Letters 1-4 Notes Characters o Robert Walton Parallel to Victor’s life Wanting to know about the powers of Nature Turns to Stranger Parallel’s the Creature’s desires Themes o Loss and Loneliness No Friends No sounding board Triumphs, failures, dreams, ambitions o Dangers of Knowledge The tragic consequence of the stranger’s obsessive search for understanding Walton’s search to know what no one else knows o The North Pole Point of View o Frame Narrative We are reading a letter from Walton to his sister about the Stranger’s life. Characters o Victor Frankenstein Thirst for knowledge Obsessive / Compulsive Human need Madness Spiritual Needs companions Secretive Passionate Private Absolves himself from responsibility Omnipotence and Omniscient Science = God like powers “Frankenstein” = New persona o Elizabeth “Saint” Motherly Accepts responsibility Calms Victor Looks after family o Henry Clerval Foil to Victor Companion Passionate Open Songs, Plays Themes o Dangers of Knowledge God complex Takes place of friends o Fate / Chance Destiny brings him to do things Victor not in control o Roles of Women Sacrificing Selfless Motherly Responsible Strong Chapter 2 – 3 Notes Characters o Victor Does not visit family (2 years) Absorbed in work Selflessness is destroyed Obsessive Tragic Flaw Self enhancement God complex Hope and Despair for character Contempt for prudence and caution Alter God’s plan Crossing boundaries Morals and Health suffer Dream like Realizations are too late Nervous and paranoid Marriage = Kiss of death Contrasts his Parents love / nurture Unethical o Creature Compassionate Abandoned Innocent Renounced Themes o Fate / Chance Unalterable Determined Can/Should we alter divine handiwork? o Dangers of Knowledge Crossing Boundaries Natural Heavenly Alienate loved ones Unexpected outcomes Unethical o Roles of Women Naturally capable of creation They die, their virtue dies Marriage to mother and death Chapter 4 -5 Notes Chapter 6-7 Notes Characters Alphonse Frankenstein – Father Ernest – Brother 16yrs old Study = horrid shackles William - Brother Murdered (strangled) Justine Moritz Gentle, Clever, and Extremely pretty Murderer? Elizabeth Missing Victor Worried (Motherly) Acting like Caroline (Justine) Responsible for murder (?) Victor Abandonment of science and natural philosophy Irrational attempt to deny events Impervious to harm Doesn’t pursue the Creature o Attempts to forget Questionable relationship to reality o Refuses to accept mistakes unless directly confronted o Prolonged (mental and physical) illness Spirits were high at the notion of going home Wishes to be reborn Grieving over brother’s death Anxiety over coming home o Self-absorption Hysterical at sight of the Creature Selfish and Foolhardy o The Frankenstein reputation Motifs Lightening Brings knowledge into light Themes Atoning for One’s Sins Paying for one’s cruelty Justine’s cruel mother didn’t want her Needed to rely on her on deathbed Suffering Atonement Brings Pay with the things that one holds most dear All other children died Chapter 8 – 9 Notes Characters: Justine Doll like Blank expression Openly confesses a lie (?) Victor Lost all control of family life Misguided “Fangs of remorse” Bears guilt for William and Justine Isolated Outcast of society Suicidal Selfishness Can master self-absorption Concern for family and humanity Praises nature Awestruck admiration Ironic o Desire to master nature and unlock Nature’s secrets Violent revenge over creature he created Elizabeth o Simple comments o Passive o Impatiently waits for Victor o Men = Bloodthirsty monsters Themes: Men and Monsters Who is worse? The Creature o Outcast o 8ft tall o Hideously ugly o Unnatural creation o Supernatural workings Victor Frankenstein o Outcast o Thirst for knowledge o Ambition o Secrecy o Selfishness o Obsessive hatred Chapter 11-13 Notes Characters: The Creature Humanizing Depth and Sensitivity Like an infant Trials and Sufferings Innocent and Defenseless Incapable of interpreting/analyzing the world Met with Horror and Disgust Unbeautiful appearance = Wretched outcast Deprived of Love and Companionship Desire for revenge Creator and Humanity Shocked by reflection Unable to accept it as his own Dreams for acceptance Mastering language = belonging Idealizes cottagers and all associated with them Worships them Longs for acceptance and love Essential Humanity Sympathy Affection Desire Aesthetic appreciation Language Self-analysis and reflection Essential goodness Long for former innocence Themes: Dangers of Knowledge Destruction of ignorance Destruction of innocence Low self-esteem Rage and violent repercussions Become outcasts Men and Monsters People commit unspeakable violence against one another Exploitation of those who do not have Money / Noble birth Creature/Infants = Essential goodness Frankenstein vs. the Creature Chapters 19-21 Notes Characters: Victor o Forsakes former selfishness Overcomes self-serving impulse In hopes of keeping family from harm. o Death of Romantic idealism o New murder = death of a piece of Frankenstein o Tormented by fits and fevers o “Doomed” Symbols: Tree o A living organism that branches and spreads itself wildly One that is “blasted” (struck by lightning) Split down the middle Severed from its roots Unable to register sensations o Victor A “bolt” (as of lightning) entered his soul Happiness is now tainted Memories of the past Visions of the future No longer finds comfort Themes: Men and Monsters o Who is the creator? Who the creation? Father/Mother? Child? o Victor’s bolt of lightning in his soul o Creature brought to life by lightning o Both separated from humanity Victor = guilt Creature = ugliness o Victor’s trip through Northern Europe o Creature’s journey (Ch. 11-13) o Find consolation Nature Stories of human accomplishment o Nothing can ease suffering o Victor becomes Creature’s slave Life is entirely of the Creature’s design o Victor clings to life at sea Creature holds his fate o Murder Creature murdered Henry Clerval Victor murdered the second creature Chapter 23-24 Notes Characters: Victor o Inability to see Creature’s intentions Great tragedy Victor’s horror at his mistake Guilt is twofold o Created her destroyer o Left her unprotected at moment of death o Dynamic Revenge Invigorates Intoxicates Joys to see Creature’s sled o Guilt = Wrath Taunted by Creature Pursues without reason/logic Lust for conquest Themes: Sublime Nature o Unrestrained emotional experience Spiritual Renewal Victor heads to mountains Creatures heart lightens at springtime Nature lost its power to reassure Foreshadows impending violence o Storm develops at Lake Como o Symbolism Lake scenes Chaos and darkness in Victor Arctic Desert Primal struggle against Creature Men and Monsters o Utterly alone o Loveless o Sustained only by desire for revenge Hatred for the other = binds together o Each reciprocates the obsession of the other o Creature is Victor’s animating force Without desire for revenge Victor would have died long ago Walton, in Continuation Notes Characters: Victor o Expressions Filled with “resentment, sorrow, and wretchedness” o Wants posterity to revere and remember him Augments Walton’s account of tale o Pursuit of fame and glory Longed to “benefit the species” Creature and Havoc were results o Unparalleled selfishness Walton to continue quest Endangers lives o Irredeemably arrogant Pioneering endeavors = more valuable Human life = less valuable Creature o Still harbors love for creator/Victor o Did not relish his crimes Repulsive to him o Wracked with guilt and self-hatred o Said to carry Hell within himself Chooses to die by fire Themes: Men and Monsters o Compare themselves to Satan Fallen from a great height End in ruin and decay o Content to suffer alone o Logical that Creature should die after Victor’s death Both have lost animating force o Become the same person Abortion o Creature does not feel that he truly lived o Unwanted by parent o Never permitted to fully develop o Monster, not-quite-human, with capacity for humanness o Completely destroys body that was so hated by so many