Worksheet - Future Measures - Tsunami: Magnitude of Terror

ThinkQuest International – Tsunami: Magnitude of Terror
Worksheet – Future Measures
Name: ___________________
Class: _____
Date: _________
Multiple Choice Questions (15 marks)
1. The Global Earth Observation System consist of___________ participating
(1) 52
(2) 53
(3) 54
(4) 55
2. ________________ trees planted along the coasts can significantly help to reduce
the destruction caused by tsunami waves
(1) Mango
(3) Coconut
(2) Mangrove
(4) Banana
3. Tsunamis normally occur in ________ Ocean
(1) Indian
(2) Atlantic
(3) Pacific
(4) Artic
4. National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration plans to deploy ______
high-tech Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) buoys by
middle of 2007.
(1) 33
(2) 37
(3) 40
(4) 32
5. European Union (EU) Commission has already agreed on donating €______to
finance the first phase of the proposed Tsunami early warning system
(1) 2 million
(2) 10 million
(3) 4 million
(4) 15 million
6. The European Union's Joint Research Centre or JRC is also trying to increase the
capability of its earthquake detection system (Global Disaster Alert System) and
expand it to cover __________too.
(1) Volcanoes
(2) tsunamis
(3) Hurricane
(4) none of the above
ThinkQuest International – Tsunami: Magnitude of Terror
7. A tsunami warning system will by set up by the middle of 2006. The _________
system is expected to take 12 to 18 months to implement and costs even more to
(1) 30 million dollars
(2) 40 million dollars
(3) 20 million dollars
(4) 10 million dollars
8. Accompanying the tsunami walls are ________ to redirect water in the event of a
(1) floodgates
(2) Mangroves
(3) sirens
(4) None of the above
9. The only tsunami warning system available now is in the ____________.
(1) Southern Ocean
(2) Atlantic Ocean
(3) Indian Ocean
(4) Pacific Ocean
10. The Global Earth Observation System of Systems was proposed by the G-8 in
_________ with the US initiating the process in an effort to build a global observation
(2) 2002
(4) 2003
Short Answers Questions (10 marks)
11. Tsunamis are relatively ________ in areas surrounding the Indian subcontinent.
12. Japan has extensively built tsunami _________of height 4.5 metres in some high
density coastal areas.
13. It is important to install ________on the beaches in tsunami prone areas in order
to warn the local population of an incoming tsunami.
14. Warning ________are relatively important as they inform people, especially
foreigners of the local dangers and appropriate action to take in case of a tsunami.
15. Raising the level of education and public ________on tsunami in Asia, starting
from schools, so that the public would remain calm during future incidents.
ThinkQuest International – Tsunami: Magnitude of Terror
Essay question (Optional 10 marks)
Do you agree that the measures planned would be enough for future tsunamis?
Explain your answer.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. 3
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 1
6. 2
7. 1
8. 1
9. 4
10. 4
Short Answers Questions
11. rare
12. walls
13. sirens
14. signs
15. awarness
Essay question
16. No model answer.