University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus College of Education Secondary School Rosemary Morales Urbina, Ed. D. E-mail: Second Semester 2010-2011 COURSE SYLLABUS: INGL 1202-138 Number of hours/week: 4 Number of credits: (½) credit Pre-requisite: INGL 1201 I. PROFESSSOR’S CLASS SCHEDULE: (Room 201) *INGL 1202 Section 138 Section 138 T/TH F M/W F T/TH 9:00-10:30 PM 9:00-10:00 AM 9:00-10:30 AM 11:00-12:00 PM 10:30-12:30 PM INGL 1002 Section 137 INGL 1002 INGL 1071 Section 137 M/W 1:00-2:30 PM EDCO 1019 Small Group M 11:00-12:00PM II. OFFICE HOURS: M W F 10:30-11:00 AM / 2:30 - 4:00 PM 10:30-1:00 PM 12:00-1:30 PM Any other time by appointment III. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will reinforce students’ reading comprehension skills and their creative and critical thinking skills by discussing, identifying, interpreting, and analyzing fiction and nonfiction works: short stories, essays, plays, novels, and poetry. Grammar skills integrated in the readings and the writing opportunities intend to develop the students’ ability to carry out oral and written evaluations on the excerpts read. Learning experiences will be conducted through the constructive and direct approach found in the humanistic and behaviorist learning theories. IV. OBJECTIVES: A. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: During this semester, the students will attain the following objectives: 1. use listening and speaking strategies effectively. 2. use the reading and writing processes effectively. 3. make connections and react critically to the different literary genres, culture, environment, arts, and technology. 4. identify the function literature has in society and in our daily lives. 5. develop cultural awareness in multicultural literature and stress the importance of cultural and social point of views. B. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: The students will: 1. select and use pre-reading, reading and response strategies that are appropriate to the text. 1 2. use a variety of information-gathering techniques and information resources. 3. identify the characteristics that distinguish literary forms: poetry, short stories, essays, drama, and the novel. 4. study the different stylistic, thematic, and technical qualities present in the literature of different cultures, their environment, and historical periods. 5. study the elements of literature of the different genres and utilize them to analyze the piece of literature. 6. examine a literary selection using their personal response. 7. write for a diverse audience demonstrating mastery of the writing process. 8. use effective strategies for formal and informal discussions. 9. use effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to meet the needs of the listeners and the topic developed. V. EVALUATION A. QUIZZES 1. vocabulary 2. before any assigned reading B. ASSIGNMENTS C. TEST-AFTER EACH UNIT AND BEFORE AND AFTER THE DISCUSSION OF A NOVEL OR DRAMA. D. DAILY GRADE-CLASS PARTICIPATION, ATTENDANCE, AND ATTITUDE E. ORAL AND WRITTEN REPORTS F. ESSAYS G. WEEKLY SPELLING TESTS H. WRITING (PORTFOLIO) I. CREATIVE WORK J. THIS COURSE PROVIDES FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE SPECIAL EVALUATION NEEDS. THESE STUDENTS SHOULD INFORM THE PROFESSOR. VI. MATERIALS TEXTBOOK 1. Prentice Hall Literature: Penguin Edition (2007). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-131766-0 NOVELS 1. Fitzgerald, G. The Great Gatsby VII. COURSE OUTLINE (STARTS WITH UNIT 3) JANUARY 20-21 Review Syllabus Second Semester 2010-2011 Write an essay on either of the following topics: Christmas Vacation, UPR Conflict, How I Use Technology Begin reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald JANUARY 24-28 Unit 3: Discuss Chinese and Japanese Literature (1000 B.C.–A.D. 1890) pp. 252-265 Discuss philosophy of Tao Te Ching and Confucius p. 264 Discuss “from Poor Richard’s Almanack” by Benjamin Franklin pp. 274-275 Read and discuss Focus on Literary Forms: Defining Poetry pp. 276-277 Discuss and analyze “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” pp. 286-287 Apply the Skills p. 291, Reading Strategy, Responding #6 JANUARY 31-FEBRUARY 04 Read and analyze Tanka and Haiku Poetry pp. 296-303 2 Test on Unit 3 Unit 4: Discuss Ancient Greece and Rome (c. 800 B.C.–A.C. 500) pp. 348-362 Discuss and analyze “from The Iliad” by Homer (Book 1 and Book 6) pp. 360-379 Critical Reading p. 379, 1-5 FEBRUARY 07-11 Read and discuss “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln pp. 436-437 Test on Unit 4 Unit 5: Discuss From Decay to Rebirth: The Middle Ages (A.D. 450-1300) pp. 584-595 Discuss and analyze “The Lay of the Werewolf” by Marie de France pp. 642-648 Critical Reading p. 648, 1-6 Discuss and analyze “from The Inferno” by Dante Alighieri Canto I and Canto III pp. 659-671 Critical Reading p. 671, 1-6 FEBRUARY 14-18 Apply the Skills and Build Language Skills pp. 672-673 Discuss and analyze “from the Inferno” Canto V and Canto XXXIV pp.675-690 Critical Reading p. 690, 1-6 Apply the Skills and Build Language Skills pp. 691-692 Test on Unit 5 FEBRUARY 21-25 February 21 – Holiday: President’s Day Comprehension Test on The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Discuss and analyze the novel The Great Gatsby February 25 – Faculty Meeting – NO CLASS FEBRUARY 28 – MARCH 4 Discuss and analyze the novel The Great Gatsby Analysis Test on the novel The Great Gatsby Special