Of Mice and Men - Lebanon City Schools

Research Project
Create a 1 page typed research paper using at least 2 different sources for the novel
Monster by answering 5 of the 10 questions below.
While reading Monster, explore these suggested topics from the novel.
The Task
Your task is to research the laws behind the decisions made in the novel. The
following questions will help to guide you in the process of creating a final paper
discussing juvenile delinquency and the death penalty.
Suggested Topics
1) Can 16-year-olds go to jail?
2) Describe what a juvenile trial is like.
3) What other options are these besides jail for 16-year-olds that commit a
4) What is ‘parens patriae’?
5) Discuss at least 2 ways to prevent juvenile delinquency.
6) What is the 5th Amendment?
7) Can 16-year-olds get the death penalty?
8) How many juveniles got the death penalty?
9) Do you think race plays a role in who gets the death penalty? Why or
why not?
10) Does Ohio have the death penalty?
All of these aspects have been hit upon in the story , and it is now your responsibility to
synthesize and apply the information about the above suggested topics.
My suggestion is that you stay on top of your work. Also, I cannot promise computer
lab time. I expect this to be professional and typed. My room and computers are
available during designated class times, after school, and before school.
You will research the topics! You will write a 1 page double spaced research paper. You
will also need to cite at least 2 of your references and make bibliography cards and note
cards. That means you will include a Work Cited page correctly written. Go to
www.citationmachine.net for help.
Have fun! This is your chance to show me what you can do! Good luck! Due 4/20
The Task
Your task is to research the laws behind the decisions made in the novel. The
following questions will help to guide you in the process of creating a final paper
discussing juvenile delinquency and the death penalty.
1) Can 16-year-olds go to jail?
2) Describe what a juvenile trial is like.
3) What other options are these besides jail for 16-year-olds that commit a
4) What is ‘parens patriae’?
5) Discuss at least 2 ways to prevent juvenile delinquency.
6) What is the 5th Amendment?
7) Can 16-year-olds get the death penalty?
8) How many juveniles got the death penalty?
9) Do you think race plays a role in who gets the death penalty? Why or
why not?
10) Does Ohio have the death penalty?
The Process
Using the websites listed and your answers to the about questions, type a onepage research paper summarizing the information that you found. Be sure to cite
at least 2 sources with in your paper and include an introduction and a
conclusion paragraph.
Information Resources:
Death Penalty Info
Juvenile Crime and the Law
Ohio Department of Youth Services
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections