PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014-2015 Grovecenter Elementary School 775 N. Lark Ellen Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 974-4400 Mrs. Autumn Williams, Principal Please read and review this handbook, then sign and return the last page. Thank you! Student Holidays and Important Dates August 25 First Day of School August 29 Student Holiday- No School September 1 Labor Day Holiday- No School – November 10 Veteran’s Day- No School November 20 Parent Conferences- Minimum Day November 21 Parent Conferences- No School November 24-28 Thanksgiving Break- No School December 19 Winter Break- Minimum Day Dec 22-Jan 2 Winter Break- No School January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- No School February 9 Lincoln’s Birthday- No School February 16 President’s Day- No SchoolMarch 30-April 3 Spring Break- No School – May 21 Open House May 22 Minimum Day May 25 Memorial Day- No School – June 12 Last Day of School- Minimum Day – Report Card Days: November 30, March 8 and June 12 SCHOOL HOURS KINDERGARTEN: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Modified Day every Tuesday 8:15 – 1:15 8:15 – 12:30 Grades 1 – 3: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:15 – 2:23 Modified Day every Tuesday 8:15 – 12:49 Grades 4-5: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:15 – 2:26 Modified Day every Tuesday 8:15 – 12:47 2 STUDENT BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS & DISCIPLINE POLICIES: SCHOOL-WIDE RULES: Be a good listener- follow directions Be prepared- bring homework, materials, parent signatures Be respectful- no cursing, name calling, gossiping, teasing, or bullying; keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Be healthy- no gum, candy or soda at school Be honest- no cheating or stealing Be ready to learn- no toys, no personal items from home, no use of cell phones (texting, or making calls) during class or recess, no outrageous hair styles or colors, no dangerous weapons or objects Be on time Be in school uniform We at Grovecenter believe that parents and teachers must work together to help our students become positive, productive members of society. Parents are strongly encouraged to counsel their children whenever a behavior issue occurs at school. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE POLICY: All students who choose not to follow the school and/or district behavior policies may receive consequences for their behavior. These consequences may include, but are not limited to the following: Classroom warnings, notes, and calls home. Restriction from recess After school detention Referral to the Principal Referral to Saturday School Behavior Program In-school suspension Out of school suspension (see Ed.Code 48900, attached) 3 ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL TIMES AND POLICIES ARRIVAL: Supervision IS NOT provided on our campus prior to 8:00 A.M. Students are not allowed on campus before 8:00 A.M. unless they are participating in the Breakfast Program, which runs from 7:40 – 8:10 A.M. DISMISSAL: Please be prompt in picking up your children. There is no supervision on our campus after dismissal time. Students are expected to go directly home after their dismissal from school, unless special arrangements have been made by the teacher to detain a child. In this case, the teacher will notify you. Students waiting for parents or baby-sitters to pick them up must wait at the south crosswalk. Children are not allowed to play on the school grounds after dismissal. Travel Rules and tips: •Students walking to and from school are responsible for respecting the property of others. •School rules governing behavior must be upheld to and from school (fights off campus on route home can lead to suspension). •Have a pre-set route your child ALWAYS follows when walking to and from school! EARLY RELEASE OF STUDENTS DURING SCHOOL HOURS If you must take your child out of school early, you must check your student out from the office. Identification may be required. You may NOT go directly to the classroom to take your child out early! If the person is NOT on the emergency release card, the student will not be released. REGISTRATION - EMERGENCY CARDS All new and returning students must complete a registration form every year. This form not only serves as proof of your enrollment, but it also serves as our EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION CARD. Be sure to name at least two people who can be called in an emergency if you cannot be contacted. It is important that you notify the school immediately of any changes in home and/or work addresses and telephone numbers as well as your emergency contact numbers, in case we need to contact you for emergency purposes. We may only release students to persons listed on your registration form. 4 ATTENDANCE Attendance at school is not only the smart thing to do, it’s the law! Academically: Being in class every day provides greater academic success. Legally: The Compulsory Education Law requires all school-age children to attend school on a consistent and regular basis. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure their children are in school. It is the law! Financially: The state of California only compensates school districts for students who are actually in attendance at school. Grovecenter receives NO FUNDING for absences, including those related to illness or medical appointments. If your student must miss school, it is important that he/she attends school for a portion of the day. Saturday School: The Covina-Valley Unified School District is committed to giving students every opportunity to make up unavoidable excused absences, such as those due to illness. Saturday School will be made available to all students and is strongly urged for those students with more than three absences. ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES If your child is absent, please call the office at (626) 974-4400 to report the absence. If, during your student’s absence, you wish to pick up a homework assignment, requests need to be made before 10 a.m. and picked up after school. Parents will be called to pick up sick children if they become ill at school. School starts promptly at 8:15 a.m. and it is important that your child arrive to school on time. Children arriving late to school must check into the school office, sign the tardy book and take a tardy pass to the teacher. Your child will be asked to make up lost instructional time after school or on Saturday for unexcused absences or if he/she is consistently late. Classroom Interruptions/Student Messages Every classroom interruption disrupts the learning of your child. Please use the “drop-off” table outside the office to deliver forgotten items. In an effort to ensure maximum learning time, we cannot interrupt the classroom to deliver forgotten items or to give students messages. Cell phones are not to be visible during school hours. 