novel project MARCH 7-11 (TRAVEL BROCHURE DUE: [3/07] ENGLISH WEEK POSTER DUE: [3/11]) Unit 6: Discuss Rebirth and Exploration: The Renaissance and Rationalism (1300-1800) pp.714-725 Discuss Focus on Literary Forms: Sonnet pp. 726-727 Poems – pp. 728-734 and Apply the Skills p. 737 exercise 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8. Build Language Skills – p. 738 MARCH 14-18 (POWERPOINT AND ORAL PRESENTATIONS DUE) Build Skills: Fiction “from Don Quixote” pp. 768-769 Discuss and analyze “from Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes Chapter 1, Part 1 and Chapters 7 and 8 pp. 770-785 Critical Reading p. 777, 1-5 / p. 784, 1-5 Build Language Skills p. 786 MARCH 21-25 (ENGLISH WEEK: A LITERARY TASTE OF THE CARIBBEAN: LECTURES, EXHIBITS, RECITALS, ARTISTIC PRESENTATIONS, and CONFERENCES) March 22 – Holiday: Abolition of Slavery Discuss “Great Minds Do Not Think Alike” p. 798-799 Discuss and analyze “from Candide” pp. 800-807 Apply the Skills p. 807, 1-5 and Build Language Skills p. 808 Vocabulary Workshop and Assessment Workshop pp. 826-827 March 25th REPORT CARDS - NO CLASS 3 MARCH 28 – APRIL 1 Test on Unit 6 Unit 7: Discuss Revolution and Reaction: Romanticism and Realism (1800-1890) pp. 832-843 Discuss and analyze “from Faust” by Johann Wolfgang pp. 844-863 Build Language Skills p. 864 Focus on Literary Forms: Lyric Poetry pp. 872-873 April 1 - Faculty Meeting – NO CLASS APRIL 4-8 Discuss and analyze “I Have Visited Again” by Alexander Pushkin pp. 876-878 Apply the Skills p. 881, 1, 4, and 6 / Build Language Skills p. 882 Build Skills: Poems Romantic Poetry pp. 884-885 / Discuss and analyze “The Sleeper in the Valley” by Arthur Rimbaud and “Autumn Song” by Paul Verlaine pp. 889 and 894 Apply the Skills p. 895, 1 - Build Language Skills p. 896 Test on Unit 7 APRIL 11-15 Build Skills: Short Stories Dynamic and static characters pp. 904-905 Short stories: “Two Friends” by Guy de Maupassant p. 906-912 and “A Problem” by Anton Chekhov pp. 928-936 Apply the Skills p. 937, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 Build Language Skills p. 938, 999, 1024 April 15 – Field Day / April 16 – English Forensic League Competition APRIL 18-22 April 18 – Holiday: José de Diego April 21-22 – Holy Week Recess (Rest and Meditation) APRIL 25-29 Unit 8: Discuss From Conflict to Renewal: The Modern World (1800-1945) pp. 1048-1063 Build Skills: Short Story Modernism pp.1064-1065 Build Language Skills p. 1110 Discuss and analyze “The Bracelet” by Colette p. 1116-1123 Critical Reading p. 1122, 1-5 / Apply the Skills p. 1123, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 Build Language Skills p. 1124 April 29 – Faculty Meeting – NO CLASS MAY 2-6 Build Skills: Poems Lyric Poetry and Epiphany pp. 1144-1145 Discuss and analyze “The Guitar” by Federico García Lorca p. 1146-47 and “Fear” by Gabriela Mistral p. 1150 Apply the Skills p. 1155 1, 2, 3 Build Language Skills p. 1156 Read The Nobel Prize pp. 1158-1159 May 5 - Student’s Recognition Day / May 6 - Teacher’s Recognition Day – NO CLASS MAY 9-13 Build Skills: Short Story Literary analysis: Conflict pp. 1160-61 Discuss and analyze “The Artist” by Rabindrananth Tagore pp. 1160-69 Critical Reading p. 1168, 1-6 / Apply the Skills p. 1169, 1-3, 5, 7 Build Language Skills pp. 1170 and 1336 MAY 16 Last day of class / MAY 17-19 - FINAL EXAMS (Test on Unit 8) 4 VII. X. CLASSROOM RULES Respect must prevail at all times. Active participation is a must. All students are expected to have read and prepared for assignments before class meets. English should be spoken at all times in the classroom. Punctuality: No tardiness is allowed without a written excuse from home or the Main Office. Absences: The student is responsible for bringing a written excuse signed by parent/guardian or a doctor’s certificate. No reposition exams or quizzes will be given, unless the student has brought one or the other. Students are responsible for class work, assignments, etc., when absent. Bring all essential materials to class every time we meet. Textbooks, novels, notebooks, pencils, dictionaries, etc. Projects or assignments submitted late will receive a penalty of one grade. No eating, drinking or chewing gum in the classroom. The following objects cannot be used or worn in the classroom: Cellular phones, sunglasses, caps/hats. *** ALL STUDENTS MUST FOLLOW THE SCHOOL DRESS CODE *** ************************************************************************ XI. AGREEMENT After reading the course syllabus and classroom rules, parents/guardian and student will sign the following agreement. The student will submit the signed portion to Professor Rosemary Morales Urbina, for the 2010-2011 second semester academic year English course: INGL 1202 Sections 138. I have carefully read and understand the English course outline and classroom rules. I agree to comply with all the requirements. Date__________________________________________ Student ID# 20______-____________ Student’s signature ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name (Please Print) _____________________________________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s signature____________________________________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s name (Please Print) ___________________________________________ Teacher’s signature: _____________________________________________________________ Revised: January 2011 Rosemary Morales Urbina, Ed. D. INGL 1202-138 5