Psychology 383

Psychology 3803
Abnormal Psychology
Summer 2011
Division of Behavioral Sciences
Instructor: Russ Reglin
Office Phone: 913 971-3619
M-F, 10:10-12:10
Metz 211
Cell 913 206-3228
Course Credit: 3 hours
Text: Halgin, R. P., Whitbourne, S. K., (2007) Abnormal Psychology: Clinical
Perspectives on Psychological Disorders (5th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Course Description: This course will focus on looking at what defines abnormal
behavior, various categorical descriptions of abnormal behavior and potential treatment
options for various disorders.
Course Objectives: Students who satisfactorily complete this course should be able to:
Understand the developmental history of the field of Abnormal Psychology and
the current status of classifying abnormal behaviors.
Articulate the multifaceted nature of etiological influences in the formation of
abnormal behavior, including biological, psychosocial and sociocultural factors.
Recognize the variety of different psychological disorders, their symptoms and
development, and how they affect the individual, family, and society.
Discuss the inherent difficulties in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of various
psychological disorders and abnormal behaviors.
Understand the impact of religious belief and faith issues on abnormal
Appreciate the influence of gender, race, and cultural background on the
development, maintenance, and treatment of psychological disorders.
Course Requirements:
This course will be done on a “contract for grade” basis. All work must be completed
satisfactorily before it will be counted as a part of completed course work.
A= Attendance, Research Paper, 3 Journal/Text write-ups, 3 movie-application write-ups
B= Attendance, 3 Journal/Text write-ups, 3 movie-application write-ups
C= Attendance, 2 Journal/Text write-ups, 2 movie-application write-ups
Failure to meet at least the C requirements will result in an F for the class
Research Paper: The student will choose a topic from the list provided by the instructor.
The paper, written in APA format, will include the following information:
1. History
2. Symptoms
3. Etiology (causation)
4. Treatment, both current and historical
5. Demographics
6. Prognosis as per current research data
The paper should be 4-5 pages in length. A minimum of 4 sources are required. The
sources must be from professional journals, and the majority of the sources should be
2006 or more recent. The paper is due Friday, June 17th.
Attendance: Attendance will be taken each day. 80% attendance is required or the
student will drop one grade level.
Movie Application Write-ups: The student will complete a write-up on a movie
representing a major concept looked at in class. The write-up is to be 1-2 pages, typed,
double-spaced. The paper will present evidence of the disorder noted in movie, how the
characters life is impacted by the disorder, and treatment methods attempted and the
degree of their success.
Journal/Text Assignments: The student will locate and print a journal article pertaining
to an element of the subject matter noted in the chapters designated for that week. The
student will turn in a 1 page, typed write-up briefly discussing the journal article. Due
Dates: June 2, June 9th, & June 16th
Academic Honesty: See student handbook for all policies regarding academic honesty.
Assistance: Any student who is in need of special accommodations should contact the
professor within the first two weeks of the semester.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapters we will be covering include 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12
Research Paper Options
Anorexia Nervosa
Factitious Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol Dependence Syndrome (alcoholism)
Pathological Gambling
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type
Antisocial Behavior
Tic Disorder
Sleep Disorder
Mood Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Gender Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Arousal Disorder
Contract for grade: Abnormal Psychology
I _________________________________ am contracting for the following grade. I have
read and understand the expectations as stated on this syllabus.
Check one:
Signed: _______________________________
Date: _______________________