Great Expectations Unit


Great Expectations Unit 2013

Monday, January 7

Bell-Ringer : What is the most difficult thing about teacher-assigned reading? Explain.

EQ: What can we, as readers, expect from Great Expectations ?

Collect Odyssey projects

Discuss Bell-Ringer; how Great Expectations is the longest novel we will read and how it will be absolutely necessary to keep up with the reading—FREQUENT quizzes.

DO judge a book by its cover activity in pairs; discuss

Go over vocabulary list 13

HW: Read chapters 1 and 2 plus Optional Summaries

Tuesday, January 8

Bell-Ringer : If you could sample a life completely different from your own, what kind of life would you choose? Why?

EQ: What can we, as readers, expect from Great Expectations ?

Discuss Bell-Ringer; how Great Expectations in many ways is about a person who is born into a certain social situation but has a desire to be someone different.

DISCUSS “About the Author”- have students keep this handout to keep in mind autobiographical elements in this novel.

Read the first four Paragraphs of Great Expectations aloud. In trios (SUN, MOON, STARS), have students pick out the Humor, Horror, and Hope of the section.


Character Chart- indicate the importance of keeping up with these different characters. Each character you come across, write down in the character journal.

Discuss Chapters 1-2. o What day is it? (Christmas Eve) o What is the purpose of jumping RIGHT IN to the story without a lot of exposition? o Describe the bond between Pip and Mr. Joe?

Idea of Mini-climaxes; how Charles Dickens wanted to provoke suspense.


What is the purpose behind this novel? Why would someone tell a long story about why they grew up?

(Bildungsroman—a “novel of education”)

If extra time, show film clips from the BBC version!

HW: Read Chapters 3-4 tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 9

EQ: What evidence is there to support Dickens’ use objective correlative, symbolism, and imagery in chapters

3 and 4?

Bell-Ringer : What did you have for dinner last night? Who ate with you? Was it ceremonial in any way? Was it satisfying?

1) Discuss Bell-Ringer and the different purposes/moods of different meals.

2) Discuss the different meals represented throughout the book: food imagery.

Flip a Coin for a Pop Quiz

Quickly go through the literary terms sheet: define those that the kids don’t know.

Chapter 3

Define Objective Correlative: show how it takes place at the beginning of chapter 3 (1 st

2 paragraphs)

-The other man (convict #2) – Foreshadowing again

-Ague: Chills and fever (associated with malaria)

-Donut Eating contest

-Discuss how this meal is somewhat ceremonial: Pip is so innocent, kind, and generous and the Convict is grateful.

Chapter 4

-Secret signals between Joe and Pip

-Constable: foreshadowing

-Idea of metaphorical prisoners (22)

-how does Pip feel? Guilt, sadness.

-Who are these other characters? Idiosyncracies? Names?


-Show scene from the movie

Wopsle, Hubbles, Pumblechook: humor; Joe and Pip’s connection

Go over Character chart – idiosyncrasies

Literary Terms sheet

What would have happened to Pip if the soldier didn’t arrive at that moment?


What day is it in the novel?


How does the convict react to Pip’s gift of food?


Name the 4 characters who join the Gargery’s for dinner.


Which one chokes? Why does he choke?


As Pip rushes to the door to escape, who does he bump into? a.

EC: Why does not anyone miss the jar of mincemeat?

Christmas Day

He is grateful; “Thank You”

Hubble, Pumblechook, Wopsle

Pumblechook  tar h20 not brandy

A soldier with handcuffs

Come up with the 4 chapter titles—the most creative ones get 5 points extra credit on the vocab quiz!

Put in small groups.

Read Ch. 5-7 for tomorrow

Thursday, January 10

Bell-Ringer: Get out your list 13 notecards and choose a vocabulary word for each the following characters: Joe, Mrs.

Joe, Wopsle, and Uncle Pumblechook.

1) Flip for a quiz

EQ: How does the dual meaning of “prison’ shed light on the characters of Pip and Joe in chapters 5-7?


Discussion of Ch’s 5-7

Ch. 5

Soldiers are visiting Pip because they need their handcuffs fixed by Joe

On their way to look for the escaped Convict

Pumblechook: a flopper—gives his wine away from Mrs. Joe to the soldiers because they complimented him – p.


Alliteration: bottom of p. 33; Mr. Joe—shy, Mr. Wopsle—looking for drama

P. 34: Objective Correlative; weather is cold and threatening, way – dreary; bitter sleet, dismal weariness

 They capture the two missing convicts; Pip’s convict admits to stealing the food—Joe says it’s okay, showing his kind, generous character.