5 LUNCH AND RECESS SCHEDULE * Lunch Schedule Kindergarten 11:20 - 12:05 Grade 1 11:30 – 12:10 Grade 2 11:40 – 12:20 Grade 3 11:45 – 12:25 Grade 4 12:00 – 12:40 Grade 5 12:05 – 12:45 Recess Schedule Kindergarten 10:00 – 10:15 AM or 10:15 – 10:30 AM Grade 1 – 3 10:00 – 10:15 AM Grade 4 – 5 10:15 – 10:30 AM Grade 1 – 3 1:00 – 1:15 PM *These times are subject to change CAFETERIA – FOOD SERVICE INFORMATION BREAKFAST PROGRAM Breakfast is served 7:40 – 8:10 AM. The cost is $1.25. Breakfast will be free or reduced for those students who qualify. Parents, please remain outside the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch. LUNCH The school lunches cost $2.50 including milk. For convenience, you may pay for meals in advance by putting money into your students lunch account. You may bring money (cash or check) to the cafeteria during our breakfast service, you may give cash to your child to add when he/she buys lunch or you may pay online. Free or Reduced Lunch You may apply for free or reduced meal prices. Applications are available in the office and must be renewed each school year. 6 SCHOOL UNIFORM / DRESS CODE POLICIES All Covina-Valley K-5 schools have a mandatory uniform/standardized dress policy adopted by the Board of Education. The standard dress policy colors include solid navy blue or tan pants/shorts/skirts and solid white, red, or navy blue shirts. Grovecenter t-shirts may also be worn. Girls Attire: Jumpers, dresses, skirts, long pants, walking shorts: solid navy blue or tan. Denim Fridays ONLY! Blouses, polo shirts, turtlenecks, outerwear: solid navy blue, red, or white. Boys Attire: Long pants, walking shorts: solid navy blue or tan. Denim on Fridays ONLY! Polo shirts, turtlenecks, outerwear: solid navy blue, red, or white. NOTE: Boy Scout/Girl Scout Uniforms are acceptable on meeting days. Students who violate the dress code will be directed to call home for a change of clothing or be loaned a uniform for the day. Pants must fit properly on waist (no sagging). Shirts must be a SOLID color (no logos, cartoons, etc.). Shoes: Closed-toe shoes with straps across the heel. No flip-flops, backless shoes, or “wheelie” shoes are allowed. Tennis shoes are the preferred shoe for all students. Hats: In general, hats/beanies are not permitted except in extreme cases of heat or cold. All hats/beanies must be a plain, solid color without any team/sports logos, etc. Hats may be worn OUTSIDE only. Casual Fridays: DENIM ON FRIDAY ONLY WITH UNIFORM SHIRT! Denim jeans (neat, clean, no holes) may be worn on FRIDAYS only! Students must wear a uniform color shirt or a Grovecenter Spirit shirt with jeans. 7 MEDICATION State law prohibits students bringing any form of medication with them to school. If your child needs to take any medication during school hours, prescription or non-prescription, written and signed instructions from both the physician and parent are required. Forms are available in the school office. LIBRARY BOOKS AND TEXTBOOKS Please take care of ALL Grovecenter books so many students can read them again and again! All books must be returned after completion of the school year or withdrawal from school. If any textbooks or library books are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, students will be required to pay for them. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Access to the Internet will be available in each classroom. All parents and students are required to read and sign the Internet Acceptable Use Policy Consent and Waiver Form before using the Internet one time during their child's attendance at school. PETS Pets are not allowed on school grounds at any time. No exceptions. Please be involved and join our PTA!! You will meet new people and have fun helping at school events! PTA Board meetings are scheduled monthly, please join us! 8 STUDENT SAFETY AND CAMPUS SECURITY PARKING LOT SAFETY Student safety is our top priority!! Students, parents, and caregivers are expected to follow safe practices at all times!! EVERYONE must use the crosswalks when crossing the parking lots! A crossing guard is only stationed at the crosswalk on Lark Ellen at the south exit driveway. Students must follow all traffic rules with regards to crossing intersections. Please remember, the intersection at Lark Ellen and Badillo is very busy. We do not have a crossing guard at this intersection. Please follow these rules to keep our kids safe: •STOP at the stop signs! •Cross only at crosswalk (all children AND adults)! •Speed limit is 5 miles per hour at all times! •Use only the center drive-through lane to pick up your child. •You may park and escort your child to the car. Please do not “honk” or yell for your child to come to you. •Park only in marked stalls. Do not park or wait in the red bus lane. Do not park in the handicap parking slots unless you have a placard. BICYCLES, SCOOTERS AND SKATES/WHEELIE SHOES Students in grades 3 – 5 may ride bicycles to school. Student bike riders must wear a helmet. Bicycles must be parked at the bicycle rack and locked. Please review bike safety rules with your child, including the safest route to and from school. Students are not allowed to skate or skateboard to school. Bicycle riding, scooters, skating, and skateboarding are not allowed on the Grovecenter campus. 9 VOLUNTEERS AND VISITORS For student safety, all visitors, including volunteers, guest speakers, etc., must report to the office, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s badge, before proceeding to any other part of the campus. Teachers will receive reasonable advance notice of visits by persons who are note employees of the District. Visits by parents or guardians of students shall by arranged by a mutually agreed upon conference between the teacher affected and the persons scheduling the visit. CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS/VOLUNTEERS: The staff at Grovecenter welcomes you to visit your child’s class. The more you know about what your child is learning, the better equipped you are to help at home! Ask your child’s teacher about volunteering in the classroom and/or helping out for special events. If you simply want to observe, please make an appointment, in advance, with your child’s teacher. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Each month, Grovecenter students and staff conduct an emergency evacuation drill (fire, earthquake, disaster, lockdown). In case of a real emergency, students will stay with their teacher in an assigned area until the “all-clear” bell rings. Students will not be released from the classroom. Students must be checked out from the office. Identification may be required. Students will be released to person indicated on the emergency release card ONLY. Lockdown: If Grovecenter is in a lockdown mode due to a local, potentially violent situation, every door on campus will remain locked – no outside persons will be admitted to any room on campus for any reason. If the situation permits, doors will be affixed with a hot pink note stating we are on lockdown. For your own safety, stay in your locked vehicle at a safe distance. Do not loiter on campus during a lockdown. Students will be dismissed only when law enforcement notifies us that it is safe to do so. 10 ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND PROGRAMS Home-School Connection: At Grovecenter, we believe that parents and caregivers are essential to our students’ success. All of our teachers provide parents with regular communication about your child’s academic progress and behavior standards. HOMEWORK: All students from Kindergarten through fifth grade are assigned homework daily. Completing homework at home provides students with independent practice of skills learned at school. In addition, completing homework on time helps develop self-discipline and fosters responsibility. It also gives your child a sense of accomplishment that motivates them to reach higher standards. Your involvement in your child’s education is key to their success, so please make certain that your child does their assigned homework every night – no excuses. Your child’s teacher is always available to help you with homework issues, so please seek their advice should you have any concerns or questions about homework. RIGOROUS CURRICULUM: All students will learn the California state standards for their grade level, using state adopted curriculum. All students are taught in a manner that encourages them to work their hardest to achieve their personal best. HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS: All Grovecenter teachers meet the standards for highly qualified teacher under the No Child Left Behind act. All Grovecenter teachers have been trained to teach a diverse population of students with varying academic skills and abilities. All of our teachers are able to meet the needs of ALL students in the same classroom by differentiating the curriculum and instruction to meet their students’ distinct needs and unique learning styles. We have an awesome team of educators at Grovecenter who will see that every child succeeds! REQUESTS FOR PLACEMENT/TEACHERS: Requests for particular teachers are not granted since all Grovecenter teachers are highly qualified to teach all students – from Special Needs students and English Language Learners, to gifted (GATE) students and all students in-between. If you have a concern about your child’s placement, please make an appointment with the principal to discuss your concerns. 11 EDUCATION CODE: The governing board of any school district shall prescribe rules not inconsistent with law or with the rules prescribed by the State Board of Education, for the government and discipline of the schools under its jurisdiction. The school discipline rules and procedures shall be consistent with any applicable policies adopted by the governing board and state statutes governing school discipline. The Covina-Valley Unified School District Board of Education recognizes the necessity of safety and order in the schools as a prerequisite to learning. Students are expected to be considerate of the rights, property and privileges of others and to cooperate with school staff members. Education Code Section 48900 states a student shall be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion when the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled determines that the student has: (a) (1) caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person; (2) or willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense. (b) possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object. (c) unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance. (d) unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance or any intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished another liquid, substance, or material and represented the substance as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant. (e) committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion. (f) caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property. (g) stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property. (h) possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco. (i) committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. (j) had unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. (k) disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. (l) knowingly received stolen school property or stolen private property. (m) possessed an imitation firearm. (n) committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault and/or a sexual battery as defined in the Penal Code. (o) harassed, threatened, or intimidated a student who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that student from being a witness or retaliating against that student for being a witness, or both. (p) unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma. (q) engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing as defined in Section 32050. (r) Aided or abetted the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person. In addition to the reasons specified in Education Code Section 48900, a student may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent, or the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled, determines that the student has: 12 48900.2 committed sexual harassment. This section shall apply only to students in grades 4-12, inclusive; For further information you may contact the Assistant Superintendent, 974-7000, ext. 2006. School office can provide Board Policy. 