge.]


[He opens the fridge, takes out a bottle of milk]

Thank god I remembered!

[Throws it out of the smashed window. We hear it break and somebody

yells in pain]

Oh... Oh! Sorry, constable! Oh! Well that's charming, isn't it!

Yeah, it's no wonder people make programs like 'The Bill' to take the

piss out of you! [Laughs]

[Richie runs back to the sofa and sits down]

How are you doing, Eddie? Still feeling tense?

Eddie: Yeah, increasingly so.

Eddie: Good. Keep it that way.

Richie: [Jumps with a start again and points to the clock]

Oh god! Look, look, look, look. There's only six hours fifty eight

minutes to go now! Look! [panicking] I just suggest we just sit here,

quietly in silence and wait for our holiday to start...

[shouts] OKAY?!?!

[Long pause as they both sit, hypertensively staring at the clock.

Richie jumps again]

Ah! AH! How long does it take to get to the bus station!?



Hang on... I'll go and find out.

Oh!! Thanks, Eddie.

[Eddie clumsily gets to his feet and wobbles unsteadily over to the

door and gets his coat.]

Eddie: Haven't quite got used to these legs yet.

Ahh... Just take my darts in case.

[He stumbles out the door]

Free at last!

[Shot goes back to Richie, holding the alarm clock.]

Richie: holds

Come on! Come on! [motioning to the hands to move faster then

it to his ear to make sure it is still ticking. To his relief, he

finds it is still working.]

Scene 8. The Flat.


[The door to the lounge bursts open and Eddie crashes through the door, breaking some glass objects in the process.]

Eddie: There you go!

[Attempts to put his hat and coat on the stand by the door,

however they end up on the ground.]

Three hours and fifteen minutes.

Richie: I know, I don't understand it, the bus station's only two streets away!



Yeah, well *Hic!* you know, the wind was against me.

Isn't it always, young man!

All right, I'll give it a go... On your marks, Richie... Set...



[Richie places the clock on the table and runs out the door. Eddie

stumbles around and laughs]

Scene 9. The Flat.


[Richie comes running through the door and over to the sofa]

Richie: There you are, Eddie! [Picks up the clock & looks at it]

Twelve and a half minutes!

Eddie? Eddie?

[Notices Eddie isn't there, so looks for him behind the sofa and

under one of it's cushions before seeing a note on the coffee table.]

What's this? It's a note!

[Reads it]

"Der Rechie, I am in the pube with

the holiday monkey. Run Run Run!"

Huh... Poor sad git.

Oh no! He means the holiday money!


[Richie runs at the bookcase, crashing straight through the wall]

Scene 10. The Flat.


[Eddie is sitting/laying in the sofa, completely pissed out of his mind, flailing his arms around, trying to sit up straight. Richie is standing beside the sofa, shaking with rage.]



You've been drinking, haven't you.

HOW DARE YOU!? [He struggles to his feet]

How.. How... How dare you accuse me of Drinkn-n-n-ninge?!

Me, your oldest pal and matey! 'Ol Schkip! Old bus fart, tram ticket,

one for the road bagga-scratchies...

[Leans on the telly, which crashes off it's stand onto the floor upside down]

...whoops-a-daisy ...we'll keep a welcome in the...

[leans on a side table, sending it crashing over]

...parking Mister David childish Jensen.

Me?! Drinkn-n-n-n-n-ninge? Why I'll tear you limb from limb!!

[Starts to assume fighting pose, both arms flailing wildly as he

stumbles backwards against the window, gets caught up in the curtains

and crashes to the ground.]



No, but you have though, haven't you?

[Defeated] Yeah.



Well you listen to me young man, you better listen up Mister, and

you better listen up good, 'cause your grounded!

[takes a quick look at his own position on the floor]

Yeah, I know.

Richie: Oh Eddie! How could you do this on our holiday day!?

[Richie helps him up onto the couch]

Look Eddie, concentrate... You've just got to try and stay sober for

the next five minutes, 'cause that's when our holiday starts,


[He notices Eddie is now unconscious.]

Eddie... Eddie... Eddie! [Slaps his face]

Eddie!! [Slaps, then looks around for something more

solid and finds a white figurine of a lady.]

Eddie! [Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!]

E [Whack!]

D [Whack!]

D [Whack!]

I [Whack!]

E [Whack!]













Full [Whack!]

Stop [Whack!]

[Richie then gets an idea, and goes all 'pervy', drops the statue

on his foot and goes over to the handle bars of the 'exercise machine'

singing the notes of a theme tune. He tries to pull the fridge up



[tries again]

Oh! [puts hands together and prays]

Please God, I just want to look at Desmond Lynham's todger! Help me

out this once and I'll believe in you for ever and ever, I promise!

[He goes back and tries again, to his astonishment, the fridge begins

to rise!]

Bloody hell! Bloody hell it's working!

[He pulls the fridge all the way up and stuffs the handle under the

side of the sofa to keep the fridge suspended in mid-air.]

[To god, holds his fingers crossed] Only kidding!

[He then lays on his back and slides underneath the fridge. It is

suspended directly over his head so he can get a good view of the



[Then the alarm clock rings and Eddie wakes up]

No! Eddie! Don't get off the sofa!!

[Eddie rolls off, the handle bars pull free and the fridge crashes

down on Richie's head. Eddie stands up]

Eddie: Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear, Richie. The Frididair appears to have fallen

upon your bonce. You won't be able to go on the holiday now, will you?!

[Sounds of Richie struggling as Eddie goes to the tin on the organ

and takes out the tickets]

I'm sure I can find an alternative use for your ticket!

[He opens the fridge and escorts out a girl wearing a can-can[?]


Huh! Come out of there, Voluptua of dubious morals, and let us hies

to Hammersmith bus station, we have but three minutes to go.

Voluptua: Oh come on Eddie! I can't wait to get to Bridlington and start the

snog'in and mindless drink'in.

Eddie: Ahh! that's my bird!

Richie: [From under the fridge] You complete bastard, Eddie! It's not even

Desmond Lynham! It's you in a wig! You bastard!

Eddie: Yep! That's me!

[Eddie kick's Richie right in the knackers, freeze frame, the end.]

Episode Transcript 1997 by Pete Maddern []
