
Great Expectations
Discussion Questions Chapters 16-23
1. Pg. 810 – Why do you think Mrs. Joe keeps indicating that she wants
to see Orlick?
2. Pg. 811 – Pip seems to sense a change in Biddy. What was this change?
How much of this change results from a real change in Biddy and how
much from an alteration in Pip’s perceptions of her? Explain.
3. Pg. 812 – Biddy and Pip talk on the marshes. What does Pip tell her he
wants? Why does he want this? What does the paragraph that begins
“If I could have settled down…” mean? What does he say about his
life and himself? What would have life been like if Pip was only
satisfied with his station in life? Why is he unsatisfied?
4. Pg. 812 - What does Pip’s comment “Dissatisfied and uncomfortable,
and-what would it signify to me, being coarse and common, if nobody
had told me?” mean? Who told him he was “coarse and uncommon?”
What has this perception done to him? What does it tell us about the
power of other people’s perceptions and words and how they affect
5. Pg. 812 (bottom)-813 (top) – Read the section that starts “Do you
want to be a gentleman…” and end at “…wisest of men fall every day?”
What is Biddy asking? What is her advice? What does Pip think of
this advice? Why is Pip unable to follow advice he knows to be true?
What do wise men do every day?
6. Pg. 815 – What type of person is Jaggars? Pick out some examples of
this opinion.
7. Pg. 815 – Why does Joe refuse the money being offered? What does
this reveal about Joe’s feelings towards Pip? Look on Pg. 817 at the
second full paragraph from the bottom in the first column. How does
adult Pip reflect on this situation and his treatment of Joe? What
does he wish for?
8. Pg. 818 – How does sudden wealth and money change a person? Why
does it do this? How is Pip changing? Look at Pip's view of the
members of the local church (chapter 19). What does he feel towards
9. Pg. 818 (second column) – 819 (first column) – Pip asks Biddy to help
Joe become educated so he can be raised to a higher station. What is
Biddy’s response to this? Why does Biddy say Joe might not want to
be raised in station? (bottom of first column pg. 819) What did she
mean by this? What does Pip accuse Biddy of being? What is her
reaction to this?
10. How is Pip’s relationship with Biddy and Joe changing as a result of his
new wealth?
11. Pg. 821 – Why does Pip refer to Miss Havisham as his “fairy god
mother?” Why does he think she is his benefactor? Give proof
according to Pip’s reasoning.
12. Pg. 822 – (first full paragraph) What is Pip’s inner conflict in this
paragraph and the rest of the page? Why does he experience this?
13. Pg. 826 – Pip is finally in London the place where he thinks his great
expectations will come true. However, he feels London is “overrated.”
What does this foreshadow to us about his future expectations? Do
you think they will be as great as he hopes?
14. Pg. 827 – Why is Herbert’s comment at the end of the page so ironic?
What does this reveal about Herbert's character and impression of
15. Pg. 828- (bottom of 1st column to top of 2nd) How does Herbert feel
about Estella? What does he tell Pip she does? Why does she do it?
Do you think Pip believes him or even cares about this piece of
information? Why or why not? What does this tell us about Pip?
16. Pg. 830 – Summarize Miss Havisham’s story.
17. pg. 831- Pip does not think Herbert will be very successful at being
rich. Why does he think this? Look around the top of the first column
on this page.
18. Pg. 831 – Both Pip and Herbert are disillusioned about their futures.
In what is Herbert? In what way is Pip? (Think about what they hope
to obtain and how they plan to do this.) How are they both realistic
about their futures?
19. Does Pip think he deserves this opportunity for great expectations?
Why or why not? What does this tell us about Pip? How has he
changes over the years since he first met Estella and Miss Havisham?