 Convicts are put back onto the “wicked Noah’s arc” (allusion)

CH. 6

 Pip’s GUILT: stealing (1), not telling the truth (2)

 Pip doesn’t tell Joe the whole truth—he feels guilty about it, but in hindsight, realizes he wasn’t courageous

CH 7

 enough

Joe symbolically/literally carries Pip home on his back (43): contrast to Mrs. Joe who carries Pip up and his feet keep banging the stairs (44)

Everyone tries to figure out how the convict got into their cupboard

Pip does odd jobs for neighbors, like picking up rocks or frightening birds. What do you think happens to Pip’s earnings? (44-45)

Mr. Wopsle’s great aunt—educates Pip. Sleeps through class. Wosple gives the kids “exams” ---------------------------

Biddy: runs the general store; helps Pip learn

Joe: p. 51

Pip: Off to Miss Havisham (old spinster)

Pip realizes Joe cannot read; discovers why he is so obedient to Mrs.

-Allusions are often associated with Wopsle’s character. How do they help us p. 45Mark Antony’s oration over the body of


P. 45 From Shakespeare’s “Julius Ceasar” a tragedy inspired by the actual B.C.

Roman Empire.

Antony was a huge Ceaser supporter and followed him when he waged a civil war in Rome and then became dictator. When Ceasar is assassinated, Antony, gives a rousing speech over the corpse—the much-quoted

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...

—and turns public opinion against the assassins by speaking to the more personal side of his position, Antony rouses the mob to drive them from Rome.

P. 45 Collin’s Ode on the Passions (ALLUSION) understand him better?

-Add to Character chart: Joe: “Fine figure of a woman”

HW: Read Chapters 8-10


Who goes on the journey with the soldiers to find the two convicts? Pip, Joe, Wopsle


Who says this quote: “We don’t know what you have done, but we wouldn’t have you starved to death for it, poor miserable fellow creature.”


Who is Biddy?


True or false: Joe knows how to read.


Describe why Joe stays with Mrs. Joe.

 EC: Who is the “fine figure of a woman”?

Friday, January 11

Bell Ringer : Does your name have any special meaning? Are you named for someone (such as another relative or a celebrity)? Does your name have a symbolic meaning (such as “gift from God”)? Explain how your parents chose your name.

EQ: How does Dickens want readers to feel about Pip and the other characters? How do we know?

1) Go over BR;


Pip = small seed


Satis House: latin for “Satisfaction”


Estella: latin for “Star”


Havisham: Have – a- sham: - sham= Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation.

Shame = Embarassment

QUIZ on Chapters 8-10



Who takes Pip to Miss Havisham’s at the beginning of Ch. 8? a.



What color is Miss Havisham dressed in? b.



What is “beggar my Neighbour”? c.

A card game he plays with Estella


Who makes Pip cry? d.



What is one of the lies Pip tells Mrs. Joe and Mr. Pumblechook about Miss Havisham’s place? e.

Velvet Couch f.

4 big dogs fought over veal cutlets g.

They played with flags and swords

EC) Why does Pip feel unhappy after his visit?

Dissatisfied with his course hands, sitting in the kitchen, calling Knaves Jacks, thick boots—he’s afraid of his ignorance and


CH 8

Pip dines with Mr. Pumblechook—he’s concerned only with arithmetic - p. 56

 Goes to Miss Havisham’s—a metaphorical prison; p. 57

Name Significance: p. 58

Miss Havisham: like a ghost! P. 59-60 IDIOSYNCRACY: all white; 8:40

Pip’s starting to feel badly about himself: p. 68

CH 9

Pip comes home, and at first is quiet (gets his face shoved into the wall- p. 68)

Pip then tells lies: we see how Pumblechook is a jerk in this section

Tells Joe the truth; Joe gives valuable advice on p. 74

 The day at Miss H’s has changed Pip’s life. .3

CH 10. Three Jolly Bergmen. Stranger with a File and 2 one-pound Notes

HW: Read 11-13 for Monday, Study Midterms

Monday, January 14 go over chapters 11-13

Bell Ringer : On the post-it note you just picked up, write down one aspiration you have for your future. Be sure to put your name on it!

EQ: Everyone has great e xpectations . What are yours? What are Pip’s?

Discuss Bell-Ringer-have students place them on the board.

Discuss Chapters 11-13

Things To Point Out:

Ch. 11- Miss Havisham’s birthday relatives, Estella slaps him p. 85 (enact), p. 86, p. 87 p. 89= wedding cake, fight (ACT OUT), kiss, Man who smells like soap,

Ch. 12- Miss Havisham’s “break their hearts” p. 100; confides in Biddy

Ch. 13- Pip’s apprenticed to Joe; Miss Havisham pays Joe; Ms. Joe treats everyone with Pip’s money, p.

111; P. 112—Pip does not like Joe’s trade


Estella, slapping and kiss

-Fight with pale boy

Post-It Notes Activity:


Have them go through chapters 1-13 and have them find out which of the above aspirations Pip has for himself.

In groups, have them put quotes on new post-it notes and place them under the line on the board.

Discuss and predict. What will become of Pip due to his expectations?

HW: Read 14-16 for AFTER exams

Tuesday, January 15: MIDTERM JEOPARDY!

Wednesday, January 23; Go over chapters 14-16


Ch. 14- Pip’s growing dislike of Joe

Ch. 15- Orlick-- allusions, Joe, ACT OUT FIGHT between Orlick and Mrs. Joe. CLIMAX at the end.

Chapter 16- Mockery of the police, Pip’s inferences, Biddy comes to stay

Review semicolons and Colons

HW: Read 17-18

(Thursday) ; go over Ch. 17

Bell-Ringer: Turn to page 139 in Great Expectations. What is the word that Orlick makes up? What do you think it means?

1) Go over bell-ringer.

2) Create your own word?

 i.

Go over Chapter 17-18

Mr. Wopsle

Mr. Jaggers—what is his personality like?

How do we feel about Pip in this chapter? How does he treat Biddy?

Flip for a quiz Ch. 18:


In what year of Pip’s apprenticeship is Joe at the beginning of the chapter? (4)


Which minor character returns? (man who’s hand smells like soap). What is his name? (Jaggers)


Name one of the two conditions Pip must follow to accept this man’s expectations?


Always bear the name Pip


Never ask/guess the identity of his benefactor


Who will be Pip’s tutor? (Matthew Pocket)


What new items will Pip receive? (clothes)


EC) What is Wopsle doing at the beginning of this chapter?

Friday, January 25

Bell-Ringer : Are you familiar with the Lifetime TV show “Unsolved Mysteries”?

EQ: What are the unsolved mysteries established in the first section of Great Expectations , and why does

Dickens include mystery in this novel?

Have you ever seen the TV show Unsolved Mysteries ? What is the show about, and why do people like to watch it?

Show the Unsolved Mysteries Clip

List: all Unsolved Mysteries

Groups of 3-4 (choose your own groups).

Handout assignment sheet.

When I say go, discuss your topic, come up and erase it from the board to act out.

Prepare, then present.

CLOSER: Remind students that Dickens plants in these mysteries for suspense—so we will keep reading!

Read Chapter 19 for hw. Over the weekend (a long chapter); notecards for list 13 due Monday

Ch. 19 1/28, Monday=

Bell-Ringer: Vocab List 13

EQ: (same as yesterday); ADD: What will Pip’s second stage of “expectations” be like?

1) Go over Vocab

2) Discuss Chapter 19

Pip goes from Kent to London; he’s not the same.

Burning of Indentures

Church—Pip’s haughty character

Pip’s treatment to Joe

Pip’s treatment to Biddy about Joe (pride)

Pip goes to the Tailor; how does he view the experience?

Child Labor?

Pumblechook- our flippy-the-flip-flopper

Miss Havisham- leading Pip on

Then at the end- Pip’s tears. (This is how Pip keeps our sympathy. We see that the above is not his true character.)

1) What does Pip physically do to his indentured papers to Joe?


Fill in the blank: Biddy, “It’s a bad side of ____ ______.”

3) Who is Mr. Trabb?


What is Pumblechook’s latest idiosyncrasy ?

5) Who does Pip assume the benefactor to be? a.

What odd thing do Biddy and Joe throw at Pip as he is leaving?

HW: Read Chapters 20-22

Tuesday, January 29

Bell-Ringer : Would you ever want to live in a big city? Why or why not?

EQ: How is Dickens’ portrayal of London an example of his social commentary?


Discuss Bell Ringer


Pip—unsatisfied with London; quote from book. Show movie clip






Jaggers’ Office i.


(another prison for Pip; “sin” stage = filthy)


Jaggers and his other clients- what kind of lawyer is he? What is Dickens saying about the judicial system?


Money foreshadowing- Pip will fail!


Barnard Inn


Discuss Ch. 20-22





Who is Mr. Wemmick?

What is Barnard’s Inn?

