
"Dino"-mite kid (dinosaurs)
"When you're close to the ground there's more dirt to be found."
#1 Kid of the year
A Baby Boy
A boy and his boots - It's a guy/cowboy thing
A Boy and His Toys
A Boy is a Joy
About a boy
A child fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty
A Chip Off the Old Block
A cowboy from the wild wild West
A day in the life of (name)
A face without freckles is like a night without stars
A little bit of sunshine is what you are to me.
A little dirt never hurt
A mother holds her children's hands for a while, their hearts forever
A smile as sweet as spring
A smile is a curve that sets things straight
Adventure time
Ain't I cute
All Boy
All My Children
All the flowers of all the tomorrows are the seeds of today.
All things bright and beautiful
All Things Grow with Love
Angels in disguise
Around the house
As Time Goes By
Baseball Diamonds Are a Boys Best Friend
Basketful of Love
Beach Boys
Bouncing Baby Boy
Boy Meets World
Boy, Oh Boy!!
Boys and their Toys
Boys and their Trucks
Boys just want to have fun!
Boys only, no girls allowed (boys or Dad and boy)
Boys rule, Girls drool!
Boys Will Be Boys
Caution Kids Crossing
Children are a handful sometimes, a heartful at all times.
Chuggin' through (month) - train die cuts or stickers
Cleaning house while the kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while its
still snowing!
Clownin' Around
Cruisin Along (fish, anchors, boats)
Cuddle Bug
Cute as a Bug
Cute as a Button
Cute, but dangerous
Cute, cute, cute!
Daddy's Little Boy (Mommy's...)
Days of our lives
Diggin' up them holes - Diggin' - Diggin' up them holes! (It's a boy thing!)
Dream come true
Entertain Me!
Even on a bad hair day, I'm still the cutest!
First Set of Wheels
Getting in the swing of things
Go Go Go!
God has truly blessed us with precious gifts from above
Growing up
Happy times
Helping hands
Here comes the sun
Hugs and kisses, stars for wishes.
I didn’t do it
I Love Mommy/Daddy
I wasn't born a princess, but if the tiara/shoe fits. . .
I'm a Big Boy Now
I'm gonna let it shine
I'm just plane cute (airplane)
I'm so busy, Mom's head is spinning
I'm so cool
I'm special
It's just my imagination, running away with me
It's the little blessings that help us to see just how lovely life can be.
Just a swingin’
Just hangin’ out
Kid’s Zone!
King of the Sandbox
Let it rain, rain, rain
Let the good times roll
Let us be aware of the treasure you are.
Let's go fly a kite
Let's go outside!
Little Boy Blue
Little charmers
Little Prince
Loads of Love
Look at that face! (cute expressions)
Look what I can do!
Lovable, snuggable hugs to you
Miles of smiles (smiley faces and a road)
Model Children
Mommy’s little angel
Mommy's little girl/boy
Mommy's little mess maker
My accomplishments? Let me show you these pictures in my wallet.
More precious than gold
My darling daughter
My favorite things
My Many Colored Days
My sister and I, friends are we, Best of friends we'll always be.
No earthly joys would bring more pleasure than a little girl to love and
Old Macdonald Had a Farm (farm or petting zoo)
On the Go
Our Cuddlebug
Our Little All Star
Our little love bug! (ladybugs with dots trailing behind, tiny heart stickers
Our little Miss Sunshine
Our Star Swimmer
Peek a boo, I sea you (ocean)
Pieces of You
Play hard
Playing around the playground
Pool Boy
Perfect Little Miracle
Precious Memories
Pretending is fun
Pretty as a picture
Pretty in Pink
Prince Charming
Put on your dancin' shoes
Ray of Shine
Reach for the stars
Rhinestone cowboy
Roses are red, violets are blue, flowers are sweet . . . but not as sweet as
Sail Away
See what I can do!
Sharp as a tack
Shave and Haircut, 5 cents
She is way too cheeky
Simple pleasures are life's greatest treasures.
Smart as a whip
Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails that's what little boys are made of
Sometimes the smallest ones do the grandest things.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Splendid surprise
Star of the show!
Strike a pose!
Sunshine on my shoulder (kids playing in the sun)
Thank God, I'm a Country Boy
That’s my boy
Thank Heaven For Little Boys
The best thing to spend on kids is time (clock)
The child is small but love is all.
The star of the show!
The Young and the Restless
There is only one pretty (handsome) child in the world, and every mother has
They call me trouble
Through the years
Tool Time
Tough as Nails (hammer nails tools)
Truck Crazy / Truck Crazed
Truck Power
Warning! Children at Play!
Watch me!
Water Boy
We don't remember days; We remember the moments
What a busy body!
When I count my blessings I count you twice
When you smile . . . the whole world lights up! (Light bulb stickers/die cuts)
Who needs girls
Wish upon a star
You are my sunshine!
You are so beautiful
You Are the Sunshine of My Life
You deserve a star!
You fill our days with hugs and kisses
You have always been so special, in all the things you've said and done.
I'm so very proud of you, simply because you are my son.
You light up my life
You oughta be in pictures (cameras)
You're one in a million