48900.3 caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence. This section shall apply only to students in grades 4-12, inclusive; 48900.4intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation; 48900.7made terrorist threats against school officials or school property or both. Suspension shall be imposed only when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct. However, a student, including an individual with exceptional needs, may be suspended for any of the reasons enumerated above upon a first offense, if the principal or superintendent determines that the student violated subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of Section 48900 or that the student's presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. Suspension or Expulsion Due Process A student may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion from the District. If a student does become involved in a situation in which there is a suspension or an expulsion recommendation, the student and parent(s) will be given information on due process. Law enforcement will be notified when incidents involve controlled substances and/or assault with weapons, or when a principal determines that it is appropriate. Mandatory offenses for which expulsion must be recommended, and the governing board must expel the student are: possession of, selling or furnishing a firearm; brandishing a knife at another person; unlawfully selling a controlled substance, committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or battery (Section 48900(n), or possession of an explosive (M-80 or larger). If you have any questions about this information, please contact your school principal. Compulsory Full-Time Education E.C. 48200 Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 years of age is subject to compulsory full-time education. Each person subject to compulsory education shall attend the public full-time day school or continuation school or classes for the full-time designated as the length of the school day by the governing board of the school district in which the residency of either the parent or legal guardian is located and each parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of the pupil shall send the pupil to the public full-time day school or continuation school or classes for the full- time designated as the length of the school day by the governing board of the school district in which the residence of either the parent or legal guardian is located. 13 Uniform Complaint Procedures The informational pamphlet about appeals, civil law remedies and donations under which a complaint may be taken directly to the California Department of Education is available from the Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services (974-7000, ext. 2070), during normal working hours. The Complaint Procedures are also posted in the school office. Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Programs (BP 5148) Drug, alcohol and tobacco use is strictly prohibited at Grovecenter School. Because the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs adversely affects a student’s ability to achieve academically, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious social and legal consequences, the Board intends to keep District Schools tobacco, alcohol and drug free. The Board recognizes that there are students who misuse tobacco, alcohol and other drugs and can benefit from drug intervention programs. The Board supports intervention programs that include the involvement of students, parents, and community organizations. Referrals for “Stop Smoking Programs” are available in the school office. The Board desires that every effort be made to reduce student use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent or designee to suspend, transfer to another regular school, reassign to continuation high school (provided the student is 16 years of age or older), or recommend for expulsion a student who has on school premises or at school-related activities possessed, used, sold, distributed, or been under the influence of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. Drugs, which have been prescribed for a student by a licensed physician, are an exception to that student. SAFE PLACE TO LEARN ACT EC234 and 234.1. Grovecenter School is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics such as disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. All school personnel who witness an act of discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, or bullying must take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Any student who engages in acts of discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, or bullying related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school of the school district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. To report an incidence and/or to receiving a copy of the district's antidiscrimination, anti-harassment, anti-intimidation, and anti-bullying policies, please contact the school principal. 14 PARENT – STUDENT HANDBOOK CONFIRMATION PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PAGE My child and I have read the attached Parent and Student handbook. We understand the rules, Educational Codes and policies. We are committed to helping our child be successful in school and will make sure our child… - is dressed in the school uniform each day - turns in completed homework on time - attends school on time each day - follows the school Code of Conduct Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Student Signature: ______________________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________ PADRE – ESTUDIANTE MANUAL DE CONFIRMACIÓN POR FAVOR FIRME Y REGRESA ESTA PAGINA Mi hijo y yo hemos leído el manual de Estudiante de la Escuela y en el Manual para Padres. Somos conscientes de las normas, reglas de comportamiento, el Código de Educación, y políticas. Firma del Padre: ____________________________________________ Firma del Estudiante: ________________________________________ Profesor: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ____________________________________________________ 15 16