Who did the Pale Young Gentleman end up being?

Jaggers’ Clerk

Pip’s new residence; crummy

Herbert Pocket, Pip’s roomy

4) What relation is Estella to Miss Havisham? Adopted- no relation

5) What did Miss H. receive at 8:40 on her wedding day? A letter from her fiancé; not coming

EC: how is Matthew Pocket related to Miss H.? Cousin

EC: What is Herbert doing while telling him about Miss H?

HW: Read Chapters 23-25

Wednesday, Jan. 30 Ch. 23-25

Bell-Ringer: Do you go out to eat often or do you usually eat at home? Which do you prefer?

EQ: What effect does Pip’s different dining experiences have on the reader? Why does Dickens incorporate such detail with regard to meals?

1) Pop quiz? FLIP


Go over last night’s readings

Ch. 23- Dinner at the Pockets

4 girls, 2 boys, a baby, and another on the way?

Scene with Miss Jane and the Nutcrackers

Rowing with Startop and Bentley Drummle

Ch. 24- Going to study in London per Matthew Pocket’s advice; Pip gets 20 pounds money from Jaggers for new furniture at Herberts; revisits Jaggers’ office—death everywhere

Ch. 25- Dinner with Mr. Wemmick: Portable Property; The Aged P., Walworth, the Stinger, etc.


1) Who are Flopson and Millers?

2) Why does Pip ask for 20 pounds from Mr. Jaggers?

3) Describe Wemmick’s home.


Why doesn’t Jaggers lock his doors and windows?

5) Who is the Aged P.?

EC: Identify the Stinger.

Handout Meal Imagery Sheet: Work through Chapters 23 and 25 as a class. 26 and 27 are due on Monday!

HW: Read 26-28 for tomorrow

Thursday, January 31, Ch. 26-28


EQ: Why does Dickens incorporate such detail with regard to meals?

How has Pip changed in this section?


How do Jaggers and Wemmick contrast from each other? Write down at least two examples of how Dickens characterizes them differently. (FOILS of each other)

1) Jaggers does not lock his doors at night; Wemmick has an artillery surrounding his

2) Jaggers takes the office home with him at night; Wemmick is a completely different person at work than he is at home

3) Jaggers is mysterious and does not get close to anybody; Wemmick is willing to get to know you


Wemmicks’ home—full of eccentricities 221; Jaggers’ home—bare, scary p. 223-224

Discuss: Bell-ringer

Go over the Meal Imagery sheet reviewing the two previous meals (Pockets, Wemmick)

Go over Ch. 26:

Dinner with Mr. Jaggers. Show movie clip.

Go over Ch. 27: Breakfast with Joe

Which meals have been satisfying and which have not been?

Any alignment with social class?

Is there a universal theme we can draw from these meals?


Ch. 28: The Stranger with the file returns! Handel, the nickname, saves Pip!

HW: Study vocabulary!

Friday, February 1

Pre-test commas


Vocab quiz

HW: Read Chapter 29; notecards for list 14 due Monday

Monday, February 4 th

Chapter 29

EQ : Could Great Expectations be classified as a moral fairy tale?


: “She had adopted Estella, she had as good as adopted me, and it could not fail to be her intention to bring us together. She reserved it for me to restore the desolate house…in short, to do all the shining deeds of the young knight of romance, and marry the princess.”


Do the phrases/clauses handout instead.

Who is this quote talking about, and why is this significant?

Go over vocab list 14

Discuss Bell-Ringer

Flip for a quiz

Discuss CH. 29—How Pip doesn’t visit Mr. Joe while he is at home; p. 261: he sends him some codfish

Is that GE is a Moral Fairy Tale? Work on handout.




Who is Miss Havisham’s gate keeper?


Orlick a.

Where had Estella been studying? France



Where is Estella moving to now?

Who says, “Love her! Love her! Love her!”


Miss Havisham


Who attends the dinner at Miss H’s house, not including Miss Havisham? a.

Pip, Jaggers, Estella, Sarah Pocket, a servant Pip’s never seen before


What does Jaggers drink a lot of that night? a.

EC: What is Jaggers’ new idiosyncrasy?

Wine (port)

Pocket handkerchief


Thursday, 2/10: Chapters 30-32

Bell-Ringer: COMMA REVIEW handout

I’m out…



Who mocks Pip mercilessly in CH. 30?


What does Pip do to make up for not visiting Joe?


What confession does Pip make to Herbert?


In Ch. 31, who is Mr. Waldengarver?


Where does Pip go in Ch. 32? Who takes him there?

EC) What does Jaggers do to Orlick in Chapter 30?

CH. 30—

Orlick gets fired; Pip’s afraid he’ll bump into Pumblechook

260-261: Trabb’s boy makes fun of Pip

Bottom of 261: Pip

Faces, Hands, Feet: p. 262-263 – 3 volunteers; the power of body language

 50 percent body language

40 per- cent tone of voice

10 percent the actual words used

Tells Herbert about his love for Estella

Herbert Warns Pip p. 265

What other warnings do we have from Pip? Address the warnings to Pip.

Warnings to Pip: p. 230 p. 251-252

Herbert is engaged- Victorian Marriage Customs

Chapter 31: Discuss the comic production of Hamlet, oh, Mr. Wopsle. Haha.


Estella’s treatment of Pip

Newgate- The difference b/t Jaggers (principal) and Wemmick (subordinate)

Extended Metaphor

QUOTE about Estella p. 280

HW: Read Chapters 33-35 for MONDAY...

FRIDAY : vocab quiz/Pip’s Body Outline

Bell-Ringer: If it were valentine’s Day in GE, who would send a valentine to whom and why?

HW: Read Chapters 33-35; No vocab next week; it’s a shortened week.

Monday, 2/21 Chapters 33-35

Bell-Ringer: Get out your registration forms so that I may recommend you for English next year!

(have work passed back during this time)

EQ: How are Pip and Estella “puppets” who seem to be controlled by someone else?

Review Ch. 30-32

Trabb’s Boy = Manifestation of Pip’s subconscious (feeling guilty); he carries a BLUE BAG

Wopsle = Waldengarver; just a buffoon of an actor, but at least he’s doing what he loves! Something Pip

could learn from…

Wemmick = “The gardner” and Pip = “the seed”


Love = Pain

Estella’s bossiness. How they both are puppets of someone else’s greater plan…

Pockets about Pip

Estella’s future- controlled by Miss H

Ending with the Pockets

Ch. 34- DEBT and DEATH

Guilt (foreshadowing)

Debt w/ Herbert


The avenger

Spending money to make themselves feel better

How Pip views himself

Mrs. Joe!


The funeral

Memories of home

Idiosyncracies to remember

Biddy Vs. Pip

Pip probably will not return…

HW: 36 and 37

2 nd and 4 th period Quiz:


Where will Estella be living in London?


How do the Pockets (not including Matthew) feel about Pip, according to Estlla?


What are Pip and Herbert writing down in Chapter 34?


Who dies at the end of Chapter 34?


Who organizes the funeral and dresses everyone in black? i.

What is going on with the baby at the Pockets’ home when Pip returns are the end of

Chapter 33?

Tuesday, February 19

Bell-ringer: Bell-Ringer: Take a look at the map you just picked up. Can you find the significant settings in

Pip’s life?

Kent- The forge, the marshes, Satis House

London- Newgate Prison, Hammersmith, Barnard’s Inn, Jaggers’ office, Walworth, and now Richmond

EQ: What are the significant settings that have affected Pip’s life up to now?

EQ: How does Dickens teach the reader about the importance of love, justice, and money?

Discuss Setting

1) Discuss Bell ringer

2) Vocabulary List 16

3) Flip for a quiz

Discuss CH. 36

Pip’s birthday—he gets his money

Pip goes to Wemmick for advice

Discuss CH. 37

Pip revisits Walworth

Miss Skiffins

Pip is going to fund Herbert’s dream

Is there such thing as a selfless good deed?


How old does Pip turn on his birthday?


What does Jaggers give him?


Who does Pip visit in CH. 37?


Who is Miss Skiffins?


What does Pip wish to do for Herbert? a.

In what month is Pip’s birthday?

HW: 38-39 for Wednesday

Wednesday: Coffee Talk

Thursday : COFFEE TALK!

Discuss 38-39 in Socratic Seminar Circle

HW: read 40-42

Thursday, Feb. 24 (Early release day)

Bell-Ringer: How did you like yesterday’s Coffee Talk experience? (No need to write this down.)


“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence.” Who says this quote? How does it connect to the theme of the novel? (  4 th period only)


: Read “The Lesson of the Moth” and explain how it connects to Great Expectations.

Any remaining questions/themes that need to be discussed from yesterday? (Ch. 38-39)

CH. 40:

Man on the stairs


Pip’s judgment of the convict—eating, hands, clothes

Convict’s risk of being there


Lie to Jaggers—Is Jaggers at all to blame?

