Compare-Contrast 5

The American Experience
English 1010
Comparison/Contrast Essay (#2)
The comparison/contrast essay focuses on the ways in which things/ideas/people are similar and/or different.
Comparison/contrasts are organized item-by-item (block) or point-by-point. The thesis of the comparison/contrast
essay clarifies the purpose or conclusion reached in the essay.
Your topic must be:
A comparison/contrast essay on two American “cultures”. This could also include subcultures. The goal,
since this is NOT a research paper, is to pick two cultures you are intimately familiar with. For example, I am
familiar with both New Orleans culture and University/Academic culture, because I am a part of both cultures. We’ll
do in-class exercises to help you pick two cultures for this paper.
Use comparison/contrast to enhance your and your audience’s understanding of the cultures you compare and
contrast. Instead of simply summarizing or describing how these topics are similar and/or different, provide a focus
or frame for your analysis.
Comparison/contrast is widely used on essay tests in university courses. Example—Discuss the ways the French
Revolution and the American Revolutionary War impacted English social structure. This question asks you to make
connections between the two revolutions based on a frame, their impact on English society.
Audience: Campus community
Tone: Informative
- This is not a research paper; choose cultures you are familiar with. Think “outside the box” when selecting your
two cultures.
- Choose a style/presentation appropriate to your topic, audience, and thesis.
- Organize well, avoiding repetition.
- Support your judgments with evidence. But use evidence from your personal observations. DO NOT USE
RESEARCH! This essay should be from your own point of view and experience.
-Details, and the quality of details, will make or break this paper. Since you’re not using research for support,
readers must be able to “see” and “hear”, etc., your point of view. Show the cultures—don’t just tell us.
Requirements: At least 1000 words, MLA format, following ALL paper guidelines as noted in the syllabus.
Please use the following title block at the top left-hand corner of your first page (…this is a part of the MLA format
requirement). This will be graded according to the Essay Two Grade Sheet, and is worth 20% of your final
grade. You must print out (from WebCT) and attach the Essay Two Grade Sheet to the back of your final essay
Your Name
Ms. Tipton
English 1010-013 or 97
18 October 2006
Essay #2
Rough Draft due for Peer Review Wednesday, October 4th.
Final Draft due Wednesday, October 18th.
The American Experience