I did it through Jon Satran, remember

AP English
It is likely that your feelings for Bigger Thomas underwent a metamorphosis of sorts
while you were reading Native Son. Maybe your dislike of him intensified; maybe you
sympathized with him at one point but lost that sympathy at another. This exercise will
help you clarify and articulate your feelings for this character while connecting with
students from another AP class.
Here is a step-by-step checklist of your task:
Identify what you consider to be three defining moments in your experience of reading Native Son—parts
of the story that influenced the way you feel about Bigger. Write them down in chronological order. This
will prepare you to dialogue in the emails.
Step 2—MRS. SCHUTZMAN’S CLASS will send out the first emails. Please include
 a greeting/introduction
an identification of your first defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time.
Step 3—MRS. SCHULMAN’S CLASS will reply to the emails. Please include
 a greeting/introduction
 a response to your partner’s first email (Acknowledge what s/he said. Show your partner that
you’re paying attention!)
an identification of your own first defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time
Step 4—MRS. SCHUTZMAN’S CLASS will reply to the emails. Please include
 a response to your partner’s first email (Acknowledge what s/he said. Show your partner that
you’re paying attention!)
an identification of your second defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time
Step 5—MRS. SCHULMAN’S CLASS will reply to the emails. Please include
 a response to your partner’s second email (Acknowledge what s/he said. Show your partner that
you’re paying attention!)
an identification of your own second defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time
Step 6—MRS. SCHUTZMAN’S CLASS will reply to the emails. Please include
 a response to your partner’s second email (Acknowledge what s/he said. Show your partner that
you’re paying attention!)
an identification of your third/final defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time
 AND ALSO—your overall assessment of Bigger’s character (When all is said and done, how do
you feel about him?)
 Don’t forget to say goodbye!
Step 7—MRS. SCHULMAN’S CLASS will reply to the emails. Please include
 a response to your partner’s third/ final email (Acknowledge what s/he said. Show your partner
that you’re paying attention!)
an identification of your own third/final defining moment in the story
 an explanation of how you felt about Bigger at that time
 AND ALSO—your overall assessment of Bigger’s character (When all is said and done, how do
you feel about him?)
 Don’t forget to say goodbye!
 Each student will write three emails.
Each email should be an appropriate length: one or two sentences is
not enough; a multi-paragraph response is too much. One paragraph
should suffice.
 Please “cc” both teachers on all emails:
jschutzman@portnet.k12.ny.us and sschulman@portnet.k12.ny.us.
(We know our names are confusing!)
Emailing will begin on 3/15 and end by 3:00 on 3/22.