Pip’s Debt

Ch. 41:

“I’ve been low’

Pip’s friendship with Herbert

Ultimate realization p. 362

Herbert’s advice: 1) Find a way to get rid of him out of England without alienating him because he might kill

Pip 2) Stop taking his money 3) Start by learning his history

Bell-Ringer : Read “The Lesson of the Moth” and explain how it connects to Great Expectations.

Flip for a quiz, Discuss Ch. 40-42

1) Who does Pip say the convict is to the residents of Barnard Inn?


What is the Convict’s name?

3) How long does the convict plan to stay?

4) True or False: Pip tells Mr. Jaggers that the convict has come to visit him in person.

5) When Herbert comes home, what advice does he give Pip about what they should do about the convict? a.

EC: What is the black book?

HW: Read Ch. 42; vocabulary Notecards with sentences using the intro comma due MONDAY.

Friday: Bell-Ringer : Read “The Lesson of the Moth” and explain how it connects to Great Expectations.

1) Fanboy Comma Rule and Practice


3) Quiz


Bell-Ringer : Comma Practice: FANBOY COMMA!

EQ: Who are Compeyson and Arthur? How is Magwitch connected to Miss Havisham?

Discuss Bell ringer/Introduce FANBOY comma rule/practice on Handout.

Discuss Ch. 42

Go over vocabulary!

THINGS Pip has in common with Magwitch IN COMMON:

-Being Herbert’s secret benefactor


-Naming themselves, p. 367

Compeyson = a gentleman, went to public boarding school and was a smooth talker. BUT he got his money by swindling, hand writing forging, stealing bank notes, etc. p. 368. Married while he was courting Ms. Havisham


An accomplice w/ Compeyson is Arthur, who felt guilty about what happened to Miss H. and dies

Foreshadowing about “My Missis” p. 371

Corrupt legal system


HW: Read Ch. 43-44, plus optional summaries

Tuesday Ch. 43-44


EQ : “But in this separation I associate you only with the good… for you must have done me far more good than harm.” Who says this quote, to whom, and why? Do you agree with it?

1) BR

2) Quiz!

3) Discuss chapters

4) Show movie clip

CH. 43

Pip goes to Mrs. Brandley—learns that Estella is visiting Satis House.

Pip goes home; bumps into Drummle at dinner. They pretend not to notice each other.

 Drummle’s repetition of “the lady”—being a jerk to Pip


Ch. 44

Pip arrives at Satis House and confronts Miss Havisham, who takes no blame

 Pip asks Miss H. to take over Herbert’s finances. Will she?

 Estella tells Pip that she’s engaged


Miss Havisham seems sympathetic to Pip

Pip walks all the way home back to London in devastation—arrives muddy (metaphor for Pip, the seed, finally beginning to grow. You have to hit rock bottom before you can pick yourself back up)


Who repeats in Chapter 43, “The lady won’t ride today, and I’m to dine at the lady’s ?”


Who does Pip ask to take over Herbert’s finances now that he can no longer do it?


What do we discover about Estella and Drummle’s relationship?


True or false: Pip walks all the way back to London from Kent.


What is the significance of “Don’t Go Home”? a.

Who is knitting?

Wednesday, Feb. 24 : Career Fair

BR: How well do you know the characters in Great Expectations? Without using your character charts, see if you can identify the characters on the sheet you just picked up by just their idiosyncracies.

EQ : It’s said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. If you could encapsulate one important scene from chapters

43-46 through a picture, how would you do it?

Reading Quiz on Chapters 43-46:


What is the significance of “Tom, Jack, or Richard.”


According to Pip, why is it that he has not yet met Clara Barley?


Who growls, swears, drinks rum, and is sick with gout?


Who is Mrs. Whimple?


What plan do Wemmick, Pip, and Herbert come up for Magwitch? a.

What is Magwitch’s “lodger” name? (Mr. Campbell) b.

What is Magwitch’s secret sign to Pip and Herbert that he is doing fine?

Ch. 45

Pip stays at a hotel that night; it ends up being very gross and he feels like everything in the room is making noise and he keeps hearing “Don’t Go home” in his mind

 After a bad night’s sleep, he goes to Wemmick’s castle to discuss the “don’t go home” note

 Wemmick tells Pip that someone has been watching him and that the word is out of Provis’s arrival

 We learn why Pip has not met Clara Barley before (she doesn’t like his influence on Herbert)

Wemmick tells Pip that Herbert has already moved Provis to the Bill Barley house where he can stay, lay low, and be close to the river for eventual escape

Pip stays at the castle for the day and had a delightful time with the Aged.

Ch. 46

Pip goes to Mrs. Whimple’s house where he is surprised to see Herbert

He meets Old Bill Barley, so to speak—he learns that he’s locked up in the room, groaning, cussing, drinking from gout pains

He meets Clara, who is a beautiful young woman with dark eyes—she appears like Red Riding Hood with a basket of goodies—Bill Barley is like the wolf in bed

He talks with Provis, who is agreeable and not afraid of death

They figure out a plan that Pip will start sailing again from his apartment down the Thames river; he will eventually pick

Provis up and they’ll sail off together

The secret symbol: blinking of the blinds

Water Imagery: Herbert views the Thames as the connecting link between him and Clara. Pip sees it as access for someone who is “always watching him”

Discuss remaining chapters, then tableux vivant activity! HW: 47-48

Thursday: Feb. 25

Bell-Ringer: We have finally met all of the characters in Great Expecations . If you could be any character, who would it be and why?

Flip for a Pop Quiz: 47-48



How does Pip deal with his money troubles?

Why does Pip avoid reading the newspaper?

3) What happens when Pip goes to see Wopsle act in another play?

4) With whom does Pip go to dinner in CH. 48? a.

Where do they eat?

5) Name the big thing we learn about Molly in Ch. 48?

EC: Explain the significance of “the twins”

1. Discuss Bell-Ringer

2. Pop Quiz

3. Discuss Chapters

4. Work on literary devices sheet in partners

HW: Read 49-51 for MONDAY; study vocabulary

Friday, Feb. 26 th :

Richard Cory Activity


Vocab Quiz!

HW: vocab notecards and sentences with fanboy comma (if you didn’t get a check plus); read 49-51 for


Monday, 3/5: Go over ch’s 49-51

Bell-Ringer: Get out notecards so we can go over vocabulary!

EQ: What recurring motifs/themes deserve deeper exploration in GE?


Discuss CH. 49-51

Flip for a quiz:

1) How much money does Miss H. agree to give Herbert? a. 900 pounds

2) What does she ask Pip to do for her? a. Forgive her

3) What happens to Miss Havisham?

4) Who is Estella’s dad? a. Who is Molly’s husband? b. Who is Magwitch’s wife?

5) Briefly describe the scene at Jaggers’ office with Jaggers, Pip, and Wemmick? a. Who takes care of injured Pip?


Pip goes to see Miss Havisham; death imagery along the way (Feeling sad about Estella)

Miss Havisham has changed: she is lonely, seems afraid of Pip

She wants to do something for him; she agrees to give 900 pounds to Pip through Jaggers for Herbert

 He wont’ accept anything else from her, but she wants him to sign under her name that he forgives her

 She falls to his knees and cries, “What have I done!”

 She doesn’t know who Estella’s parents are; she just had Jaggers bring Estella to her when she was 2-3

Pip almost leaves; then he turns to go back and check on her—she catches on fire (irony? Suicide?)

Pip gets burned himself trying to save her

Pip stays with her over the night; he forgives her. REBIRTH, Christianity


Pip returns home; Herbert takes care of him

Herbert tells Pip of a conversation he had had with Provis

Molly had throttled the other woman and threatened to kill their child

 Provis thinks that she “kept her oath” and laid low during the trial. Compeyson used it as blackmail

When Provis bumped into Pip in the garden, he figured it was about the babies age

Pip tells Herbert


Pip goes to Jaggers to get the truth out

 Pip thinks for himself in not taking Miss Havisham’s money

 There’s a moment of openness: Jaggers smiles and Wemmick turns bold, p. 438

We learn more about Jagger: he is sick of seeing how kids are treated in the justice system (p. 439) and so when he saw Estella, he thought it was a chance to save her. But whose sake would you reveal the secret? No one benefits from knowing.

They return to work, no feeling

HW: Ch’s 52-53

Tuesday, March 8

Second (2 hours), Third (briefly) Fourth, and Fifth Only Bell-Ringer:

Many worries race through Pip’s mind as he thinks he is about to die. If you were going to die today, is there anything “unfinished” that would worry you? (2-3 sentences)

EQ: What recurring motifs/themes deserve deeper exploration in GE?

6) Bell-Ringer

7) Quiz/no quiz?

8) Go over Ch. 51-52

Pop Quiz:

1. Pip receives two letters in Chapter 52. Describe the contents of one of them.

2. Since Pip is disfigured from the fire, how is he going to row down the Thames to get Magwitch?

3. Who tries to kill Pip? OR Who whacked Mrs. Joe?

4. Name one of the reasons why this murderer wants to kill Pip?

5. Besides Herbert, who else comes to save Pip?

i. EC How is this scene like one of the short stories we read in the beginning of the year?

ii. Identify “wolf”

Ch. 52:

 Ø Herbert’s money: the only completed thing Pip has done

 Ø Herbert is going to the East

 Ø Message from Wemmick: WEDNESDAY

 Ø Startop

 Ø Hamberg

 Ø Letter from Orlick

 Ø Conversation with man; Pip’s regrets

 Ø Lost letter

Ch. 53:

 Ø Limekiln

 Ø Objective Correlative; Irony, foreshadowing

 Ø Sluicehouse and candle light

 Ø Orlick!

 Ø Gun at Miss H’s and Biddy

 Ø Mrs. Joe

 Ø Pip’s worries of death

 Ø Herbert, Startop, TRABB’S BOY!

 Ø Wednesday morning…

Show scene from movie


HW: Read Ch. 54

Wednesday, March 3

Bell ringer: COMMA SHEET: Practicing Commas in a series!

EQ: How is Pip changing for the better in this section?

1) Discuss BR- Comma review


3) Discuss CH. 54

CH. 54


Hot/cold imagery

 Startop and Herbert rowing; Pip steers

Row to the steamer of Hamberg, leaving at 9 a.m. Thursday

Get Magwitch—everything is calm, no one seems to be watching

Pip’s appreciation of the convict


Objective Correlative of MUD

Someone is on Pip’s tail: a four-oared galley (a large rowing boat)

River police stops: demands Magwitch

Compeyson ends up drowning, pg. 475


Irony of no one getting what they expect, p. 476

HW: Read Chapters 55-57


Bell-Ringer: We have lots of upcoming fun in our future…are there any questions about tomorrow’s Cake

Day? The Living Test? The film?

EQ: How will Great Expectations conclude? What do you think will happen with Pip and Estella?

CH. 55: People are changing! Clara, Wemmick. Witnesses, as well, are all over.

 We learn that Compeyson had knowledge of Magwitch’s fortunes and was trying to get money for himself by turning

Magwitch into the authorities.

Jaggers won’t / can’t save Magwitch from losing the trial once the witness arrives.

Herbert is going to East; offers a clerk position for Pip.

Clara and Herbert are waiting for Bill Barley to die before getting married (p. 480)

Compeyson dies, but Magwitch goes on Trial. While he will lose this trial, his $ could have been saved (wemmick, p. 481)

CH. 56: The trial

 Wedding of Wemmick and Clara

Magwitch is sick—gets the death penalty during his trial

Pip writes appeals; makes daily visits

On the 10 th day, Magwitch dies. Pip tells him just before that Estella is still alive.

Magwitch Dies; Pip prays for his forgiveness

CH. 57: Pip’s Illness

 Pip gets sick; almost arrested for being in debt

Joe comes to take care of him!

They hang out, Pip gets stronger, and Joe seems less comfortable

Joe leaves Pip a note and a receipt that he has paid off his debts

Pip decides to go home and tell Biddy he loves her (p. 503)

HW: Conclude the novel tonight! Vocab Quiz tomorrow.



Who gets married in chapter 56? a.

Wemmick and Miss Skiffins


How does Magwitch die? a.

Illness in jail (not excuted)


Who gets 4000 pounds of Miss Havisham’s inheritance?

Matthew Pocket


Who pays Pip’s debts?



Who gets robbed?



Who goes to jail for the robbery?


Extra credit:

Who dies by a horse accident?


Identify the significance of the fishing rod.

Wemmick’s wedding

Friday: CAKE DAY!

MONDAY : Conclusion of the novel!


BR: Go over the study guide for the written test.

Any questions about the Living Test that I can answer? It’s time for you to start brainstorming your scene.

Tuesday-Wednesday: Living Test In-Class Conference Days

Thursday: Written Test

Friday: Living Test

Monday, March 15 : Mr. Daniels starts his unit on Raisin.



EQ: How do cinematic techniques used in the film version of “Great Expectations” deter from or enhance

Dickens’ story?


1) How did you enjoy the "Living Test" yesterday? What was your favorite part? How could it have gone better?

2) Finish PURPLE punctuation Sheet

3) Go over next writing assignment: Due Monday. PROOFREAD!

Start showing the movie!



1) Go over the tests: Great job!




Egregious Errors for 5 th



Bell-Ringer : FINISH THE MOVIE and Discuss.
